Nov 11, 2019
😵 ~ Anne Linnet afslører detaljer om bryllup: Har skrevet særlig sang til Kathrine (B.T.) ~ | Blogger: [🤔Du må meget undskylde, men 38 års forskel, det er måske lidt sygeligt, ved denne form for forblindelse eller fascination af andres magtposition, populisme og idoldyrkelse, som i dette tilfælde!? ÆGTE kærlighed?💖] ... {Det var dengang, at Anne Linnet skrev en uhyggelig krimi, forbudt på fjæsen, som Kirsten Birgit fik første kapitel af, og den er fucked! - Verdensalt mistede alt for Linnet, efter Den Korte Radioavis oplæsning - Kvindechauvinisme, feminist, rødstrømpe, betonlebbe eller mandehader, er nogle af de ufine ord, jeg vil bruge om Linnet} ... "Johnny Madsen (OMFG!!?)", skrev "Det, vi taler om" på FB i seneste program, efter unge og ældre kvinder, bestormer ham og vil ha sex (eller lave om på ham) ... Klaus Riskær Pedersen, der blev farfar sidste sommer, skal nu have et barn med sin 27-årige kæreste (36 års forskel)... Billy Joel og Alexis Roderick. Han er 33 år yngre. Rupert Murdoch, er samme med Jerry Hall. Han er 25 år ældre.. Richard Gere, og hans kæreste, Alejandra Silva. Han er 34 år ældre end hende. George Clooney (56) bliver far og hans 18-årige kone Amal eller Donald Trump (70) og hans første dame, Melania (47 år), bliver kommentatorer psykoanalytikere, hvilket tyder på, at den yngre kvinde, klart søger en faderfigur. Lignende historier udløses af den (meget mindre almindelige) sammenkobling af en yngre mand med en ældre kvinde, som med den 39-årige franske præsident Emmanuel Macron og hans kone, Brigitte, 64. Sjældenheden af sådanne bryllupper gør dem til nyheder, men ikke foder til den samme type spekulation... Væsentlig aldersforskel i seksuelle forhold har været et træk ved både heteroseksuelle og samme køn par i mange kulturer og samfund. Det mest almindelige mønster i heteroseksuelle par er en ældre mand med en yngre kvinde. Dette kan ske som et arrangeret ægteskab, eller et medlem kan forfølge og indlede forholdet i de samfund, der favoriserer friere forhold. Situationer der involverer en yngre mand med en ældre kvinde eksisterer også, men er ikke så almindelige. Aldersforskelle i ekstreme tilfælde kan betragtes som dysfunktionelle (en parafili), hvis sådanne forhold forfølges til udelukkelse af alle andre og til skade for partnerne. Betegnelsen alphamegamia kan bruges, når en person er seksuelt opstemt af partnere, i en anden aldersgruppe, og "chronophilia" kan beskrive en seksuel fixering på medlemmer af en anden aldersgruppe... Verdensalt' sidste kæreste, var 27 og gudinesmuk, og jeg, ja, på alder med kronprinsen, det varede heller ikke så længe, var simpelthen for stor aldersforskel og så er jeg heller ikke kendt og millionær... |
🎭 ~ WARNING: They Won't Tell You This! (Anonymous Official) ~ |
🔥🔥🔥 ~ Nobody Can Explain These Events! (2019-2020) ~ | Blogger: [☯️ (#PrayforBrazilRussiaAfricaAmazonCalifoniaAustralia) -- I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic-religious in nature, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events around the world🌋]... NOW, you can claim there's a climate crisis. A world of wildfires and pollution... |
📶 ~5G (JFK21 - JordenFrihedKundskab Nyhedsbrev) ~ | Blogger:[✊New MEGA-Update From 'JFK21' : Scandinavian Parties Kicking Banks Ass, Like Swedish Party 'Populisterna'👊] ... Properly the one and only political party in any country who fights over 5G tyranny... PS: There's a reason for Bruxelles banning, not Belgium, not EU, nooooo - THE "headquarters" for the European Union and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has banned 5G, so has Trump and Bill Gates, in Florida... |
Dette nyhedsbrev drejer sig om 5G. Jeg vil opfordre alle på det kraftigste, at se så mange af disse videoer som muligt, samt dele dem og eventuelt dette nyhedsbrev med så mange som muligt. Og kom også meget gerne med i kampen, vi SKAL have STOPPET 5g.
Den 24. november arrangerer vi vores 3. demonstration i København imod 5G, denne gang er det på Rådhuspladsen kl 14:00.
Men inden da vil to kendte eksperter i 5G Mark Steele og John Kitson fra England holde foredrag i Kulturhuset i Indre By kl 10:00.
Kl 13:00 mødes vi ved Nørreport Station og går ad Købmagergade og Strøget til Rådhuspladsen.
Kl 14:00 starter demonstrationen med 12 talere, inklusive Mark og John, som er fløjet hertil fra England for at fortælle hvor farligt 5G er, samt give deres bud på, hvordan vi får det stoppet.
Jeg håber I alle vil tage godt imod Mark, John og de andre talere, samt gøre hvad I kan for at støtte kampen imod 5G.
Det gælder bogstaveligt talt menneskehedens overlevelse, samt dyr, insekter og naturen.
Venligste hilsener
Mads Palsvig
Læs videre:
🕚 1️⃣1️⃣ ~ Last Reminder [T-Minus 11 hrs] Time for the SILVER TRIGGER Mass Meditation😎 (PFC) ~ | Blogger: Meditating certainly brings many personal peace...Meditation helps you remember that we are all in this thing together... How can we reach a critical mass of higher awareness?... Since the earliest recorded times, a great number of people have believed certain days and nights are more conducive for self and societal change when meditation is practiced... Indian gurus has drawn huge crowds for centuries in many countries, to meditate against e.g. violence and stress and it actually helps, it's scientific fact... Mass mediation, attracts positive energy and raises your own and others vibration, that dimmer the negative energy flow or creates a glitch, in the Matrix or Earth gridlock and the aggressive fourth dimensional entities, hates that (if you believe in that stuff)... 🙏 |
.. 144K Mass Meditation Monday, November 11th - 6 AM PST / 9 AM EST / 3 PM Europe / 1 AM Sidney (on November 12) ..
"Silver Trigger" 144k Mass Meditation
is Monday, November 11th
6:00 AM California
9:00 AM New York
2:00 PM London
3:00 PM Berlin
1:00 AM Sydney, Australia (Nov 12)
To participate in this meditation - just click on this 144k Mass Meditation link:
🕚 1️⃣1️⃣ ~ 💗 Silver Trigger Final Update (COBRA) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🤜Latest from Cobra and the Resistance Movement✊] ... Please use your own spiritual discernment... |
Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Silver Trigger Final Update
If the critical mass is reached, the Light Forces will be able to intervene directly in the global financial system for the first time in human history, and a cascade of events will follow that will inevitably lead to the financial Reset.
Next 12 hours will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact our activation will have on the planetary situation. Therefore I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide. Youtube videos are the easiest way to make this viral and many short version promotional videos and longer guided meditation videos have been created in over 30 languages:
The main page with instructions for the activation is here:
And the Cobra interview about the activation is here:
Many people are supporting our activation.
🕚 1️⃣1️⃣ ~ Transit of Mercury 2019 ( ~ | .. On Monday, November 11, a rare astronomical event will take place. Viewers nearly everywhere on Earth will be able to see the planet Mercury passing slowly across the disk of the Sun. This event won’t happen again until 2032 .. |
Occording to NASA, the transit of Mercury will start on November 11 at 7:35 a.m. EST (12:35 UTC). The entire event will take about 5 and a half hours, with the end at 1:04 p.m. EST (18:04 UTC) and the greatest transit at 10:19 a.m. EST (15:19 UTC). Skywatchers around the world will have plenty of time to catch the journey of Mercury.
The planet will look like a tiny dark spot moving across the disk of the Sun. Remember that looking directly at the Sun or through a telescope can cause serious eye damage. To see Mercury, use proper solar filters and safety equipment. A telescope with high magnification is recommended to watch the event in all its glory, as Mercury is very small when viewed from Earth. You can try a pair of high power binoculars too.
The last time the transit of Mercury occurred in 2016. This event takes place only about 13 times per century, so don't miss it. The times of contacts vary depending on the viewer location. Our astronomy app Star Walk 2 will help you determine the best viewing times for your location.
We wish you great observations!
✡️ ~ Over 80 gravestones VANDALIZED at Jewish cemetery in Denmark ahead of Kristallnacht anniversary (RT) ~ | Blogger: [🦜Like A Repeat Talking Parrot🗣️] -- Our beloved leader of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, like all the leaders before her, reminiscing, to put stuff inside our head about 2015 Copenhagen shootings & The Crystal Night, where National Socialists in Germany in 1938 destroyed Jewish cemeteries and shops : "Anti-Semitism and Racism have no place in our society"... Yet, our government has a thousand times before, showed us all, that Denmark, is one of the MOST racist country and has placed discrimination laws in the world, condemning any minority groups, beggars, immigrants, refugees, with Muslim inheriage, because they are per definition, aggressive and dangerous, to protect the (so-called) Jews... LET me be clear, verdensalt has NOTHING against any religion or belief system or any person, per say. People can do what they want, except when it becomes violent or religious extremism.. However, to me, the fake Jews are a lot worse than the forgetful Jews (of Israel). Most wars and criminal driven banksters, derives from Zionism... Even Trump's envoy has said : "Danish protection of Jews is unique"... AIPAC KHAZARIAN FAKE JEWS OF LONDON-WALL STREET-ISRAEL RUN THE “SHOW” IN THE WESTERN WORLD! .... And you can take that to the bank... |
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