Dec 11, 2017

The White House | Dec 11, 2017 | Our long journey to the stars—and the Moon | Blogger: Newsletter Excerpts... |

Our long journey to the stars—and the Moon

Forty-five years ago today, NASA’s final Apollo mission landed on the surface of the Moon. No human has walked there since.

This afternoon, President Donald J. Trump will tell the country that it’s time to refocus our vision for American space exploration.

In signing Space Policy Directive 1 today—the first recommendation of the recently reconvened National Space Council—the President will shift NASA’s resources and attention toward the Moon and Mars. Given its relative closeness, the Moon in particular offers humans the best hope for long-term exploration and utilization.

President Ronald Reagan once eloquently captured the sweep of mankind as “his long climb from the swamp to the stars.” With President Trump’s order today, America commits itself once again to writing the next chapter of that story.

Watch the signing ceremony today at 3:00 p.m. EST.

Benjamin Fulford FULL REPORT | Dec 11, 2017 | Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger:.. Excerpts from the Full Report:... Khazarian royal families. The two lions are heraldic marks known as the Lion of Judah, meaning the people displaying this mark claim to be descended from King David. The mark in the middle is the Eye of Horus, the same one we see at the top of the so-called U.S. one-dollar bill. In other words, Japan is run by Khazarian Satanist world headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. The Japanese Royal Family, by the way, uses the Chrysanthemum as its mark, so it is not them. A spokesperson for the BOJ said, “Our official stance is that we do not know what that crest means.” Despite the BOJ’s obfuscation, there is plenty of evidence Japan has been a Khazarian Zionist colony since 1863. The latest comes from sources at the Pentagon who say that “While many equate rocket man=fat boy, the real rocket man is Elon Musk of SpaceX, which was funded by [former president Barack] Obama to arm North Korea.” It is no wonder the Israeli Mossad-connected information/disinformation site DEBKA bragged every time the Khazarian North Korean proxy set off a missile or nuclear weapon. This evidence has come out now because former...(..).. [READ MORE] |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California

Udgivet af Benjamin den 11. December 2017  

The power struggle and undeclared civil war at the top of the Western secret government intensified radically during the past week, with mass arrests of Khazarian gangsters around the United States and elsewhere, multiple sources concur. There was also a declaration by U.S. President Donald Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in a move that is not what it seems. We will discuss this further below.

First, though, we need to look at the extremely unusual events taking place in California. These days, the citizens of that state must be feeling like the Solomon Islanders did during World War 2 when the Japanese and Americans fought on their land. There is now very strong evidence that energy weapons like lasers are being used by opposing factions in California, agree Pentagon and NSA sources.

“The heat is on, as the Bel Air fire in Los Angeles targets the Getty Center pedo underground base, while the fire in San Diego apparently targets U.S. Marine base Camp Pendleton,” note Pentagon sources. Videos have emerged showing what appear to be laser beams coming from the sky and setting off fires. Furthermore, buildings are being completely destroyed by fire, while trees standing next to them are unharmed.

What we are witnessing is the hunting down of members of a Khazarian faction in California that has been systematically sacrificing and torturing children as well as eating their flesh, say White Dragon Society sources. We understand that this is so horrific that it’s hard for many of us to believe. Some readers wrote claiming that an article we cited last week in which Hollywood director/actor Mel Gibson talks about Hollywood elites eating baby flesh was disinformation. It is true that we did not confirm it ourselves with Mel Gibson. However, so-called mainstream news organizations like The New York Times are now reporting that the U.S. Justice Department is investigating the eugenics organization Planned Parenthood for selling the flesh and organs of aborted babies.

Justice Dept. Investigating Fetal Tissue Transfers by Planned Parenthood and Others

The Khazarian Satanists who carry out such activities have ruled us for so long that they feel safe publicly displaying their symbols all over the world. For example, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) building, constructed in 1882, has a family crest over its main gate and at its side entrances. As you can see from the photographs below, the crest belongs to the.....
( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

🔴 Destroying The Illusion is live now | by Jordan Sather | Dec 11, 2017 - 4 min ago | False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ | Blogger: Booom!!!... |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

OOM2 \\ HumansAreFree \\ ConsciousHologram | Dec 11, 2017 | Proof that the Human Species Has Been Genetically Engineered by Anunnaki Aliens |

He presents evidence that the human genome was tampered with and he says the best story that explains why modern humans look like the way they do is presented in Zacharia Sitchin’s books.  

How modern humans got here is a big mystery and can be explained with the Anunnaki theory according to many researchers.

The best piece of evidence is not ancient archeology of ancient Sumeria or the translations of the cuneiform text but in the human genome itself. If we were modified then the hard evidence has to be in the DNA, end of story, period. 

And here’s the deal, we have that evidence, the 2nd human chromosome is fused making the human genome the only primate with 46 Chromosomes (23 pairs) and not 48 like all the other primates (apes and monkeys).

This is not just odd, but Darwinian impossible, how can a random mutation that is so radical become dominant? That is very unlikely, with most mutations the offspring will be less fit and die off. 

So to have Chromosome 2 to be a successful mutation is strange. A fused single strand of Chimp 2a and 2b is highly unlikely and this combined with all the other extreme variations from our nearest Ape relatives it becomes highly improbable.

Modern humans are unexplainable by normal science. There is simply no missing links between our nearest relatives that show a steady progression of adaptive features.  

Where are the skull changes, the teeth changes, the bone thickness changes, or the huge brain increase changes? No where and they won’t ever find them because they don’t exist.  Think about it, recent hominids should be abundant in the fossil record.

Neanderthals coming and going with no good predecessors is also really weird. So how can we account for Neanderthal DNA in our DNA? We adopt the Anunnaki theory, we solve the mystery by examining what the Sumerians said with the evidence.  

What if the Neanderthals were one of the first self replicating robust slaves engineered by the Anunnaki? What if some of them escaped their Mespotamia overlords and went north where we find their remains today?

It is hard to dismiss the Sumerian account because of the evidence. First, the Holy Bible is the most believed holy book on the planet and is considered to be the words of god, billions believe the authenticity of the account.  

The story of earth and the rise of humanity as the dominant specie is partially told in the Holy Bible as a watered down and religiously perverted account.

The gods who came down from the heavens became “fallen angels” and “demons” leaving the believer in a paralyzed fear of unknown other worldy agents. 

The Holy Bible is a terrible religious propaganda account of human origin, it makes people irritated and prone to do evil because the text confuses the mind with irrational tales of a needy creator god. 

The omniscient creator God making bad angels and casting them to this world is demented to say the least.

The Sumerian story of the Anunnaki is the same information – but earlier and more detailed. It is also rational.  

No demons, no bad angels cast to earth, but a credible logical story or another race coming here on a military mission. They did fall to earth like angels as they are shown in reliefs with wings.  

But they did so voluntarily as astronauts on a mission to earth for gold. They did make the first man Adama in their image – the Sumerian text describes in detail their genetic engineering attempts to create hominid worker slaves by mixing of DNA.

The discovery of older and more detailed Sumerian myth paints an entirely new picture of the creation account, it paints a very clear detailed picture of what happened, not the superstitious fear version of the Jewish holy book.   

There needs to be a differentiation, the Anunnaki creators of the human specie are not the same as the original Creator Prime. The Anunnaki were not gods but a competing race in our solar system.

Then we have the DNA evidence, humans are the only primate with 46 chromosomes and the only primate without fur. Lloyd Pie came up with 12 huge differences between us and the apes. The most bothersome one is all the genetic diseases that only humans have.  

Teal Swan | Nov 25, 2017 | ~ Your Definition of Love is Wrong ~ | .. What is your definition of love? How do you define love? The definition of love has gone through many transformations and we are on the edge of another awakening where our definition of Love will change again. Many people have different definitions of love and often our definitions lie in the unconscious mind. Teal Swan speaks about what love actually is. Teal Swan is an International Spiritual Leader. She offers perspective on a wide range of topics including relationships, anxiety, meditation, shadow work, the law of attraction, The Completion Process, healing, PTSD, emotions and spirituality .. |

Elsker at lytte til Teal Swan, det virker som om, hun indeholder et helt liv af erfaringer, en rummelighed og begavelse indenfor den spirituelle verden som jeg ikke har set før. Hun går nødvendigvis ikke med strømmen, har helt selv sin egen opfattelse af tingenes tilstand og giver forklaringer som er præcise, nøgtern og virkelig rammende for vores livsaspekt og giver et meget større perspektiv end så mange andre. 

Teal Swan is an International Spiritual Leader. She offers perspective on a wide range of topics including relationships, anxiety, meditation, shadow work, the law of attraction, The Completion Process, healing, PTSD, emotions and spirituality

BREAKING CBS NEWS | Dec 11, 2017 | 🔴 Female accusers of Trump step forward at joint news conference -- live stream 🔴 | Blogger: OH BOY! One of the accusers, says, that eventually, Pres. Trump WILL RESIGN!! -- Basically due to the Mueller investigation (2017 Special Counsel investigation), endorsement of Alabama Senate Republican candidate Roy Moore... This specific story, has nothing to do with feminism, and political revenge from #MeToo campaigners (no matter if Trump is a sexual predator or not), it's more to do with The Deep State, wanna to take out Trump, no matter what... |

Several women who have publicly accused President Trump of sexual misconduct are speaking out together at a joint news conference on Monday in New York City, calling for action in light of the growing "Me Too" movement across the country.

The women shared their past experiences with Mr. Trump jointly at Monday's event, which was held by the organization Brave New Films, a non-profit that creates media and film campaigns surrounding social justice issues.

The president of Brave New Films Robert Greenwald said that the 16 women featured in a video that share similar stories of sexual misconduct by the president now demand action.

"We know better, we know a lot better, predators and harassers must be held accountable," said Greenwald.

He added that Mr. Trump should be investigated and that "elected officials no matter what party affiliation should act."

SITSSHOW | Dec 11, 2017 | Cnn Caught in the Most Epic Fake News Fail Weve Seen yet and They Still Refuse to Fully Retract Their Blatant Lie | .. CNN was just caught in the most epic fake news fail we’ve ever witnessed, pushing out an utterly false piece of fake news that got a crucial date wrong, then using the wrong date to falsely declare that Trump colluded with Wikileaks on behalf of the Russians. In one of the most embarrassing and pathetic examples of shoddy journalism the world has ever seen, CNN news-tards hyperventilated over the fake news and spread their falsehoods to millions of readers and viewers across multiple news networks, instilling utterly false information into the minds of Americans .. |

(Mike Adams) If you hope to understand what’s actually happening in the world around you — and why half the country seems so chronically misinformed and delusional — you must know the details of what just happened at CNN on Friday.
Related: Snopes, the Supposed Arbiter of ‘Fake News’ — Accused of ‘Defrauding Own Site to Pay for Prostitutes’

Source - Natural News

by Mike Adams, December 10th, 2017

CNN was just caught in the most epic fake news fail we’ve ever witnessed, pushing out an utterly false piece of fake news that got a crucial date wrong, then using the wrong date to falsely declare that Trump colluded with Wikileaks on behalf of the Russians. In one of the most embarrassing and pathetic examples of shoddy journalismthe world has ever seen, CNN news-tards hyperventilated over the fake news and spread their falsehoods to millions of readers and viewers across multiple news networks, instilling utterly false information into the minds of Americans.

This continued for nearly a full day until they realized they got a key fact wrong which invalidated the entire story. But instead of apologizing and correcting the news, most journalists swept it under the rug and pretended nothing happened, leaving millions of news consumers with factually wrong information that most of them still believe to be true. This is how the left-wing media operates now: Push fake news, refuse to retract it, then move on to the next fake news story. This is nothing less than the weaponization of fake news to overthrow the results of a democratic election.

The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald — the journalist who broke the Edward Snowden story — details this epic fake news fail in a truly bombshell article that every intelligent person should review. It’s entitled, “The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened.”

This is one of the best pieces of critical thinking journalism you’ll ever find. I’m reprinting part of that story here and urging you to share this with everyone you know. Truth be told, the mainstream media in America has been weaponized against the public, and it only serves now to cause fear, delusion and mania among the voters through the deliberate publication of wildly false and misleading news. The internet gatekeepers, meanwhile — such as Facebook, Google and Twitter — censor the independent media in order to grant the fake news legacy media a monopoly over all narratives… even if those narratives are grossly false and maliciously fabricated (as you’ll see below).

Here’s part of the story from Greenwald, via The Intercept:

The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

FRIDAY WAS ONE of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time. The humiliation orgy was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close behind, with countless pundits, commentators and operatives joining the party throughout the day. By the end of the day, it was clear that several of the nation’s largest and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive but completely false news story to millions of people, while refusing to provide any explanation of how it happened.

The spectacle began on Friday morning at 11:00 am EST, when the Most Trusted Name in News™ spent 12 straight minutes on air flamboyantly hyping an exclusive bombshell report that seemed to prove that WikiLeaks, last September, had secretly offered the Trump campaign, even Donald Trump himself, special access to the DNC emails before they were published on the internet. As CNN sees the world, this would prove collusion between the Trump family and WikiLeaks and, more importantly, between Trump and Russia, since the U.S. intelligence community regards WikiLeaks as an “arm of Russian intelligence,” and therefore, so does the U.S. media.

This entire revelation was based on an email which CNN strongly implied it had exclusively obtained and had in its possession. The email was sent by someone named “Michael J. Erickson” – someone nobody had heard of previously and whom CNN could not identify – to Donald Trump, Jr., offering a decryption key and access to DNC emails that WikiLeaks had “uploaded.” The email was a smoking gun, in CNN’s extremely excited mind, because it was dated September 4 – ten days before WikiLeaks began promoting access to those emails online – and thus proved that the Trump family was being offered special, unique access to the DNC archive: likely by WikiLeaks and the Kremlin.

It’s impossible to convey with words what a spectacularly devastating scoop CNN believed it had, so it’s necessary to watch it for yourself to see the tone of excitement, breathlessness and gravity the network conveyed as they clearly believed they were delivering a near-fatal blow on the Trump/Russia collusion story:

There was just one small problem with this story: it was fundamentally false, in the most embarrassing way possible. Hours after CNN broadcast its story – and then hyped it over and over and over – the Washington Post reported that CNN got the key fact of the story wrong.

Folkets Avis | Dec 11, 2017 | Du tror det er løgn: Så vanvittigt er vugge-til-grav mediestøtte-systemet skruet sammen her i Danmark | .. Det er tydeligt at statens folk bestemmer hvilke medier der skal leve og hvilke der skal dø .. | Blogger: ØV! Nu skal hardcore politiske interesser indfange og votere for Justin-Beaver generationen. Føj for en Zionistisk medievirkelighed af politisk propaganda og indoktrinering (kunne man fristes til at sige): -- Læste (og overhørte) om, har modtaget 2,9 mio. kroner over tre år fra den såkaldte Innovationspulje (der er en del af mediestøtten), som skal lancerer et politisk medie, der henvender sig til unge mellem 13 og 18 år... Lyttede til 'noget' af programmet fra radio24syv, Q&A, hvori Jakob Nielsen, den nye ansvarshavende chefredaktør for, skal forklare os alle om hvad de unge ønsker at forstå og gerne vil lære om, fra dansk politiks rødder. Så tænker jeg bare, i unge mennesker, start med at sætte Jer ind i, hvordan de danske sensationshungrende journalister, selvcensurende, clickbait, copy-cat og 'Sugar Coated', Venstre-ledet dansk presse, arbejder under. Forstå først, at CIA-Zionist-kontrollerede medier er topstyret til at videregive eller danne meninger som ALDRIG muliggør en spiritual indgangsvinkel for sandhedssøgende individer. Unge er mediebrugere i stor stil på de sociale medier, men der er IKKE noget som hedder, objektiv journalistik, i de danske mediehuse i dag, det sørger chefredaktørerne og de politiske- og sponsorerede interessenter, der holder danske presse i hævd. Husk på, journalisters tilkendegivelser og meningsdannelse, kan og vil ALDRIG være frugtbart, når de er styret af fundamentale blokeringer fra ledelsesstrategier, mindst 70 års infiltration af 'Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program'. Så kan du skrige og råbe af så meget du vil, men det er en del-sandhed, når udenlandsk censur begrænser ytringsfrihed og tilgodeser, interesser længere oppe i magthierarkiet.. Og nej, Jakob Nielsen, DU alene sammen med din censurerede medievirkelighed, kan ikke sætte dig bag om roret i Trumps univers og retfærdiggøre hvorfor, Trump anerkender Jerusalem som Israels hovedstad, overfor dine børn. Din indgangsvinkel for logik, er populistisk korrekt anskueliggørelse, men ingen af os, kender til Trumps dybere bevæggrunde, der absolut, ikke er tilfældigt. Der er INTET tilfældigt i dansk eller udenlandsk politik, som kommer fra højtstående regeringsledere. Danskere, trætte af personfnidder i medierne, vi ønsker sandheden, og den kommer ikke fra danske medier, som er betalt af Staten... |



OM OS: Nyt politisk medie skal forsyne elever i de ældste klasser af folkeskolen og på ungdomsuddannelserne med troværdige og neutrale nyheder.

The Daily Caller | Dec 11, 2017 | BREAKING NEWS: Explosion rocks downtown NYC — DEVELOPING SITUATION (1 arrested, several reportedly injured) | Blogger: First, Stash of bullets discovered near Christmas market in Berlin not linked to terrorism now this. We will see and hear about 'possible' False Flag events, from now on, until Christmas and beyond... Benjamin Fulford's latest headlines says it all; ".. Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California .."-- Energy Flows Where Attention Goes -The Law of Attraction (dirty politics, deception, distraction and duck calls)... |

NYPD policemen stand guard as anti-Trump protesters gather in Manhattan in New York

Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | Dec 11, 2017 | Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: ... Excerpts from the Full Report:.. Ho Ho Ho -- Santa will add a gift later... Some of the reported stuff,, have touched before.. How important is it to understand, the deeper meaning of what Benjamin's and David Wilcock's commenting on why U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem, as the capital of Israel (very). And ofc more on The Babylonian Talmudics RKM Rothschild Khazarian Mafia takedown... |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Civil war in Western Deep State intensifies with mass arrests in Washington DC, firefights in California

Udgivet af Benjamin den 11. December 2017  

The power struggle and undeclared civil war at the top of the Western secret government intensified radically during the past week, with mass arrests of Khazarian gangsters around the United States and elsewhere, multiple sources concur. There was also a declaration by U.S. President Donald Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in a move that is not what it seems. We will discuss this further below.

First, though, we need to look at the extremely unusual events taking place in California. These days, the citizens of that state must be feeling like the Solomon Islanders did during World War 2 when the Japanese and Americans fought on their land. There is now very strong evidence that energy weapons like lasers are being used by opposing factions in California, agree Pentagon and NSA sources.

“The heat is on, as the Bel Air fire in Los Angeles targets the Getty Center pedo underground base, while the fire in San Diego apparently targets U.S. Marine base Camp Pendleton,” note Pentagon sources. Videos have emerged showing what appear to be laser beams coming from the sky and setting off fires. Furthermore, buildings are being completely destroyed by fire, while trees standing next to them are unharmed.

What we are witnessing is the hunting down of members of a Khazarian faction in California that has been systematically sacrificing and torturing children as well as eating their flesh, say White Dragon Society sources. We understand that this is so horrific that it’s hard for many of us to believe. Some readers wrote claiming that an article we cited last week in which Hollywood director/actor Mel Gibson talks about Hollywood elites eating baby flesh was disinformation. It is true that we did not confirm it ourselves with Mel Gibson. However, so-called mainstream news organizations like The New York Times are now reporting that the U.S. Justice Department is investigating the eugenics organization Planned Parenthood for selling the flesh and organs of aborted babies.

The Khazarian Satanists who carry out such activities have ruled us for so long that they feel safe publicly displaying their symbols all over the world. For example, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) building, constructed in 1882, has a family crest over its main gate and at its side entrances. As you can see from the photographs below, the crest belongs to the.....

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)