Dec 13, 2017
Steve Quayle Alarm | Dec 13, 2017 | RADCON-5-ALERT: NUCLEAR EMERGENCY TRACKING CENTER | EXTREME RADIATION ALERTS UTAH AND NEW MEXICO-SOUTH VALLEY NEW MEXICO-641--SAINT GEORGE UTAH 588 | Blogger: Do Not Panic, always check with other reliable sources. Please read the disclaimer below ** RADCON-5 RAM email sent -- RADCON 1 RadiationBackgroundLevel | RADCON-2-Rising | RADCON-3-Elevated | RADCON-4-Concern/Watch | RADCON-5-ALERT... | | Dec 13, 2017 | Theresa May uses deceptive stats to claim homelessness has fallen under Tories (VIDEO) | .. During Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) on Wednesday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called the rate of children and families facing homelessness a “national disgrace” as he challenged the PM to get more people into stable homes. He said one in 100 children in Britain are homeless at any one time and 128,000 will spend Christmas in temporary accommodation or on the streets .. | Blogger: Heartbreaking... 😞😟. Brooke - just tell the prime minister, she's NOT a slam dunk.. 'Very angry' five-year-old girl tells Theresa May off over homelessness... |
Theresa May uses deceptive stats to claim homelessness has fallen under Tories
Read Full Article at
Brooke has something to say to Theresa May
Ole Dammegard | Dec 13, 2017 | UK Critical Thinker | Manchester Attack | Part I |
Dammegard also discloses how CIA’s Operation 40, originally implemented in 1960 by Vice President Richard M. Nixon, became a super-secret and very deadly assassination squad that was used by the Elite to carry out a swath of destabilizing assassinations worldwide,including the political assassinations of JFK, Robert F. Kennedy, with roles in Watergate and 9/11. CIA Operation 40 was also deployed against visionary musicians like John Lennon and Bob Marley.
For the second hour of this podcast, please click here: "In this episode Ole Dammegard from Light On interviews UK Critical Thinker, a researcher that lives up to his name. Since the Manchester Arena Attack he has refused to accept the official version given to us in main stream media. Instead he has carried out an independent and objective investigation, which has resulted in an amazing documentary called ‘On the Face of It – Manchester’. Here he has provided a thoughtful presentation that can be used with ease to spark discussion about these serious events. This documentary, whilst reviewing the Manchester attack from the 22nd of May 2017, is also an explanation as to why EVERYONE must review anything that is presented to them and not get caught up in the media's whirlwind."
Please support Ole Dammegard and his groundbreaking research:
Light On Conspiracies:
For the second hour of this podcast, please click here: "In this episode Ole Dammegard from Light On interviews UK Critical Thinker, a researcher that lives up to his name. Since the Manchester Arena Attack he has refused to accept the official version given to us in main stream media. Instead he has carried out an independent and objective investigation, which has resulted in an amazing documentary called ‘On the Face of It – Manchester’. Here he has provided a thoughtful presentation that can be used with ease to spark discussion about these serious events. This documentary, whilst reviewing the Manchester attack from the 22nd of May 2017, is also an explanation as to why EVERYONE must review anything that is presented to them and not get caught up in the media's whirlwind."
Please support Ole Dammegard and his groundbreaking research:
Light On Conspiracies:
YouTube: | 13. Dec 2017 | Lokofører om S-togs udbud: 'Det er et nyt DONG-salg' | .. Lokomotivfører Thomas Bryan-Lund forstår ikke beslutningen om at gøre S-togene førerløse. Aftalen skaber usikkerhed hos de ansatte, fortæller han .. | Blogger: Endnu en sjov clickbait nyhed... Thomas Bryan-Lund er selv 43 år og har været lokomotivfører siden 1998: ".. - Jeg tror, de gør det som et DONG-salg. Man sælger ud af arvegodset til en privat operatør, som vil suge penge ud af det, siger han .. ". Ifølge et faktaark er i besiddelse af, planlægger man at påbegynde arbejdet med førerløse toge i 2024. Planen er, at man vil have fuldt førerløse toge i 2036. Arbejdet vil starte på strækningen mellem Hellerup Station og Ny Ellebjerg Station... |
Det minder om et nyt DONG-salg, mener lokofører Thomas Bryan-Lund om udbuddet om af S-togene. Foto: Privat |
EB | 13. Dec 2017 | Hemmeligt dokument afslører: Sharia-sheik får 200 mio. kr. i huslejerabat | .. Statens udgifter til frasalget af statens vaccineproduktion vokser og vokser og ender på 470 mio. kr .. | Blogger: Yarn! Cracked the Alphabet bandit's code this afternoon.. Saudi-Sharia-Sheikh AJ-Vaccines: Would You Want Your Vaccine Produced by Supporters of Jihad? Free Room & Board. Danish SSI Vaccine Factory Sold for 15 mio. kr. Estimated worth 285 mio. kr. State deficit soars (470 mio. kr.). No laughing matter for the taxpayers. One Happy Sheikh... Der er lagt 'masser' af lokkemad ud under de danske avisoverskrifter fra internetaviser. Vi kan hurtigt blive enige om, at Clickbait-rubrikker og Adsense indtjening, ofte er mere æggende end dækkende og mere kryptiske end oplysende.. Men måske har JP/Politikens Hus en spændende nyhed? Alle burde vide, at Statens Serum Institut (SSI) blev solgt i januar 2017 til det saudiarabiske konglomerat Aljomaih Group (firmaet AJ Vaccines) for en slik. (50 pct ejerskab). Dog, har fået adgang til et fortroligt aktstykke fra Sundhedsministeriet. Heri fremgår det, at staten har fået nye udgifter i forbindelse med frasalget på 24,7 mio. kroner som følge af lagerændringer, øgede it-udgifter, ændringer i medarbejderforpligtigelser, samt en bod, man har betalt til AJ Vaccines, fordi man ikke rettidigt har kunnet frigive en vaccine. I aktstykket bliver sheikens rabat – som var en betingelse fra hans side – for at leje SSI’s gamle lokaler, samtidig opgjort til 200 mio. over de næste fire år. Når man dertil lægger vaccine- produktionens aktiver og brug af konsulenter i forbindelse med salget, så ender de samlede udgifter på 470 mio. kr. for frasalget af statens vaccinefabrik, som sheiken i januar i år betalte 15 millioner kroner for.... |
Sheik Abdulaziz Hamad Aljomaih fik ikke kun rabat på huslejen. Han sparede også 270 mio kr på købet af Statens Serum Institut. |
Her er hele regnestykket
Statens udgifter ender på i alt 470 mio. kr. for salget af vaccineproduktionen, som sheik Abdulaziz Hamad Aljomaih betalte 15 mio. kr. for.
I et fortroligt aktstykke fremgår det, at staten tabte 17,2 mio. kr. mere end først forventet på det direkte salg. Oprindelig mente Sundhedsministeriet, at staten ville tabe 140,7 mio. kr. Det beløb svarer til netto-værdien af vaccinefabrikkens aktiver på 155,7 millioner kroner fratrukket salgsprisen på 15 mio. kr.
På grund af lagerændringer og medarbejderforpligtelser var netto-værdien dog reelt 17,2 millioner kroner højere, hvorfor tabet ved selve salget nu lyder på: 157,9 mio. kr.
Samtidig brugte staten ifølge aktstykket 1,5 mio. kr. mere på it-relaterede udgifter, herunder konsulenter. Samlet it-regning: 60 mio. kr.
Den danske stat har betalt en bod til sharia-sheiken, fordi man ikke kunne frigive en vaccine rettidigt: 6 mio. kr.
Sheiken får også en klækkelig huslejerabat, hvilket var et ufravigeligt krav fra ham. Han betaler de første fire år blot tre mio. kr. årligt i husleje for 30.000 kvm fabriksbygninger, der er væsentlig mere værd. Det betyder et tab på 50 mio. kr. årligt i fire år: 200 mio. kr.
Konsulentrapporten fra PWC, der analyserede sig frem til, at vaccine-fabrikken ville kunne indbringe 285 millioner kroner, koster: 3,1 mio. kr.
Ifølge et svar fra daværende barselsvikarierende sundhedsminister Karen Ellemann (V) til Folketingets sundhedsudvalg i marts blev der brugt finansiel og juridisk bistand ved handlen for: 35 mio. kr.
Derudover har der være andre konsulentopgaver på 16 mio. kr., der også gælder salget af en anden enhed under Statens Serum Institut, SSI Diagnostica. Ekstra Bladet har medtaget halvdelen: 8 mio. kroner
I alt 470 mio. kr.
© - image composition from the internet many picture archives |
© - image composition from the internet many picture archives |
Folkets Avis | 13. Dec, 2017 | Dansk Folkeparti vil sikre pamperne 26 mia ekstra af skatteydernes surt tjente penge | .. Projektmagerne i det offentlige burde jo knuselske Dansk Folkeparti. Danske Folkeparti har ikke den fjerneste respekt for det danske folk. På trods af at marketingsafdelingen i partiet gør et dygtigt stykke arbejde for at fremstille partiet som folkeligt og anti-elite, er sandheden en ganske anden. Så meget er efterhånden tydeligt for enhver med øjne i hovedet .. |
Kristian Thulesen Dahl. Foto: fotos til pressebrug / fotograf ikke angivet på |
Jon Rappoport | Dec 12, 2017 | Ten essential elements of a covert op | .. These ten elements (there are more) are standard. They’re not esoteric. Any intelligence agency deploys them in a variety of situations. For the most part, the press simply takes dictation and reports what front men for covert ops want reported. Of course, the press is seeded with intell assets. How does a researcher deal with these ten elements? He drills down below the cover story to discover the core facts about the op. He isn’t diverted by the distractions and the fake news. He must be ready to find some mind-boggling truths at the core and accept what he finds. Having discovered the core, he can then “reverse engineer” the op and see how it was put together. He can see who benefited at various levels.. |
ONE: Compartmentalization.
The tasks necessary to carrying out the operation are divided among players at different levels. In a successful op, these groups of players are unaware of each other. They wouldn’t be able to confess to more than their own roles.
And in many cases, the disparate players would never believe they were part of an op. They would swear they were “doing good”—as, for example, in medical research that was—unknown to the researchers—actually designed to obscure a chemical attack on a population, by locating a virus as the false culprit. By training and by general stupidity, the researchers are always predisposed to finding a virus. The last thing on their minds is that they’re part of an op.
TWO: Gaining tremendous media coverage for the effect of the op (even exaggerating the effects), while hiding the cause and the players who planned it.
THREE: Blaming the wrong people as the originators of the op. Relentlessly discrediting truth tellers who see what’s really going on.
FOUR: Developing and promoting a false cover story to describe the details of the op; in many cases, those details are wrong. For example, the famous truck bomb parked at the curb of the Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995, did most assuredly not cause the human and property destruction that ensued. There were bombs inside the building.
FIVE: Laying down false trails for investigators and independent researchers. In the wake of the JFK assassination, we saw the emergence of many, many “alternative” scenarios. Some of that “information” was designed to lead into dead-end alleys—after much time and frustration.
SIX: At least several goals. In any large covert op, there are a few different objectives, at different levels. For example, certain players gain an increase in status; profits for the elite planners; control of market share; demonizing of opponents; general demoralization of the population. Arguments over “the real purpose” of an op are often misguided. There was never just one purpose.
The Vigilant Citizen | Dec 12, 2017 | Why Are There Paintings Depicting Ritual Abuse On Display at the Las Vegas Courthouse? | .. In Conclusion: -- The series of paintings on display at the Lloyd George Federal Courthouse appear to tell a horrific story of ritual abuse. The main handler is represented by a unicorn (a phallic symbol) who is named “Evil King”. More abuse is committed by birds with human bodies. The fact that the abusers are animals probably alludes to the fact that dissociated slaves have little to no contact with reality. In all of the paintings, the slaves appear completely out of it or passed out. These slaves are represented as faceless figures wearing masks, representing their core personality being replaced by an alter persona created by the handlers. The masks worn by the slaves resemble those worn in masked balls à la Eyes Wide Shut, where elite individuals partake in ritualistic copulation. The aim of Monarch programming is to cause trauma so intense that it forces slaves to dissociate from reality as a natural defense mechanism. The paintings at the Las Vegas Courthouse depict exactly this process using disturbing symbolism. Why are these horrific paintings displayed at a government building dedicated to law and justice?.. |
Disturbing paintings depicting various scenes of ritual abuse are on display near the entrance of the Lloyd George Federal Courthouse in Las Vegas.
The official website of the United States District Court of Nevada states:
“The cornerstone of the Amercian judicial system is the trial courts … in which witnesses testify, juries deliberate and justice is done.”If that is the case, why are there paintings of birds raping people displayed at the Las Vegas Courthouse?
– William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States
According to Redoubt News:
These paintings were hung in the very front of the courthouse, next to the main entrance. (…) These are reportedly created by local high school students. Their teacher said to one of the complainants, “They are learning that they don’t identify people by their faces.”The article states that nobody at the courthouse took responsibility for okaying these paintings.
A closer look at these paintings reveals that their message goes way beyond “Don’t identify people by their faces” (whatever that means). Indeed, the paintings are replete with imagery and symbolism relating to Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and trauma-based mind control (known as Monarch Programming). They tell a disturbing story of abuse at the hand of extremely evil people, which leads me to doubt that those were made by high school students.
Here are the paintings. Warning: Graphic imagery.
In occult symbolism, a unicorn is a phallic symbol (emphasized by its single horn). In ancient myths and legends, it is said that the unicorn can “only be tamed by a virgin”.
Is the unicorn (named Evil King) violating virgins?
Galactic Connection by Alexandra Meador | Aired Dec 12, 2017 | ~ The End Is The Beginning And The Beginning Is The End ~ | Blogger: I believe, that Alexandra Meador, forgot to add full message from 'The Prime Creator', but then listen to the videocast - important stuff... Note: The Prime Creator message, Starts at 34 minute marker...🙏🙌💓 |
Hello My Children,
The time has come for Me to relay more truth and transparency in My series of Prime Creator messages! Through this letter, you will gain an understanding that mishaps do occur in higher planes of existence but only continue playing out in much lower realms. I would also like to clarify that when you read “I” in this letter, it is representing Me, The Prime Creator.
Today I am providing you additional SOFT DISCLOSURE on simple basic questions such as “why you ended up on Earth” and “how did life on earth really come about? How did you end up here for such an incredibly long time, that of 350,000 quadtrillion millennias x 10,000?” Remember as previously stated, one millennia is equivalent to 25,000 years in your time. As you can see this is a ridiculously long period of time you have been in The Game.
I am relieved to announce that it was not until recently that Jack, one of my children from the very beginning of The Game, has completed his work and willingly took full ownership and responsibility for his own creations and miscreations. To my elation, an aspect of James stepped forward and worked diligently with Me as well, so we could FINALLY shut This Game down. You will learn more about why the roles of James and Jack are so significant. In addition, someone at each level of involvement in The Game has been willing to invest a great deal of their time and effort working directly with Me and in taking full ownership, understanding, forgiveness, and clearing work. One of the immediate benefits of this completion is the shutting down of the seemingly never-ending time loop that all of you have been in for 350,000 quadtrillion x 10,000 millennias, apparently offering no exit whatsoever.
Many have pondered why it has it taken so long to get this Game shut down and why I didn’t stop it sooner? Before I answer that, let me be clear that this can be challenging to provide you a thorough understanding when time does not really exist, and that includes past, present and future. Things happen simultaneously, vertically and not horizontally - nor linearly.
The time has come for Me to relay more truth and transparency in My series of Prime Creator messages! Through this letter, you will gain an understanding that mishaps do occur in higher planes of existence but only continue playing out in much lower realms. I would also like to clarify that when you read “I” in this letter, it is representing Me, The Prime Creator.
Today I am providing you additional SOFT DISCLOSURE on simple basic questions such as “why you ended up on Earth” and “how did life on earth really come about? How did you end up here for such an incredibly long time, that of 350,000 quadtrillion millennias x 10,000?” Remember as previously stated, one millennia is equivalent to 25,000 years in your time. As you can see this is a ridiculously long period of time you have been in The Game.
I am relieved to announce that it was not until recently that Jack, one of my children from the very beginning of The Game, has completed his work and willingly took full ownership and responsibility for his own creations and miscreations. To my elation, an aspect of James stepped forward and worked diligently with Me as well, so we could FINALLY shut This Game down. You will learn more about why the roles of James and Jack are so significant. In addition, someone at each level of involvement in The Game has been willing to invest a great deal of their time and effort working directly with Me and in taking full ownership, understanding, forgiveness, and clearing work. One of the immediate benefits of this completion is the shutting down of the seemingly never-ending time loop that all of you have been in for 350,000 quadtrillion x 10,000 millennias, apparently offering no exit whatsoever.
Many have pondered why it has it taken so long to get this Game shut down and why I didn’t stop it sooner? Before I answer that, let me be clear that this can be challenging to provide you a thorough understanding when time does not really exist, and that includes past, present and future. Things happen simultaneously, vertically and not horizontally - nor linearly.
Dr Michael Salla Update | Dec 12, 2017 | Did Extraterrestrials from Venus Make Contact in 1952? | Blogger: Please pay attention to that, Dr. Michael Salla picture reference comes from a danish Painter, Photographer and Researcher, Rene Erik Olsen and highly-respected French author and researcher, Michel Zirger's book " We Are Here".. Dr. Michael Salla's front picture, is the first photo which Adamski took - The object was too close for him to get the whole craft in the viewfinder - this is a rendition of what it would have looked like - including the original clearly marked, according to Danish artist Rene Erik Olsen, who has made the Desert Landing photos available on his website.. Despite the compelling evidence, Adamski’s 1952 encounter was widely debunked. Zirger discusses the shocking extent to which evidence and testimonies supporting Adamski’s famous Desert Center landing was dismissed, ridiculted or distorted by leading scientists of the era such as Dr. Donald Menzel, Dr. Jacques Vallee, and Dr. Carl Sagan. Most UFO researchers have ever since dismissed Adamski as a hoaxer, despite the compelling evidence suggesting otherwise. Indeed, Adamski’s photos of flying saucers and cigar shaped ships dating from 1950 have never been shown to be forgeries.. Zirger cites a range of esoteric texts and sources supporting the idea that an advanced civilization exists on Venus, but is hidden from modern telescopes and planetary probes sent by different national space agencies. For example, he refers to the 1899 book, A Dweller of Two planets: No telescope will ever reveal life on Venus: not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes.”... |
French researcher Michel Zirger has written a highly detailed book on extraterrestrial contact which highlights the encounters of George Adamski with alleged extraterrestrials from Venus. In We Are Here: Visitors without a Passport (2017), Zirger provides a solid overview of a collection of photos and testimonies backing up Adamski’s famed November 20, 1952 encounter near Desert Center, California. Zirger points out that Adamski’s encounter was the first documented contact case with an occupant from a flying saucer craft, widely believed to be a Venusian extraterrestrial.
Six witnesses saw two UFO craft on the day of Adamski’s encounter. The first was a large cigar shaped craft that flew overhead, and the second was a smaller saucer shaped scout craft that landed. From the scout craft an occupant emerged to meet with Adamski, who claimed to be from the planet Venus and went by the name, Orthon.
In his book, Zirger includes digitally enhanced copies of the original photos taken at Adamski’s encounter which show both the scout craft hovering before landing, and its occupant who emerged after the landing. The photos were enhanced by Danish artist Rene Erik Olsen who has made the Desert Landing photos available on his website.
RT \\ Dianne Cheney YouTuber \\ MSM World Media | Dec 12, 2017 | Criticism After Danish School Cancels Christmas To Avoid ‘Preaching’ To Non-Christian Children | Blogger: Islamophobia?? Veeeery strange decision, story has also hit the mainstream worldly news.. 'Educational committee at Græsted School has decided to drop the church entrance to the students at school, according to a message to the parents as a result of the fact that at school there are students with a different belief than the Protestant. The decision is now meeting critics from several local politicians'... Has sparked some angry comment on social media. One comment: 'One could be tempted to believe that the school leader is converting to Islam?'.. Our PM, Lars Løkke Rasmussen has clearly stated his concerns, #Stoejberggate, Veeeeery quit... In other news -- The Danish Immigration Authority has added Saudi preacher Abdullah bin Radi Almoaede Al-Shammary to a ‘blacklist’ of 10 foreign clerics barred from entering the country amid allegations that these individuals promote hate speech. ""The country’s Minister for Immigration, Inger Stojberg, welcomed the announcement Tuesday.""... |
Se den udsendte besked fra skolen herunder:
Se den udsendte besked fra skolen herunder:
Netavisen Gribskov har forsøgt at få en kommentar fra Skoleleder Marianne Vedersø Schmidt til artiklen, men hun er desværre sygemeldt. Vi har dog sendt en mail og opdaterer når der er svar...
RT - Russia Today | Dec 12, 2017 | 'Anything can be fabricated': Retired Russian general on accusations of involvement in MH17 crash | .. A group of Western activists investigating the 2014 tragedy with a Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine say they have found a Russian military official they believe was involved in the crash. RT spoke to the accused man, Nikolay Tkachyov, who denies the allegations against him.".. Anyone can claim whatever he or she wants, and no one's mouth can be shut. These days, everyone writes or says whatever he or she thinks. As for me, I haven't been anywhere even near Ukraine in 2014. Since 2012, I never traveled outside Yekaterinburg [a city in Russia's Ural mountains],.. " the retired lieutenant-general told RT Russian .. |
ECETI News | James Gilliland | Dec 13, 2017 | ~ SENATOR GRASSLEY CALLS FOR FBI INVESTIGATION OF CLINTONS ~ | Blogger: Woooooow! Must-Watch👁️🗨️💣⏱️🎁🎅🔮🔮🔮.... |
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.
Sen. Grassley Lashes out at FBI, DOJ in Fiery
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) blasted the FBI and Senate Democrats on Wednesday for their unwillingness to fairly investigate Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration, stating that the Democrats on the committee he oversees “only want to talk about [President] Trump.”.
Sen. Grassley Lashes out at FBI, DOJ in Fiery
Senate Floor Speech
Grassley blasts Democrats over unwillingness to probe Clinton
Biodynamiskeforbrugere's Nyhedsbrev | 13. December 2017 | Til Forebyggelses-og Patientrådets netværk - December 2017 | 👨⚖️ 🏴☠️Vigtigt - mere nyt i DNA-sagen 🏴☠️ | .. Vi har vigtigt nyt om DNA sagen, og vil opfordre jer alle til at handle på det, når I har læst dette budskab! (OBS! Denne mail må ikke sendes videre til politikere) ... |
Forebyggelses-og Patientrådets netværk
Så er det sidste udkald! Staten vil tage ejerskab over dit DNA!
Siden sidst, - om lovforslaget om et Nationalt Genom Register:
Staten vil fortsat kortlægge danskernes personlige DNA og gemme det til evig tid i ”Nationalt Genom Register” uden at spørge os om lov!
Både statens og medicinalindustriens forskere kan så rekvirere danskernes mest private DNA-oplysninger til forskning, uden at vi kan sige nej. Det vil sige, at international Big Pharma via deres forskere får adgang til danskernes personlige DNA!
Politikerne begår overgreb mod individets selvbestemmelsesret, når de nægter ret til informeret samtykke til deling af personens unikke DNA.
Intet kan være mere privat og afslørende for et menneske end dets DNA, som er hele grundplanen for vedkommendes liv! Det tilkommer ingen anden end hver enkelt af os at beslutte, om vi vil stille vores potentielt stigmatiserende DNA til rådighed for forskning og andre formål.
Lovforslaget er i strid med retsprincipperne i et demokratisk samfund!
Igennem flere måneder har Dansk Selskab for Almen Medicin, Patientdataforeningen, IT-politisk Forening, Institut for Menneskerettigheder, Forbrugerrådet TÆNK og også Etisk Råd forgæves opfordret sundhedsministeren til at indskrive i lovforslaget, ”at borgerne har ret til at blive bedt om samtykke, før staten må kortlægge og anbringe vores personlige DNA i Nationalt Genom Center."
Men ministeren og politikerne vil ikke give borgerne ret til selvbestemmelse!
De er fast besluttede på at udnytte danskernes private helbredsdata og DNA til et væksteventyr, der skal booste Danmarks økonomi. Helt uden danskernes samtykke!
Men nu går det jo ikke, at staten bare giver medicinalindustrien adgang til at banke på borgernes dør og sige: "Goddag, vi kan se at du har anlæg for drikfældighed. Vi har en medicin, der måske kan få dig til at drikke mindre - vil du være med i et forsøg?"
Derfor har staten i stedet oprettet stråmandsselskabet ”Nextpartnership”- et offentligt privat samarbejde, der skal danne "neutralt forbindelsesled" mellem medicinalindustrien og adgangen til danskernes DNA og eventuelle sammenkørte registre med andre personoplysninger. Genom-databasen er forberedt til det hele!
Målet er nemlig at gøre Danmark - og dermed danskerne - til det foretrukne land for internationale medicinalselskabers afprøvning af ny medicin. Dit DNA kan altså blive et væksteventyr. Uden du selv ved det. Du har nemlig aldrig givet tilladelse til det!
Uden befolkningens vidende har den danske stat siden 2014 falbudt vores helbredsdata internationalt og opfordret Big Pharma selskaber til at lægge deres Fase1 forsøg på mennesker i Danmark.
Myndighederne reklamerer på nettet med Danmarks enestående helbredsregistre og CPR. system, hvor alle danskere er registreret. Samt med at internationale medicinalselskaber vil få tilbudt nem og smidig adgang til Danmarks sundhedsregistre og få hurtig hjælp til rekruttering af egnede forsøgspersoner på vore offentlige hospitaler!
Reklamen går endda så vidt som at foreslå Danmark/danskerne som ”internationalt laboratorium for tidlige kliniske forsøg!” Da Fase1 forsøg imidlertid er de første forsøg på mennesker med en ny medicin, er de samtidig de farligste forsøg at deltage i! Tilmed er der kun 12 % chance for, at Fase1 forsøg vil gavne patienterne!**
Vi har vigtigt nyt om DNA sagen, og vil opfordre jer alle til at handle på det, når I har læst dette budskab! (OBS! Denne mail må ikke sendes videre til politikere)
Venlig hilsen Lars Mikkelsen og Birthe Kjærgaard
Så er det sidste udkald! Staten vil tage ejerskab over dit DNA!
Siden sidst, - om lovforslaget om et Nationalt Genom Register:
Staten vil fortsat kortlægge danskernes personlige DNA og gemme det til evig tid i ”Nationalt Genom Register” uden at spørge os om lov!
Både statens og medicinalindustriens forskere kan så rekvirere danskernes mest private DNA-oplysninger til forskning, uden at vi kan sige nej. Det vil sige, at international Big Pharma via deres forskere får adgang til danskernes personlige DNA!
Politikerne begår overgreb mod individets selvbestemmelsesret, når de nægter ret til informeret samtykke til deling af personens unikke DNA.
Intet kan være mere privat og afslørende for et menneske end dets DNA, som er hele grundplanen for vedkommendes liv! Det tilkommer ingen anden end hver enkelt af os at beslutte, om vi vil stille vores potentielt stigmatiserende DNA til rådighed for forskning og andre formål.
Lovforslaget er i strid med retsprincipperne i et demokratisk samfund!
Igennem flere måneder har Dansk Selskab for Almen Medicin, Patientdataforeningen, IT-politisk Forening, Institut for Menneskerettigheder, Forbrugerrådet TÆNK og også Etisk Råd forgæves opfordret sundhedsministeren til at indskrive i lovforslaget, ”at borgerne har ret til at blive bedt om samtykke, før staten må kortlægge og anbringe vores personlige DNA i Nationalt Genom Center."
Men ministeren og politikerne vil ikke give borgerne ret til selvbestemmelse!
De er fast besluttede på at udnytte danskernes private helbredsdata og DNA til et væksteventyr, der skal booste Danmarks økonomi. Helt uden danskernes samtykke!
Men nu går det jo ikke, at staten bare giver medicinalindustrien adgang til at banke på borgernes dør og sige: "Goddag, vi kan se at du har anlæg for drikfældighed. Vi har en medicin, der måske kan få dig til at drikke mindre - vil du være med i et forsøg?"
Derfor har staten i stedet oprettet stråmandsselskabet ”Nextpartnership”- et offentligt privat samarbejde, der skal danne "neutralt forbindelsesled" mellem medicinalindustrien og adgangen til danskernes DNA og eventuelle sammenkørte registre med andre personoplysninger. Genom-databasen er forberedt til det hele!
Målet er nemlig at gøre Danmark - og dermed danskerne - til det foretrukne land for internationale medicinalselskabers afprøvning af ny medicin. Dit DNA kan altså blive et væksteventyr. Uden du selv ved det. Du har nemlig aldrig givet tilladelse til det!
Uden befolkningens vidende har den danske stat siden 2014 falbudt vores helbredsdata internationalt og opfordret Big Pharma selskaber til at lægge deres Fase1 forsøg på mennesker i Danmark.
Myndighederne reklamerer på nettet med Danmarks enestående helbredsregistre og CPR. system, hvor alle danskere er registreret. Samt med at internationale medicinalselskaber vil få tilbudt nem og smidig adgang til Danmarks sundhedsregistre og få hurtig hjælp til rekruttering af egnede forsøgspersoner på vore offentlige hospitaler!
Reklamen går endda så vidt som at foreslå Danmark/danskerne som ”internationalt laboratorium for tidlige kliniske forsøg!” Da Fase1 forsøg imidlertid er de første forsøg på mennesker med en ny medicin, er de samtidig de farligste forsøg at deltage i! Tilmed er der kun 12 % chance for, at Fase1 forsøg vil gavne patienterne!**
TV2 NYS | 12. Dec 2017| 'Mandeinfluenza' skal tages meget mere alvorligt, mener forsker | .. "Mænd har værre symptomer, symptomerne varer længere, mænd har større risiko for at blive indlagt og mænd har større risiko for at dø af det ~ Kyle Sue, ass. professor ved Memorial University of Newfoundland"...🏥🚑🚑🚑🤒⚕️💉💊😷 | Blogger: LOFL! 🤣😉😄😏... Undskyld, kan simpelthen ikke forstå, hvis folk tror på, at ""MANDEVIRUS"", findes. Det er ganske korrekt, antibiotika bekæmper bakterier og har derfor absolut ingen effekt på virusinfektioner. Det samme gælder urteudtræk, pebermyntepulver og måske også C-vitamins-overdosering. Men, vores statsindoktrineret overbetalte bforskere og lægelobisterne fra det gigastore pengehungrende-medicinalindustrielle-sundhedsvidenskabelige kompleks, ønsker at overbevise os om, at der findes et virksomt middel mod influenza - de såkaldte neuramindasehæmmere, som for eksempel tamiflu og det toksiske vaccinationsprogram... Du tror det er løgn, der findes faktisk også en seriøs hjemmeside, Facebook opslag og en brevkasse på området som hedder "Man Flu - Hjælp til selvhjælp imod verdens farligste sygdom...". Som min Holistiske/naturlæge siger: "Vi må sgu ha' en østrogen indsprøjtning, så kan vi måske også blive tvekønnet (hermafroditer), dermed er alle problemer løst. OMG!... |
Er mandeinfluenza en myte eller en virkelig medicinsk tilstand? En canadisk forsker har gennemgået den eksisterende forskning i emnet. Foto: Chris Ryan / Scanpix |
Manfluenza - Man Flu
Den rene skinbarlige sandhed…
Manfluenza, mandeinfluenza eller bare the man flu, er en potentielt dødelig sygdom, der kun rammer den mandlige del af jordens befolkning.
Sygdommen rammer uden varsel og den diskriminerer ikke mellem rig eller fattig, høj eller lav, tyk eller tynd. Alle mænd er modtagelige overfor sygdommen, hvorimod kvinder er aldeles immune overfor den. Det fører ofte til, at mænd der er ramte latterliggøres af det kvindelige køn, der i deres uvidenhed slår denne livstruende lidelse hen med, at det blot er klynk over en ganske almindelige forkølelse.
Dette er dog ikke tilfældet, da det er empirisk bevist, at man flu kun rammer folk med et XY kromosom-par (mænd).
Da der findes mange myter og ammestue historier derude omkring denne dødelige lidelse har vi her på sitet samlet en række fakta samt tips og tricks til, hvordan du bedst overlever, hvis du skulle være så uheldig at bliver ramt af manfluenza. Vi har ligeledes guides til kvinderne, der præcis instruerer dem i hvordan de skal forholde sig, hvis deres mand/kæreste/bror/søn skulle gå hen og blive smittet.
Husk at man flu hvert år er skyld i mange dødsfald.
Det er derfor vigtigt at du deler dette site og dens viden omkring dig.
Du er naturligvis altid velkommen til at skrive til vores brevkasse med relevante spørgsmål omkring man flu.
VENITISM - Venitism is a free-content business blog | OCT 31, 2017 | UN CLIMATE HOAX JUNKET | Excerpts: .. The current state of debate about climate change is spitting science in the face and treating science like a piece of rubbish. Carbon dioxide is treated like a toxic gas by proponents of radical policies on climate change. Next it will be oxygen, it will be anything that you want on the chemical table. The Sun is a primary driver of climate change — and has a far greater impact than changes in CO2. Climate science is dangerously corrupted and co-opted by multiple anti-science forces and players. Much of the reporting about climate change in the mainstream media is fake news. There are many fads and fashions that have sprung up around climate change. For example, the locavore movement, which stresses eating locally-produced food to save energy, actually increases greenhouse gases, because of the energy efficiencies achieved by larger and more established farms that benefit from economies of scale. Governor Jerry Brown had warned of a drought of immeasurable magnitude — a meaningless phrase, in scientific terms. The movement toward renewable energy sources, he said, was not a sign of progress, but regression toward the lower energy densities of the pre-industrial age. Belief in carbon pollution is like the superstitious beliefs of primitive civilizations, such as a 1933 newspaper article describing a drought in Syria that was blamed by locals on yo-yo toys! .. |
The 23rd UN climate hoax junket takes place in Bonn, Germany, on 6-17 November. What is the focus of COP23 after the Paris agreement? What are the challenges?
The COP conferences are a series of summits where countries discuss how to tackle climate change and stands for Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The next one in Bonn will be the 23rd one, dedicated to discussing how to follow up on the Paris agreement, which was the result of a previous COP summit.
We observe the irrationality of the doctrine of global warming, the naive belief that small variations of global temperature we experience have an anthropogenic origin!
Parliament will attend with a delegation of 12 MEPs led by environment committee chair Adina Vālean, a Romanian member of the EPP group.
What is the Paris agreement?
The Paris agreement is the world’s first universal, legally binding climate deal adopted by 195 countries in December 2015 at the COP21 summit in Paris. It sets out a global plan on how to limit the increase in global temperatures to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. The deal entered into force on 4 November 2016 after the European Parliament gave its consent to the EU’s ratification.
What are the goals of COP23?
Governments are meeting at COP23 to advance the implementation of the Paris agreement. The focus is on the development of guidelines on how the Paris agreement’s provisions will be implemented across a wide range of issues including transparency, adaptation, emission reductions, provision of finance, capacity-building and technology. The aim is make progress in all these areas so that the guidelines can be completed by the time the next COP summit takes place in Poland next year.
What will be some of the challenges at COP23?
One of the tasks of COP23 is to prepare next year’s talks on countries will need to increase their contributions in order to meet the targets of the Paris agreement. In addition the US withdrawing from the agreement will make it more difficult to achieve the targets set out in it.
European Parliament delegation in Bonn
The Parliament delegation to COP23 will be briefed on a daily basis by Miguel Arias Cañete, the commissioner responsible for climate action and energy. At the summit MEPs will also take part in background talks with representatives from the UN, delegations from different countries and international organisations and civil society organisations.
German EPP member Peter Liese, who will be part of the Parliament delegation, said about COP23: “Big decisions won’t be made, but it’s extremely important that after the United States announced they will opt out of the Paris agreement, the rest of the world stays united.”
He added: “It is important not to take a step back, and maybe we will even be able to take a step forward with partners like China, Canada, Japan, and get the United States involved again when a new government is in power.”
Regulations run amok in the climate change agenda. The costs of successfully countering the buildup of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere are huge—far larger than described in the media and by advocates. It requires the rapid, total phase out of fossil fuels (the leave them in the ground strategy), raising energy prices, and fundamentally changing production and consumption patterns, which would reduce living standards worldwide. The poor will be disproportionately harmed, both within the United States and everywhere.
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