Jan 1, 2016

Mike Quinsey: A Message from my Higher Self - Jan 1, 2016

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2016 treeofthegoldenlight

Greetings to you all as you welcome in the New Year.

It promises to be most active as the old struggles to cope with the new energies that are quickly being established. The result is that much confusion exists particularly amongst those who see only the outer happenings. Yet much of it is often out your sight, and is slowly bringing the New Age into manifestation that is now entering its fourth year.

The necessary changes cannot be delayed for long, and are becoming more powerful as each day passes. The dark Ones are still trying to ignore the obvious signs that tell them their time is almost finished. Their ability to dictate what happens to the Human Race is no longer within their power that is now being diminished very quickly.

Soon events will take place that will clearly indicate the new direction you are going in. The old has served its purpose and cannot be maintained in the face of the changes that are about to manifest. The turmoil taking place around the Earth would seem to be so great that it cannot be curtailed, but be assured that the Galactic Federation have the means to immediately stop all acts of war. They have in fact been given more authority to step in and take direct action.

You have so much support and protection at this time you need not worry as to how events will work out. Your support is needed more than ever to ensure that the Light continues to remain strong and powerful regardless of what is happening around you. These are such important times, and each individual should keep in mind their highest expectations and not lose sight of them.

Criminal Roots: A Shocking Exposé on the Clinton Family and Their Rise to Power - Jan 1, 2016 CET

Justin Ruckman/Flickr
December 30, 2015 by Steve Beckow

Years ago, an article like this one would have appeared in hard-to-locate, bulletin-board files that practically no one read and certainly few outside a small group believed for a moment. Now they’re in the alternative media and, we’re led to believe, one day they’ll be in the reformed mainstream media.

All the details discussed here would have been related there. It’s just that the venue of publication is changing.

We won’t be posting a lot of these articles because we’re more concerned with building Nova Earth than exposing the cabal (but we certainly were pursuing that line of reportage a number of years ago).

However I did want to post at least one of this genre to show what’s being discussed in the contemporary alternative media.

When a similar article comes out on George Bush Sr., we’ll certainly post that. Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton were colleagues in the international drug trade, operating out of Ilopango Airport in El Salvador and funneled through Arkansas’ Mena Aiport. Governor Bill Clinton personally took receipt of some cocaine shipments.

Criminal Roots: A shocking exposé on the Clinton family and their rise to power

Clinton family secrets revealed in shocking and damning essay

Shepherd Ambellas, Intellihub, Dec. 22, 2015
(INTELLIHUB) — A plethora of controversy and allegations of steamy sexcapades, treasonous business scandals, illicit criminal activity, drug trafficking, and even a number of mysterious deaths has surrounded the Clinton family for years.

In fact, these scandals, many of which have been documented, may be some of the best kept secrets hidden from the American people to this day.

According to an underrated documentary film titled “The Clinton Chronicles,” which contains scores of multiple eyewitness testimonies, the Clinton family is “sick” and may be one of the biggest criminal syndicates to have ever occupied the White House, aside from maybe the Obama Administration.

[The Golden Age of Gaia does not agree with this characterization of President Obama.]

The film points out just how energetic and inspirational former U.S. President and Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton was in his younger years before he started trafficking cocaine and successfully laundering drug money from the illicit operations conducted through the Arkansas Development Finance Authority ( ADFA) and other channels – to the tune of millions of dollars.

Larry Nichols, former Director of Marketing for the ADFA, was brought in by Clinton in 1988 to help with “loan” operations when he stumbled upon what Bill Clinton had previously touted to Nichols as “the best kept secret in Arkansas” at the time.

Nichols spoke a little about his time at the ADFA, about a month into his employment:
“I was literally working, setting, in the middle of Bill Clinton’s political machine. It was where he made payoffs, where he repaid favors for campaign support. I was in an interesting seat and I knew it.”
Nichols said the ADFA was the “epicenter” of the Clinton’s money laundering operations.

Det har været et skidt år for retssikkerhed og frihedsrettigheder, fremgår det af en gennemgang af årets retspolitiske sager, som den juridiske tænketank Justitia har foretaget - 1. Januar 2016

Blev 2015 året, hvor borgernes grundlæggende retssikkerhedsgarantier blev styrket eller svækket?

Blogger: Har tilladt mig at forenkle konklusionen som punktform der er hentet fra information, altinget, samt statusoversigten fra Justitia på forbedringer/forringelser på retssikkerheden og frihedsrettigheder for borgere i Danmark.  

Danmarks juridiske tænketank – Justitia – har foretaget en gennemgang af både den politiske og retlige udvikling i det forgangne år, der på forskelligvis har fået og kan få konsekvenser for grundlæggende retssikkerhedsgarantier i Danmark. Statusoversigten er ikke udtømmende, men behandler udvalgte retsområder særligt med fokus på de grundlæggende frihedsrettigheder, som Justitia har haft fokus på i løbet af året. Oversigten tegner således et billede af udviklingen i det forgangne år på følgende områder: ytring-, informations- og forsamlingsfrihed, privatlivs- og persondatabeskyttelse, forbuddet mod nedværdigende og umenneskelig behandling samt bevægelsesfrihed

Ifølge tænketankens direktør Jacob Mchangama bunder en del af de nye tiltag i den alvorlige terrortrussel og flygtningekrisen.

Retssikkerhedsmæssige positive forbedringer i 2015:
  • Skatteminister Karsten Lauritzen afskaffet SKATs adgang til privat grund og teledata uden retskendelse
  • Justitsminister Søren Pind har nedsat en undersøgelseskommission, som skal gennemgå politiets ageren i Tibet-sagen
  • Udenrigsministerens positive tilkendegivelse om at ville inkorporere FN’s Torturkonvention i dansk ret
  • Iflg. direktør Jacob Mchangama, Justitia, er brugen af tvang og tvangsfikseringer i psykiatrien er nedbragt”
  • Øget kontrol med efterretningstjenesterne: Efterspillet om terrorangrebene den 14/2 viser, at der ikke længere er den samme automatiske tillid til PET blandt politikere som tidligere 
  • Et enstemmigt folketing har vedtaget et lovforslag, der dikterer, at de ulovligt indsamlede data om borgeres helbred ikke skal deles med Rigsarkivet. De bliver slettet, så snart loven træder i kraft.
Retssikkerhedsmæssige forringelser i 2015:

  • Domme, der straffer folk for racistiske ytringer og skærper hvad, der kan tolkes som billigelse af terror.
  • En aftale om indrejseforbud for hadprædikanter
  • Politiets omfattende løgne om krænkelse af demonstrationsfriheden i Tibet-sagen
  • Udvidelse af Udbetaling Danmarks beføjelser til kontrol af sociale bedragere
  • SKAT’s ulovlige videregivelse af oplysninger til PET om rejsende uden retskendelse
  • Inddragelse af pas for Syrienskrigere og mulighed for frihedsberøvelse af udlændinge uden domstolsprøvelse.
  • Nedlæggelse af Irak-Kommissionen og af udvalget, der skulle evaluere terrorlovgivningen samt en offentlighedslov som i vidt omfang viser sig at lukke ned for den demokratiske kontrol. 
  • Logning: Med EU-domstolens afgørelse fra april 2014 har kritikere af masseovervågning et stærkt værktøj i forhold til at få begrænset logningsreglerne og undgå udvidelser deraf
  • Offentlighedsloven: En række konkrete sager viser, at offentlighedsloven har begrænset mediernes adgang til at afdække væsentlige sager af stor offentlig interesse
  • Blasfemiparagraffen: Norge har netop vist vejen og afskaffet blasfemiparagraffen. En blå regering må forventes at gøre det samme, men med en seriøs kampagne burde det også være muligt at skaffe et bredt flertal for afskaffelse uden om en SR-regering
  • Ministerier bruger flittigt kontroversiel mørklægningsbestemmelse. Selv om paragraf 24 i offentlighedsloven om ministerbetjening skulle anvendes ’restriktivt’, har ministerierne i lovens første halvandet år brugt den omstridte paragraf til at hemmeligholde oplysninger og dokumenter i 360 tilfælde 
Andre indskrænkninger for borgeres retssikkerhed og frihedsrettigheder under grundlovens friheds- eller menneskerettighedskapitel.
  • Når der indføres id-kontrol på toget til Malmö efter nytår, vil DSB gemme billeder af legitimationen fra de rejsende på en server. Serveren kommer dermed til at ligge inde med en stor database af billedlegitimation, som DSB skal bruge for at bevise over for de svenske myndigheder, at der er udført id-kontrol
  • På den sidste arbejdsdag før jul 2015 vedtog et stort flertal i Folketinget en lovændring, som giver PET adgang til at kræve passageroplysninger fra luftfartsselskaberne uden dommerkendelse. Pind mørklægger ulovlig registrering af flypassagerer, dvs. at de systematiske lovbrud ikke skal have konsekvenser for nogen ansatte i PET, skriver Politiken.
  • USA varsler nu ændringer af sit visumsystem, og det kan få betydning for blandt andet danske rejsende
  • Ny finanslov: Ingen stigning i grundskyld i 2016. Det forventes dog ikke, at kommunerne kan nå at fastfryse grundskylden, når den første rate af grundskylden skal betales i 2016, og derfor skal de formentlig betale mere der. Til gengæld bliver boligejerne kompenseret til fulde, når den anden rate af grundskylden skal betales i august 2016.

Must-see video :Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Lid Off OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD - Jan 1, 2016 CET

Maybe my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come forward as well.

This article has been trolled persistently, we are beginning to understand why…
What Chemtrails are Doing To Your Brain are Shocking – Neurosurgeon
The original version of this page as posted on our healthcare site is being attacked. Please bear with us as we try to reconstruct the entire page right here. Thank you very much for your understanding

A Courageous Chemtrail Pilot Exposes the Global Geoengineering Program

Finally, a military pilot steps forward and completely blows the lid off the unlawful and exceedingly destructive Global Chemtrail Program. What follows is a video which puts forth a true story about a courageous pilot who has broken ranks with his chemtrailing peers. In so doing he has risked his life and the life of his family. As you listen to this presentation, or read the text provided below, bear in mind that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 around the globe with terrible consequences.

For those uninitiated in the ways of atmospheric engineering, chemtrails are but one geoengineering technique that is being systematically used by the U.S. Military. The following link provides an excellent overview of the geoengineering/chemtrail phenomenon, as well as an exceptional photo-doc. After all, only seeing is believing … for most people!

The Truth about Chemtrails

No matter what the stated reasons are given to those who fly the chemtrail jets, they are always told by their superiors that this ongoing and illegal atmosphere-altering program is being conducted in the interest of NATIONAL SECURITY.

You’ll notice that NATIONAL SECURITY appears crooked because the whole intention behind geoengineering is as dangerously misguided as it is deceptively false. The indiscriminate, wide-area and systematic spraying of toxic aerosols throughout the skies of the world couldn’t possibly have anything to do with ‘national security’. Those that buy into such a ridiculous notion have obviously been either brainwashed or bribed into believing such an absurd and nonsensical agenda.

That’s precisely why this unprecedented exposé is so important. Never before has anyone directly involved with the piloting of chemtrail airliners ever gone public. Not only does “Blue Jay 1”, as he is known, go public, he completely blows the lid off of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD. This single act of identifying the name of what is perhaps the most destructive government program in recorded history is extremely critical.


continue reading: http://geopolitics.co/2015/04/03/chemtrail-pilot-blows-the-lid-off-operation-indigo-skyfold/