Den amerikanske tv-vært Bill O'Reilly er blevet fyret fra Fox News. Foto: HO / Scanpix Danmark |
Apr 21, 2017
TV2 News | 21. April 2017 | Beskyldt for sexchikane: Fyret tv-vært får gyldent håndtryk på 173 millioner |
Benjamin Fulford Blog | Special Report | Apr 21, 2017 | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis |
Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.
Criminal charges were filed against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and a press conference was held but nobody paid attention
On April 20th, a group seeking to replace Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with Rockefeller family and Henry Kissinger protégé Ichiro Ozawa filed criminal charges against Abe. They also held a press conference, as reported on this site, at 4PM on April 20th.
By Benjamin Fulford
April 21, 2017
Criminal charges were filed against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and a press conference was held but nobody paid attention
On April 20th, a group seeking to replace Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with Rockefeller family and Henry Kissinger protégé Ichiro Ozawa filed criminal charges against Abe. They also held a press conference, as reported on this site, at 4PM on April 20th.
However, the Japanese establishment decided to ignore this move, which is why Abe is still in power and the media here failed to report what was said at the press conference. What this incident proves is that the Japanese elite group mind has more power than a legally correct indictment and is also able to ensure that a press conference is ignored.
Abe is considered by to be by far a lesser evil than Ozawa, and this is why this latest maneuver failed, sources in the Abe cabinet say.....
SITSSHOW | Apr 21, 2017 | Facebook Announces Mind-Controlled Computer Technology |
(Jake Anderson) On Tuesday, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg dropped a stunner when he announced to the attendees of F8, Facebook’s annual developers’ conference, that the tech giant is developing technology that will allow users to communicate using only their minds. The technology will come in the form of implantable chips that will create a brain-computer interface (BCI). It’s one of several secret projects being developed in the mysterious R&D division Building 8 labs.
Related Transhumanist Agenda Revealed: Hive Mind? 5G, Smart Grid, and the Coming “Global Brain” (Audio) -- The Future of Media and Agenda 2030
Source - The Antimedia
by Jake Anderson, April 19th, 2017
Zuckerberg’s past statements on the fabled brain-computer interface have been nothing less than tantalizing. In 2015, Zuckerberg laid out his personal vision for the technology:
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“One day, I believe we’ll be able to send full rich thoughts to each other directly using technology,” Zuckerberg said during a Q&A. “You’ll just be able to think of something and your friends will immediately be able to experience it too if you’d like.”
Related Neural “Smart” Dust Connects Brain And Computer (Wireless Mind Control)
Nyhedsbrevet - Gode Penge | 21. April 2017 | Se det fulde program for konferencen den 6. maj og tilmeld dig nu! |
Kun et lille uddrag:
Så er det fulde program for årets konference klar. Spænd hjelmen og gør dig klar til en rejse ind i fremtidens penge!
Det officielle program for konferencen er fra kl. 13-17, men der er mulighed for at udvide dagen i begge ender - med en valgfri workshop om formiddagen og reception og middag efter konferencens program.
Dagen vil især handle om, at centralbankerne overvejer at udstede elektroniske kontanter, og hvilke potentialer og farer, der er ved det.
Konferencen afholdes den 6. maj i samarbejde med Copenhagen Business School og deres nye studenterhus, Student & Innovation House.
Husk at købe din billet her.
Let the cleansing begin! -- #PedoGate #PizzaGate Update | BT Krimi | 21. April 2017 | 59-årig mand tiltalt i uhyggelig sag: Lokkede nøgenbilleder ud af mange børn og fik dem til at onanere |
En 59-årig mand bliver tiltalt efter en omfattende efterforskning af Nordsjællands Politi for at have lokket nøgenbilleder ud af andre personer på nettet samt for at få personer til at onanere for ham på videochat online. Manden er tiltalt i mere end 300 tilfælde.
Det skriver Nordsjællands Politi i en pressemeddelelse.
Efterforskningen i sagen, der begyndte tilbage i 2014, omfatter mere end 100.000 'chatkorrespondancer', hvor han dagligt skal have chattet med piger og drenge på sociale medier. Det skriver politiet i pressemeddelelsen.
I pressemeddelelsen skriver Nordsjællands Politi om den 59-åriges formodede fremgangsmåde:
'Han har brugt forskellige profiler, hvor han – alt efter samtalepartnerens køn – har udgivet sig for at være en ca. 15-årig dreng eller pige. Her er det lykkedes ham at overtale den person, han chattede med, til at tage tøjet af og i flere tilfælde foretage seksuelle handlinger. Den 59-årige har optaget disse handlinger uden, at de forurettede var klar over det og dermed også uden at have fået samtykke til optagelserne.'
I sagen er der 104 forurettede personer - de er i en stor aldersgruppe fra helt ned til otte år og helt op til 62 år. Størstedelen af de forurettede er ifølge politiet mindreårige.»Det er én af de mest omfattende sager, som jeg har set, siger politikommissær Henrik Gunst,« leder af Nordsjællands Poli......[LÆS VIDERE]
Russia Today | Apr 21, 2017 | French presidential hopeful Francois Fillon has called for election campaign events and activities to be suspended the following the shooting in Paris. The attack came just two days before France goes to the polls to elect its president | Blogger: It's quite convenient, isn't it, that the political globalists trying to regain order and contol, by forcing lockdown and doing absolutely everything to block Marine Le Pen and the collapsing French establishment. Frexit and then Spexit etc. will mean the end of EU. ISIS terror cell 'planned to attacks' or terror plots, it's really same game. We have just witness that a gunman kills officer & visitor in attack at local FSB HQ in Russian Far East.... “Where attention goes, energy flows and results show”... |
PIOPIO | 21. April 2017 | Zenias skyhøje fraværsprocent | Hvor er pengene til at bekæmpe hvidvaskning blevet af? | Eksplosion i antallet af fattige – og flere på vej | Aktuelt: Ja til overenskomst, eksperter undsiger arveafgiftslettelse, og Labour-parlamentarikere forlader den synkende skude ... |
Message from Jesus | Apr 20, 2017 | Channeling through John Smallman | And when you are ready the Light will dawn |
udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus
Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende
oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne
Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele
verden, og var en af de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores
elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores
opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse
til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer,
kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov.
Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2017
Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2017
Spiritual growth or evolution is humanity’s path to awakening. It was established by your heavenly Father in the instant that you chose to experience the unreality of separation from Him. There is no such state as separation, it is but a figment, a crazy imaginary idea that occurred to you briefly and with which you chose to engage. Now, it seems intensely real as you struggle to awaken from the deep slumber into which you fell in order for you to be able to feel and live the idea of separation.
Because you are eternally One with God it is inevitable that you will awaken into the state of eternal joy in which your loving Father created you. But, as I have told you previously, Love does not impose, It accepts and allows. It honors your choices, whatever they may be, and waits with infinite patience for the moment when you choose to welcome It into your hearts. And the arrival and recognition of that moment is an individual choice that every human will make, because the ongoing experience of separation, albeit unreal, is far too painful to endure endlessly.
Deep within each one of you is the knowing that life as a human is a very temporary and unreal experience, and that knowing disturbs your repose and demands your attention, your investigation. There is not one human who does not at some stage ponder deeply on the meaning of life, and that pondering leads to the intense and very powerful realization that there has to be a much deeper meaning than just survival as a human. And of course there is!
NN | Apr 21, 2017 | Bombshell: Nearly all drug war lab science is FAKE science | ... The War on Drugs is based on FAKE SCIENCE, warns lab science director who says labs routinely engage in “science crimes” against innocents.. That’s not hyperbole, by the way: It’s a matter-of-fact description of exactly how the drug war is being waged in America, thanks to lab science criminals like Annie Dookhan, who pleaded guilty to systematically faking lab science that convicted over 24,000 people on charges of drug possession... | Blogger: We have our own 'science fakers', especially doctors in Denmark, the medical–industrial complex grow them on trees, but none of them are charged with anything, except when they are caught red-handed with financial crimes, if not, the justice system leave them alone. One example is, a danish psychiatrists with 'brain damage' who only receives 60 days of imprisonment from a laws normally set to 8 years. A patient, Jan Eggertsen left for his death in a abanded caravan. This psychiatrist practiced with a brain injury for several years, although the National Board of Health received several alarming reports, protecting the doctors with fake documents. So, a well known psychiatrists involved in deaths and violent malpractice, first time a danish court system and a braindamaged doctor was procestured. Did you know that the Holstebro courthouse, had difficulties to pass judgements since no legal laws against 'doctors' has ever passed the court system? They needed to look into lawbooks and former court decisions on medical malpractice, tort liability law and the Danish Constitution, since no doctor has been prosected ever on these special charges!!!... Another well known faker is former brain researcher Milena Penkowa. The case of the former brain researcher Milena Penkowa has many elements, and extends today. The case is based on her first doctoral dissertation from 2001, which raised doubts as to her research findings and the use of experimental animals. However, more cases have taken place. Penkowa has been submitted to the Committees on Scientific Dishonesty (UVVU) several times, which in 2012 found her to be in serious breach of good scientific practice... |
Bombshell: Nearly all drug war lab science is FAKE science | |
I've released a bombshell video mini-documentary and article today revealing how nearly all "drug war" lab science is FAKE science. Just one lab technician in Boston, for example, pleaded guilty to faking the science involving over 24,000 drug convictions. But that barely scratches the surface. I'm here to tell you that the entire lab science community which works for government is lazy, incompetent and inaccurate, producing wildly unreliable and deliberately dishonest "false positives" that result in tens of thousands of drug convictions each year. Click here for the astonishing article and video. |
Black Pigeon Speaks - YouTube | Apr 20, 2017 | The POLITICAL ALCHEMY of the Levant | In other news: | UN doesn’t send experts to Idlib 'chemical incident' site as West & US are blocking it - Assad | The attempt by Western countries to derail Russia’s fact-finding initiative in Syria to examine the site of the chemical incident in Idlib province exposes their aim to topple the Syrian government, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said | Blogger: How do we know whom to believe? The Trumpsters and global leaders with CIA/Mossad/MI6 funding ISIS/NATO backed proxy army or Syria and Russia who deny TheDeepState and Rockefeller/Rothschild double punch to break them down?... |
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Prepare For Change | Apr 19, 2017 | Compartmentalized vs Holistic Thinking. Thoughts about thoughts |
The yin and yang concept, or "Principle of Polarity", is a foundational, natural law of our creation here. You'll find a duality in nearly everything. Left/Right. Black/White. Hot/Cold. This principle has many manifestations within our body, as well. It's a crucial concept when nailing down your health.
When it comes to mental health, in this case information processing, this polarity shows it's two-sided face again. On one end we have compartmentalized thinking, on the other we have what is known as "holistic" thinking.
Compartmentalized thinking is "left brain" thinking. Calculated. Scheduled. Scientific minded. This is where you focus on specific topics, gathering as much data as you can to formulate your theories with.
This is how our education system teaches us. Chemistry. Biology. Physics. Everything is separated. Our medical system is compartmentalized, too. "Neurologists", "immunologists", "oncologists". Teaching us this way has issues, and is not by accident. It's easy to fool people when you lead them down one path their whole lives. They may think they are "logical", but they're anything but.
Holistic thinking is what is on the other end of the spectrum, this is right brain processing. Intuitive thinking. It is being able feel how the dots of information connect, bringing it all together to solve problems. "Holistic health" workers bring every avenue of what makes some "healthy" into the picture, to find the best path. They're exploding in popularity and solving many issues that others can't for a reason. Logic needs intuition to balance it. To make sure you ain't being "bullsh**ed". You gut feeling is usually right, right?
Nyt magasin | KONSPIRATION | April- Juni 2017 | Nr. 2 | Tema om “magt” | Udpluk: | Christiania. Konspiration bag fristaden. Startede staten Staden? | Løgne, førte Danmark i krig | Penge er verdens største fupnummer. Er du gældsslave i kreditlænker? | Familien Rothschild: De styrer verden! | Blogger: Mødes med Josef Hanji på udgivelsesdagen og kan kun varmt anbefale bladet. Kan købes online eller et bredt udvalg af supermarkeder og kiosker, landet over. Den lille kerne som driver magasinet er der blevet lagt blod, sved og tårer og de gør det udelukkende for at oplyse den danske befolkning. Tidligere lærer Josef Hanji har beskæftiget sig med teorier om 9/11 i ti år. I dag er han redaktør for nyt magasin om konspirationsteorier. Josef er bla. også tidligere bestyrelsesmedlem for Lærerstuderendes Landskreds (2004-2007), foruden bestyrelsesarbejdet har han været også aktiv i De Studerendes Råd på Frederiksberg Seminarium i samme tidsrum. Hans politiske skoling har stået på siden folkeskolen, hvor han sad i elevrådet, pædagogisk råd og skolebestyrelsen. Har har desuden en HF, en HG og 13 års erfaring i at arbejde med børn i alle aldrer. Josef har været aktiv skribent på og taler på Open Mind Konferencen. Josef er også tilknyttet Niels Harris, (en dansk musiker og kemiker, lic.scient. og lektor emeritus ved KU) - 9/11-skeptikeren, der nægter at blive kaldt en tosse... |
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