Oct 1, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 (We Are ONE) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨PLANETARY REBOOT 2020 * October 17 -22✨] ... Cobra, and the Portal 2012 Blog intel Resistance Movement communications for planetary liberationis kindly and frequently asking us to participate during MASS MEDIATIONS, like other Lightworker Leaders. Patricia, is one of the 'others' loving souls who gives us an under-five-minute quickie reminder of the "free" October 17 to 22 PLANETARY REBOOT. A 2-hours-each-day event invitation for all to participate in, with the goal being a collective effort to shift Humanity and Gaia ever-higher in consciousness, as the most important planetary alignment event prior to Dec 21st... Victory Of The Light... |
🚀🌌💸 ~ Was Space Force delayed nearly 20 years to facilitate a Space Pearl Harbor? (Dr. Michael Salla exopolitics.org) ~ | Blogger: EXCERPTS: "China is our competition. Russia is our competition. They see the power of the economy of space … and they are rushing to that future…. China has already built the organization, and has the strategy, the doctrine and the technology, and the builders for their guardian force in space. They are building a navy in space with the equivalent of battleships and destroyers that will be able to maneuver and kill and communicate with dominance. Will Space Force be funded and expanded in time to prevent such an attack from occurring? Will it be able to successfully integrate a small but highly advanced number of antigravity spacecraft that were part of a USAF secret space program developed and deployed in the 1970s?.. Is this Congressional delay yet another stratagem by the Deep State to slow down the roll out of Space Force in order to facilitate a debilitating Space Pearl Harbor strike by China and/or another major adversary in the near future? " ... |
The recently established United States Space Force is widely considered to be the brainchild of President Donald Trump, which has subsequently aroused suspicion, if not outright opposition, by those believing it to be a grandiose vanity project with no genuine national security significance. However, the first proposal for a Space Force dates back to a bipartisan “Space Commission” established during the Clinton administration that delivered a detailed report on January 11, 2001, recommending a new military space service to be called “Space Corps”. The chief goal of the Space Corps would be to prevent a future “Space Pearl Harbor”.
What is even more intriguing in tracking the historical origin of Space Force is that the Space Commission was headed by Donald Rumsfeld, a former Secretary of Defense (1975-1977), who has a mysterious history in UFO investigations, the study and reverse engineering of captured extraterrestrial technologies, and in recruiting individuals for secret space programs. Rumsfeld’s leadership of the Space Commission, and his second appointment as Secretary of Defense (2001-2006) under President George Bush, led to Commission members believing that legislation for creating a Space Force was imminent.
What happened eight months later completely derailed any hope for prospective legislation creating a Space Corps, the September 11 attack, which evidence suggests was a false flag attack orchestrated by the Deep State. Only a day earlier, Rumsfeld had admitted on live T.V. that the Pentagon couldn’t properly account for a missing 2.3 trillion dollars. This had led to much speculation whether one of the motivations for the September 11 attack was to prevent serious investigations into the missing trillions.[READ MORE]...
💚🍖🧔 ~ (SKER-LIGE-NU: "TINGENES INTERNET") Den grønne slavehandler, hulemand og Wi-Fi selvfede radioaktiv strålende 5G klima-Dan introducerer, Danmarks FARLIGSTE netværk og blåstempler statsejede russisk olie- og gasselskab Gazprom, selvom det I-K-K-E er Grøn-Gas! Hvor mange millioner i bestikkelsespenge, Dan? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜2018 godkendte Lars Lykkelig løkke og de nordiske ministre. 7. september 2020, udrullede Klima-Danny 5G millimeterbølger, af radiofrekvent elektromagnetisk stråling som "kan" give kræft og DNA-skader og får fatale konsekvenser for planter, dyr & menneskeheden. NU godkender han sgu også Nord Stream 2-projektet, noget, som de ellers, NÆGTEDE. Men, pres fra Tysk regering, energibranchen og den selvudslettende "grønne" klimafidus elskende Olie of Fossil eventyrlige mandehørmer, Dan, kunne ikke, holde GASSEN inde, mere🤛] ... {Nu hvor vi taler Katherine Diez's brændende ønske at få en mand, med en ph.d. (som bare var falsk), Narcissistiske træk, Behaviorisme og Adfærdspsykologi!} ... 🙉Stoler ikke på nogle politikere, slet ikke mænd, som lyver om alt! Men er kvinder og politik bedre?... 🕺Du skal ikke bilde mig ind, at den tidligere stripper, Dan Jørgensen, er bedre end ALLE andre, som lige har fået en næse for klima-nøl, sortsnak og privatisering af dit skrald, der har været så presset, at han har parket stop for oliejagt til hjørne, og nu introducere 5G-netværket... 🤥Han har i den korte ministerperiode, bedraget os alle med falske klimamål på 70 procent uden "prisskilt", blåstempling af 5G-netværket og godkendelse af Energistyrelsens projekter på Barmarksværkerne, der har efterladt flere tusinde familier på fallittens rand med usælgelige huse og skyhøje varmeregninger... Bare for, at tage nogle enkelte eksempler... 🤔VIDSTE DU, under Dan's COP25 fede tur til Spanien, brugte han 200.000 kroner på luksushotel og dyre flyrejser, fråser med skatteborgernes penge, som alle andre i Folketinget? ... 🧟♂️HVORFOR er vi alle bare så naive?🧟♂️... 🦨FØJ for en ildelugtende gaslugt, Dan! Slap du en skid eller smed du en ”gas-bombe”?...
👄🦻💣~ (The HUNT is ON) BOMBSHELL: Joe Biden was clearly WIRED during the debate… see images from video here (NN) ~ | Blogger: [👉Video capture shots from last night’s debate between Trump and Biden clearly show Joe Biden wearing wired electronic devices, in violation of debate rules. The appearance of a wire under his jacket was abundantly obvious for a few seconds, as he tried to tuck the wire back into a hidden location (see video shots below) ~ NN👈] ... PS: HOT MIC: Democratic Governor Wolf & Rep. Ullman of Pennsylvania call masks “political theater” for the camera... |
👑🦠😷 ~ (Tror Cabal, at vi er idioter?) Rigets Rådne Fællesskaber: Er ALLE virkelig indsyltet i Corona Corporation? HVORFOR går Mette-mus pludseligt i selv-isolation efter Brexit-drama, og EU’s relation til Kina - så hun ikke kan udspørges under zoom-samråd, som chokeret Tesfaye blev? Hvad FANDEN foregår der???? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Vidste du, at 55% af de ca. 1200 danske nyhedsjournalister, er ansat af staten? Jakob Skouboe, redaktør på mediet IT Watch om slettede mails; 'Næsten ikke fantasi til at forestille sig det'👈] ... Det, SoTW er god til, er at trække på helikopterperspektiv realismen... OG DET er sgu »dybt bekymrende« og »meget mystisk«, at en stor mængde vigtige mails, som bl.a. handler om håndteringen af corona, og dermed, "forlænger" eller "aldrig" kan trække på aktindsigter i, HVEM, som lukkede landet ned og overhoved om en virus, FINDES, er blevet SLETTET m.m. HUSK PÅ, det skete, NØJAGTIGT, efter Kristofer Krarup, kom på alles læber og avisforsider, der betvivlede, at coronavirus overhovedet eksisterer og hævede i strid med fakta, at han havde skriftlig dokumentation for påstanden... Efter min "overbevisning" på verdensalt.dk og jeg har ikke "insiderviden", som føder seniorkorrespondent, Kirsten Birigt og besidder ikke hendes klar bevidsthed og intellektuel kapacitet, men har brugt en del år på at finde hoved og hale i "forbindelser" til Cabals (Dark Alliance) underverden. Jeg mener, at samtlige folketingsmedlemmer, der har parlamentarisk immunitet og beskyttet af Frimueriet, er et vigtigt 'asset' til U.S. Inc. CIA's efterretningstjeneste og NSA's 9-øjne, samt den miliære (falske flag) NATO "Junta" - Operation Gladio... Ego, følger man en "Agenda" (Én for Alle, Alle for Én) udgør selv én person, som ikke følger "fællesskabet" en trussel - vi så det med, ekskommunisten og elitelægen, der blev coronageneral, Søren Brostrøm, der pludseligt gik imod regeringen og SSI, og får nu mulighed, at komme ind i "inderkredsens medicinske mafia", WHO-bestyrelsen (derfor, retter han ind). Samme gjorde journalist og Tv-lægen Peter Qvortrup Geisling, der var SÆRDELES kritisk i starten og pludseligt, genopstod, det Ikoniske DR-program, 'Lægens bord', og dermed fik han genoplevet, sit livsværk og givet, en gag-order... Det er med rette, at kunne konkludere, at Dansk politik, svømmer i lobbyisme - og Elitens penge påvirker lydløst dansk politik... Det er næsten som amen i kirken, vi alle, ER allerede, eller BLIVER vaccineret "med" Corona (og eller andre virusser), aluminium og vaccinehjælpestoffer, toksiske elementer og højtsoftikeret teknokolgier m.fl.. |
https://www.stm.dk/presse/pressemeddelelser/statsministeren-deltager-i-moede-i-det-europaeiske-raad-1-2-oktober-2020/ |
https://www.seoghoer.dk/kongelige/ikke-set-foer-dronning-margrethe-med-mundbind |
https://www.ssi.dk/vaccinationer/influenzavaccination#:~:text=Tilbud%20om%20gratis%20influenzavaccination%20gives,dog%20til%20udgangen%20af%20februar. |
https://m.itwatch.dk/article/12453842?fbclid=IwAR31nn2fSB_RUky9EvY0hxbHpe0T2R7GWQJBikZIFe3EX-_dh4gaHisSdF0 |
⚠️ ~ 💝 (Alert) OPERATION 'MOONSHOT' (Whothe Foxhat) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Agenda layout: False Positive Rate. COVID-19 passports. Lockdowns. Unemployment. Vaccinations. Fake Death Certificates. 5G. Global Control. Reset etc. etc.? SoTW👈] ... Dr Andrew Kaufman, MD and David Icke covers the "False Positive Rate" - that is so important to understand and it may surprise you. They also covers the (fixed) 2020 United States presidential debate, fake death certificates, fake facemask agenda, Australia/Victoria Blueprint for global total fascism and Bill Gates could unleash some "REAL" dangerous VIRUS... 💥🏢Check out the date for DMJ's publication (11 September 2020)✈🔥 ...⏰ PS: WE NOW KNOW, that the PCR is not a test of infectiousness. Rather, the test detects trace amounts of viral genome sequence, (exist in all humans), which may be either live transmissible virus or irrelevant RNA fragments from previous infection. When people with symptoms or who have been recently exposed receive a positive PCR result they will probably be infectious. But a positive result in someone without symptoms or known recent exposure may be from live or dead virus, and so does not determine whether the person is infectious and able to transmit the virus to others - just saying... |
🌆😶🌫 ~ ('VERY RARE') The "things" you are about to see are VERY RARE - Viewer 'frightened' by bizarre light in sky! (MrMBB333) ~ | Blogger: Waaaauv!... PS: Did you see that yesterday?... Aaaamazingly huuuge full moon in the Danish skies - all reddish and orange... My father and myself on SoTW are both (heavily) affected during sleep on these full moons (supermoons, including lunar eclipses etc.) Hence the "Moon Mad" and "Lunatics" Bernard and Ford interesting moon references?... PSS: 💌Check out Elizabeth Peru from Australia, your cosmic guide, FULL MOON and DAILY instant direction, insight, inspiration and cosmic wisdom🙏... |
🍿 ~ (RV/GCR Alert Shotgun Start) Restored Republic via a GCR as of Oct. 1, 2020 ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... {🤞The New Galactic, Benevolent, Hack-Proof, Super-Conscious, Quantum Financial System: I wish, I wish, I wish🤞} ... SoTW questions: ... IS IT possible, that Deutsche Bank, HSBC & JPMorgan Money laundering scandal could trigger The Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History (The Atlantis Report video)❓ ... WHY has Tokyo Stock Exchange halts trading for entire day(RT)❓ ... WHY is Danish Danske Bank and Nordea Bank Abp (deep) involved in europeans BIGGEST money laundering operations and a "open secret" and why are several bank mergers going on right now like Denmark's largest full service bank, Sydbank A/S merging with Alm. Brand Bank (links)❓ ... WHY is all the 800# notification numbers and links in all Restored Republics report from (guru) Dinar Chronicles always failing, never any informations to exchange/ redemption appointments and why is DONG never gone through the Revaluation and always, DINAR AND ZIM!❓ ... COULD Charlie Ward be one of the good guys - yes/no - why is he still selling Silver Coins (amass) if he's already a billionaire❓ ... WOULD it be correct to assume, that the "Groups" opposing NESARA (GESARA) arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep NESARA from being announced❓ ... IS Simon Parks correctly assuming, that The QFS System could 'Monetize' the human population or hijack or copycat by (satanists) and use it as global monitoring tool❓ ... PS: Stay Calm, Remain Vigilant & Expect the Unexpected... |
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 1, 2020
Compiled 1 Oct. 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Source: Dinar Chronicles
***Must Watch Videos on the Quantum Financial System***
QFS Rod Steel and Charlie Ward: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yTZ230sg9ANI/
Quantum Financial System, Charlie Ward: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YnbO62Bkpeb8/
Judy Note: Multiple independent sources have projected an RV liquidity start for some time on Thurs. 1 Oct. – the first day of the Restored Republic fiscal year when the new gold/asset-backed digital US Note would be online in the Quantum Financial System. The RV would occur in a Shotgun Start where liquidity went live all at once to all tiers.
Notification emails would be sent out from Wells Fargo, Chase or HSBC. To set your appointment, follow instructions in the email including use of the Safe Link Website – which of such would also be published on various Dinar websites.
At your appointment Currency holders could request the higher rates and ZIM holders could ask for higher Contract Rates for their project presentation. There would be a structured payout for ZIM redemption proceeds.
IMPORTANT Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA): After your exchange and signing of the NDA your communication and posts would be monitored by NSA and other agencies. By agreeing and signing onto terms of your NDA you would pledge that during the length of the agreement, you would not use the words "Revaluation (RV), Quantum Financial System (QFS), Global Currency Reset (GCR), rates, exchange, redemption, currency exchange rates, ZIM, Dinar, Dong, etc," or any other term related to this exchange-redemption. Doing so may lead to all of your funds being frozen.
💬👵😂 ~ (#ESSAY) Kirsten Birgit: Me-too comma 0, TV-Kanoner og Rigets Rådne Fællesskabers indgroet-nedgroet strukturer, fortielser, vennetjenester, hyklerier og magtfuldkommenhed ~ | Blogger: PS: Billederne er hentet fra document.dk, som er en del af de såkaldte "junk news" og vil medgive, at nogle af disse er særdeles hadefulde (fremmedhadende netmedier) manipulerer, vildleder og stjæler fra andre, men syntes bare, de laver nogle "sjove" billedkollager... Og jeg er faktisk ikke enig med "kisser", som bliver ved med at holde hånden over Simon Aggesen, men lad det nu ligge - smut lige i arkivskabet og få pulsen ned!... |
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