Mar 10, 2024

👁️⃤𓂀🤞🥴🔫 (Uhhh jeg kan blive SÅ tovlig) Rygtemøllen har været på overarbejde: Pludseligt pif paf puf, står der en 20 år yngre dugfrisk (trans-formeret) CGI? skabt Kate, med nærmest gruopvækkende storsmilende børnlille, der viser os okkulte fingertegn ~ 10. Marts 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Princeandprincessofwales
Chok ved Buckingham Palace: Mand torpederede ind i porten
 (endeligt et bevis på slottet er forseglet og lukket ned år tilbage)

Editor's Note: Kate var Diagnosticeret med én af de mest alvorlige mave-tarmsygdom som Crohns sygdom. Det er lidt det samme, da de første billeder kom ud af (trans-formeret) storsmilende DDFO-Daisy, der blev hyldet af folket i Fredensborg med fakkeltog, efter den mest alvorlige operation, man kan have, i "mands"-minde. De tager så meget pis på os, jeg kunne græde af grin. Men danskerne nægter, at se sandheden, i øjnene. De vil hellere gå døden i møde for deres idoler og skære hånden af, for at bevare glansbilledet. Uden sammenligning, så har Lady Gaga, vist os op til flere gange, hun har en penis, og har sagt, at hendes fans, er ligeglade. P.S.: Tæt på sandheden med Jonatan Spang tyvstjal "Freaky-Friday" konceptet fra SoTW. Dejligt at se, nogle, læser min blog... |

SoTW - Hvad i kagerullens navn er det, der foregår med DJ?
SoTW - Når det både er festligt og giver mening.
SoTW- Har du lagt mærke til detaljen
14 Illuminati Symbols and Their Meanings - Enlisted Here - Spiritual Ray

SoTW -

SoTW - (2) Kathrine Krogh Hoffmann | Facebook (slettet åbenbart) 

SoTW - Komikeren Christian Fuhlendorff
Forsvaret har kastet knap en halv million efter Fuhlendorff-podcast
Staten generhvervede sidste år gammel ammunitionsfabrik for 20 millioner.
SoTW - Herbert Pundik var spion for Israel -

SoTW - Trine Bjerrehuus har fået over 10.000 likes
(6) Facebook
SoTW - Anders Holch Povlsen modtager Tietgenmedaljen
Kong Frederik snupper Bettina Jensens ridderkors

🙏 ~ 💝 (It's an OMG J.F.D.I. Worlds Full of Trannies) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Mar 10, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: Drinking the Kool-Aid: Butterfly transformation "Male-to-Female" Transgender, Trans and Transsexual women. Could Brigitte Macron, Michelle Obama and Taylor Swift + 1000 more celebs be somehow inverted, what is normal in the Dark Occult families & Hollyweird, because, mixing male and female sexual black magician energy, are more powerful?... | 
SoTW - Furious Emmanuel Macron finally speaks out...

⚕️❤️🐎 (3 x 7 = 21) The Seven Horsemen of the Pharmaceutical Apocalypse ~ Mar 10, 2024 ~ |

Posted on 03/09/2024 by EraOfLightLeave a reply

By John C. A. Manley

The seven horsemen of the pharmaceutical apocalypse may have arrived:

In an open letter, seven ministers of the UK parliament have requested (demanded would have been better) that the Office of National Statistics publish a comprehensive analysis of deaths of vaccinated and unvaccinated people to prove or disprove whether the mRNA injections are “safe and effective” or “dangerous and defective.”

After all, a lot of people are dying. MP Andrew Bridgen has been speaking out about excess deaths and the dangers of the clot shots since 2021. Now he has six more MPs willing to join him in his war against big pharma’s depopulation and profit scheme.

Now, yes, I know there were only four horsemen of the apocalypse in the Bible, but considering our horsemen are all politicians, four is probably not enough. I’ll take seven.

After all, seven is a holy number: seven days of creation; seven chakras; seven Harry Potter novels…

But even better than seven, would be three times seven.

Three is also a holy number: the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; The Fellowship of the Rings, The Two Towers and The Return of the King…

3 x 7 = 21

🎴🔮😊 (SoTW; Nice - I'll believe it when I see it) A reading about Walter Epie's prophecy for Scandinavia /Sweden - Tarot and Oracle Card ~ Mar 10, 2024 ~|

Editors' Note: With Novo Nordisk 4,000 billion Danish kroner worth Big Pharma company and Johnson & Johnson's subsidiary Janssen-Cilag, generating 3.35 billion Swedish kroner, I'll believe it when i see it. Since, it cost money to join Tarot By Janine, I highly recommend, Izabela. Free from any advertising, never gets upset or personal offended or megalomaniac melodrama, like Janine, sometimes does. Izabela is a straight shooter and keps to the cards and the matter in hand. It's all up to you and what resonates with your inner belief-system... |

🙃🔄🥴 (SoTW Sunday Sundry) Breaker one-nine, this here's the Rubber Duck! ~ Mar 10, 2024 ~ |

🧈⚜️💰👑 (The Anunnaki's Gold Rush is Over) It is said the closer you get to Nirvana or Heaven which is a state of consciousness the more the demons rear their ugly heads ~ Mar 10, 2024 ~ |