Dec 31, 2024

πŸ™ ~ πŸ’(Just because you can't see the enemy doesn't mean it isn't there) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Dec 31, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: I do not have a New Years speech like German "Scholzomat" who promises to support Ukraine "like no other in Europe" and fiercely attacks Putin and Elon Musk. I do not have any groupies, followers or trolls, who makes demands, to SoTW. This is a free blogging platform and nobody gives me any money or donations, at all. I'm a free spirit influencer with no fear or ego, who goes where pretty much everyone thinks, but nobody dares to talk about. I do not expect anything or have any spirit attachments and therefore, do not get disappointed. My NY wishes is world peace, spiritual abundance, prosperity and unconditional love for me and everyone who wish to receive it. P.S.: I will change/transfer domain .dk to .com soon due to new draconian laws (EU Directive NIS2, Article 28, will be implemented into Danish legislation). In which, it makes it almost impossible, to be anonymous truther with govt bullying and harassment (unlimted power)... |

SoTW - Looking forward - Carter State Funeral - will there be a 2nd note from CIC Trump?

GAME OVER: The Envelopes That Shattered the Cabal’s Secrets!

πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower Comes ForwardπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
 πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡Elon Musk Exposed 2.0 πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 
SoTW - Can we trust Elon Musk V2 which Trump has given him so much power??  

Dec 30, 2024

☢️π–₯‚✨ (New Cobra Situation Update) A big breakthrough on December 21th allows a huge intake of Light into the interplanetary space... Some of the “drones” are plasma engine craft similar to TR3-B nuclear sniffers... All Secret space program entities has either removed from the Solar system or forced to escape closer to Earth... ~ Dec 30, 2024 ~ |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement etc. P.S.: To understand  C.O.B.R.A. R.M. completely, you need to have been in "Cobra School" like SoTW. Buuutt, I don't trust everything said. I only take in what resonates with me and my higher self... |   

Saturday, December 28, 2024

A huge breakthrough happened on December 21st, when one portion of Pleiadian fleet was able to permanently anchor itself in key postilions throughout the Agartha network, and in the stratosphere as cloaked ships above key surface locations. This is a very important key step towards the final liberation of the surface.

One part of this Pleiadian fleet will start attempting strong healing sequences to many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, healing their inner child, their connection with the soul star chakra, healing their wounded heart chakra and connection between their heart chakra and sexual energy. The success of these healing sequences greatly deepens on how the anomaly will react, but there have been certain successes already:

Another part of this fleet will work with the planetary energy grid by activating energy vortexes around the planet and by upgrading the Tachyon chambers, cintamani stones and moldavites to the next level. At this point, more Tachyon chambers are needed on the surface of the planet to strengthen that grid.

Now Ascension process can finally begin again inside Agartha after long wait since 1996, and a group of Agarthans is scheduled to Ascend in 2025:

The Agartha network has fully activated their global system of underground tunnels that is roughly following Dragon leylines, connecting many underground Agarthan cities with high speed magnetohydrodynamic trains. Blue Dragon Agartha network has completely activated its main tunnel network that goes below Xian-Wuhan-Fuzhou-Taipei-Keelung-Kagoshima-Kyoto.

Here are some abandoned entrances into that tunnel network that were closed many decades ago:

This huge breakthrough was only possible because all negative Jesuit factions have been removed from the interplanetary space.

πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘¦‍πŸ‘¦πŸŒπŸ€(Benjamin Fulford's Preview Weekly Report) P3 NESARA / GESARA Jubilee & Mass-Murder Beijing-Biden ~ Dec 30, 2024 ~ |


SoTW - Bankrupt the US Corporation and declare the Republic or else become Chinese slaves

By Benjamin Fulford December 30, 2024

This is the choice Americans and people of the world now face. New evidence confirms the Biden administration was a Chinese-controlled government. That means the current Chinese leadership was complicit in the global mass murder by vaccine campaign that started in 2020 when Biden was installed as a Chinese proxy.

This picture of Joe Biden flying into China as a US Vice-President and introducing his son Hunter to Chinese President Xi Jinping shows the betrayal. Hunter was later given shares in a Chinese company, access to young Chinese actresses and who knows what else. In exchange the Biden regime carried out the vaccine mass murder campaign from 2020 to 2023.

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The aim was to force the entire planet into a digital open air prison where access to food and other essentials for living were to be centrally controlled.

This is the situation in China now. A friend who recently visited there said he was unable to use Western credit cards and was not allowed to apply for Chinese digital money. His only alternative was cash but nobody accepted it. This means the Chinese people are now controlled by “social credit scores” and can have their money cut off as punishment for any form of disobedience.

✈πŸ’₯πŸ”πŸ”₯(The ZetaTalk Newsletter) Airlines Disasters & Fire Breathing Chicken (And Much More) ~ Dec 30, 2024 ~ |

Issue 956, Sunday, January 5, 2025

Airlines Disasters

On Christmas Eve, American Airlines shut down all their flight in the US for an hour, citing a “technical issue”. The technical issue was never explained, but the Down Detector site shows American Airlines flatlined at that time, and other airlines were struggling. Presumably the airlines were having problems with the ACARS system. The Thousand Eyes site also showed unexplained outages in the New York City region, the worst hit in the world at that time.

American Airlines Grounds Flights Nationwide because of Technical Issue
December 24, 2024
Massive flight stoppages have snarled the plans of numerous travelers in the past. Two years ago, Southwest Airlines experienced a meltdown with its systems during the holidays that led to 16,900 flight cancellations and stranded 2 million passengers. It was eventually fined $140 million in the largest-ever civil penalty for a travel disruption.
American Airlines is Boarding Flights again, and the FAA Lifts its Nationwide Groundstop
December 24, 2024
American Airlines said a “technical issue” had delayed all of its flights in the United States. But the company began boarding flights again at around 8 am ET, airline spokeswoman Sarah Jantz told CNN. The Federal Aviation Administration lifted its nationwide groundstop order for all American flights. The FAA in a statement said American requested a nationwide ground stop but it referred all questions to the airline for more information.
In aviation, ACARS (an acronym for Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) is a digital datalink system for transmission of short messages between aircraft and ground stations via airband radio or satellite. The protocol was designed by ARINC and deployed in 1978, using the Telex format. More ACARS radio stations were added subsequently by SITA. ACARS as a term refers to the complete air and ground system, consisting of equipment on board, equipment on the ground, and a service provider. Generally, ground ACARS units are either government agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration, an airline operations headquarters, or, for small airlines or general aviation, a third-party subscription service.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 12/24/2024: Why were all the airlines affected by an internet outage on December 24, when retailers and social media were not so affected? Do the airlines use a particular communication platform? Yes, the ACARS system was designed to reach through vast distances in the air to ground control units below. This link is thus very vulnerable to any EMP disruption caused by the charged Petrol and Red Dust in the atmosphere and increased electronic screech in the ripping rock below.

Note that early on December 24 the Down Detector site indicated all airlines having communication problems, with American Airlines flatlining. Internet outage maps show New York City heavily affected at this time. Note that both the New Madrid and Ramapo Fault lines touch this region. American Airline did the right thing to shut down promptly and should be congratulated. Our advice is to forgo any air travel unless absolutely necessary.  Air France 447 was a warning, and should be heeded. 

πŸ‘️⃤π“‚€πŸ€–⚧️πŸ’₯(Hemingway, Dostojevskij eller Kafka?) "Copy-Kath" Diez-transformationen indrΓΈmmer hun er 'dum, desperat og deprimeret' ~ 30. Dec 2024 ~ |

En frygtelig kvinde: "The Great Diez" og “Womansplaining”, #MeToo og de krΓ¦nkende 'misogyne mΓ¦nd'... 

... NytΓ₯rstale med talentlΓΈse "Woke" JP/Politikens Hus har valgt at give ordet og en gravkammer-alvorlig sort/hvid setting til Γ₯rets forfatter. "Det er mit ΓΈnske for det nye Γ₯r at se flere kvinder sΓ¦tte ild til lortet – ikke at se flere lorte sΓ¦tte ild til kvinder."...

... "Frimureriet" og/eller "Illuminati" (i mangel af et bedre ord) HADER feminiteter. Derfor, har man altid "trans-formeret", isΓ¦r drengebΓΈrn, om til pigebΓΈrn (og omvendt), i disse okkulte magtfulde "Canaanite Culture"-familier ... 

... At vΓ¦re "Gay" giver dem helt unikke fordele i Medier, Underholdning og Sportsverden (m.fl.). Smukke (trans eller gay) 'kvinder og mΓ¦nd' har en ekstrem magt grundet den LOOSH-energi, de modtager fra de 'savlende' slaver ...

Udgivet den 30. December 2024 af Verdensalt

Kommer til at stΓΈde en masse, mennesker, nu. Det er en lille leg og ikke, den store glΓΈdepΓ¦re-konspiration (ja jeg skrev rigtigt - frimureriet kan ikke udstΓ₯ det feminine aspekt - vi lever i omvendtslev, husk det) ...   

Som en lille opvarmer, vil jeg bare gentage mig selv, igen (igen). Frimureriet kom til Danmark i 1743 fra England (officielt). Men, "verdensherredΓΈmmet", har eksisteret i et millenium (europΓ¦iske Kongehuse.) Derfor har, lad os kalde det, "frimureriet" og selvstΓ¦ndige bevΓ¦gelser og institutioner, totalt infiltreret Dannevang (og verden over) i en menneskealder. 

Vi lever ikke KUN i en 'mandeverden" som du og jeg, tror det med gamle stereotype hvide underprivilegeret mΓ¦nd, som styrer, en postmoderne og promiskuΓΈse verdensorden. Nej, vi lever i en verden, hvor en lille flok, men meget meget magtfulde, "diabolister", tilbeder en gede-gudinde AKA Baphomet / Sabbatic Goat, med  "han-" og "hunkΓΈnsorganer" (og 2 smilende bΓΈrnlille).

Geden forestiller en hermafroditisk bevinget menneskeskikkelse med hovedet og fΓΈdderne af en ged, der er prydet med talrige esoteriske symboler. Baphomet er samtidig et af de mest ikoniske og esoteriske okkulte symboler, praktisk talt synonymt med selve okkultismen. Den britiske okkultist Aleister Crowley, som mange danskere tilbeder som en gudeskikkelse blandt tarot m.m., adopterede ogsΓ₯ Baphomet, isΓ¦r i sin "gnostiske messe".

MΓ₯ske, begynder man, at forstΓ₯, hvorfor Dannevang, er NUMERO UNO pΓ₯ kvindebevΓ¦gelser, Me-Too og LGBT fronten. De danske toppolitikerer og kendisser fra centraladministrationen, er enten lesbiske, bΓΈsser eller biseksuelle ("trans-fomeret" eller LGBT-personer).  

Mange unge danske kvindelige "kendisser" og "influenter" tjener sine millioner pΓ₯ (skjulte) reklamer, mandehadende mediestunts pΓ₯ TV og clickbait-tabloidmedier, pΓ₯ netop, at vΓ¦re "OnlyFans"-smuk og “perfekt” feminin som fx Mai Manniche eller Fie Laursen m.fl. Mens, de faktisk, leverer og udstrΓ₯ler maskulinitet, i et topstyret (trans-formeret-gayish) Frimureri, som 'Kontrolleret Opposition' (KO).

Imens Red Pill “bro-fluencers” tilbyder tvivlsomme “lΓΈsninger”. Ja, mΓ¦nd, har mange problemer og flest selvmordsprΓ¦get. Mennesker generelt, har ikke balanceret sit maskuline og feminine aspekt og er skrupforvirret over, der findes 72 kΓΈn, at vΓ¦lge imellem.      

Tit, er det bare sΓ₯danne, at det ikke kun er mΓ¦nd, som har store udfordringer, kvindelige influencere, lider ogsΓ₯ et knΓ¦k, og bliver diagnosticeret med tillΓ¦gsdiagnoser og ADHD/ADD-problematik har stress, angst eller depression som fx Mascha Vang

Influenter, der sΓ¦rligt henvender sig til bΓΈrn og unge, fΓ₯r sig nogle trofaste fΓΈlgere og en 'loyal betinget kΓ¦rligheds-skare', der bliver manipuleret, radikaliseret og hjernevasket.

Hvorfor skulle den "psyko-bΓΈsse" der har flere personlighedsforstyrrelser end Fie Laursen, Dennis Knudsen sige, at Janni Rees nye kΓ¦reste Jeppe Stokholm, ikke var ham, fordi de ligner hinanden, pΓ₯ en prik? 

TΓ¦nk hvis Janni Vrææææ og hendes bedste veninde Ditte OKMand[D] eller Calcutta-barnet,  Ulla Essendrop, er fΓΈdt mΓ¦nd!?! Ville du sΓ₯ stadigvΓ¦k have en nΓΈgen foldud-"pige" plakat pΓ₯ din vΓ¦g? Hvorfor vΓ¦lter hun sig i mails med helt unge mΓ¦nd pΓ₯ 28 Γ₯r, der vil have sex med hende?

Ja, det er sgu sindssygt - men tro mig - man forsΓΈgte sig allerede med verdens fΓΈrste sex operation pΓ₯ Einar Wegener som blev til, Lili Elbe, i 1930. Det mislykkes delvis han/hun, dΓΈde af det, siger man. 

Vi ved, at det omvendte kors er satanismens symbol. Vi ved, at Kirsten Birgit er alle journalisters kΓ¦ledΓ¦gge og Frederik Cilius er klΓ¦dt ud som en kvindelig karakter (ultra fascist, ultra racist og  ultra zionist). Er Rasmus og Frederik jomfru-kult-tilbedere?

Vi ved, at i mange EuropΓ¦iske monarkier er det velkendt. at hvis en babydreng kommer til verden, bliver vedkommende, lavet om til en babypige. 2 kΓΈn skulle give vedkommende mere sort magick og magt i disse moloch-kredse.

Vi ved, at Michelle Obama AKA 'Big Mike' eller 'Michael' er trans (beholdt sin KΓ†MPE tissetrold). Hvis rigtige navn er Michael LaVaughn Robinson. Vi ved, at Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro er bΓΈsse fΓΈdt og opvokset i kenya, muslim og et CIA asset... |

SoTW - En "BΓΈsse" med ekstrem meget magt - SΓ₯ alvorlig er Sass Larsens sygdom
SoTW - slΓ₯ det op. Jeg finder ikke pΓ₯ det.
SoTW - hun ligner en mand sΓ₯ er det sagt - Obamas danske darling afslΓΈret - Sahra-Josephine Hjorth
SoTW - 'Kirsten i en Diez-kopi. Jeg alvorligt SKREG, da jeg fangede hvad det handlede om'
(sgu da ogsΓ₯ pΓ₯ tide af 
Cilius // Bruun laver noget sjovt. VΓ¦ret DØDT i flere Γ₯r afsnit 48+49)
SoTW - hvad hvis nogle er "mænd"?
SoTW - 'I den seneste tid har stΓΈtten til monarkiet nΓ¦rmest vΓ¦ret i frit fald' 
SoTW - United Grand Lodge of England

SoTW - underholdende hvis vi ser pΓ₯ en 'kvindelig' Mads Mikkelsen 
MM - "Nattens Engel" Fanpop
SoTW - siger alle "truthers" som ogsΓ₯ siger hun er/var en "trans-formeret" 'mand'
SoTW - Kongen af vrΓΈvl - Hvis DDFO-Daisy blev "Trans-formeret" er Frede-Fup ogsΓ₯?  Og mexicanske Genoveva Casanova en mand - hvad med Mary-Maz?

SoTW - Da Claus Meyer mΓΈdte Barack Obama (1 gay + 1 gay = gayish)
SoTW - det er rygter og kommer ikke fra mig selv, sagde hunden
SoTW - meget meget feminin antræk
SoTW - Iris Knobloch, Cannes and #MeTooCinΓ©ma

SoTW - hardcore diabolist og "manden" i forholdet
SoTW - mand ja mΓ₯ske men en femboy af natur - Den hΓ₯rde tid i rummet
SoTW - Linda P deler trist nyhed (
SoTW - DDFO-Daisy kendt som lesbisk og vΓ¦ret i seng med Susse Wold
SoTW - bedsteven Matias Vestergaard er med i "ForrΓ¦der - Diez’ cirkus tager overhΓ₯nd 
SoTW - thereallarslars - sjov, sagelig og satanist?
SoTW - Ville du som nr. 1000 gΓ₯r i seng med en "Trans-formeret" Linse? - Linse pΓ₯ tur - SΓ¦son 2 - Afsnit 2
SoTW - (20+) Frimurer symboler og agenda | Facebook
SoTW - (12) Facebook

SoTW - hvad vil Janni ligne uden makeup? Janni Pedersen lignede en dreng
SoTW -jeg ved ingenting leger bare med tanken
SoTW - Christiane Schaumburg-MΓΌller Aaxman og Sarah GrΓΌnewald.
SoTW - den rΓΈde lΓΈber er rullet ud - Gallup 1947: Hvad er det bedst at vΓ¦re - mand eller kvinde?
A Wild Investigation of Transvestigators, the People Who Think Celebs Are All Trans
Velbekendt rygte at alle fra Charlie's Angels er Trans som mange "Qkvins" er i Hollyweird