They talk about so many things that will blow your mind and think again about The EVENT AKA The Great Solar Flash has been prophesied by many ancients including the Mayan, Hopi, religious texts, and in other ancient tradition plus Cobra RM.
I think Brad got it all wrong, it has nothing to do with the Sun, Solar flars or heat (as SPACE and Sun is cold) as per say, but I leave it up to you! The EVENT is a "big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet". The EVENT that will catapult humanity to new level of consciousness and a new age (Age of Acquarius). Many in the spiritual communities are discussing the Event (or events) that will awaken the masses and trigger the Great Shift in Consciousness that will eventually transform the world for the better. But Both Janine and Brad, do not see any EVENT (Solar) in the near future!. STRANGE!... |