Nov 10, 2016

Trump, New Republic, Riots and Lame Stream Media

Riots of the Brain Dead and Uninformed

I was listening to the radio this morning about the riots in Seattle and Portland. It is almost beyond belief that people were saying I am rioting for Hilary. OMG the fluoride and the chemtrails are working. The New World Order, genocidal, warmonger, criminal, corrupt puppet lost. A woman with a long history of a trail of death and destruction going back to WACO,, Iraq, Lybia, The Bengazi Coverup of illegal arms sales to ISIS, yes ISIS, the corrupt pay to play money laundering Clinton Foundation, extensive drug use and pedophile operations has lost her bid to run America. WTF? Did you know Wiki Leaks got its information from the FBI and the CIA? Loyal White Hats that could not stand the thought of the Clintons running the country. I have never seen such an ignorant, uninformed brainwashed America. Many just wanted a female president unfortunately she bears little or no resemblance to a female. Has America lost all heart, all inner sensitivity, discernment, cant you feel what these people are all about? Obviously not!

What you don’t know is Trump is already acting as president under the New Republic and he is restoring our God given rights. Our constitution; which became toilet paper with the old regime the United States Corporation Inc. a now defunct corporation. He is working arduously on releasing the World Restoration Funds, Debt relief and the new debt free treasury notes backed by gold. He is putting his and his family’s life on the line. Bringing in the new currency; which was tried by Lincoln, John Kennedy, and Regan, look what happened to them. Luckily he has the Generals behind him the highest law of the land. They are going to insure the Republic is restored. Meanwhile the brain dead, ignorant and uninformed masses are attacking their savior. Sound familiar? Are we a nation of brain dead zombies being lead by the queen zombie herself? Are we suffering from the Stockholm Effect, worshipping and serving the very captors who have enslaved us through debt, manufactured lack creating an extreme uneven dispersal of wealth? It is sure looking that way.

BREAKING: Edward Snowden gives address on US election result – Watch LIVE 22.30 CET/UCT+GMT+1hour

A campaign is underway to secure Snowden a presidential pardon before Obama leaves office in January 2017.
Questions can be submitted to the whistleblower by using the hashtag #StartPageSnowden
The world’s most famous whistleblower, Edward Snowden, is addressing the public on the US election result and taking questions via social media on privacy concerns, his pardon and other issues of public concern.

Snowden, an NSA contractor fled the US in 2013 after he leaked classified documents from the National Security Agency (NSA), revealing details about its global surveillance programmes. He has been granted temporary residency in Russia.

Europol en dårlig idé (Blogger: Et udvidet Gestapo eller Stasi-regime på vej til Danmark. Socialistisk Arbejderavis fra 90'erne: ".. PETs nære samarbejde med det israelske MOSSAD afsløret, at der også foregår mere alvorlige ting i PET. Vi kan ikke vide, hvilke konsekvenser det har fået for palæstinensiske flygtninge, at deres asylansøgninger bliver checket af MOSSAD. Det interessante er også , at hverken Hans Engell eller PET utvetydigt har dementeret rygterne om, at MOSSAD-agenter opererer i Danmark...".. I Starten af 00'erne havde Danmarks hemmelige politi (PET) allerede beføjelser på kant med mange love. Frie adgang til passagerlister og offentlige myndigheders personoplysninger var formentlig i strid med både Grundloven og den Europæiske Meneskerettighedskonvention. PET har siden 2001 fået flere beføjelser, ligesom budgettet og antallet af ansatte er steget betydeligt. Advokatrådet mente desuden at det var yderst problematisk at lade PET overtage Rigspolitiets centrale efterforskningsgruppe. PET ignorerede det nye kontrolorgan som skulle kontrollere PET. PET's magt giver eks-chef Bonnichsen kuldegysninger, tilbage i 2012.. PET kan nogle gange blive både anklager, dommer og bøddel, sagde Bonnichsen til medlemmer af Folketingets retsudvalg og skaren af tilhørere. Amnesty har flere gange rejst kritik af den nuværende situation, der stiller borgerne svagere end myndighederne. Den nye terrorpakke i 2015 giver både FE og PET flere beføjelser end amerikanske NSA og engelske GCHQ’s med overvågning af egne statsborgere - regeringens nye 12-punktsplan til bekæmpelse af terror. Det førte til nye magtbeføjelser og stadig stigende bevillinger til PET. Sessionslogning: Brugerdata er en guldgrube, der skriger på at blive misbrugt. Eksperter fra den juridiske tænketank Justitia og lektor Anders Henriksen fra Københavns Universitet står bag en analysen. Fogedforbud mod PET-bog i 2016 anfægtes basale frihedsrettigheder, og efterretningstjenesten. Med Europol kan det blive endnu værre. Det forlyder, at Europol kan blive så skrapt, så det minder om FBI, Stasi i Østtyskland o.l. Ikke nok med vi skal slås med FE og PET, indenlands, Folkebevægelsen fraråder Europol. Sagen er, at helt nye regler er på vej i Europol. A. Det enkelte land får mindre kontrol, og det er skidt for demokrati og retssikkerhed. B. Europol har fået flere beføjelser som ordensmagt. C. Europol går imod princippet om, at enhver er uskyldig, indtil det modsatte er bevist. Mere kontrol med borgerne og mindre demokratisk kontrol med Europol. Det er essensen i den reform af EU’s overstatslige politimyndighed Europol, som et flertal i EU-parlamentet vedtog i Maj måned i år. ".. Det er samme slags masseovervågning, som Snowden afslørede, at NSA har foretaget, som nu bliver gjort til europæisk praksis gennem Europol, siger Rina Ronja Kari.." .. EU har allerede indgået operationelle samarbejde med 15 ikke-EU-lande. Herunder fx Kina, USA, Schweiz og Norge. Desuden er 10 andre partner med strategiske aftaler. Herunder Rusland, Tyrkiet og Ukraine og nu køre de på igen med en eller anden plan mener Lars Mikkelsen fra Biodynamisk forbrugersammenslutning...)

Europol er en dårlig idé

4-11 var radioens P1 fyldt med, at det er skrækkeligt, at vi ikke kommer med i Europol.
Regeringen synes at have forhandlet på skrømt hidtil.
Man kan ikke få oplysninger om, hvordan de har forhandlet.
Det er i sig selv noget lusk.

Vi er allerede med i Interpol.
Og mon ikke det er nok.

Sagen er, at helt nye regler er på vej i Europol.
Det skal blive overstatslige, dvs. EU bestemmer og ikke mere os selv.

Det forlyder, at Europol kan blive så skrapt, så det minder om FBI, Stasi i Østtyskland o.l.

I bladet fra Folkebevægelsen 2-11 anføres :
De fraråder Europol

A Det enkelte land får mindre kontrol, og det er skidt for demokrati og retssikkerhed.
B At E. har fået flere beføjelser som ordensmagt.
C At E. går imod princippet om, at enhver er uskyldig, indtil det modsatte er bevist.

Mon ikke systemet arbejder på, at lokke os ind i det nye, skrappe Europol.

En EU-leder har sagt, at vi ikke kan komme med Europol.
Man kan ikke samtidig være gravid og ikke-gravid, som han udtrykker det.

EU har allerede indgået operationelle samarbejde med 15 ikke-EU-lande.
Herunder fx Kina, USA, Scheitz og Norge.
Desuden er 10 andre partner med strategiske aftaler.
Herunder Rusland, Tyrkiet og Ukraine

Det ligner, at vi skal ristes over, at vi stemte ”forkert” ved sidste afstemning.
Og nu køre de på igen med en eller anden plan – som jeg oplever det.

Med venlig hilsen
Lars Mikkelsen

Mød Biodynamisk forbrugersammenslutning på facebook 
og spred budskabet til dine venner under følgende link

What happens now that Donald Trump has won? The first 100 days of a Trump presidency

COBRA Situation Update (The Blue and the Event)

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

The Blue and the Event

Now that the circus of the US elections is over, we can finally focus again on real intel. 
 The emergence of the Goddess DouMu to the surface of the planet a few years ago is the first sign of the return of the Light forces after their 26,000 years long exile. This was the first step towards the return of Agartha to the surface. Now the Blue are preparing the portals on the surface so that the Agarthans can contact the surface population again first energetically and then also physically after the Event. 
 For this purpose, many caves and cave entrances on the surface are prepared in a certain way that will be fully revealed at the Event. 
 Many of the caves worldwide were sacred places for various Light groups on the surface and many of them contain Goddess vortexes which will be activated at the Event:

For this purpose, we are actively searching for people who are guardians of such caves or know their location, to contact me at
In Chinese Taoist tradition, caves that serve as portals into Agartha are called grotto heavens: 
The Blue are the guardians of those portals. Now lost to the outside world but still in the possession of the Blue, is the Chart of the True Forms of the Five Sacred Mountains, also called The Luminous Precious Scripture of the Five Talismans, a map of access points to the Agartha network that is 5000 years old. This chart resurfaced again 3000 years later and was then given to Blue guardians. 

Saint Germain On Donald Trump,The Election, America And It’s Role In The New Earth


(Before It's News)

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 16:32

Saint Germain On Donald Trump,The Election, America and it’s Role in The New Earth
November 9, 2016 by Jennifer Snell

Then last night at 1:30AM, it was like a lightening bolt pulsed through my body and I literally jumped out of bed! I turned on the TV and watched one of the biggest political upsets in history. I knew it was meant to be. Trump won against all odds.

Saint Germain: Donald Trump is part of the Divine Plan for the New Earth. He is here because the company of Heaven put him here to usher in change. He was chosen because he does not have energetic ties to the Dark Cabals on the Planet. Now as Lightworkers you must continue to pray and support Donald along with the rest of the people in the Government in America. This is not about winners and losers, this is about Unity. We ask all of you to continue to send the Violet Fire to the United States Government. The Divine Feminine is going to now express itself in ways that you cannot even imagine. Keep shining your light brightly Dear Ones. This is a glorious time on Planet Earth. You are witnessing a beautiful New Age of love and light where you will embody the Divine Human.

We Love You,
Saint Germain

This is an interesting message because the archangels are saying Trump is one of St. Germain’s physical incarnations.

Donald Trump Under Protection Of Ashtar Command (The Air Division Of The Great White Brotherhood), Is Being Prepped For Leadership Role Of Planet Earth Coming Into Galactic Alignment
Archangel Michael/Gabriel Predicted Donald Trump Would Be President… What Else Did They Say? “Prosperity Is Coming To America” Via NESARA!
Don’t miss this post-election message!! Lessons From US Election – Makku Channeled Message! Has Economic Collapse Begun? How Will It All Play Out? Human Dramas And Delusions Throughout History, Playing Out Again

Dr Michael Salla Update | Trump Victory Due to FBI Stopping False Flag Alien Invasion ("..Clinton supporters were angry at Comey, and believed he had blatantly interfered in the election to help the Trump campaign. Republicans, including Trump himself, criticized Comey for once again protecting Clinton. Former Clinton insider, Larry Nichols, offered another criticism of Comey that helped understand Comey’s puzzling behavior. Comey, according to Nichols, was running a psychological operation of misdirection, to help the Clinton campaign by steering the mainstream media away from the more damaging Wikileaks disclosures that were occurring... The Benenson document recommended a number of salvage options designed to stop Trump supporters heading to the polls, and/or creating a national security crisis. The document began with a “non-recommended list” which contained a number of very alarming false flag scenarios involving a “Red Dawn” foreign invasion, a “Cobalt Rain” radiological attack, civil unrest, ZIKA virus, etc. The recommended salvage option was “FIRESIGN” which uses advanced holographic technology to create a religious “awe effect.” The plan was to use the FIRESIGN technology to create the illusion of an extraterrestrial invasion which would allow the creation of an emergency situation that would lead to cancelation of the Presidential election. President Obama would subsequently hand power directly over to Clinton once the alien invasion was put to a stop through the intervention of a secret space program run by the USAF. ... ")

Written by Dr Michael Salla on

Donald Trump’s win in last night’s Presidential election caught most political pundits, media networks and Clinton supporters off guard. Many firmly believed polls that predicted a decisive Hillary Clinton victory. What the pundits and networks failed to do was factor in the true purpose behind FBI Director James Comey’s puzzling intervention in the closing days of the Presidential campaign.

Undoubtedly, the most surprising event preceding the election was the October 28 letter by FBI Director Comey that Clinton was once again under federal investigation. The FBI had learned from a sexting investigation of disgraced congressman, Anthony Weiner, that one of his computers was shared with his wife, Huma Abedin, deputy chair of the Clinton campaign. It contained emails between Abedin, Clinton and others sent during her tenure as Secretary of State.

This was relevant to the FBI investigation of Clinton which had been closed earlier in July. Comey’s letter to the heads of different Congressional Committees informing them of the re-opening, rocked the Clinton campaign and led to 11 days of the worst press experienced by Clinton during the entire campaign.

Then on November 6, only two days before the election, Comey once again called off the investigation, and lifted a cloud of uncertainty from the Clinton camp. Her supporters expressed a huge sigh of relief and believed the road to the White House was wide open once again.

Most were bewildered by Comey’s puzzling behavior. Why did he say anything in the first place if there was nothing sufficiently incriminating in the Weiner/Abedin emails to change the earlier July decision to close the investigation?

Clinton supporters were angry at Comey, and believed he had blatantly interfered in the election to help the Trump campaign. Republicans, including Trump himself, criticized Comey for once again protecting Clinton.

Former Clinton insider, Larry Nichols, offered another criticism of Comey that helped understand Comey’s puzzling behavior. Comey, according to Nichols, was running a psychological operation of misdirection, to help the Clinton campaign by steering the mainstream media away from the more damaging Wikileaks disclosures that were occurring.

While there is great appeal in Nichols explanation, certainly Alex Jones thought so, I don’t believe Nichols is correct.

The damaging nature of many of the Wikileaks disclosures have been succinctly described by Abby Martin in a November 5 video (see below). While the Wikileaks disclosures certainly had damaging information about Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, they had little directly implicating Clinton herself. After all, Clinton could simply sack Podesta if she needed to do damage control in the closing days of her Presidential campaign.

The 5 Biggest Threats To Humanity Exposed (Blogger: Det findes et ordsprog som flere og flere er begyndt at vågne op til: "..The President of the United States are selected, 'not' elected.. ".. Wikileaks afslørede, at Hillary Clinton afpressede Bernie Sanders og dermed stjal valget fra ham..".. 'The Simpsons' forudsagde Trumps sejr for 16 år siden.." .. Lars Løkke sagde for 3 måneder siden da han var i USA: "Trumps udmeldinger er bekymrende". Nu har ordlyden fået en en anden. ".. Løkke vil give Trump ‘the benefit of the doubt’ - DR Nyheder.. ". Vi er nok alle sammen ramt af tryllestaven, lidt endnu. Vi er lidt naive, hykleriske, dobbeltmoralske, indbilske, fakta-fornægtende drømmere som har tillid til 'Systemet' og geopolitiske gameplan blot ønsker borgernes bedste. Vi 'håber' på det bedste. Vi 'håber' på vores danske statsminister handler ud fra bedste intentioner når vi går i krig, indskrænker ytringsfriheden og fri bevægelighed. Når vi bliver opkøbt fra virksomheder fra USA der stod for en femtedel af alle de opkøb udenlandske virksomheder foretog i Danmark i fjor. Det er ny rekord. Når vi opruster militært i NATO, i stedet for at nedruste. Når det igen viser sig at der er flere fattige i Danmark og uligheden vil stige med del af regeringens 2025-plan. For ikke at snakke om den stramme danske indvandrerpolitik som er en del af en europæisk tendens, sundhedssektoren skal spare og vi kunne blive ved og ved og ved... Tror du stadigvæk på at Lars Løkke bestemmer? Det gør kan ikke. Lars Løkke kan ikke finde ud af at binde sit eget snørebånd, uden støtte. Et spinkorps står bag, bestående af embedsværket, lobbyister, indpiskere og særlige rådgivere. Vidste du, at halvdelen af de offentlige finanser går til banksektoren, IT systemer som er gemt i SKAT og andre steder der gang på gang fejler, Interesseselskaber indenfor VL-grupperne, Dansk vækstkapital (investeringsfonde), Rothschild familen, EU, Energiselskaber og den medicinske-industrielle kompleks? Så længe at Kongehuset, PET, Lars Seier, Lars Rohde(NB), Karsten Dybvad(DI), Niels Bjørn Christiansen(Danfoss), Ida Sofie Jensen (Lif-direktør), Novo, A.P. Møller, ATP, DONG, LEGO Fonden og DR loyisterne er glade, så er Lars Løkke også...Sådan fungere det altså. Hvad kan vi gøre for at dæmme op eller bryde den onde cirkel? Eller som jeg siger, 3D Matrix af illusion..... Man skal altid tro på, hvad børn og fulde folk fortæller, da de ikke er bange for konsekvenserne af at fortælle sandheden... Forbered dig på dit 'inner work' - De Fire Spørgsmål. 1. Er det sandt? 2. Kan du virkelig vide at det er sandt? 3. Hvordan reagerer du, hvad sker der, når du tror på den tanke? 4. Hvem ville du være uden tanken? - kilder sidst i indlægget - EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!)

With attention squarely focused on the criminality of politicians, particularly that of the US presidential candidates, it’s easy to overlook the people really responsible for all this chaos.

Much of the US’ political landscape for over a hundred years, and arguably long before, has been controlled by a small minority of wealthy families and individuals with a specific agenda.

Through political and economic machinations over the years, these groups and their minions have funded both sides of wars and profited from them. They own the corporations who pollute our planet and exploit us all. They own the banks which make us slaves to imaginary debt.

They own the politicians and police forces that are meant to serve us, yet they seek to undermine us and our “democracy” at every turn. Regardless of where you live, the following people are working against all of us, seeking only to procure still more power and influence and control every aspect of our lives. It’s about time we learned their names.


The Rockefellers are arguably one of the most evil families in American history. J.D. Rockefeller, the US’ first billionaire, was responsible for monopolizing the American Medical establishment over 75 years ago, and led the campaign to discredit other natural remedies in favor of the pharmaceutical industry he helped to create. He and his descendants later funded the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, which used Freudian techniques to influence the opinion of the masses.

Graduates of this institute went on to assume leadership roles in mainstream media, the government, and corporations. David Rockefeller is the only surviving grandson of J.D. Rockefeller, and, as such, continues his family’s dark legacy by using his incredible personal wealth. He has openly admitted that his family’s long-standing plan has been to create a one world government controlled by elites saying: 

“Some even believe [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’, conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I’m proud of it.”

David Rockefeller has been instrumental in planning the advent of this “new world order” via his influence in the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and the Council of Foreign Relations.