Apr 16, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos) Biggest story of today, say Drew, ís the Copenhagen stock exchange fire. Charlie Ward reply is; 'Properly they're getting rid of a old system that they don't need anymore') ~ Apr 16, 2024 ~ |




🏰🔥🗼 (Notre-Dame Spire-Moment. A Comm?) SoTW; To the world who just woke up... ~ Apr 16, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note:  So how can fire "suddenly" break out at Copenhagen's 400-year-old stock market building which is the most iconic and protected in DK. When, 100s of people constantly are working inside at the stock exchange and outside during renovation? Fire chief or the authorities are already "blaming" the roof blacksmiths. So was the fire man-made or a natural disaster? A WH or BH ops? Look. It's HM Queen Margrethe's 84th birthday today. First B-day after abdication and she has cancelled today's celebrations. There's something fishy going on here...

I'm just spitballing here... Every now and then, Russia and Ukraine accuses each other of planning 'false flag' attacks... (just so you know Flase Flags exist since The Gunpowder Plot of 1605)... Seymour Hersh says U.S. caused explosion in the Nord Stream Pipelines (hence, FF ops)... We know ex-CIA Robert David Steele said Notre Dame was a false flag... Ole Damsgaard and Joachim Bartoll will tell you, that, 2022 Copenhagen mall shooting was fake... Nyhetsspeilet - a norwegian fact-checking magazine since 2009 - has 100% proof Anders Breivik and the July 22 Norway Massacre was a false flag. (and recent 2 attacks in Sydney).  

Soooo - what are the odds of a fire? Before fire broke out, 10 construction workers was working on the roof and NOBODY saw anything? Not long ago, 2 bomb threats led to a brief lockdown of the Norwegian parliament. Today, all train traffic throughout Norway is paralyzed due to an error in the communication system... just saying... |

SoTW - private pics + videos -  SoTW was physically on location in Copenhagen at noon today 

🏰🔥🗼 (Det sidste skud i Bøssen, mener Børsen?) Hyldestsang for Børsen kl 16:15 i dag?? Et mærkeligt sammentræf, at spirene falder på samme dag, hvor DDFO-Daisy, fylder 84 år og en officiel flagdag. Hvad i alverden skal danske soldater på Børsen? Ingen ved hvad deres opgave er ~ 16. April 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Talrige soldater har samlet sig foran Børsen (whaaaat?!?)

The Collapse of Danmarks Stock Exchange spires and Danish Chamber of Commerce has fallen (World Trade Center)...

Editor's Note: Mit H-S har sagt, at Daisy abdicerede, tvunget ud af DeHvideHatte grundet Prinsgemalens forfærdeligheder han har begået (Det kan kun ha' noget med drengebørn at gøre sammen med hans bedste ven Christian Kjær og deres paradisø).

Som man måske ved, så er Christiansborg (Slot), hjemsted for Dannevangs parlament aka Folketinget, for Højesteret og Statsministeriet (plus De Kongelige Repræsentationslokaler). Christiansborg er brændt flere gange, en gang brændte nabobygningen Privatbanken, og i begyndelsen af 1990’erne brændte Proviantgaarden i Slotsholmsgade. Alle gange har "dragerne våget over Børsen" - men det er slut nu.

(Danish version of a SERGEANT ROBERT aKa ANDERS BAK): "Kongeriget Danmark og Christiansborg Slot (Saxo kaldet 'Insula Maritima' øen i havet eller 'Den maritime ø'), som ligger på Slotsholmen i hjertet af kraftcenteret i København, har ingen JURIDISK "territorial jurisdiktion eller regeringsførelse" over landmassen eller luftrummet omkring Danmark, som de" lovligt "kan dømme og herske over. Slotsholmen var både kongelig bopæl og hjemsted for landets øverste administration siden år 1043." (IFØLGE Anders Bak Acephali)... | 

SoTW - Dansk Erhvervs direktør, Brian Mikkelsen, hjælper

Slots-gakgak: Staten overtager Fredes spøgelsesslot

SoTW - Dronning Mary strålede i lyst
SoTW - Kæreste i Madrid
Geomagnetisk storm kan give nordlys over Danmark
Omkring 300.000 stod klar til at fejre den nye konge midt i København
Over tre millioner fulgte tronskiftet i de danske stuer
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