Feb 7, 2015

Archangel Michael's Plea for Peace (An extraordinary invitation to co-create peace on Earth right now...)

Archangel Michael has extended an urgent plea to each of us to co-create peace on Gaia right now. In an unprecedented move Archangel Michael has reached out to us - celestial to human - to embrace and embody this sacred partnership. Michael explains how, with ease and grace, we can anchor this essential aspect of Nova Earth right now. The blue breeze of peace beckons.

Please listen to the InLight Universal broadcast of Hour with An Angel, read the transcript and all kinds of related information on the Council of Love website, and do the channeled meditation that this Mighty Archangel has brought forth daily.

Together, every lightworker and loveholder, as one community, one heart we can do this - we can bring forth this miracle that all of us so deeply yearn for. It's up to us - huge wow!

Please share this with everyone you know - it is too massive an opportunity to not wholeheartedly embrace - right now!

Volunteers Needed!

Part of building community is how each of us are playing various roles in this magnificent unfoldment of the Divine Mother's plan; and of course our plan within that plan. And sometimes that means doing things we wouldn't ordinarily consider our "normal" (whatever that is) role.

The Council of Love has an amazing group of volunteers who literally keep the engine running behind the scene. We have volunteers who are part of the healing team, who transcribe the COL channelings both on-air and off, who edit, work on the website, co-ordinate gatherings - the list is exhaustive - and I am sure for some of our volunteers exhausting at times....

I am in such gratitude and appreciation for our volunteers - without them I would be swamped. Any any volunteer is heartily welcome to join our merry band.

Right now we are in need of individuals who have marketing skills, transcription skills (or willingness), and others who are computer savvy. Do this describe you? I really hope so....

If you are interested in helping out, occasionally or on an ongoing basis, please write our volunteer co-ordinator Jeri Burgdorf at coachburgdorf@gmail.com
Thank you! All my Love, xxx, Linda

(Repost & Reblog) Hvad er kolesterol - faktor og myter, 7. Februar 2015

Udgivet den 30. Juni 2014 af Verdensalt.dk

Update: Hvis jeg overhoved når så langt som at argumentere, hvorfor mine kollagerne eller min far som indtager mængder af kolesterolsænkende medicin ikke burde dropper det? er svaret som ofte, "vi stoler blindt på hvad lægen eller hospitalet har ordineret os og "tør" ikke andet"!!
I de senere år er brugen af kolesterolsænkende lægemidler vokset kraftigt i den vestlige verden. Det mest udbredte middel til at hæmme kolesterolproduktionen er statinpræparater. I Danmark bliver omkring 600.000 mennesker behandlet med statin, heraf 80 pct. med præparatet Simvastatin. 
Uheldigvis lider en stor del af patienterne af muskelsmerter som bivirkning til statin-brug – en bivirkning, man hidtil har stået uforstående overfor. Måske kan denne artikel gøre dig i stand til, at få ny viden om hvordan vi bliver manipuleret af Big Pharma industrien. Du kan også lytte til David Icke mange artikler som modsiger den almene lægevidenskab.

"For højt indhold af kolesterol i blodet er en af de største risikofaktorer for hjertekarsygdom. Du kan ikke selv mærke, om du har forhøjet kolesterol. Derfor er det vigtigt at få dit kolesteroltal målt" - det er præcist hvad hjerteforeningen skriver på Deres hjemmeside, men er det nu også helt rigtigt?, lyder for mig som en ordineret lægerecept eller taget fra medicinalindustriens opspind og vildledelse.

Hvordan kan vi sikre os, at det lægen ordinerer med medikamenter fra gruppen af statiner, eller i nogen tilfælde triglyceridsænkende midler, ikke er mere sundhedsskadeligt end det gavner?

Uffe Ravnskov har mange eksempler på de mange metoder, som medicinalindustrien og deres bforskere anvender for at vildlede os; hvordan det har været muligt at forvandle hvidt til sort ved at ignorere alt det, der taler imod ved at overdrive eller forvanske trivielle forskningsresultat, ved at citere modstridige resultater på en måde så at læseren får indtrykket at de støtter hypotesen, ved at ignorere, undertrykke eller latterliggøre kritiske forskere eller deres resultater, og ved at publicere manipulerede resultater i de videnskabelige tidsskrifter.

Min egen artikel er hentet direkte fra allerede publiceret version via Luella May blog, Luella kalder sig sundheds-advokat og forfatter som hjælper folk til at helbrede naturligt. Her også et link til Uffe Ravnskov som er Dr. med. og forfatteren til bogen The Cholesterol Myths 

The David Icke Videocast: The Inversion - The World Is Upside Down

Published on Feb 6, 2015

Extract from David  webcast "Cannot stress enough - Sunglasses are bad for you! Why? It's Fundamental to human health that we receive light through our eyes and pineal gland in the brain, which will then transform it to different electrochemical forms which is then communicated through the body! The inversion is in effect now, that we should fear the SUN and fear cholesterol - If we dont get enough sunlight, we dont recieve the very important Vitamin D"   

The NSA’s message from the Extraterrestrials, on their website! (stonewalling until last minute before declassification, messages from our galactic friends?)

Extracted from Cosmic Vision News 07. Februar 2015 CET ( 50:00 ) NSA WEBSITE HAS DOCUMENT PROVING DISCLOSURE.

Link to NSA UFO Documents --> https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/declass/ufo/

(ufointernationalproject.com) Not a lot of people realise this but the NSA have on their website proof of Extraterrestrial contact under the title “Key to the Extraterrestrial messages”  This is a hugely important step towards Disclosure and something which is far too overlooked by the UFO community. The original document was cleared for public release back in October 2004, but strangely not ‘officially’ released into the Public Domain until April 2011! Such an important document needs to be seen by the world as this is on the NSA’s actual website, sat there waiting for all to see. We want Disclosure of Alien contact, then here you go!

This one small step, yet ‘Giant Leap For Mankind’, is best described as a ‘treasure trove’. Of the documents available, one is particularly interesting from the NSA Technical Journal Vol XIV No 1 with FOIA Case number 41472 which has been titled ‘Extraterrestrial Intelligence’. The document authored by a Dr. Campaigne, presents a series of 29 messages received from outer space. Here’s an extremely interesting snippet from the journal:

“Recently a series of radio messages was heard coming from outer space. The transmission was not continuous, but cut by pauses into pieces which could be taken as units, for they were repeated over and over again. The pauses show here as punctuation. The various combination have been represented by letters of the alphabet, so that the messages can be written down. Each message except the first is given here only once. The serial number of the messages has been supplied for each reference.”

If anybody ever mocks you for believing in Aliens, then please feel free to steer them towards the NSA’s website!

NSA Document Admits ET Contact
Read more

Cosmic Vision News 07. Februar 2015 CET

Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de senestebegivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN omhandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag: GoldenAgeOfGaia.com, kan lyttes til direkte/downloades/MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio

11. ( 75:51 ) ANNOUNCEMENT
Direct Link --> http://inlightuniversal.com/2015/02/05/cosmic-vision-news-06feb15/

Not possible to embed into blog anymore

SaLuSa update - February 7, 2015 CET

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey 06-02-2015
© 2015 TreeOfTheGoldenLight

Turmoil continues upon your Earth, yet at the same time the Light is continuing to increase adding strength to those who are spreading the Light.

We cannot yet predict when it will become the dominant force, but that time is fast approaching. With the ever increasing levels of Light there can be no other outcome, and it is noticeable that more people than ever are ready to actively show their support for the Lightworkers.

As time progresses there will be a coming together of many more people, and their work will help to hasten the true beginning of Ascension. We encourage you to remain safely within your Light, and to not get directly involved in vendettas against the dark Ones. They will meet an end dictated by their actions against Humanity over Millennia of time. They have set the path in motion that leads to their demise, and an end to their actions against those of the Light.

Breaking News From Benjamin Fulford's Russian Sources - February 7, 2015 CET

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007. 

The War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group in order to create new Khazaria, and start WWIII by forcing Russia to bring military forces to Donbass:

Udgivet af Benjamin den 7. Februar 2015 CET (Full Story)

1st Post From Benjamin Fulford.....

Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of Vanguard Corporation, with almost a billion of high quality fake dollars, printed by Vanguard Corporation. This employee (is a member of the State Department), and now, during his interrogations, he “put under bus” Vanguard Corporation with all of its companies and “putting under bus” Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan and others…

He testified how the Vanguard Corporation has printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid to mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, etc and paid mercenaries of Greystone and ISIS. He testifies about connections and oil deals between Vanguard Corporation and ISIS.

He said,
In February, Ukraine’s position has become critical because they cannot pay the new prices for Russian gas. EU, especially the Germans, tried to act as arbitrators. Then from this bitch Susan Rice order came to us directly from Nuland that snipers must create “a bit of panic.”

On the day after that Ukraine has a new government, chosen mainly Nuland and John McCain from the National Republican Institute.

When the US administration recognize that the snipers were trained NATO (in Poland – TV), and the whole operation was organized by Vanguard, the CIA and the State Department – Obama almost had a heart attack.

Now he realizes that he is nothing more than a puppet on a string in our theater, the bloody nigger. Originally stupid Nazis had to kill many more women and children in order to drive Putin into a corner so that he was forced to intervene in the war.

But all this just shows that you can teach a pig to shoot, but do not teach her to think. By the way, when the May 18 “Ukrainian” troops attacked Sloviansk, 19 FBI agents and CIA were killed and 14 injured. Greystone lost 17, Academi 59 people.

“FBI agents” were actually people of Vanguard. With forged documents desk they received special Ukrainian identity cards that give them power over all Ukrainian police forces.

He described how all of the major mass murders and atrocities were organized by the Vanguard Corporation and Greystone mercenaries; how he communicated with Igor Kolomoyskiy and how together they were spreading fake dollars in Ukraine…

Germans promised him freedom, to hide him and support if he will tell everything he knows…

Also, two other employees of the Vanguard Corporation stole millions of fake dollars, and pretended that they were high jacked by Novorossiyan militia and murdered. Greystone and Vanguard Corporation have send their mercenaries to Novorossiya and killed one of them and return the second.., after which they brought him to London to their hospital and murdered him, saying that he died from a heart attack. His wife, a famous enough person has now provided information to important people and blackmails the Vanguard Corporation…

Shocked Merkel and President Francois Hollande on their way to Moscow…

Benjamin Fulford

2nd Post From Benjamin Fulford.....

More raw intelligence from the Russians: