May 27, 2021

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (SSP News) Is Deep State silencing Insiders that threaten ‘UFOs are a National Security Threat’ Narrative? (Michael Salla) ~ |

Recently, two insiders who had previously stated that some UFOs are reverse engineered spacecraft developed by major US aerospace corporations were silenced in different ways. This Exopolitics Today Podcast examines the April 6 retraction by former Air Force Electronics Specialist, Mike Turber, of his original testimony asserting the 2004 Tic Tac Incident involved classified Air Force craft being tested against the Navy’s USS Nimitz battle group.

One week later on April 13, Mark McCandlish, widely known for his 2001 UFO Disclosure Project testimony about three Alien Reproduction Vehicles seen in 1988 at Edwards Air Force Base was found dead from a shot gun blast to the head.

The podcast examines these two separate incidents in light of the coming June 2021 Intelligence Community UAP report to the US Senate Intelligence
Committee, and whether there’s a connection given they each threatened the emerging ‘UFOs are a national security threat’ narrative that is being promoted by the mainstream media.

Podcast Links


Further Reading

🙏 ~ 💝 (Det er her fårene skilles fra bukkene ) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Det jeg tit tænker er og vil altid være, på børnene!.. De helt uskyldige poder, som vokser op og tror, at Deres forældre er verdens bedste af slagsen, men hvad hvis du er barn af en narcissistisk skrupelløs politiker, narkohaj, dansk barn af en SIS-kriger, Olsen Banden, Kongehuset eller CEO fra den medicinske mafia? Så kommer puberten, mod en voksen verden, hvor man er hamrende uvidende stadig om ens forældres virken og kunnen, og ligefrem forsøger at beskytte dem, uanset hvad der måtte komme frem. Du er nu voksen, her starter den 'spirituelle lavalder', omkring 27-30 år, hvor man STOPPER OP, hvor ens Sind, Sjæl og Ånd, tager kampen op med vor Ego, Forsvarsmekanisme og samfundets falske Autoriteter. Pludseligt opdager man, ens forældre, ikke ligefrem er dem, som de udgiver sig for og hvad nu? Forældre er rollemodeller for deres børn, men så alligevel ikke. Men når "forældre", som snart blir tydeliggjort for resten af verden, tillader at vaccinere unge og (snart) børn med dødsensfarlig coronavacciner og har givet dem frygt langt ind i næste århundrede, kan man blot undre sig over hvorfor fanden de "unge", ikke er gået til modværge. Børn har jo intet at skulle ha' sagt. "Verden er (måske) af lave"... og "Alle ønsker udvikling, men ingen forandring", som Kierkegaard sagde engang... |

📿🛃👌 ~ (ImmunaBand, Digitale grüne Nachweise und Papieren Bitte!) Papers Please! Coming Soon, ‘No Shot, No Service’ (by David Fiorazo) ~ | Blogger: Ausweis, bitte! Reminds my of a time 80 years ago and a man called Adolf... |

David Fiorazo
May 25, 2021

Did you hear about the new vaccine bracelet being sold? That’s right. You can wear it in public so people will know that you’re safe to be around. I wish I were joking.

This is what they’re selling. Avoid fellow citizens, fear half the population. Way to go liberal media activists. Then there’s NY Governor Andrew Cuomo who plans to segregate baseball stadiums into vaccinated and unvaccinated sections. Let’s see, divide people even more – what could go wrong?

Writing for Harbinger’s Daily, prophecy watcher, Chad Thomas shared some concerns many of us have warned about. We’re upset about government overreach and the loss of our freedoms, yes, but it will be corporations, airlines, and private businesses that will practically force you to take a vaccine. People won’t be able to buy, sell, or travel without it.

More on this in a minute. Did you ever think these things would be happening at such breakneck speed?

First, let’s clarify. We’re not being reckless by asking legitimate questions about more research and studies, or by wanting accurate statistics on all things Covid. We’re not denying people’s serious concerns or those with major health vulnerabilities. People have died, government has lied.