Oct 1, 2017

Journalista.dk | 28. September 2017 | Lars Bjørknæs - Cand. jur. og markedsøkonom | Venstrefløjspartier ansætter kun danskere – men afviser bevidst at fravælge udlændinge | .. Partikontorerne hos Enhedslisten, Alternativet, Det Radikale Venstre, Socialdemokratiet og SF er på det nærmeste renset for udlændinge. Men partierne mener alene at det skyldes, at man har ansat de bedst kvalificerede .. |

READ MORE: http://journalista.dk/venstrefloejspartier-ansaetter-kun-danskere-men-afviser-bevidst-at-fravaelge-udlaendinge/

Reuters | Oct 1, 2017 | Man shouting "Allahu Akbar" kills two at French train station before being shot dead -- IS flag found after ‘terrorist’ rampage in Canada: 1 officer, 4 civilians injured | Blogger: False Flag Terror season has been kickstarted again.. Lots of FF Ops happening - so it seems - we don't know, but we're NOT stupid.. |

Emergency services vehicles are seen outside the Saint-Charles train station after French soldiers shot and killed a man who stabbed two women to death at the main train station in Marseille, France, October 1, 2017. REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier
READ MORE: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-security-marseille/man-shouting-allahu-akbar-kills-two-at-french-train-station-before-being-shot-dead-idUSKCN1C61DC?il=0

VT Today | Aug 17, 2017 | ~ 8/17/17 Barcelona False Flag? Five Reasons to Suspect a False Flag ~ | 💨RT: 10/01/17: Barcelona mayor: Over 893 people injured, police must stop attacking ‘defenseless population’. 3 arrested including a child for breach of peace💨| VT: 8/17/17: Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor: .. My correspondent in Spain writes (re: Barcelona vehicular homicide):💣💣💣 It is a “False Flag” Kevin.. Hundreds of main and small details. On top of that: is the Independence of Cataluña for the first october 2017.. They are sending the army to Cataluña in order to stop the arrival of the Toyotas from the desert💣💣💣- The Spanish government is staging a “Je Suis Charlie” scene in an attempt to “unite the SPANISH people” (and underline the Catalan independence movement?) |💥Conclusion💥| 1. The 911 tag (more or less at 9.11 pm the first explosion) and the pattern of leaving behind ID’s, allows us to link the Barcelona attack to all the other events with 911 hallmark before. Especially the 911 tag hints to a globalist elite performing their agenda, in this case, shooting against the separatist movement (it’s not just a catalan elite, but goes from left to right, the full spectrum). But after all somebody is responsible for this separation proces, and this would be the catalan elite. The slogan “no tinc por” could be read as the middlefinger that the catalan elite shows to the globalists, that try to intimidate and frighten the leading elite of this movement. If this is the case, we should take very serious the ISIS warning of more attacks | 2. Because of the apparent innocence of the Ripoll boys, we thought about two teams, team A the patsys (Ripoll boys), maybe to a certain degree involved, but not as criminal as we are told and team B, real terrorists (Alcanar), at least the imam, with ties to secret services, whoever that is. But we can consider now the possibility of secret service connexions (would be in charge of the globalist agenda) and add a third team C, “the professionals” 💥 |

We will report this story on False Flag Weekly News tomorrow, Friday, live at 11 a.m. Eastern at NoLiesRadio.org – to be quickly archived HERE.
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

My correspondent in Spain writes (re: Barcelona vehicular homicide):
It is a “False Flag” Kevin
Hundreds of main and small details.
On top of that: is the Independence of Cataluña for the first october 2017… They are sending the army to Cataluña in order to stop the arrival of the Toyotas from the desert.
I am still waiting for him to send the details, which I will vet and report on False Flag Weekly News tomorrow.
Here are five reasons to immediately suspect a possible false flag.
1. Spain is experiencing an existential crisis as the Catalonia Independence Referendum, scheduled for October, approaches. Could elements of the Spanish national government, and its NATO friends, be looking for an excuse to militarily occupy Catalonia in advance of the referendum?
2. The date 8/17/17 (or 17/8/17 in the European system) looks like typical illuminati numerology. The digits resolve into two 1s (11) and two 7s (77). (And the 8 is a “1 + 7). Remember the planes that hit the Towers? 11 and 77, of course. Britain’s biggest modern terror event was on 7/7. A suspiciously disproportionate number of false flag events seem to coincide with dates featuring the numeral 11 and its multiples.
3. Israel is angry with Spain, whose municipalities are leading the world in divesting from the Zionist Entity.
SPECIFICS (admittedly skimpy so far, since this just happened)
4. The van driver supposedly began running people over outside a kosher restaurant.
5. The alleged terrorist were considerate enough to have dropped off a passport featuring an Arabic name (Driss Oukabir) when they abandoned the van. The routine drop of an ID card or passport fingering or leading to a patsy is Standard Operating Procedure for false flaggers.
I will try to keep this article updated. Feel free to sound off in the comments.

7/18/16 3:30 Central
I am in Chicago waiting for a plane to Dallas, where I’ll be speaking at the Muslim Congress this weekend.  Here are some items that have come in.
-“A passport found in the van took the police to the Alcanar house where bombs were being prepared.”
That was very considerate of the terrorist to throw down a passport to help the police locate his safe house full of explosives. Obviously we shouldn’t be at all skeptical of a story like this, since “radical Islamic terrorists” ALWAYS throw down their passports to assist police. For details, check out Michel Chossudovsky’s new article Barcelona Manchester Berlin Paris Nice London New York: Passports and IDs Mysteriously Discovered in the Wake of Terror Attacks.
-The Spanish government is staging a “Je Suis Charlie” scene in an attempt to “unite the SPANISH people” (and underline the Catalan independence movement?)
-One of my best European sources writes:
Indicators :
1. All Culprits dead.
Reason given: Wearing “bomb”-belts.
2. A connection is made to a prior major FALSE FLAG : 9/11.
“…Random attacks against unarmed civilians were seen as ineffective, and even counter-productive in terms of garnering public support in the Muslim world.
The 9/11 attack was launched against targets seen by al-Qaida as symbolsk of US economic, political and military power….”.
3. Passport found inside vehicle.
4. SITE INTEL GROUP claiming a fake terror group behind attacks.
5. Picture of young child “missing” to stirr empathy 
6. The application of Impossibilities :
One police man kills 4 “terrorist”.
All in order for the psyop to go smoother.

SITSSHOW \\ Victurus Libertas VL | Sep 29, 2017 | Netflix Crosses The Line With SICK Adult Cartoon "Big Mouth" - Promotes Child Sexualization & More | Blogger: Please be aware, disturbing content, when you break it down... |

Warning - Adult Content is discussed in this video. 
If you find this cartoon as disgusting as I do, contact Netflix and have them remove this before it gets started. 
Not only is this content overtly laden with sexual content, there are many subliminal symbols as well. 
The full disgusting promo can be found here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk_Bo...

Verdensalt | Reblog | 30. September 2017 | Avisen: Fogh i krig for sit eftermæle: Løkke og Thorning blegner ved siden af mig. Mantra: ""Der er intet at komme efter"".. | Blogger: Jeg er ked af at sige det, Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen er en farlig mand (Mogens Lykketofts egne ord). For mig som almindelig borger, står han som en magtliderlig hustyran, lystløgner, en knækket mand med en emotionelt ustabil personlighedsforstyrrelse. Lider han af PTSD? Foghs parlamentariske grundlag blev lagt i ruiner, da han overfor Weekendavisen i et interview forklarede, at den vigtigste kamp om danskernes holdning skal udkæmpes på ord, ikke love (smedet fra brændeovne og George Orwells fremtidsroman '1984'). Hvis vi åbnede Pandoras æske (Statsministeriets særlige sikkerhedsarkiv) så vil vi blive chokerede over at finde Fogh's hemmelige notat, der varslede støtte til USA et år før Irakkrigen. Nogle proklamere ligefrem, at Anders Fogh Rasmussen er homoseksuel og medlem af den sataniske kult, "Skull & Bones" (gren af Illuminati-organisationen), men verdensmand og magtmenneske, det er han sgu. Er helt sikker på Fogh var en del af TheDeepStates' agenda, et redskab, talerør og håndlanger. Sikkert 'tvunget' ind i en kompleks ritualiseret offerkultur. Vi ved, at Politiets muligheder for at få anerkendt PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) som en erhvervssygdom, er lig NULL. Vi kan heller ikke tilkende Fogh med PTSD som 'hardcore' krigsveteran, dog har han udført forfærdeligheder mod menneskeheden. Danskerens forsoningen skal nu rettes op på, den tidligere Venstre-statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen erkender, at han som globalist har fejlet og svigtet. Føler desværre det er endnu en manipulation for, danskeren skal tilgive manden, og købe hans bogudgivelse, nu hvor vi ikke har taget ham alvorligt, første gang, som han selv siger det. Og når han siger: ".. - Vi må som liberale erkende, at vi har et særligt ansvar for at imødekomme de menneskers bekymring. Det kan du gøre ved at lægge mere vægt på identitetspolitikken..". Så er det vel hans egen personlighedsforstyrret identitetskrise, han snakker om??. Hvis vi skal kunne tilgive dig Fogh, så fremlæg alt bevismateriale omkring Irak og hele dit synderegister gennem din politiske karriere. Du må gerne inddrage dine Venstre kollegere, så vi får alt skidtet frem i lyset, en gang for alle... |

Anders Fogh Rasmussen (V) skyder med skarpt mod sine to efterfølger på statsministerposten. Foto: Niels Ahlmann Olesen/Scanpix/arkiv

Anders Fogh Rasmussen - Manden med den 'smooking gun' og hemmelige bekendtskaber (Charmør, Tyran og Verdensmand?)

Udgivet den 25. April 2016 af Verdensalt

"...oplyste og frie samfund kommer længere end uoplyste og ufrie samfund, netop fordi nogle tør provokere og kritisere autoriteter, hvad enten det er politiske eller religiøse autoriteter"

                             Anders Fogh Rasmussen, JP den 30. Okt 2005

Som altid smider jeg nogen boldte op i luften. Giver bud på min og andres alternative forestillinger hvordan verden ville fremstå i lyset af konspirationsteorier eller sandheder, fremhæver egen opfattelse af det parallelle univers som vi lever i –eller rettere hvad jeg kalder vildledelse og manipulation. Tekst og sprog er i store træk mine egen, referencer til artikler afspejler ikke nødvendigvis min egen holdning, men er vinkler som kan nuancere emnet fra eksperter, andre links er fra oplyste individer eller organisationer fra nettets mangfoldige univers.  

Teorierne syder, buldrer og brager fra Ildstedets flammende Hul. Nogle proklamere ligefrem, at Anders Fogh Rasmussen er homoseksuel og medlem af den sataniske kult, "Skull & Bones" (gren af Illuminati-organisationen), men verdensmand og magtmenneske, det er han sgu. Der skal ikke meget research til for at finde teorier, der indikere, at noget er alvorligt galt med Anders Fogh's image, især den 'rolle' han spillede, da han officielt forsvarede Danmarks deltagelse i Irak-krigen, 2003. Lyt og se videoen "Foghs glemte krigstale". Hemmeligt notatFogh varslede støtte til USA et år før IrakkrigenKære statsminister! – løgnen om krigen i IrakBo Elkjær, , Ekstra Bladets Forlag, Ministerium har mørklagt info om kritisk Irak-interview

Bush, Blair og Fogh - Krigskampagnen

("Boris Bertrams dokumentar fra 2013: 'Filmen giver et grundigt indblik i, hvordan Danmark, USA og UK tilrettelagde og udførte den kampagne, der førte til beslutningen om at lade en koalition af frivillige lande invadere Irak i marts 2003.'")

Forhenværende NATO-generalsekretær og statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen er nok den mest magtfulde, sky og hemmelighedsfulde, blandt politikere i Danmarks historie. Derfor er det naturligvis nærliggende at 'snage', men det er stort set umuligt at fange manden på det forkerte ben. Han er for godt beskyttet af Venstre og magtelitens bagmænd.

Forrige Statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen forklarede i et interview med Weekendavisen i januar 2003, at den vigtigste kamp om danskernes holdning skal udkæmpes på ord, ikke love. Fra George Orwells fremtidsroman 1984 - Et kynisk overvågnings-samfund, hvor myndighederne manipulerer med folkets tanker ved at ændre ordenes betydning. Ifølge Christian Kock løber denne kamp som en rød tråd igennem regeringens kommunikation.
»Statsministeren tænker strategisk og meget langt. Han vil ændre folks tænkemåde, og det gør han blandt andet ved at ændre sproget,« siger Christian Kock.

Fra kampen om Gyllegården til magtelitens #kæledække

Statsminister Fjogh virkede troværdig, når han barberede sig og ikke smilede for bredt. Ifølge flere kilder er han en perfektionistisk egenrådig stivstikker, som hader folk, der ikke ligner ham selv. Han plukker sine øjenbryn og farver sit hår. På Christiansborg var han accepteret, men ikke vellidt. Den italienske premierminister Silvio Berlusconi har sagt, at »hvis min kone skal være mig utro, så skal det være med Anders Fogh Rasmussen«.
I TV-udsendelsen »Året der gik« fortalte han stolt, at han har en polsk mandlig ven. De tager på cykle- og kanoture og ligger på gulvet foran fjernsynet og spiser pizza. Grunden til dette skulle være, at Fjogh aldrig fik en rigtig barndomskammerat. Det var der ikke tid til. Han skulle altid arbejde hårdt på den fædrende gård i Jylland. Desuden var han altid travlt beskæftiget med planerne om at blive statsminister. I landsbyskolen kaldte de andre elever ham »statsministeren«. Som 17-årig meldte han sig ind i Venstres Ungdom. Som 19-årig blev han folketingskandidat. Og som 34-årig blev han skatteminister.
Efter folketingsvalget i 2001 blev han statsminister i VK-regeringen. Og strategien var klar. Håndfaste løfter, klare aftaler, stramme retningslinjer for ministrene og ingen pinlige kvajesager. Det sidste lykkedes ikke. I slutningen af oktober 2006 dykkede vælgertilslutningen til Venstre voldsomt i meningsmålingerne. Det fik Fjogh til at se spøgelser overalt. »Man kan nærmest sige, at han er blevet paranoid. Han ser spøgelser og sammensværgelser der, hvor der intet foregår« - bemærkede en kilde tæt på regeringen (kilde: Ekstra Bladet 29. oktober 2006). I 2009 smed han håndklædet i ringen for at blive NATO-generalsekretær. I 2014 vendte han hjem til Danmark for at etablere privat foredragsvirksomhed. Som 62-årig kunne han nu hæve folketings- og ministerpension på 51.600 kr. pr. måned svarende til 619.200 kr. årligt ved siden af sine andre indtægter - politikerlede.com

Fjogh og Fjenden - Putin

Politiken | 1. Oktober 2017 | Carsten Jensen: Nu ser vi vækstfanatismens konsekvenser | .. Vækstfanatismen breder sig, og planeten er på sammenbruddets rand. Jeg er flov over oppositionen, hvis partier burde tage navneforandring til Defensiv-Demokraterne, Halvhjertet Folkeparti og Indadvendthedslisten. Centrum-venstres problem er ikke, at de ikke får stemmer nok. Deres problem er, at fremtiden er et fremmedord i deres stadig tyndere ordbøger.. Korset, halvmånen, svastikaet, hammer og segl. Nu er de afløst af vækstkurver med kurs mod himlen. Nazismen havde en racelære, kommunismen en tro på historiske lovmæssigheder, økonomer påberåber sig videnskabelig status. Alle tror de sig uanfægtbare. Alle tabuiserer de enhver form for kritik. Monumentet over nazismen er Auschwitz, monumentet over kommunismen er Gulag.. | Blogger: Det kalder jeg sgu realisme katekismus af børnelærdom. Burde udgives i bogform og smugles ind i folkeskolens samfundsfag og udslette kristendomsundervisningen... |

Økonomi består for det meste ikke af andet end ønsketænkning. Økonomi og økologi deler de to første stavelser, men kun sidstnævnte repræsenterer jordnær realisme. Økonomernes totempæl, den evigt stigende vækstkurve, er derimod livsfarlig virkelighedsbenægtelse, skriver Carsten Jensen. Tegning: Phillip Ytournel
Hvor mange gange har vi ikke bildt os ind, at nu sluttede det 20. århundrede? Det sluttede i 1989, da Muren faldt, og den sidste af de to totalitære ideologier, der havde hjemsøgt århundredet, kommunismen, brød sammen.

Det sluttede med terrorangrebet i New York i 2001. Eller finanskrisen i 2008. Men på et afgørende punkt kaster det 20. århundrede stadig sin lange skygge ind over os. Den fortsatte tro på vækst, som vi i dag kan se er lige så fanatisk og skadelig som de værste af det 20. århundredes totalitære ideologier.

I middelalderen herskede monoteismen. Kun én gud og én tilværelsestolkning var tilladt. I det 20. århundrede blev Gud erklæret for død, og nye morderiske monoteismer blev installeret. For nazismen var det racen, der var gud. For kommunismen ligheden. Men det 20. århundredes sande monoteisme var troen på væksten og et bruttonationalprodukt, der hvert år voksede med mindst et par procent.

Korset, halvmånen, svastikaet, hammer og segl. Nu er de afløst af vækstkurver med kurs mod himlen. Nazismen havde en racelære, kommunismen en tro på historiske lovmæssigheder, økonomer påberåber sig videnskabelig status. Alle tror de sig uanfægtbare. Alle tabuiserer de enhver form for kritik. Monumentet over nazismen er Auschwitz, monumentet over kommunismen er Gulag... [LÆS VIDERE]

David Seaman | Sep 29, 2017 | ~ PIZZAGATE 🙃 ~ | Blogger: Pizzagate researcher David Seaman and WikiLeaks, puts Podesta and Zuck on notice |

RT - Russia Today | Oct 1st, 2017 | Catalonia: Violence erupts as police block residents from voting (VIDEOS, PHOTOS) | Blogger: OMG! WTF! Spain's Fake Terror (Barcelona's Las Ramblas), 'unjustified violence' in referendum crackdown and The Deep State - the impact of the "grim reaper"... |

A man is dragged away by Spanish Civil Guard officers, outside a polling station, for the banned independence referendum, where Catalan President Carles Puigdemont was supposed to vote in Sant Julia de Ramis, Spain October 1, 2017. © Albert Gea / Reuters

Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter - Excerpts only | Oct 1st, 2017 CET | A Message to Lightworkers |

A Message to Lightworkers - September 29, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Friends and Fellow Light Warriors!
We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.
This week we are being asked to answer several questions. They are interesting issues that the Light Community has been asking in different ways for a while now.
One Lightworker has asked:
“Can you tell me if the Earth has split? Are we in the 5D New Earth?
If so, why are the bad people still amongst us as neighbors, and in our towns and cities? When will we know if it has split?”
This is an interesting and important question.
For many assume that once fifth dimensional energies predominate upon the Earth and Her people, there will be no more disagreement, no more challenges, no more questions asked between cultures, and no more diversity between Light and shadow.
We would say, that while armed conflict and verbal or emotional violence will no longer be a part of your everyday lives, that differences of opinion and interests will remain, as they would in any free will planet environment.
Additionally, in the fifth dimension, there is no longer a dividing between those once labeled “bad” and those labeled “good.”
There is recognition of the extreme usefulness in Earth life of the variety of opinions and outlooks—even those that are challenging and difficult to face at times.
There is also no longer a need for the polarity of feeling safe with certain people and beliefs, and unsafe with others.
In fifth dimensional life, each person comes into their own realization of the powerful co-Creative abilities that they naturally carry within them.
So that the idea of “victim” and “aggressor” or “criminal” passes out of the world view of Earth’s people, as these are ideas that while basic to third dimensional life, have no real purpose in the higher dimensions.
In those dimensions, all take complete responsibility for and active involvement in both the inner and outer makeup of their lives and communities.
You are still seeing people upon the Earth who are termed “bad”—those who seek to destroy and control, and to deny others their human rights—because the Earth and Her people are still in the process of Ascending into fifth dimensional life.
The timeline split you refer to is a complicated one to explain at present, as there are what one might call gradations in Earth realities, and not only one offshoot—one fifth dimensional life that rises and separates from one third dimensional Earth.
There is instead a range of holographic expressions and demonstrations of thought and experience, which Earth groups and individuals live through until they are able to rise to higher levels vibrationally.
This is not to say that you are of a low vibrational frequency, and that is why you are not yet experiencing fifth dimensional Earth.
We would say that that form of Earth life is still in Creation mode, still being birthed at every moment.
And that all of you with your inner determinations, your meditative practices, your increasing connection to and honoring of Mother Earth, your creative expressions, and your intention to reclaim your inherent soul abilities while in a human body—all of this is creating fifth dimensional life not only within yourselves, but on the Earth.

So that fifth dimensional life is not a single Earth event or astrological event that you are supposed to be "waiting for."

It is as much an inner as outer manifestation—a demonstration of that which you believe to be true, that which you expect as you out-picture your reality, and that which Earth life as a collective force determines as its new expression.
To begin this new life, you do not have to “wait” till the dark hats are led away by the Ashtar Command, or anyone for that matter.
We would say, how are you expressing your fifth dimensional self, right now?
Are you taking time each day to connect with Nature, to speak with your Spirit team, to get quiet and concentrate on your breathing, or practice other meditative practices?
Are you practicing yoga or tai chi, to align the chakras and open the way to further develop the Lightbody?
Are you asking to see fifth dimensionality as it increasingly expresses all around you?
Or are you waiting until life is suddenly easier, and there is an announcement on television?
We would not depend upon the outside world to hand you a 5D Earth, or any higher dimensional experience.
In the higher dimensions, you do not wait for anything: When you desire to experience something, you actively create it.
And so, we would say, fifth dimensional Earth is in the process of unfolding. 
Though disasters are occurring in the form of apparently natural expressions of storm, flood, fire, or quake, that is never the full story . . . 

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.
Thank you.


Kristeligt-dagblad | 28. September 2017 | Hvordan kommer man hjem til sjælen? | .. Min veninde havde været lige ved at dø og lå på hospitalet. ”Hvad skal der blive af mig, når jeg kommer hjem?”, hviskede hun til mig. Jeg anede ikke, hvad jeg skulle svare, men sammen prøvede vi at finde en vej, skriver dagens kronikør .. | Blogger: Overraskende god artikel af forfatteren, Louise Kringelbach, som naturligvis er spækket til og har en særlig appel blandt kristne, karismatiske trossamfund. Skærer man det væk, begynder vi at nærme os den buddhistiske reinkarnation, religion og spiritualitet, esoterisk filosofi og åndsvidenskab. Eller er det, at gå for langt? Bedøm selv... |

Min veninde havde været lige ved at dø og lå på hospitalet. ”Hvad skal der blive af mig, når jeg kommer hjem?”, hviskede hun til mig. Jeg anede ikke, hvad jeg skulle svare, men sammen prøvede vi at finde en vej, skriver dagens kronikør
Min veninde havde været lige ved at dø og lå på hospitalet. ”Hvad skal der blive af mig, når jeg kommer hjem?”, hviskede hun til mig. Jeg anede ikke, hvad jeg skulle svare, men sammen prøvede vi at finde en vej, skriver dagens kronikør

”Hvad skal der blive af mig, hvad sker der med mig, når jeg kommer hjem?”, hviskede min veninde til mig på hospitalet, mens hun knugede min hånd, og jeg anede ikke, hvad jeg skulle svare. Hun havde været tæt på døden, kun en hårsbredde fra den, og hvordan kommer man hjem derfra? Eller rettere sagt: Hvad kommer man hjem til?

Jeg fik beskeden om hende en solrig søndag. Jeg havde slet ikke været forberedt. På den anden side er du sjældent forberedt på en besked som den. Min veninde var faldet om i fitnesscenteret med smerter i hjerteregionen og var blevet tilset af en læge, men der var intet unormalt.

Senere samme aften var smerterne taget til, og hun var taget på hospitalet, stadig uden lægerne havde kunnet se noget. Til gengæld var hun sendt hjem med morfin til at tage smerterne. Om natten, da morfinen var aftaget, havde hun indlagt sig selv. Heldigt nok, da scanninger nu viste, at aorta til hjertet var flækket. Blod havde dryppet ned på nerverne og forvoldt smerterne. Hun blev opereret i 13 timer, og efter to uger på hospitalets intensivafdeling lå hun nu på en åben afdeling og forsøgte at komme sig; på hjerteafdelingen på tredje sal med udsigt over en byggeplads.

Hendes bror havde fortalt mig, at lægerne sagde, at det gik den rigtige vej; at hun nok skulle komme sig, og at de forventede, at hun kunne komme hjem om en måned. Den dag var det svært at se for en ikke-sundhedsfaglig person som mig. Først kunne jeg ikke genkende kvinden i hospitalstøjet. Den veninde, jeg plejede at kende, var veltrænet, tjekket med mørkt, kort hår. Hende jeg mødte på hospitalet var tynd og bleg, hendes hår stod ud til alle sider, det var blevet tofarvet med gråt nederst og mørkt øverst, armene var blå og hullede, men jeg havde kunnet genkende hendes øjne. Min veninde var derinde – inde bag det svækkede hylster – og samtidigt kunne jeg også se, at hun var klar over, at det havde været tæt på, og hun var bange og rystet. Mere end os andre.

Hun var ømskindet efter at have ligget ned i flere uger, så for at købe mig tid til at svare på hendes spørgsmål, begyndte jeg at massere hendes ryg. Jeg ville nemlig så gerne svare hende noget rigtigt, noget brugbart, fordi ”hjem” er et emne, vi har vendt en del i det seneste år.

Jeg har skrevet en roman om mennesker, der er mellem hjem og derfor længes hjem, men de længes på forskellige måder og ikke nødvendigvis efter den samme type hjem. I den forbindelse har jeg talt med mange mennesker om deres forhold til hjem, og hver især har de delt deres unikke historie. Eksempelvis fortalte en ældre kvinde, at hjem for hende var det hus, som hendes far havde bygget, og som hun også var opvokset i. Hendes søn boede i øvrigt i samme hus, som han var vokset op i. Kvinden og hendes familie havde ikke bevæget sig mere end en radius på fem kilometer i deres valg af hjem.

Jeg sagde uden at se på min veninde: ”Vi skal nok få dig hjem.

Hun spurgte stille: ”Hjem til hvad?”.

Dr. Steven Greer Newsletter | Sep 29, 2017 | Comprehensive Assessment of the UFO/ET Phenomenon |

Cogent & Insightful.

When Dr. Greer first wrote this paper, it quickly made the rounds at corporate and government offices privy to the truth on the subject and was received with great respect.
  Great talking points to share.

You may also enjoy:
New Energy

A comprehensive DVD series that covers all aspects of the UFO/ ET/ New Energy issues from Secrecy to Contact:

7 DVDs - available as a set.

-The Untold History of Disclosure - Washington DC -- 2 DVD set
-Expose of the National Security State - Washington DC -DVD set
-The European Connection - London, England  -1 DVD
-The History of New Energy -  Washington DC -- 2 DVD set
-Contact and Disclosure: A Workshop Intensive - Glendale, CA - 2 DVD set
-The Crossing Point of Light - Washington DC -2 DVD set
-Remote Viewing: Cosmic Consciousness and Contact  - Boulder, CO - 2 DVD set

 (If purchased separately - $200)

Waking Times | Sep 29, 2017 | GEOSTORM – HOLLYWOOD INTRODUCES WEAPONIZED WEATHER AND GEOENGINEERING TO A DUMBED DOWN PUBLIC | Blogger: As mention before, watched the trailer in the State's months ago. When the president in the movie 'GEOSTORM', says "We CAN control the weather" (SRM, HAARP, Chemtrails), I'm sold! The space station that's circulating around the Earth (Low Earth Orbit), I'm also convinced, is the real deal folks!... |

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer
Waking Times

It’s hard to tell sometimes if art is imitating life, or vice versa. Add to that the fact that we live in a world heavily manipulated by a massive deep state apparatus with unlimited funding to experiment with the weaponization of any and all technology, and you may find yourself wondering if the big screen is trying to send you a wake up call.
“In the future, the technology that controls the weather controls the world.” ~Geostorm
Following in the footsteps of flicks like Independence Day and Armageddon, a new apocalypse-themed, big-budget movie introduces the concept of weaponized weather to the general public. Geostorm, a Warner Brothers and Skydance production coming to the theaters in October of 2017, pitches the classic hero-father against the technology of geoengineering and weather modification.
“After an unprecedented series of natural disasters threatened the planet, the world’s leaders came together to create an intricate network of satellites to control the global climate and keep everyone safe. But now, something has gone wrong — the system built to protect the Earth is attacking it, and it’s a race against the clock to uncover the real threat before a worldwide geostorm wipes out everything…and everyone along with it.” [Source]
The film appears to blend an assassination plot on the president with climate change hype, geoengineering technology, terrorism, mass murder and swashbuckling hero-violence. In one trailer for the film, a Democratic U.S. President tells the world, “Thanks to a system of satellites, we can control our weather.”
“We built this system of satellites to stop natural disasters,” says another character. “This wasn’t some malfunction,” says the leading lady, to which actor Gerard Butler replies, “Someone intentionally did this.”
The preview continues with the following dialogue, which pretty much sums up the current line of thought by independent researchers and analysts who’ve been working for years to expose these weather manipulation programs as technologies of control.
“We built this system of satellites to stop natural disasters. Someone is using it to create them.”
“There’s potential for catastrophic weather events on a global scale. A geostorm!”
“Someone has turned the system into a weapon.”
READ MOREhttp://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/09/29/geostorm-hollywood-introduces-weaponized-weather-geoengineering-dumbed-public/

Fria Tider | 29 september 2017 | Treåringar ska lära sig om islam: "Farfar har fyra fruar" | In English: Three-year-olds learn about Islam: "Grandfather has four wives" - two new children's books are released in Sweden, which include, among other things, multiply and muslim Somali culture. They are called "Grandfather has four wives" and "Grandmother is no ghost" and is aimed at very young children.. |

READ MORE: http://www.friatider.se/3-ringar-ska-l-ra-sig-om-islam-och-polygami-farfar-har-fyra-fruar

Daily Mail | Sep 29, 2017 | Tree-mendous!The STUNNING plans for an elevated walk through one of Denmark's preserved forests |

Coming soon: Camp Adventure's Treetop Experience, one hour from Copenhagen, is expected to launch in mid-2018
  • A 700 meter treetop walk connected to a 45-metre tall observation tower will stand in Næstved, Denmark
  • Allows people to scale the heights of preserved forest Gisselfeld Klosters Skove, one hour from Copenhagen
  • The walk follows and crosses a creek, lakes and wedland and gives a 360° panorama view of the surroundings

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-4930460/Stunning-plans-elevated-walk-Danish-forest.html#ixzz4uFHsKJA6

Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | Monthly Newsletter of The Galactic Center | News from the Stars | Spiritual Insights October 2017 | Excerpts:"..But there are two weeks that the Moon is traveling inside Rahu and Ketu for the next four months. This intensifies the effects of the planets and their aspects. This is the indicator of very intense events that have a fated affect. The world is under the effects of our actions. Massive changes are about to transpire that will bring a much-needed healing for the future. In the wake of the recent storms and earthquakes that accompany solar eclipses there is a need for peace. Many are writing about the Armageddon due from biblical dates such as September 23. They proclaim that God is angry and casting punishment onto the world for all of our wrong doing. I believe this is nonsense. Human emotion on a mass level creates the turbulence we see on Earth. There are astrological indications that spur on human feelings. God is not judgmental casting punishment onto people and the world. To judge is human and God is beyond human emotions and attributes. People use religion to emit their feelings of judgment and anger. Always claiming others are the cause and reason for our downfall. Casting their anger onto the world but never looking at themselves as the cause for the anger emotions that infiltrate the world. The harsh judgments of biblical fanatics or any religion project righteous condemnation, guilt and shame. God is unconditional love and doesn’t judge or punish, this is a human characteristic and we cannot believe God is human..." |

I will be speaking In Canada in October

Birla Wellness Retreat Center
Chénéville, Qc, Canada
Oct 20-21

Friday October 20, 2017
7-9 pm
Predictions for Jupiter in Libra and Rahu and Ketu in Cancer/Capricorn

Saturday October 21, 2017
Rahu and Ketu our Karmic Destiny, revealed through Eclipses - All day workshop

October Spiritual Insights

The New Moon is conjunct Jupiter and Mercury indicating clarity of thought and a move to peace in global affairs. As Libra is the sign of relationships and peace there are movements towards peacefulness.

There is a kala sarpa yoga in effect between now and January. All the planets are contained on one side of Rahu and Ketu. Each month there is a period for two weeks that the Kala Sarpa is broken by the Moon as it transits outside the entrapment of this yoga. But there are two weeks that the Moon is traveling inside Rahu and Ketu for the next four months. This intensifies the effects of the planets and their aspects. This is the indicator of very intense events that have a fated affect. The world is under the effects of our actions. Massive changes are about to transpire that will bring a much-needed healing for the future.

In the wake of the recent storms and earthquakes that accompany solar eclipses there is a need for peace. Many are writing about the Armageddon due from biblical dates such as September 23. They proclaim that God is angry and casting punishment onto the world for all of our wrong doing. I believe this is nonsense. Human emotion on a mass level creates the turbulence we see on Earth. There are astrological indications that spur on human feelings. God is not judgmental casting punishment onto people and the world. To judge is human and God is beyond human emotions and attributes. People use religion to emit their feelings of judgment and anger. Always claiming others are the cause and reason for our downfall. Casting their anger onto the world but never looking at themselves as the cause for the anger emotions that infiltrate the world. The harsh judgments of biblical fanatics or any religion project righteous condemnation, guilt and shame. God is unconditional love and doesn’t judge or punish, this is a human characteristic and we cannot believe God is human.

VT Today | Oct 1, 2017 | Reblog | 5-10 minutes reading time | Shockwaves (Part III) - Flashback 1990: Bibi Netanyahu the KGB Agent, hard core Bolshevik and Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia |

Udgivet første gang den 13. Marts 2015 af Verdensalt.dk 

VT Today - Shockwaves (Part I) - Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World - January 1, 2014

VT Today - Shockwaves (Part II) - Khazarian Mafia.

Operational head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM), Bibi Netanyahu. This is the monster who ordered the 9-11-01 attack on America which killed 3,000 Americans outright with 39,000 dying from radiation caused cancers afterwards with 70,000 now fighting for their lives with radiation caused cancers. This man is evil beyond imagination and represents an the Worldwide Organized Crime Cabal known to Intel insiders as the Khazarian Mafia (KM). Unless these Parasitical Psychopathic Monsters are stopped cold, America will soon be destroyed economically, and up to 90% of all Americans will be mass-murdered in DHS run FEMA Camps, or by their KM engineered nuclear WW3.
This interview with Gordon Duff by Mike Harris is now sending shock-waves around the world and when you consider the content that Gordon Duff disclosed for the first time anywhere publicly, you too will be shocked.

By Preston James and Mike Harris

When Gordon Duff delivered the keynote address at the Damascus Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism, this sent major shock-waves around the World among World Leaders and Top Intel Officers.

Within minutes communiques were being sent back to leaders and Intel of most major nations, and within 24 hours all World Leaders of any significance had received memos on the content of Gordon Duff’s historical speech.

A significant number of World leaders have since admitted that they should have seen the indications for this insight before, but now understand it with remarkable clarity, just as Gordon Duff had explained it.

We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has paid billions to set up and deploy major acts of World Terror to serve as a big smokescreen which has created great cover for the real root problem, which is actually a large Organized Crime problem actually caused by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and its main action agent Israel.

What did Gordon Duff present in his speech that was so earth shattering?

For the first time in any public forum, Gordon Duff explained in the clearest terms that the real problem was not World Terrorism, but was a large Organized Crime syndicate associated with the nation Israel.

This truthful disclosure sent shock-waves around the World that are still reverberating and have caused many American Intel Officers and Agents to take a whole new look at Israeli espionage fronts inside America and which specific elected Politicians they control through bribery, human compromise and blackmail.

Not only have these honest American Intel folks recently been working at identifying these Israeli espionage fronts like AIPAC, the ADL, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board and the like, they have been identifying key Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens who have been doing espionage inside America in association with these Israeli espionage fronts.

Even more than that they have come to the stark understanding that these same folks were involved in the planning and deployment of the attack on America on 9-11-01 which it turns out was nuclear and used W-54 Davy Crockett nuclear pits stolen out the back door at Pantex in Texas by Israeli Intel Agents and assets.

And not only are the actual perpetrators who did the 9-11-01 attack on America being identified, a great deal of smoking gun irrefutable evidence is actually now emerging from multiple independent sources which fully corroborates it and makes it bulletproof.

A major change has now occurred within American Intel, the high military command and top Law Enforcement.