May 12, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |

👨‍⚕️ ~ 💗 DOCTOR WHO PREDICTED COVID-19 ANSWERS ALL (The HighWire with Del Bigtree) 💕 ~ |

Source (The HighWire with Del Bigtree)

DOCTOR WHO PREDICTED COVID-19 ANSWERS ALL Triple board-certified M.D., Dr. Zach, joins Del in an evolutionary discussion on why Coronavirus is here, what it’s trying to tell us, and how we emerge from the darkness.

👩‍⚕️ ~ 💗 MORE NURSES COMING OUT ON COVID 19 💕~ | Blogger: I Swear that there's more and more nurses, doctors and healthcare practitioners who dare to speak up (Biophysicists, infectious-disease specialists, epidemiologists, scientists or holistic natural doctors) ... 👉 US scientist and engineer, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai 👉 US anti-vaccination activist and former medical researcher, Judy Mikovits 👉 Bakersfield Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi 👉 US Scott W. Atlas, MD 👉 Danish physician Dr. Vibeke Manniche 👉 German Professor Knut Wittkowski 👉 Australian Tom Barnett👉Greek-US physician-scientist and writer, Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University👉 DHS William N. Bryan Under Secretary for Science and Technology👉 and many more ... |


Personal nutritionist Kate explains how the Covid-19 test can easily have a false positive with catastrophic consequences. Exosomes are the same thing as a virus. DNA provides code for cells. RNA converts this code into a protein for cell function. Exosomes are pieces of RNA inside the cell, that come out when the body is being poisoned and suck up the toxins.

The virus is nothing more than an exosome. Exosomes come out to fight cancer cells, toxins in the water, from the air, from your food, or caused by electric fields, stress and fear, injuries, asthma, infections and diseases and the exosomes they find, can be related to any of this reasons for them to come out.

🤴 ~ 💗 Vildt boom efter kronprinsparrets 'hyggebillede': 'Vi kan helt sikkert mærke en effekt' 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉20T likes. Jaaaamen, det er sgu da dejligt! Hvis det kan nedsætte vores Angst, Frygt og Depression i disse tider, så lad det opstillet fortryllende hjerte-hygge-glansbillede blive indrammet, til evigt minde. Om en hvid, Konge og Dronning, 'et ægte par'👈] ... Det er tankevækkende, at det altid er de superrige som får audiens i Kongehuset ...Gud ske tak og lov!, Joachim og familien har forladt Danmark, igen. Sikkert, med en stor posse penge... Er Kongehuset, det sidste tabu i Folketinget❓ Under enevælde, parlamentarisk immunitet og rigdommen, er Kongehuset repræsentativt for befolkningen❓ Hvorfor sidder 'There's Something About Mary' med "hjemmesko", der har kostet 4.438 kr. fra ny❓ Hvorfor har Dronning Margrethe 4 hofdamer til hvert årstid og udskifter den ene ud med Henriette Obel, uddannet cand.ling.merc. fra CBS, investment banker, administrator for Haxholm Landbrug, bestyrelsesformand for Power-Flex ApS og medlem af Advisory Committee Mermaid❓ Hvorfor er kammerherrerne med militær rang, en stor del af dem er gamle adelsfamilier og eneste 'venner' i den klub, er hovedrige folk, der gerne har den rigtige side af en milliard på kontoen❓ Kan man forestille sig, at der var andre, der var sjovere at invitere med til de fester end et udvalg af landets milliardærer❓ Hvorfor var det tre af Danmarks rigeste familier - familierne bag Lego, Danfoss og Ecco - der hjalp med penge til en fond, der kunne købe Schackenborg, da prins Joachim med sin familie i 2014 forlod det jyske slot❓ Hvorfor går Kong, Frede, til hemmelige high-security-møder hos toppen af millitærledelsen i privat adresser på strandvejen, men siger det er frokostmøder med venner❓ Der er så meget jeg ikke forstå... |

⚔️🛡️🕯️ ~ Det Danske Frihedsråd og Modstandsbevægelse, QAnon, Den »dybe stat« i Trumpland og COVID-19 ~ | Blogger: [👉Kan fornemme Folkestemningen er på kanten af en krigslignende tilstand👈] ... {PS: Efter pressemødet kl 10.00 »meget usandsynlig« at 2nd bølge kommer til DK. Et sekund tidligere skrev de på TV2 FNYS, det modsatte. Betyder det så, at David Icke havde ret! Der findes ikke en farlig CV19?} ... Selv Trump har været ude og erklære hellig krig mod 'lamestream media', OBAMAGATE og Sleepy Joe. Trump anklager Obama for den største politiske forbrydelse i amerikansk historie, mens han forbereder sig på krig mod Kina. En embedsmand fra Det Hvide Hus, Peter Navarro, har endda sagt og jeg citerer: ‘We are at war. Make no mistake’... Vi kan vel godt blive enige om, at kampen mod korruption slutter aldrig!.. Vi ved, der er brodne kar i alle lejre, både i USA, Kina og Dannevang og under tilvæksten rådner flere og flere "æbler" - formentlig indefra. Det er DEM vi nok skal have fat i. Dem som ikke kan mere og taler over sig eller bliver whistleblowere. Start med de 423 mennesker, som styrer Danmark uden for den politiske kontrol. Kongehuset og alle Deres rige venner - Guld og Himmelblåt - Frimureriet i Danmark gennem 250 år. Lige nu er Kina en KÆMPE magtspiller i hele COVID-19 agendaen og formentlig står de ikke alene. Pudsigt nok, kommer hele den danske regeringskonstellation fra tidligere kommunistiske parti (DKP)... Har set en del videoer, læst en del artikler fra alternative medier, og nævnt det før, at vi har lige afsluttet Stage 1️⃣, ud af 3️⃣, og næste Stage 2️⃣, vil formindeligt lukke landet ned igen for, at starte en lavine af økonomisk kaos. Det er heller ikke tilfældigt, at hele detailhandelen indleder 'dødskamp' og regeringen har strammet grebet om, at der er INGEN som må afholde knaldtilbud, ta'-selv-bord på resturationer, og nogle må holde åbne, mens andre må vente, indtil konkurs, er en realitet. Og dem der går imod, bliver straffet hårdt og denne zigzag-kurs er ikke tilfældigt. Der er nemlig INTET som er tilfældigt i dansk politik. Det er ikke tilfældigt, at man er begyndt at tvivle på, om COVID-19 er en lungesygdom som hidtil antaget, vi kan ej heller give flagermus skylden for corona-pandemien, om indikationer på røde inflammation hos børn eller hvorfor så mange patienter får blodpropper i hjerne, hjerte, nyrer, lunger og arme o.s.v. Stage 3️⃣ er Global vaccination nanochips, immunitetspas, mere politikontrol og "submission", samt åbning af den omfangsrige værktøjskasse af hastelove, som Amnesty, taler om... Undersøg selv skygge-ministeriet, Stabschef Martin Rossen, W.H.O., ID2020, EVENT 201, H.R. 6666, Bill Gates, Tedros, Xi Jinping, U.S. Inc, George Soros, Rockefeller og Rothschilderne, som kører løbet. "Showet" er ikke slut endnu🧐DF vil have svar fra Magnus Heunicke om coronaforløb, tror du virkelig vi får KLART SVAR❓ Hvem er Patient Zero❓ Hvorfor kan vi ikke få at vide, om det er rigtigt, CV19 kom til Danmark og EU laaangt før, end først antaget❓ Hvorfor vil journalisterne og professor Allan Randrup Thomsen ikke afdække om Dr. Judy Mikovits har ret på RADIO4 MORGEN 12-5-2020, eller om Bill Gates vil affolke verden med vacciner, men det er bare "absurd" det hele og en konspiration❓ Hvad betyder det faldende smittetryk❓ Hvorfor mener vores elskede/hadede Fromme Moder Mette-mus, CV19 er en "ekstra lumsk" sygdom❓. Hvorfor flakker W.H.O. om først at fordømme Sverige, men siden hen elske dem, for Deres CV19-strategi❓. SSI: - Virus er kommet for at blive og smittetrykket vil stige igen = Kan du se hvad jeg mener❓... FAT MOD! DEN SPIRITUELLE MODSTANDSBEVÆGELSE KOMMER TIL AT VINDE!. HVIS VI STÅR SAMMEN!.🙋‍♂️.. |

Kilder og flere vidoer:

🤐 ~ This Is Why They Want To Silence Me - David Icke Talks To TRADCAT KNIGHT Podcast ~ |

卍ꖦ🤪 ~ Hitler has Coronavirus and he is MAD! ~ | Blogger: [👉Recently been reposted by QAnon. Both hilarious and close to the truth!?👈] ... AND no... Hitler's bad teeth did not confirm his dead and suicide on April 30, 1945... Recently released FBI documents are beginning to show that not only was Hitler and Eva Braun’s suicide faked, the infamous pair might have had help from the Swiss Director of the United States OSS himself, Allen Dulles... Had myself a discussion a few days ago, my dad is a major WWII film buff, and together with my sisters boyfriend a former professional danish soldier, who's crazy about WWII and tanks. Trying to convince them, that Adolf Hitler escaped from the Führerbunker and fleet to Norway, then by submarine to US and Argentina, with Nazi gold, high-ranking officials went in MIC-SSP and Hitler himself, died in the beautiful foothills of the Andes Mountains Bariloche (or Uruguay)... It was a failed mission impossible... When I started to talk about 'Operation Paperclip' and why Bariloche was a Nazi South American headquarters that Barack Obama visited in 2016, then another failure... But i'm not in the convincing business and strong enough to hold to my story-line... |

🛦🎖️~ Lockheed Boasts Fixing Most, But Not All, of F-35’s Key Flaws Five Years After Jet's Introduction ~ | Blogger: [🛦🛫Can I Get A Hallelujah: Meet the MOST expensive weapons program in the world and ultimate failure - The Lockheed Martin F-35 🛬🛦] ... {"We now have the technology to take ET home." ~ Ben Rich, CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works, 1993}... AND of course Ben Rich were not talking about the F35 program, rather admitted in his "Deathbed Confession", that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars... Why, why do keep posting stuff about F-35 Lightning II or Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) all the time?? Because it might be one of the BIGGEST money scams of all time, atleast in peacetime of military history... Over the years, the Skunk Works division of Lockheed has designed and built a number of high-tech aircraft such as the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-22 Raptor and the F-117 Nighthawk. On the other hand, the F-35 is a $1.4 Trillion national disaster. The JSF is a terrible fighter, bomber and attacker - and unfit for aircraft carriers. It didn’t start with the F-35 or even the $640 toilet seat. Military overruns and rip-offs have a long (and expensive) history, starting in the earliest days of the republic. A timeline of more than 230 years of military waste, from gouging George Washington to ditching $7 billion worth of stuff Afghanistan... |

Smoke is seen rising from the crash of an F-35B aircraft late last month.
Photo: @SamRichardsonAM Twitter

🧧 ~ China Asked The WHO To Help Cover Up Coronavirus, German Intelligence Concludes (Daily Caller) ~ | Blogger: [👉Chinese Leader Xi Jinping personally asked the World Health Organization to delay the release of critical information regarding its coronavirus outbreak, German intelligence has concluded👈] ... |

Source (Daily Caller)

Chinese Leader Xi Jinping personally asked the World Health Organization to delay the release of critical information regarding its coronavirus outbreak, German intelligence has concluded.

Xi met with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on January 21 to request that he withhold information about human-to-human transition and delay the declaration of a global pandemic, according to German magazine Der Spiegel. The news comes amid rising sentiment that China should be held financially responsible for the pandemic. (RELATED: Second Mike Pence Staffer Tests Positive For Coronavirus) (READ MORE)

⚠️ ~ 💗 [URGENT!] H.R. 6666 👁️ | "YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE IS COMING" | Wake Up! | OMG!!! 😱 | Ralph Smart 💕 ~ | Blogger. [👉Long and serious update for the 'Deep Divers' spiritual community, nevertheless, quite important for everyone. Can I get a hellooooo!👈] ... |

Source (Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)

👼 ~ 💗 Stages of Grief (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"The crisis is becoming personal now" ~ Meg👈] ... I don't know Meg Benedicte per se, but went to David Wilcock's Conscious Life Expo in 2018 and at the conference, listen and learned by the many hundreds of sessions and lectures from most important spiritual american teachers. I do know the radiohost of Out of This World, Ted Mahr, meet him a few times during conferences and talked to FADE TO BLACK, Jimmy Church... Anywho, Meg Benedicte spawns from a 25 year Ascension Healer career; Quantum Healer, Alchemist, Ascension Activator and Creator of Quantum Access®... |


While the world has been responding to a global pandemic this year, the repercussions are starting to enumerate in our personal lives. Many of us have struggled through the illness or have lost loved ones as well. The crisis is becoming personal now. The economic impact is permeating our businesses and careers. The uncertainty can be overwhelming at times. We are mourning a world we may never see again.

According to grief specialist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, there are five stages of mourning: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. We can cycle through these stages non-linearly and more than once as we process the emotional trauma of loss.

I am seeing many in the denial stage on social media, demanding beaches and hair/nail salons to open. Displayed on the news are photos of raging far-right protestors armed with AR-15s storming the state capital, immersed in the anger stage. I slid into the depression stage last week.

During such a volatile time, take care of your emotional sanity, do self-care steps to maintain your inner balance. In the midst of chaos, we can be easily influenced by nefarious agendas. In ‘The Conspiracy Theory Handbook’ published by George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication, conspiracy theories spread due to underlying psychological motivators. In a time of crisis, people may focus feelings of powerlessness or unhealed trauma by blaming others or a group in authority, rather than do careful research and reflection.