Jan 16, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (When You Are Ready To Rise Up...) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Jan 16, 2024 ~ |

When You Are Ready To Rise Up - Replace The Corrupt System - NCSWIC - The Great Awakening!


👁️⃤𓂀🙈🙉🙊 (Sig mig sandheden, jeg vil se og lytte til, om det gør ondt eller ej) Neeej! SoTW siger: "Enten-Eller". Enten går du 'All-In' eller slet ikke 'In.' Sandheden er ilde hørt, som man siger. Men sandheden, skal gøre dig og mig, til frie individer og hvis du ikke kan fortælle sandheden om dig selv, kan du ikke fortælle den om andre mennesker. "Skild dig ikke ud, hvad end du gør"-Herd mentality (mob mentality / crowd mentality) gør bare du har du langt vej hjem igen. ~ 16. Januar 2024 ~ |

(update)Kl 13:50 - øhh undskyld mig, men var det lige 'Kongen' jeg så der kom løbende rundt om Frederiksborg Slotshave (søstien) med 5 PET-livvagter med sig og 1 betjent og 2 ventende civile mod 'Posen'? (han løb stærkt og så gjorde jeg, kunne ikke nå at se det grundet mandsopdækningen) 

EDITOR'S NOTE DISCLAIMER: Verdensalt.dk (SoTW), er en portal for alternative spirituelle nyhedsstrømme, som linker dig videre til flere sandhedssøgende artikler, men du skal da selv gøre en indsats, for at finde DIN SANDHEDSFORM.

Jesus fortsatte: "Enhver, der er af sandhed, hører min røst." I tvivl om, hvad han skal svare, rejste Pilatus det berømte spørgsmål: "Hvad er sandhed?"

Hvordan kan man overhoved finde sandheden der frigør mennesker fra uforløste traumatiske hændelser fra barndommen (fobier, chok, stress osv i din krop, fra nuværende aktuelle liv eller tidligere)?

Det kan være tegn på usikkerhed, utryghed eller ubehag med trængt til at negligere, når vi møder Falske Nyheder, som IKKE er godkendt af vores EGO-forsvarsmur. Dog, fortsætter vi i et væk, at overspille vores rolle som "gammelsmølf", fordi vi danskere, er de bedste (klogeste), dem kan ingen tæske (Olé olé olé). Derfor, lytter vi hellere til forsvarsmuren, fordi, her er vi sikker i havn og skal dermed IKKE, tage stilling til det 'ukendte' farvand (inde i os selv). 

🙃🔄🥴 (SoTW Sundry, Goofy Gaslighting & Tuesday Trolling) Most important thing we've learned so far: 'Black Hats' are the Satanic Controllers from the Highest-Ranking Rabbi(s) inside the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic Judaism Movement. ~ Jan 16, 2024 ~ |

✨ ~ 💓 ('Google update hiding NYPD raided Chadbad jews exposing HU trafficking.') GOOGLE PREPARING FOR COUNTER ATTACK, CHADBAD SECRET TUNNEL BUST, 9 SINS OF SATANISM AND MORE ~ Jan 16, 2024 ~ |

Nyla Nguyen 3D to 5D Consciousness

Google is planning to update their terms and conditions regarding sensitive content moderation. Tune in to find out why. NYPD raided the Chadbad secret tunnels, exposing the human trafficking happening right under people’s feet.

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍🤝 ('Davos Switzerlands theme: “How do we avoid being strung up from lampposts.”) Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis ~ Jan 16, 2023 ~ |


By Benjamin FulfordJanuary 15, 2024 92 Comments

The Satanic Khazarian mafia is reeling and it is time to finish them off once and forever. The exposure of human sacrifice facilities in the basement of Chabad world headquarters in New York has made the whole world aware of what we are dealing with. European truck drivers, farmers and train conductors have shut down EU commerce in a move to remove KM slave governments from power. The State of Texas has declared war on the Washington DC slavers by closing the border and stopping the flow of children destined for torture and sacrifice. The Catholic Church Hierarchy in Latin America and Africa, where the vast majority of Catholics reside, has revolted against the rubber-masked fake KM puppet “Pope” Francis. Similar moves are being seen all over the world.

This is why the KM leadership gathering in Davos Switzerland this week says their theme is “Rebuilding Trust.” Translation: “How do we avoid being strung up from lampposts.”

What is happening is truly biblical in the literal sense of the word. That is because the world is removing from power an ancient cult of human slavers hiding behind monotheism.

Let us recall the moment Thutmoses came down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments because that is the moment the Jewish people were enslaved. The so-called “god” who spoke to the pharaonic Hyksos human slaver Thutmoses demanded gold and silver, aroma oil, sheep skins died red (to hide bloodstains), etc. Since the God who created the universe would have no need of such things; we know we are dealing with human slavers. The first three commandments basically call for complete obedience, for keeping the human identity of “god” secret (make no graven images) and to not bad mouth “god.”