Aug 8, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟1,5 HOUR LONG DR. JUDY MIKOVITS & KERRY CASSIDY INTERVIEW: A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH🌟] ... Dr. Judy: "Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a "Unicorn Virus or Boogeyman Virus": It's a military covert operation to KILL the people with Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV), covert it up and destroy they lives. And absolutely every single FEMA-type clinical symptom admitted by Tony Fauci, is XMRV. They are killing all the messengers and think they can cover it up. Dr. Tony Fauci is also involved in Wuhan lab and HIV/AIDS-hoax while he destroyed my entire life work. They MURDERED 6% of americans who is injured from vaccines, by mixing animals and human fetal cell tissue directly injected into our most immune receptacle elderly. That's why i'm here tonight! Stop taking vaccines and take off your mask - if you wear a mask, you become “immunocompromised”. If your "suicidal", take vaccines and wear a mask." (40-50 minute maker) ... |

❌🛰️🕵️ ~ Space X gets Space Force Awards for Next-gen Spy Satellites & Musk's revival of the Electric Car Industry, White Hats is going use to Transform old Rocket Tech to Launch Rockets without fuel (Dr. Salla) ~ | Blogger: 🙋Q:So, do you think Musk is on the white hats side?... 🤔(Dr. Michael Salla ) A: Interesting question. Think he has had to play both sides to survive. As the White Hats come out on top of the DS in the undeclared Civil War, I think they have big plans for Musk in their coming limited hangout... 👤Cobra, from the Resistance Movement (RM):"Elon Musk is in essence a positive being who has been subjected to Illuminati trauma based programming and now wants to break free, as you can see in his sometimes unusual tweets."... 🕴️SOTW: He has played on BOTH teams, thats for sure, time will tell if he is a White Hat... I think that NASA and MIC-SSP has much more advanced technology than Ion Propulsion thruster or The "impossible" EmDrive engine of bouncing microwaves... |

👑💼💰 ~ (OMG! it runs in the Royal Family and they don't give a sh*t) Mistresses, Tax Evasion & Money laundering: Spain’s Disgraced Ex-King Juan Carlos goes into Exile after he has abdicated, his Brother-in-law Sentenced to Six years in Prison, MAJOR investigation on it's way from Spanish & Swiss Authorities! From Hero-King-To-Thief (SOTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉HERE'S something you don't hear everyday and why the 1200 years old danish monarchy is involved👈] ... It's a well known fact, that Spain is SUFFERING very very hard after yet another so-called Coronahoax, financial crises, that has NOT only left Spain in despair, but is going to cause a global boom in insolvencies companies in various markets around the world. While ordinary Spaniards cope with harsh austerity, recession and soaring unemployment, the country's royal family has been enjoying expensive hunting trips, one of which resulted in King Juan Carlos ending up in hospital... Did you know that Both the British and Spanish royal families descend from both Queen Victoria and Christian IX of Denmark?. AND, The Greek royals are members of the extended Danish and Spanish royal families as King Constantine's younger sister is Queen Sofía of Spain and Queen Anne-Marie's older sister is Queen Margrethe of Denmark... Anyways, all the 650 MILLIONS (some says Billions) of funny-money, which ex-King Juan Carlos has got from the Saudi King, left in a suitcase fundeled to a Swiss bank account, has left Spain to go to his "protected friends" in Abu Dhabi (not to Portugal or dominican republic)... Where is the money?... OH-MY-GOSH!.. This is unbelievable... The "stolen" money is left behind to the "LOVER", Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, who is born "Larsen", German-born businesswoman of Danish nationality, she claims in court is "gratitude money"- WHAAT!?... In the meanwhile, Prince Joachim of Denmark hospitalised following blood clot on the brain, out again in full recovery, STOLEN, 3,5 million yearly in appanage to France, but nooot ONE word from the Monarchy of Denmark, not one (story picked up by latest tabloid newspaper entertainment sector and B.T.'s (Berlingske) Ditte Okman talkshow called "Det, vi taler om" and did some research myself)... |

⚔️🤪🤦~ AllesLandsmoder Mette-Mus: Vi holder sammen – ved at holde afstand og tage et mundbind på. Nu med 20,000 likes (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Doktor Vibeke Manniche 7. Aug 2020: "Dagens tal--Lige kort kommentar ifht dagens tal. Vi ved der er udbrud i Aarhus og man har testet 15849 personer og 136 er testet positive. Det betyder, at 0,85% er smittet. Ikke flere døde – ikke flere på intensiv (kun 2) og en enkelt mere indlagt" fra VM's blog🤛] ... {#PolitiskBetaltSkønheds- MålingDJØFKvindeMafiaen: Landsmoder Jupiter Mette: I, danskere, har indgået en kontrakt med mig og dermed modtaget et diktat. Er det forstået?} ... 🧻Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for 6 måneder tilbage, lukkede du landet ned, netop som 2 ægtepar var ved at underskrive købsaftalen på mit hus, men efter din tale, kørte de op i Netto i stedet, efter toiletpapir og gjorde mit hus, værdiløs... 📉Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at fortie sandheden om at hospitalerne, hvor coronaafsnit stod tomme, tusindvis af operationer blev udskudt, digitale klasserum på Zoom, free seating på jobbet blev til hjemmetjans, Smart City, 5G, Mobil Tracking og digitaliseringsstyrelsen's teknologi-bevægelsen »The Singularity« er nu 'normal' ... 💉Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., at du kræver 15 forskere, der alle har tilknytning til Københavns Universitet, Rockefeller Instituttet, Bill Gates og Bavarian Nordics, om at lave en global vaccine. Lægemiddelstyrelsen i Danmark har hastegodkendt de første ansøgninger om forsøg med medicin mod COVID-19 og test medicin.... ⚖️Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at du henstiller til (KRÆVER) at folk skal vende sig til mundbind, lokale lockdowns og flere restiktioner med TOTAL STOP for genåbninger... 😱Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at corona-skræmme-retorikken stadig sidder DYBT integeret hos mange og nu skal Spanien og Belgien m.fl. LUKKE helt ned for turister fra Dannevang, mens vi skal TIGGE om at få udbetalt vores SURE feriepenge, som først kan blive udbetalt til Oktober... 🤼Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at have fået skabt SPLID i befolkningen, borglammede Blå partier, medieredaktører, der kun TØR sige YES MA'AM. Hvem bestemmer? Din skygge-ministerium, fra påstået pjæk til depression, Sass Larsen, bedste veninde Barbara Bertelsen og din aller bedste buddy, Stabschef Martin Rossen, W.H.O., Bill Gates, ID2020, Event 201 og Rothschilderne?!. Hvad har du i støbeskeen omkring næste fase og anden bølge? Du tør ikke lukke landet ned igen, for så er du FÆRDIG, med skillingsviser og gårdsange i fællessang... 😋Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at have tvunget Kronprinsesse Mary til at sige hun glæder sig til en Vaccine og Du har eskaleret situationen til værre, nu skal alle kommuner, med mere end 20 smittetilfælde per 100.000 indbyggere, stats-personale testes hver anden uge, mens de smasker sig med 9 milliarder kroner til ekstra coronaudgifter samt CPH lufthavnen, snart diktere krav om CV-test, mundbind og fyrer folk...💲Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for ALT! Hvad sker der, når restauranter, beværtninger, diskoteker, klubber, butikker, underholdnings- erhverv, fly- og rejseselskaber er direkte påvirket af påbud om midlertidig lukning eller rejserestriktioner, de går KONKURS, danskere fyres i tusindvis, og mange tvinges ned i løn. Alene 1. Juli 2020 fik 8.030 en FYRESEDDEL! 54.076 er blevet ledige under krisen, oplyser ministerium. MEN REELT VOKSEDE ledigheden fra 100.000 til 300.000 personer under Corona-krisen ifølge CEPOS...🏅 Du burde indstilles til Fortjenstmedaljen i Guld💛... |

👩‍🌾🛩️🦨 ~ 35 års overforbrug af sprøjtemidler ( | Blogger: [👉A very short summary of this danish interview: For 35 years ago THE WORLD could have REDUCED the spread of pesticides on farming land and all water wells, because of 1 MAN from Denmark. But the industry SILENCED him! A danish farmer, Albert Hedegaard, invented a patent, STOLEN, by Hardi International & Danish Cheminova Agro A/S, the worlds BIGGEST pesticides spray manufacturer in the 80's that received a GOLD medal and that could REDUCE the use of pesticides by up to 90%. YOU HEARD ME! 90%. Today, Albert Hedegaard patent from 1984, tried to sell his syringes in the tens of thousands in China, manage to sell his product to ONLY 5% in the world, and in the 90's, he's been fighting every since with Cheminova, with danish state or the scientific bodies that monitor our environment and EU until today in 2020! He invented a special field sprayer that prevents pesticides from being taken by the wind and blown onto other crops--SELLING & SPRAYING pesticides is BIG BUSINESS! Ask Nazi Bayer, Novo Nordisk and MonSatan and other agri-chemical and seed giants--Battle of the beans, GMOs include maize, oil seed rape, soybean and chicory👈] ... |
Kilde (

Dansk opfinders patent blev systematisk modarbejdet.

Landbrugets brug af giftstoffer er blevet en pestilens af format for vores miljø og sundhed. 75% af
alle vandboringer indeholder pesticider; nogen af dem af en slags, man holdt op med at bruge for 20 år siden. Det enorme svineri med pesticider er én af de mange uansvarligheder, vores politikere har tilladt i økonomiens hellige navn. Giver det mening at svine vores grundvand og øvrige vandmiljøer til, og udrydde insekterne for at kunne producere til EU's overskudlagre?

Men Albert Hedegaard hævder, at han for 35 år siden opfandt nogle sprøjteteknologier, som kunne reducere brugen af pesticider med op til 90%. Han fik dem også patenteret. Men der var ingen hjælp at hente hos staten eller de videnskabelige organer, som overvåger vores miljø. Tværtimod blev han modarbejdet på alle tænkelig måder. Hans sprøjter er solgt i titusindvis i Kina - men i Danmark kører der kun nogle få. Udsendelsen løfter sløret for interessekonflikter og irrationelle beslutninger af en art, man kun alt for ofte støder på.

Se mere på:

🔴💥🍄 ~ BREAKING: Israel Bombed Beirut (PFC-A Cobra support Blog) ~ | Blogger: SoTW told you so - as predicted from the very minute, the (dirty) N-bomb, went off! I have done this kind of alternative investigation of false flags for 20 years and can spot BS from 100 miles way.. Now, Lebanon's president says he doesn't rule out 'rocket or bomb' as possible cause and threatens Lebanon's food supply, during the BIGGEST (virus) crisis in the world... |

Source (PFC)

By Richard Silverstein,

חשיפה: ישראל היא שפוצצה מאגר תחמושת של חיזבאללה בנמל ביירות, אך לא ידעה מראש שמחסן סמוך מכיל כמות אדירה של אמוניום חנקתי. הממשלה, המומה מממדי הקטל וההרס, מיהרה להכחיש מעורבות ישראלית – עוד לפני שמישהו בלבנון האשים את ישראל

A confidential highly-informed Israeli source has told me that Israel caused the massive explosion at the Beirut port earlier today which killed over 100 and injured thousands. The bombing also virtually leveled the port itself and caused massive damage throughout the city. The source received this information from an Israeli official having special knowledge concerning the matter.

Israel targeted a Hezbollah weapons depot at the port and planned to destroy it with an explosive device. Tragically, Israeli intelligence did not perform due diligence on its target. Thus they did not know (or if they did know, they didn’t care) that there were 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate stored in a next-door warehouse. The explosion at the arms depot ignited the fertilizer, causing the catastrophe that resulted.

It is, of course, unconscionable that Israeli agents did not determine everything about their target including what was in its immediate vicinity. The tragedy Israel has wreaked is a war crime of immense magnitude.

The ICC has already been investigating Israel for war crimes in Gaza since the 2014 Operation Protective Edge. Now, I imagine it will expand the scope to incorporate today’s criminally negligent massacre.

Though Israel has regularly attacked Hezbollah and Iranian weapons depots and convoys in Syria, it rarely undertakes such brazen attacks inside Lebanon. This attack in the country’s capital marks an even greater escalation. The sheer recklessness of this operation is astonishing...

👼 ~ 💗 Ascension to 5D by December 21st 2020? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council (Channeled by Daniel Scranton) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉A giant leaps forward in the evolution of your consciousness, but we are not ready for Ascension on Dec 21, 2020... so it seems👈] ... "We invite you to see your fellow humans as the ones you are there to save, the ones you are there to uplift, the ones you are there to shower with so much love that they cannot help but have their hearts cracked open so that they may also enjoy the journey of ascension with you. Whether you like it or not, every other human on your planet is a part of you. They represent something that also exists within you, and if you cannot embrace them, you cannot become your whole self. And you are going to want to be your whole self when you ascend, not the fragmented you that wants to escape from a karmic type of prison." ~ The 9D Arcturian Council ... |

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are expecting you all to make giant leaps forward in the evolution of your consciousness during the rest of your calendar year of 2020. We do not expect you to be ready, however, to ascend on December 21st of this year. You have more of a journey than that ahead of you, and that is as it needs to be. It is also how you want it to be on the soul level. On the level of the ego, of course, ascension by the end of 2020 seems like a very good idea.

Many of you have been waiting for quite some time for ascension. You have been waiting for your fellow humans to be ready to make that jump with you. And yet, the vast majority of humans are not ready. Some people look around at their fellow humans and think that it would be fine if the vast majority of humanity were not allowed to ascend with the righteous, and we see that as a very Biblical view, a very third-dimensional view of what ascension really is.

🍺🤠😷 ~ "It Was Planned Years In Advance" (Video Advice) ~ | Blogger: [🤜‘The New Normal’ Is Getting Worse And Worse🤛] ... I think it's the voice and video from Amazing Polly (must-watch)... AND... Americans are dying after drinking hand sanitizer, CDC says (noooo shit sherlock!)... AND... Silence from New York Times as leaked bodycam videos contradict Floyd arrest narrative (nothing is what it seems)... AND... Julian Assange ordered to testify in Seth Rich lawsuit (in which DNC, Clintons and Obamas is rumored to be involved)... AND... Virginia Giuffre: Sex with Prince Andrew was ‘the longest 10 minutes of my life’ (I do believe that)... AND... Aarhus coronavirus outbreak & Round-up: face masks become mandatory on public transport, while Danish / Saudi / Bill Gates Statens Serum Institut against further reopening of Denmark (It Was Planned Years In Advance) ... |

Source (Video Advice)

🦠😷🧼 ~ Europe’s Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren’t Helpful In Beating COVID-19 (Naturalblaze) ~ | Blogger: GREAT article about Denmark, Finland, Holland and Swedish data show that 80-90 percent of people say they “never” wear masks when they go out, a sharp contrast to the 80-90 percent of people in Spain and Italy who say they “always” wear masks when they go out. How, Berlingske, the country’s oldest newspaper, to complain that Danes had positioned themselves “to the right of Trump.” And global stampede of mask-wearing, the top immunologists and epidemiologists in the world can’t decide if masks are helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19. Indeed, we’ve seen organizations like the World Health Organization and the CDC go back and forth in their recommendations... The truth is masks have become the new wedge issue, the latest phase of the culture war. Mask opponents tend to see mask wearers as “fraidy cats” or virtue-signalling “sheeple” who willfully ignore basic science. Mask supporters, on the other hand, often see people who refuse to wear masks as selfish Trumpkins … who willfully ignore basic science (all from the article)... |

🎎🛑🔞 ~ Esau Is CLEVER In His Wickedness: Pedophile "DreamWorks Trolls World Tour" Toddler Toy 😳😳😳😳 ~ | Blogger: WHAT is more disturbing - you find it revolting or they try to "normalize" pedohilia and you think nothing about it... SoTW DO CARE and wish for this to END!... |