Apr 24, 2016

Hilarion's Weekly Message - April 24 - May 1, 2016

Hilarion er Chohan af den femte stråle af healing, videnskab, vision og sandhed. Han er det hierarkiske niveau af Sandhedens templet på det æteriske plan i nærheden af Kreta, Grækenland. Hilarion var ypperstepræst i "Templet af Sandhed" i Atlantis, og han transporterede flammens sandhed sammen med artefakter af templet til Grækenland kort tid før forliset af kontinentet. Han arbejder med sjæle til at beherske det tredje øje - chakra og grøn-ray kvaliteter, herunder healing og videnskaben om at holde den ubesmittede koncept. Hilarion har ikke kun indflydelse med healing, men også omfatter musik og videnskab og målrettet "vision" gennem opfattelser af tredje øje. En kilde tilføjer, at Hilarion arbejder ofte med Ærkeenglen Raphael, der ligeledes tjener på det femte-stråle.

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff 
© 2016 therainbowscribe

As you are attuning to your Divine Self, you begin to have a two way conversation and this may open the door to a greater opportunity to establish a stronger and more powerful connection. Continue this practice and write those conversations in your daily journal. Many times, your spiritual guides come through to give you messages and information about yourself and your connection with them. Sometimes, this information talks about your greatness and this is something that you will resist, thinking that you have connected with a false entity. With regular recording of the information that comes through including the dates it occurred, you will begin to discern the underlying message and develop a greater trust in the connection.

These are the times when there is a greater opening to the higher realms of spirit and it is possible to communicate more easily with the spirit world. This is also a time that we, your spiritual Family of Light, can come through in greater intensity. Sometimes, the intensity can be too powerful to the receiver and this can shut down the channel of communication temporarily. Do not lose hope but try to relax and know that it will be restored again. Sometimes, we on the other side of the now thinning veil become very excited when the communication begins to take place and flood the recipient with too much information which they have a difficult time remembering and processing. Be patient with us and know that it is a learning process for everyone and some adapting may be necessary.

COBRA | Ascension Conference Report - April 23rd 2016: Goddess Present On Surface, Doorway Opened for Further Ascension Conferences - April 24, 2016

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Ascension Conference Report

The location of our Ascension conference in Switzerland was strategically chosen on an important Pleiadian leyline that runs through central Switzerland.
The conference was a brilliant success. We had a very strong and unified group of participants from 22 countries. Balance between female and male energies was much more profound than ever and this signifies that Goddess is very much present on the surface of the planet and much healing is already done. A lot of new intel was released, and the energy work we did has further stabilized the Ascension timeline for the planet. We have also initiated the process of establishing future Contact Zones across the world.
This conference has opened a doorway for further Ascension conferences. 
Although it appears nothing is happening, there is much activity behind the scenes. This activity will become more pronounced and visible in May.
Arrangements have been made for joint Cobra / Corey interview by Rob Potter. If you have any questions for either me or Corey, please send them to Rob@thepromiserevealed.com
Victory of the Light!

Hvad vil du helst 'ikke' gå ned på - Dit Superego og Skyldfølelse!! (Du betaler for underholdning og tom snak - Enten om det er Røde kors, Hjerteforeningen, Danmarks Lungeforening, Astma- og Allergiforbundet, Alzheimerforeingen eller mastodonten over dem alle: Kræftens Bekæmpelse. Danskernes blinde tillid til 'systemet' overgår selv min vildelse fantasi når der bliver samlet penge ind til det medikoindustrielle kompleks via tossekassens underholdningskanaler og raslebøsser..Danskere bliver ved og ved med at falde ned i samme affaldsskakt, uden at se sig tilbage. Og nej, der er ikke kun få brødne kar - det er hele branchen som er syg. Follow The Money!!! ...)

"Danmark banker for hjertet"

Sådan lød sloganet fra Hjerteforeningen søndag, da de var ude på deres første landsindsamling. Cirka 3,6 millioner kroner blev det til.
- Vi er meget taknemmelige for den store indsats, som indsamlere og frivillige i Hjerteforeningen har ydet. Og lige så taknemmelig for de penge, der er lagt i indsamlingshjerterne.
- Det var en overvældende støtte fra befolkningen og en fantastisk landsindsamling-debut for os, lyder det fra Kim Høgh, Hjerteforeningens administrerende direktør, i en pressemeddelelse.

Læs videre her: dr.dk 

I flere uger har danskerne samlet tøj sammen til et godt formål til 'Smid tøjet'.
I aften kulminerer flere ugers tøjindsamling i den gode sags tjeneste i det store 'Smid tøjet'-galla, der vises på TV 2. Forinden da har har hele Danmark åbnet skabene og fundet det tøj, de ikke længere bruger.


Herunder en lille sød historie som er offentligt tilgængelig via Facebook

Klaus K blog
Mere sundheds-korruption: Hjerteforenings-formand fyret fra Rigshospitalet for svindel med forskningsmidler ...

En af rygernes største fjender i medierne, formand for Hjerteforeningen, overlæge Peter Clemmensen brugte en halv million forskningskroner på 10-15 eksotiske ferierejser til sig selv & sin familie, bl.a. i Australien, USA & Kenya ...

Han er nu fyret fra sit lukrative job i dansk sundhedsvæsen, og politiet undersøger, om der er basis for en straffesag imod ham

Ak ja - intet kommer bag på en i den branche. Sundhedsvæsenet er, som tidligere beskrevet, et eldorado af korruption & råddenskab i en grad, så man næppe tror, det er muligt ...

Igen er der tale om en højprofileret figur i sundhedsvæsenet - en af de højst ansete eksperter på sit felt - overlæge og ordførende professor - ligesom Bente Klarlund, der for nylig blev dømt for videnskabelig svindel ...

Og så var han indtil 2012 formand for den "fine" Hjerteforening, som har prinsesse Mary som protektor - og: Han er medlem af "European Society of Cardiology", foreningen der er syltet ind i forbindelser til medicinalindustrien, som nævnt i opslaget fra i går

Se Peter Clemmensens imponerende CV ... der er tale om en af topfolkene på hjerteområdet:


The Catch Up Effect (Why We Really Fear Change) - Teal Swan - April 24, 2016

Elsker at lytte til både Teal Swan og Matt Kahn, det virker som om, de indeholder et helt liv af erfaringer, en rummelighed og begavelse indenfor den spirituelle verden som jeg ikke har set før. De går nødvendigvis ikke med strømmen, meget selvstændigt, egen opfattelse af tingenes tilstand og giver forklaringer som er præcise, nøgtern og virkelig rammende for vores livsaspekt og giver et meget større perspektiv end så mange andre, både den spirituelle verden også blandt (almen) psykologi.

BREAKING: Army scientists successfully 'teleport' Soldiers (Terminator Teleportation? ..some would claim that Time Travel and Teleportation Experiments already were possible back in the 1980's acc. to many military sources..)

picture: Pvt. Kelley McCoy begins to dematerialize as he is successfully "teleported" from Natick to the Grafenwoehr Training Area

NATICK, Mass. (April 1, 2016) -- Army scientists have successfully "teleported" a fully equipped squad from a Massachusetts research and development facility to a training area in Germany, the Natick Soldier Systems Center (NSSC) announced today.

The nine human research volunteers, fresh out of Advanced Individual Training, were participating in experiments in the Doriot Climatic Chambers at NSSC when they disappeared and moments later materialized at the Grafenwoehr Training Area, completely unharmed. The chambers are capable of replicating any climate or weather in the world but have never before been used in this manner.

Teleportation, made famous in the "Star Trek" television series and movies, had been -- until what the Army is calling the "Natick incident" -- a hypothetical way of moving objects from place to place. American writer Charles Fort is reported to have coined the word in 1931.

Officials at Natick were elated by the event, which promises to one day revolutionize the way that American troops and equipment are transported around the globe. It also could ultimately make overseas bases obsolete as forces are instead moved from U.S. soil to remote trouble spots in the blink of an eye.

This is for the ‘Nothing-Is-Happening’ Crowd! - April 24, 2016

I have included information in my previous articles about all the wild things that are happening around the world as of these last few years. Many huge changes have occurred, and yet I still encounter people who insist nothing is happening. They don’t see change.

This article could be useful for people who just want a refresher on everything has gone down so far.

Well I am going to give you all the details I can find about changes that have happened. Let’s begin.

some text

All The Planets/Stars/Have And Are Changing/Changed
After 146 Years Rockefellers Leaving Oil Business
FDA Lifts Ban On Gay Men Donating Blood
China Ends One Child Policy
Article I Wrote Outlining Many High-Level Arrests
CEO Of 21st Century Fox Steps Down
Head of DEA Stepping Down
Over 1,100 Arrested On Pedophilia Charges In Nationwide Sweep
Pedophilia Exposed Among British Elite On 60 Minutes
US Recommends Lowering Fluoride Levels First Time In 50 Years
Massive Bank Interest Rate Rigging Scandal
NASA Develops And Tests ‘Impossible’ Propellentless Propulsion Engine
‘Impossible’ Rocket Drive Works And Could Get To Moon In Four Hours
NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows On Mars
NASA Finds Evidence Of Ninth Planet
FOX News – Apollo 14 Astronaut Claims Peace-Loving Aliens Prevented ‘Nuclear War’ On Earth
Physicist Claims Our Universe Is A Simulation
CNN – Iraq StarGate Key To 9/11 And Bush
Vatican – We Are Not Alone Says Pope’s Chief Astronomer
Tractor Beam Tech Being Disclosed
3D Hologram Tech Disclosed
US ARMY – Full Body Teleportation Tech Disclosed
House Republicans Introduce Measure To Impeach IRS Commissioner
Black Knight Satellite Disclosure From Pepsi

Now I want to go into some of the global financial changes that have happened (we are in the Great Depression 2.0 in case you haven’t noticed) BTW, this is not meant to be fear porn but to educate all on the current situation so we may better prepare for it when it progresses:

AGENDA 21 COLLEGE: THIS IS WHY THE UNIVERSITIES ARE MELTING DOWN RIGHT NOW (In another words, back to Marxism at mid-to-late 19th century and it goes much deeper than that. It's about "control": Controlling the land, resources, animals, people, internet, education etc. )

Læs også: VELKOMMEN TIL FAGRE NYE VERDEN - Brave New World Order = Agenda 21, The Green Mask! (Du tror det er løgn....)

Exclusive: Ward Churchill on why 9/11 attacks were justified


Academia's hidden crackpots: What kind of discipline would nurture a hatefilled academic such as fired professor Ward Churchill?

Published on Apr 21, 2016
The United Nations Agenda 21/2030 program encompasses all facets of our life including education. The reason why the universities are melting down right now is because agenda 21 sustainable development and it's ideas are being taught and we are seeing the fruits of that

Reservelæge, ph.d. Louise Brinth gik op mod det magtfulde medikoindustrielle kompleks(SSI) og blev frosset ud grundet tvivl om HPV-vaccinen. Personligt har hun tilset over 300 syge piger, som efter eget udsavn, havde fået invaliderende lidelser, der skyldes vaccinen mod livmoderhalskræft. Selv samme vaccine har godt 600.000 kvinder modtaget igennem børnevaccinationsprogrammet siden 2009, omtrendt hver femte danske kvinde. Lægen har ramt et dobbelt tabu af skrigende tavshed. Ingen må kritisere 'systemet'.

Ballade. Læge Loiuse Brinth er blevet kritiseret for at mistænke alvorlige bivirkninger ved HPV-vaccinen. Nu ser hun tilbage på al den ballade, det skabte. - Foto: Jens Dresling

Hun kritiserede HPV-vaccinen og fik hug - nu giver hun op


Læge Louise Brinth skabte røre, da hun kædede observationer af unge syge piger sammen med den livsreddende HPV-vaccine. Nu stopper hun og skifter afdeling. Men hun mener fortsat, at ingen interesserer sig for, hvad de syge piger fejler.

Anmeldelser af bivirkninger:
  • Mere end 500.000 danske kvinder er blevet vaccineret.
  • Til og med 3. kvartal 2015 har Lægemiddelstyrelsen modtaget i alt 1.790 anmeldelser med mistanke om bivirkninger. 
  • Heraf er 666 kategoriseret som alvorlige.
  • Kilde: Lægemiddelstyrelsen 
Læs hele historien her: http://politiken.dk/forbrugogliv/sundhedogmotion/ECE3132311/hun-kritiserede-hpv-vaccinen-og-fik-hug---nu-giver-hun-op/

NASA finds planet 10 times the size of Jupiter floating in free space - April 24, 2016 CET

April 2016 – SPACE – NASA has discovered a new planet floating freely around the galaxy proving the theory that in the dark depths of space, lonely planets outnumber stars in the Milky Way. A recent study “provides new clues in this mystery of galactic proportions,” said NASA, after scientists found a free-floating, planetary-mass object within a young star family called the TW Hydrae association. The newly discovered planet, called WISEA 1147 for short, is thought to be up to ten times the size of Jupiter.

“The features on this one screamed out, ‘I’m a young brown dwarf,’ “said Adam Schneider, lead author of the study due to be published in The Astrophysical Journal. But despite its size, tracing the origins of free-floating worlds to see if they are indeed planets or brown dwarfs is tricky — because they are so isolated and lonely. Since the object was discovered to be an affiliate the TW Hydrae group of very young stars, astronomers recognize that it is relatively young, around 10 million years old. Also, because planets need a minimum of 10 million years to develop, and even longer to get kicked out of a solar system, WISEA 1147 is probably a brown dwarf, the study team said.

“With continued monitoring, it may be possible to trace the history of WISEA 1147 to confirm whether or not it formed in isolation,” study author Adam Schneider of the University of Toledo in Ohio, said in a NASA news release. The study team said tracking the origins of free-floating objects and figuring out if they are planets or brown dwarfs is a struggle because they are so isolated.

“We are at the beginning of what will become a very hot field — trying to determine the nature of the free-floating population and how many are planets versus brown dwarfs,” co-author of the study Davy Kickpatrick of NASA’s Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena said. By studying lonely planets, like the WISEA 1147, astronomers hope to learn more about what they’re made out of — as well as weather patterns on isolated worlds. After further evaluation, the astronomers discovered that this object is associated with the TW Hydrae group, which is around 150 light-years from Earth and just approximately 10 million years old. –Sputnik News Red Orbit

Når sandheden skal frem: Stod Saudi-Arabien bag 9/11? (2016, er året hvor selv de mest censureret hermetisk utilgængelig danske nyhedsmedier har valgt at stå frem og stille spørgsmålet om hvem som udførte det såkaldte 'terrorangreb' der fandt sted 11. September 2001. Wauw tænker vi så, men igen, bliver vestlige nationer ikke nævnt med et eneste ord. Det gør 'al-Qaeda' tilgængæld, samt lande, hvor man taler jihad med arabisk accent, bl.a. Saudi-Arabien, Yemen, Afghanistan og Tjetjenien. En tredjedel af amerikanerne tror, at deres egen regering stod bag terrorangrebet i New York og Washington..De er ikke alene, et stigende antal danske grene af en stadigt voksende græsrodsbevægelse, 'Tør - hvor andre benægter'. Signalet der skal sendes er klart, USA, som kapitalismens ledende nation, har ingen anden udvej, end selvrandsagelse - alt skal frem nu)

11. september 2001 fløj et fly ind i Pentagon i Washington. Blandt kaprerne var Nawaf al-Hamzi og Khalid al-Midhar. Spørgsmålet er, om de fik hjælp lokalt og af hvem. 28 siders hemmeligstemplet rapport kan måske give svaret. Foto: Larry Downing/Reuters

Når sandheden skal frem: Stod Saudi-Arabien bag 9/11?


De 28 sider papir er gemt i en pansersikret hvælving under Kongressen og er tophemmelige. Men Obama overvejer nu at offentliggøre dem, og så har vi balladen. For papirerne peger på Saudi- Arabien som medskyldig i 9/11, siger toppolitikere.

De to mænd må have følt det, som om de befandt sig i en Stockhausen-totalsymfoni.
Rundt om dem hørte de lyde, som de ikke forstod, og misklangene og halvtonerne ramte dem som et par på skrinet. Alt var forkert, alt var tydeligvis vendt mod dem. Det var en kakofonisk fjendeverden.

Læs videre her: http://www.b.dk/globalt/naar-sandheden-skal-frem-stod-saudi-arabien-bag-911



Hillary Clinton is the Only Candidate to Receive Campaign Money from Federal Reserve Officials

Posted: 23 Apr 2016 07:00 PM PDT

As her clearly delusional and overtly corrupt supporters cheer her on, Hillary Clinton manages to avoid prosecution, scrutiny and maintains a public persona, thanks largely to the mainstream media, that she is America’s saving grace.

by Matt Agorist

But, thanks to the recently leaked Panama Papers, that public persona is getting peeled back layer by layer.

Yesterday, The Free Thought Project reported on the recently leaked names from the papers that link the campaign financed-careers of Hillary and the former President Bill Clinton to those who use the offshore tax shelters.

Read Entire Article »

Trailer to “A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity” Trailer to “A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity” (Vidste du - der også findes omkring 30 danske Økosamfund, samt snesvis af virksomheder, mindre bosætninger, omkring nedlagte gårde, eller fællesskaber omkring et spirituelt center? Samfund, hvor det handler om at leve i og med naturen og have et bæredygtigt liv)

We’ve just released the trailer to our forthcoming documentary, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity“. Half the tickets for the Melbourne premiere (3 June) have moved in the last couple of days, so if you’re wanting to attend, get your tickets here. We’re also very happy to announce that David Holmgren, co-originator of the permaculture concept, will be joining us at the premiere for a panel discussion after the film.

For those not in Victoria, details on alternative viewing options will be available soon.