Feb 1, 2018
Journalista.dk | 1. Feb 2018 | cand. jur. & markedsøkonom Lars Bjørknæs | ~ Kommunikationsafdeling kunne ikke klare det alene : Kommune betaler konsulenter 1.500 kroner per Facebook-opslag ~ |
Ligesom landets andre kommuner, har Ringsted Kommune en kommunikationsafdeling. Den kan dog tilsyneladende ikke helt magte opgaven at lave Facebook-opdateringer på egen hånd, hvorfor kommunen løbende har hyret et kommunikationsbureau til at give en hjælpende […]
HAL Turner Radioshow | Feb 1st, 2018 | "Continuity of Government" Bunker Located at "Resort" Where Members of Congress Traveled yesterday before train they were on Collided with Truck | .. Things "Decommissioned" can be Recommissioned If the Bunker was Decommissioned after the 1992 Washington Post story, it could be recommissioned. Why else would the Greenbriar web site from which the material above was obtained, tell "visitors" taking tours that "No cameras, electronic equipment or cell phones are permitted.". What about the train accident yesterday? There are now numerous reports that Wednesday morning's collision between the truck(s) and the train was a "hit" - an ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT AGAINST CONGRESS! .. David M. Rothschild, of the famous/notorious Rothschild Family - the wealthiest family on earth by many accounts - made an ominous Tweet before president Trump's State of the Union Speech last night. The tweet said: Hahahahahahahaha. No one is going to remember this speech in the morning .. | Blogger: ✍ 🤔 A very interesting story... |
By now, all of you know that on Wednesday, members of Congress were on a chartered AMTRAK train traveling from Washington, DC to the Greenbriar Resort in West Virginia for a "Retreat." That train somehow struck a truck which was crossing the railroad tracks.
While the truck driver was killed, no members of Congress were seriously hurt.
Did you ALSO know that beneath the Greenbriar Resort is a Continuity of Government Bunker built specifically for Congress? It's true. Did you also know that one of the Rothschild's, specifically David M. Rothschild, Tweeted before President trump's State of the Union address "no one is going to remember this speech in the morning?"
Did Rothschild know (or think) that Congress was going to be wiped out in a train wreck?
The Greenbrier's Bunker History
Construction began in 1958 on the 112,544-square-foot bunker, which was built 720 feet into the hillside under The Greenbrier's West Virginia Wing. Once complete in 1961, the facility was maintained in a constant state of readiness by a small group of government employees working undercover as Forsythe Associates, a company hired by the resort for audio/visual support services.
During its Eisenhower-Era use, The Bunker provided the following:
- Four entrances; three to The Greenbrier's grounds and one to the main building
- 25-ton blast door that opens with only 50 lbs. of pressure
- Decontamination chambers
- 18 dormitories, designed to accommodate over 1,100 people
- Power plant with purification equipment and three 25,000-gallon water storage tanks
- Three 14,000-gallon diesel fuel storage tanks
- Communications area, including television production area and audio recording booths
- Clinic with 12 hospital beds, medical and dental operating rooms
- Laboratory
- Pharmacy
- Intensive care unit
- Cafeteria
- Meeting rooms for the House and Senate, the Governor's Hall and Mountaineer room (See image below)
Over the 30 years that it was an active facility, communications and other equipment were updated, keeping The Bunker at full-operation status. The location of the facility, critical to its effectiveness, remained a secret for more than three decades.
On May 31, 1992, The Washington Post published an article which exposed the facility. As a direct result, the U.S. government began de-commissioning The Bunker and ended the lease agreement with The Greenbrier in 1995.
READ MORE: http://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news/u-s-national-news/1995-continuity-of-government-bunker-located-at-resort-where-members-of-congress-traveled-yesterday-before-train-they-were-on-collided-with-truck
Daily Mail Online | Jan 31, 2018 | California is overdue a major earthquake that could kill millions and there may be NO warning before it hits, warns top geophysicist | Blogger: Meet Fearmongering - Full of Baloney. Not in our lifetime. And so what? Can we do anything about? NOPE!... |
- Many areas of the San Andreas Fault system could produce large earthquakes
- These major quakes typically occur with no warning whatsoever
- For major events California is actually in an earthquake drought
- Professor Richard Aster explains the importance of preparing for the worst
Avisen.dk | 1. Feb 2018 | ~ Indkøb af nye eltog for 11 milliarder sendes i udbud ~ | Blogger: here we go (again) !! 🙄 DSB - Den Sanseløse Bankerot. Transportminister Ole Birk Olesen (LA) skal jo hele tiden sørge for, at 'pleje og nurse' de private og lukrative selskaber som lever af at tilbyde fossile brændsel som Maersk Oil, og alle de privatejet energiselskaber - de regeringsvenlige kompaner ... ""20 milliarder kroner eller funny money 'kan' regningen komme til at lyde på for skatteborgerne, at få eltog i hele Danmark??"" ... Tyskland vil introducere verdens første nul-emissions passagertog, drevet af brint. Niedersachsen har allerede bestilt 14 af slagsen, fra det franske firma Alstom. 5 delstater i Tyskland har allerede købt 60 togsæt. Forventet åben for offentligheden, December 2017.. Hvorfor er der pinlig tavshed fra den danske dagspresse, centraladministrationen, Arriva, Movia og DSB? Independent skriver, at der er udvist interesse fra Holland, Danmark og Norge? Har du hørt noget? NASA har brugt flydende brint til at drive sine raketter ud i rummet siden 1970'erne. Sveriges hovedmål er, at udelukkende at operere på vedvarende energi i 2040.. Spanien vil køre på 100 procent vedvarende energi, lover Energiboss. Men vent, de snakker om "vindenergi".. Hvor er brint- og fri-energi evolutionen?? Jeg studsede over en meget flot præsentation som hedder "..Hydrogen Link - En Grøn Nordisk Hydrogen Transport Korridor.." , men fra 2005. Har du set eller hørt om den nye skabelsen af et netværk af tankningsmuligheder for brint, der kan føre til etablering af en ”brint- korridor” mellem Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Tyskland?... Ja, der er store miljøfordele ved at køre med elektriske tog i stedet for dieselmotorer (NOx'er og partikler fra dieseltog m.m.). Men, hvorfor lærer man ikke af Tyskland, vores naboland? Elon Musk kan vi ikke regne med, han er en Deep State operative .. Hvorfor introducere Danmark ikke også nul-emissions passagertog, drevet af brint (Hydrogentoget - Coradia iLint)?? ... Hvordan beregner Folketinget og embedsværket, elektricitet, bæredygtighed og grøn omstilling? Hvorfor producere vi stadig, elektricitet fra fossile brændstoffer? Ikke alt elektricitet kan betale sig at producere fra vindmøller, som også koster penge at drive. Fossile brændsler betragtes som ikke-vedvarende, fordi det ikke kan genopfyldes på en menneskelig tidsramme. Det betyder, at i sidste ende udtømmes Jordens kul, naturgas og olie reserver, og elektricitet vil ikke længere, kunne produceres på denne måde ... Hvordan sikre vi os, at de eltog der produceres og miljøregnskabet kontra diesel er en rentabel forretning og strømmen der produceres via biomasse, affald og kernekraft der hentes fra udlandet, ikke koster Danmark og skatteyderne og forurener verden, mere, end det ekstra tog-elforbrug der skal dækkes via kul- eller vindkraft?.. Hvordan sikre vi, at togproducenten ikke er fra den italienske mafia, som snyder os (igen)? ... I 2001 var regningen for at få eltog i hele Danmark: 4,6 milliarder kroner - for elmaster og -ledninger og det blev stemplet som urentabelt for samfundet. Prisen på at elektrificere resten af de danske jernbane-strækninger er steget med omkring 50 procent siden 2001, viser nye beregninger, som Ingeniøren har foretaget sammen fagfolk. Med andre ord, i 2008 steg det med 50 procent, regningen blev til 6,9 milliarder kr. 2018, skal 150 nye eltog til en samlet pris på cirka 11 milliarder kroner og hertil har man IKKE beregnet omkostninger til elmaster og -ledninger, omskoling og specialuddannelse af togpersonale, valg eller udskiftning af togoperatøren, prisen på at udfase og skrotte de skandaleramte IC4-tog og IC3, prisen på udskiftning af Banedanmarks sikringsanlæg osv. osv. Så bliver regningen vel på 20 mia. kr.? Vi kan vel med garanti sikre os, at den italienske togproducent, AnsaldoBreda, der stod bag IC4, ikke længere er velkommen. Men den italienske mafia spiller stadig et pus - to italienske firmaer ramt af korruptionssag - nu skal de bygge danmarks tredjestørste bro (storstrømsbroen) ... Vi ved, at NoX fra DSB's dieseltog gør luften farlig for passagererne. Dansk Jernbaneforbund, forskere og organisationer, langer hårdt ud, efter DSB. WHO har for nylig hævet klassifikation af dieseludstødning så den nu 'betragtes' som definitiv kræftrisiko. Partikler (soot) befandt sig allerede i den kategori. I Danmark består den offentlige trafik i høj grad af dieseldrevne køretøjer, og for DSBs vedkommende oven i købet af alvorligt forældet materiel, som forurener mange gange mere end tilsvarende nyere materiel. I 1999 havde DSB et udbud på nye dieseltog. Om dette udbud, der siden skulle resultere i ordren på IC4 togene, skrev DSB bl.a. således: ”.. Der er ingen standardtog i Europa, der er gode nok til danskerne. I forbindelse med bestillingen af 60 nye togsæt, ønsker DSB derfor at få bygget sine egne kvalitetstog.. ” ... Men kære DSB og politikere, nu er chancen for i endelig kan gøre nytte!!! I england og Wales, hopper de på samme limpind: De skal også ud at købe, men for svimlende summer som; 80,000,000,000 mia. kr (£9.4bn) ... ".. Rail electrification is an important part of the Department's carbon strategy. Typically an electric train emits between 20% and 35% less carbon per passenger mile than a diesel train. This benefit will only improve as the electricity generation industry reduces its carbon levels. Electric trains also have zero emissions at the point of use, of particular benefit for air quality in pollution hot spots like city centres and mainline stations such as London Paddington .." PS: Jeg ved godt, at Nordjyske Jernbaner, har købt 13 nye togsæt af mærket Alstom Coradia LINT (41), men det skulle efter sigende være et dieselmekanisk 2-vognstogsæt fremstillet af Alstom i Tyskland. Altså ingen nul-emissions passagertog, fra Alstrom, til Danmark ... |
Alstom's hydrogen train Coradia iLint (zero-emission train) - VS. - Alstom Coradia LINT 41 (traditional diesel) |
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.avisen.dk/indkoeb-af-nye-eltog-sendes-i-udbud_482379.aspx
Kilder: 👉
Galacticconnection \\ Exonews | Jan 30, 2018 | ~ Montana and Military Involvement With UFOs ~ | Blogger: (Excerpts:) -- First and foremost is the Mariana UFO incident from August 1950 when Nicolas Mariana filmed 16 mm color movies of two UFOs that appeared as shiny, circular craft .. Another extraordinary case in Montana happened at Malmstrom Air Force base in March 1967 when two maintenance crews reported seeing UFOs in the early morning hours over the E-Flight (missile) silos .. (Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Case #55741) - This incident, listed on the database as a CE-2, happened at around midnight on May 10, 2004 when an entire Army Special Forces unit saw an unknown spherical shaped object through night vision goggles while on security duty in Kabul, Afghanistan .. |
by Marie Cisneros January 19, 2018 (openminds.tv)
- This article relates three UFO encounters, the first two occurring in Montana in 1950 and 1967, and a third in Afghanistan in 2004.
- On August 15, 1950, Nicolas Mariana filmed 16 mm color movies of two UFOs that appeared as shiny, circular craft. (see 3:25 YouTube video below) This video has withstood over sixty years of scrutiny without being debunked, and is believed to be one of the strongest cases supporting the existence of UFOs.
- In March 1967, at Malmstrom Air Force base, Montana, early morning maintenance crews reported seeing UFOs hovering over missile silos. By late morning, one of the missiles had become inoperable. Soon, all ten of the bases’ missiles became inoperable. It was found that each of the missiles had gone off alert status due to a guidance and control fault and not due to a power outage. The cause was unknown.
- Around midnight on May 10, 2004, an Army Special Forces unit of fifteen troops were on patrol near Kabul in eastern Afghanistan. Using night vision goggles, they suddenly saw a very large spherical UFO rise from behind a nearby mountain, about the size of the moon (from their perspective). It made no noise and was not visible by the naked eye. It was glowing and translucent, illuminating the surrounding area. Slowly moving at about ten mph, the UFO was about 100 yards from their base came, a quarter-mile away from the patrol, and hovering about 50 feet in the air. Their commander inside the base camp could also see the object. The patrol watched the UFO for about ten more minutes before they had to turn around and head back to base camp. The craft came to a stop about a quarter-mile northeast of their position and appeared to stop over campfire that some locals had made. The UFO then shot a beam of light at the campfire, but the patrol could not see the result as the patrol unit was driving away. They lost sight of the UFO altogether behind a hill. Then they saw it rise above the local’s campfire straight up into the night sky at a rapid speed until it was gone.
First and foremost is the Mariana UFO incident from August 1950 when Nicolas Mariana filmed 16 mm color movies of two UFOs that appeared as shiny, circular craft. It has withstood years of research conducted by a slew of investigators, including the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), the Air Force, and Dr. Robert M. L. Baker, as well as others, without being debunked, and is believed to be one of the strongest cases supporting the existence of unidentified flying objects and remains unexplained.
Another extraordinary case in Montana happened at Malmstrom Air Force base in March 1967 when two maintenance crews reported seeing UFOs in the early morning hours over the E-Flight (missile) silos. Later that morning, one of the Minuteman missiles had gone off alert; meaning it had become inoperable. This was at one of the two sites where the maintenance crews had been stationed during the night.
Thinking this to be due to the crews doing maintenance or perhaps even neglecting their duty, crew commander, Figal, looked into the incident. Just as inexplicably, the entire flight of ten ICBMS went inoperable also; with all the missiles being reported a “No-Go” at this point. After a check was conducted, it was found that each of the missiles had gone off alert status due to a guidance and control fault and not due to a power outage. It has been conjectured that perhaps the UFO had caused the missiles to become inoperable, as the cause was unknown.
US Defense Watch | Jan 31, 2018 | ~ When All Else Fails, Roll out a Kennedy ~ | .. The Democrats are on the run and they know it. The FISA Memo will soon be released detailing KGB style tactics to steal the 2016 Election among Hillary disciples at the FBI. The economy is booming, African-American unemployment is the lowest in history. General Mattis and Fighting Joe Dunford have smashed ISIS and sent the monsters to the gates of Hades in one year. The once blue collar, working man’s party has metastasized into a globalist elite clique attempting to keep the border open in order to bring in foreigners who are their ONLY voting block outside of coastal California, Manhattan and Vermont. In a desperate attempt by the Democrats, Congressman Joe Kennedy III delivered the liberal rebuttal to President Trump’s SOTU speech, feebly attempting to channel the Ghosts of Kennedy Past. Mr. Kennedy’s rebuttal was full of sound, Spanish and fury, while signifying nothing .. |
Destroying the Illusion | Jan 31, 2018 | by Jordan Sather | ~ Memo ASAP/Gowdy/New EO/Train Crash/2nd LV Person/CDC Boss Quits ~ |
Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.
Today's Links:
"Oh Yeah, 100 Percent" - Trump Tells Republican He'll Release The Memo - https://goo.gl/EXFSHV Trey Gowdy, Who Led House Benghazi Inquiry, Will Not Seek Re-election - https://goo.gl/1JJ7yF Presidential Executive Order on Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists - https://goo.gl/JvnsZC Human-trafficking crackdown: 510 arrested, 56 rescued in California - https://goo.gl/hKB9ap Second Person Of Interest Identified In Las Vegas Massacre - https://goo.gl/yvRsv1 Ben Swann is Back - https://goo.gl/tS53BQ
Folkets Avis | 31. Jan 2018 | Brændte 300.000 kroner af på Youtubere – uden at undersøge markedet først | .. Sundhedsstyrelsen har måske ikke styr på sit område, men at brænde penge af på Youtubere går det fint med .. Inden et privat firma køber en stor markedsførings- kampagne, vil det normalt foretage en egentlig markedsundersøgelse i forhold til, hvad man får kunne få hos andre leverandører. Men sådan forholdet sig ikke, når Sundhedsstyrelsen køber dyre Youtube-kampagner .. |
YouTube. Grafik: Pixabay |
David Wilcock Update via Benjamin Fulford Blog (callsign 'dwilcock') | Jan 29, 2018 | (East-West lines drawn—will it be make love instead of make war?) | Blogger: PS: David Wilcock mentioned: "Roth Schild = Red Shield = Red Cross" = (🤔☝️ Modern slavery, trafficking and exploitation = Begging bowl barons = SCHR = SCHR Principals: Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Save the Children International, Mark Goldring, Oxfam GB, Chair of SCHR Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, ACT Alliance Wolfgang Jamann, CARE International Michel Roy, Caritas Internationalis Yves Daccord, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Elhadj As Sy, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Maria Immonen, Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Kevin Jenkins, World Vision International ❓❓)... |
Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-filmCONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.
By David Wilcock
@2018-01-29 9:35 PM
Awake in the middle of the night and here we are.
Twitter link proving 13,605 total sealed arrest warrants:
1/28: 4,311 New Sealed Indictments From 12/26-1/26, Total 13,605
The briefings on my side have gotten fairly quiet because things have moved into a VERY active phase.
I do want to make one key correction: The Q Anon briefings are at least predominantly real, and are coming from the highest levels of the Alliance.
Entire teams of people are working on putting it all together. It is now considered the main way the Alliance is getting info about these operations out to the public.
I do apologize to the Alliance for any misunderstandings. I was reporting Mega Anon’s opinion on the subject.
She has yet to respond to any calls or emails in almost two weeks now, so I am not sure what is going on. I don’t get the sense that she was taken out but I do get the sense she is taking a break.
From what I hear, things are really going to ramp up in February. These are exciting and dangerous times.
David Wilcock
Link to Q Anon briefings:
@2018-01-29 9:55 PM
X22 Report YouTube Channel | Economic Collapse News | Jan 31, 2018 | Episode 1486b | ~ Deep State Strikes Back And Sends A Clear Message, What's Next ~ | .. McCabe sat on Weiner's case. FBI is fighting back saying the memo is not accurate, the corporate media (cabal) will not give the memo much airtime. The cabal is pushing the propaganda with a second dossier. North Korea and South Korea meet before the Olympics. Video was release showing the Russian jet flying close to the US spy plane, a complete setup to demonize Russia. Lavrov announces that Syria will proceed with a new constitution. Damascus airport comes under fire at the same time the peace keepers return from Sochi. Turkey's invasion into Syria allowed the Syrian Army to take control of idlib. An Amtrak train that was carrying Republicans ran into a dump truck. The cabal just sent a message .. | Blogger: In other news -- BUSTED! Bill Clinton’s Brother Jailed For DUI (dailycaller.com) | 28 appeals in Russian doping case upheld, sanctions on athletes annulled - CAS (RT.com) | Russia's FSB Neutralizes Daesh Member Who Plotted Terror Attack on Election Day (sputniknews.com)... |
Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rn...
Join the X22 Report On Steemit: https://steemit.com/@x22report
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com Report date: 01.31.2018
Fox News \\ Antiwar.com \\ TheAntiMedia | Feb 1, 2018 | Another US antiballistic missile test fails, officials say - Pentagon Refuses to Say What Went Wrong | .. A test of an American missile defense system failed early Wednesday morning in Hawaii, two U.S. defense officials tell Fox News. It’s the same type of antiballistic infrastructure the Pentagon depends on to shoot down intermediate-range North Korean ballistic missiles .. |
File image showing a test of an SM-3 interceptor. A test of the missile defense system failed on Wednesday. (U.S. Navy, File) |
Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | Monthly Newsletter of The Galactic Center | News from the Stars | ~ Spiritual Insights February 2018 ~ |
Spiritual Insights February 2018
With a heavy heart, I begin this month with deep introspection about life and death and the reason why we are here. Last night I left my sister Marsha’s bedside as she slowly slips away to the other side. Reflecting on her life many realizations surface. Her greatest accomplishment in her life was her four children. She dedicated her life to raising her children. Her family was her purpose. The triumphant culmination of her passing involved her final mission to unite her entire family together for their last gathering where everyone celebrated and gave thanks for their life and being together.
She organized a cruise where all of her children and grandchildren came together to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Following that final dinner on the ship, she had a deadly series of heart attacks. The event she planned involved getting 20 people together; her husband, four children, their spouses, and 10 grandchildren. It was her generous wish to pay for the Caribbean cruise to celebrate Thanksgiving all together. She made it to this day enjoying the cruise but it meant her mission was finally complete. Her legacy is her family.
My sister was a spiritual devote of Paramahansa Yogananda and was initiated into Kriya yoga many years ago. She frequented many of the SRF (Self Realization Fellowship) retreats in Los Angeles. I imagine Yoganada is one of the first to greet her to the other side.
The most unrecognized job is being a parent, and especially a mother. It’s ironic because this is the most important work one can do in a life. To love unconditionally, nurture, protect and care for children is the most rewarding experience in the world. It truly opens the heart – and the heart energy of love is the true meaning of why we are here. Marsha’s love of her family and children was her most important accomplishment and transcends any earthly experience.
Following her initial heat attacks while on the ship, I had a series of events happen and dreams occur where she was trying to communicate to me. Soon after the news of her heart attacks she went into a coma but I felt her consciousness had already left her body. In one of my bedroom closets, I have a poster of family pictures from my father’s funeral. It was knocked to the ground one evening while I was trying to sleep. I knew this was an omen about her. Then the following night a very large suitcase was knocked to the ground, again while I was trying to sleep. I knew this was another message. I thought she just cannot be in her body.
Yahoo News | Jan 31, 2018 | CDC Director Brenda Fitzgerald resigns after report she invested in tobacco stocks | Blogger: ⚕️Top US health official resigns in conflict of interest 🚬 -- A Truly Corrupt and Dangerous Organization (WHO, EMA, CDC, FDA, Danish DHA etc.). [a recent media discussions in DK:] -- The Danish Health Authority (Danish: Sundhedsstyrelsen) is a state-owned entity in Denmark sorting under the Ministry of Health, made a political decision to support circumcision of boys as a human right, in accordance with an Egyptian convention - even though, female circumcision, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM), is illegal and strictly prohibited in Denmark. In the most recent survey the percentage of Danes that would ban ritual circumcision of boys below the age of 18 has risen to ""90%"", reports CPH Post .. Several thousands of similar cases, where political correctness, money, greed and power rules in these high-powered health authorities aka Big Pharma Bribery and Collusion aka The Pharmaceutical Mafia" aka The Medical-Industrial Complex aka The Public Relations Machine for the Vaccine Complex ... Is "weed" legal in Denmark? (Denmark approves medical cannabis trial in 2018, but ""lots"" of The Danish Rheumatism Association - Gigtforeningen, gets rejections). No, Marijuana in the country of Denmark is illegal. While many Danes are willing to tolerate its use, any weed-related activities, such as the growing, smoking, possession or selling of cannabis, is punishable by law. According to Denmark's Euphoriants Substances Act, "the import, export, sale, purchase, delivery, receipt, production, processing and possession" of marijuana are classified as criminal offenses. As set down in Danish Criminal Code, section 191, the punishment of a fine or a maximum of two years is enforceable.. |
Brenda Fitzgerald, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigned on Wednesday following a report that she had invested in tobacco stocks while overseeing an agency tasked with promoting public health.
The announcement came less than 24 hours after the disclosure of her investments by Politico. Fitzgerald had been under fire for months for not divesting some of her financial holdings.
Related SearchesTobacco StocksBrenda Fitzgerald CDCCDC Director FitzgeraldCDC ResignsCDC Head Resigns
The new Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who was sworn in earlier this week, announced the resignation in a brief statement.
The statement said that Fitzgerald owns “certain complex financial interests that have imposed a broad recusal limiting her ability to complete all her duties as the CDC director.”...[READ MORE]
Sources: 👉
Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Attorney General Sessions Announces DEA Surge to Combat Prescription Drug Diversion
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced yesterday that, over the next 45 days, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will surge Special Agents, Diversion Investigators, and Intelligence Research Specialists to focus on pharmacies and prescribers who are dispensing unusual or disproportionate amounts of drugs. To intensify the fight against prescription drug diversion, DEA will utilize data from approximately 80 million transaction reports it collects every year from prescription drug manufacturers and distributors. DEA will aggregate and analyze this data, which includes distribution figures and inventory of prescription drugs, to identify patterns, trends, and statistical outliers that can be developed into targeting packages.
“Our country is in the midst of a drug abuse crisis, enabled and worsened by rampant drug trafficking and prescription drug diversion,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “This surge of resources by the Drug Enforcement Administration will help us make more arrests, secure more convictions, and reduce the number of diverted or unnecessary prescription drugs causing addiction and overdose.”
The surge announced yesterday is the latest in a series of efforts by the Department of Justice to turn the tide of the opioid epidemic and reduce the inevitable violent crime that accompanies widespread drug trafficking. In August, the Department announced a new data analytics program, the Opioid Fraud and Abuse Detection Unit, which uses data to identify and prosecute individuals who are contributing to the opioid epidemic. The Department has also assigned experienced prosecutors to opioid hot spot districts to focus solely on investigating and prosecuting opioid-related health care fraud, and the DEA has reorganized its field divisions for the first time in nearly 20 years to increase its effectiveness nationwide.
Read Attorney General Sessions’ complete remarks here.
“Our country is in the midst of a drug abuse crisis, enabled and worsened by rampant drug trafficking and prescription drug diversion,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “This surge of resources by the Drug Enforcement Administration will help us make more arrests, secure more convictions, and reduce the number of diverted or unnecessary prescription drugs causing addiction and overdose.”
The surge announced yesterday is the latest in a series of efforts by the Department of Justice to turn the tide of the opioid epidemic and reduce the inevitable violent crime that accompanies widespread drug trafficking. In August, the Department announced a new data analytics program, the Opioid Fraud and Abuse Detection Unit, which uses data to identify and prosecute individuals who are contributing to the opioid epidemic. The Department has also assigned experienced prosecutors to opioid hot spot districts to focus solely on investigating and prosecuting opioid-related health care fraud, and the DEA has reorganized its field divisions for the first time in nearly 20 years to increase its effectiveness nationwide.
Read Attorney General Sessions’ complete remarks here.
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