Dec 13, 2019

🚀🤫 ~ USAF Secretary & Congressman want to Declassify Secret Space Programs (Dr Michael Salla Update) ~ | Blogger: In our lifetime?... hm.. I don't think so... Only if all countries agrees or Putin (maybe Trump) getting impatient, maybe, just maybe. But there's many, many layers of secrecy within the SSP-MIC faction... There would be a Earth shock beyond comprehension/understanding, if EVERYTHING would be openly, revealed, to the public... |


On December 7, attendees at the Reagan National Defense Forum held at the Reagan Presidential Library were told by the Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, and US Congressman Mike Rogers, that they are in favor of declassifying information about the Air Force’s secret space program in order to get the public to support a US Space Force. Their comments confirm that the US Air Force is on the verge of disclosing the truth behind rumors of a secret space program and that the Space Force is a vital part of a series of stunning disclosures that lie ahead.

Barrett and Rogers’ comments were published by Defense News in an article by reporter Nathan Strout with the eye-catching title, “Barrett, Rogers consider declassifying secretive space programs”. Barrett and Rogers were speaking at a panel on “Next Steps in Space: Launching America’s Sixth Military Branch”. In the panel Barrett said:

Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.

Rogers, a co-sponsor of the original House of Representatives Bill to create a Space Force/Corps, agreed and said that information about space programs was “overwhelmingly classified”.

Rogers elaborated further on the need to declassify the Air Force’s secret infrastructure in space in order to win public support for Space Force:

As members of the Armed Services Committee and the defense appropriators, we get it. But we have to have our other colleagues in the Congress to be supportive of us making the changes we need and the resources we need into this… It’s not going to happen until they understand the threat and the dependence we have. And I don’t think that can happen until we see significant declassification of what we’re doing in space and what China and Russia are doing, and how space is in their day-to-day lives.

🎵 ~ 💗 David Guetta - Tomorrowland 2019 - Avicii ft. Chris Martin - Heaven (David Guetta & MORTEN Remix) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [In memorial of Avicii 🕯️😔💞🕺🏽💌💃] ... {Swedish House Mafia vs. Avicii - Don't You Worry Child vs. Wake Me up (Axwell /\ Ingrosso Mashup -- gave me goosebumps!} ...💡PS: On a more darker note (sorry): Anyone who’s invested time into what happened to DJ Tim Bergling a.k.a. Avicii dead, knows, there was evidence of foul play, like all the recent celebs who died from ‘hanging from door- knobs”.. Was Avicii silenced for his views? As a successful and popular young artist with a following of tens of millions of young people around the world, he was in a position to redpill the masses. As the untimely deaths of a growing number of anti-pedophile activists proves, this type of work is incredibly dangerous in today’s world. Are all of these deaths related, or is it all a big coincidence?.. Other mysterious deaths: (Luke Perry), George Michael, David Bowie, Prince, Bobbi Kristina Brown, Anton Yelchin, Christina Grimmie, Heath Ledge, Whitney Houston & daughter and Carrie Fisher's mum Debbie Reynolds has died just a day after the Star Wars actress... Not to mention Michael Jackson... Let's dance and listen to Avicii in the afterlife (of heaven) for more proof... (we all love you guys) 🕺💕💃🏽🎹🎵🎵🎶🎶... |

👷 ~ COME AND BRING IT: President Trump Says He Can't Wait For The Senate Impeachment Trial (FX 10 Phoenix) ~ | Blogger: Wow! Is Trump, breaking the truth?... |

🎵 ~ 💓 Taylor Swift Calls Out Soros Family (TheDC Shorts) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Finally... Illuminati ‘Vow of Silence’ and the entertainment industry - no more... |

🦹‍♀️ ~ ER DITTE OKMAN STADIGVÆK ISRAELSK AGENT? (Per Brændgaard) ~ | Blogger: [🦸‍♀️Dagens heltinde i skysovs eller landsforræder?✡️] ... {EPSTEIN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES} ... Jeg skal være den første til at bakke Per Brændgaard op, ikke mht. dit Ditte Okman og uden at blande mig i deres personlige infight, tror ikke, Ditte, hun er kløgtig nok, til at lege hemmelig agent for en udenlandsk efterretningstjeneste, men har sagt det før og gentager det gerne, uden at blinke, Danmark er TOTAL syltet ind i Israel og den mørke stat... Ditte Okman flygtede ind i druk og fester efter sin brors død og har skrevet en bog, som kun handler om, Ditte Okman (skriver medierne)... Der var vel en grund til at Søren Espersen med kone altid blev frontfigur i Radio24syv, og det, vi taler om; 'vi kan lære af Israel', sagde han engang... Der er vel en grund til, at Israel skal beskyttes, koste hvad det vil af skattekroner, det så vi mht. militært mandsopdækning af kulturstedet Krudttønden og synagogen i Krystalgade på Østerbro i København, samt skoler... Hvis det er rigtigt hvad, Ari Ben-Menashe, en tidligere israelsk spion og påstået "handler" af Robert Maxwell, har fortalt forfatterne af den nye bog "Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales", at Epstein, ledte en "kompleks efterretningsoperation" på vegne af den israelske efterretning agenturet Mossad. Altså, Jeffrey Epstein, en domfældt død(?) sexforbryder og finansmand, der gnubbede sig op at "manges" skyggesider (bla. Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit af Norge og Christian Kjær samt Henrik, Prinsgemalen) med nogle af verdens mest magtfulde mennesker, var et Mossad-aktiv, der blev brugt af israelsk efterretning til at afpresse amerikanske politikere, når de blev inviteret til sexparties med mindreårige, ifølge den tidligere israelsk spion. Ja, måske begynder man at fornemme, hvor sindssygt modbydeligt, kryptisk og fordækt, det hele er.. Og ja, mange siger, at Bibi og den mørke stats Mossad, Israel, har shanghajet Washington DC, Demokraterne og Kongressen, samt mange vestlige landes regeringer og efterretningstjenester... |


Så prøver Ditte Okman igen at bagtale mig i det, der engang var Radio 24syv. Jeg tænker på sladderprogrammet 'Det, vi taler om' fra den 29. november 2019.

Nogen burde melde Ditte Okman til politiet for overtrædelse af Påvirkningsloven. Hun har tidligere indrømmet, at hun har samarbejdet med en udenlandsk efterretningstjeneste (Israels), og det er ulovligt i følge den nye lov.

På Wikipedia kan man bl.a. læse følgende om Ditte Okman:
"Efter seks år på Københavns Universitet begyndte hun at læse journalistik på RUC. Hun drømte om at komme til at dække Mellemøsten og Israel. Derfor flyttede hun en periode til Israel og lærte hebraisk, mens hun arbejdede for den israelske sikkerhedstjeneste (Shin Bet)."

Her er forslag til nogle spørgsmål, som dansk politi burde stille Ditte Okman:
- Arbejder du for en israelsk efterretningstjeneste?
- Har du modtaget betaling (direkte eller indirekte) fra en israelsk efterretningstjeneste i løbet af de sidste to år?
- Er dine angreb (forsøg på karaktermord) på Israel-kritiker Per Brændgaard bestilt af Israel?

🤐 ~ Exploring the Most Secretive Military Bases in the World: Area 51, Kasputin Yar, Porton Down, Floating China Bases, Pine Gap (dcdirtylaundry) ~ | Blogger: If you're stranded in the state of Nevada and how no clue where to go - check out the tours going to the backdoor of Area 51 - military Airport & Nevada Test and Training Range - Area 51 is the common name of a highly classified United States Air Force facility... Others secret military bases are VERY hard to even come close... At Area 51 (S4), the Cammo Dudes (license to kill) controls the 2.9 million acres of land and are members of a private security firm, EG&G Technical Services, Inc., guarding the outer perimeter of Area 51. SoTW has visited the place under a MUFON conference with 2 very experienced guides escorted by the these infamous and shy cammo dudes. Also talked to a IT guy EG&G who told me (among many many things) how SAS Scandinavian Airlines, (and Janet Airline transport service) are flying in and out to this secret military airport with civilians, every day. Evidence can be found on this blog after research... |

Editor: The bulk of this article originally appeared at They reached out to me yesterday and wanted me to run their infographic (featured at end of article). In the interest of time I am using their wonderful research and adding some videos and commentary to it. I wanted to get this info out immediately. Original text from article are in italics. My additions are in normal print. -Dean Garrison, Publisher and Editor


In a time when we are overloaded with information, it’s important to distinguish fact from fiction. We are here to verify some real-life military bases around the world. These bases have been shrouded in mystery and protected from the public eye for decades. At the same time, their locations and existence have been covered by the media for years or decades, so no top-secret military secrets are shared here, sorry! We’re simply here to separate the fact from the fiction for you, and perhaps stoke your imagination just a little bit.

1. Area 51 – The one alien enthusiasts raided in September 2019

🔴Matrix Wisdom | ~ The Australian Outback Has A Huge Secret, This Will Blow Your Mind! ~ | .. How much do we really know about this? .. | Blogger: [🌌 Mind The Gap… Pine Gap : USAF Edwards Air Force Base (Area 51/S4). Rudloe Manor Yorkshire - UK's Area 51. CFB Suffield Experimental Research/Canada's Area 51. Pine Gap - Australia's Area 51 - The ANZUS Treaty - New Zealand Discloses UFOs as U.S. Hides Possible ET/UFO Base at Pine Gap, Australia (SAS - Scandinavian Airlines)🛸]

🛸 ~ UFO News ~ Saucer Shaped Craft Filmed Using The Sun & Clouds As Cover Over Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. plus MORE (OOM2) ~ |

5️⃣☠️🐝 ~ 5G Demonstration på lørdag (JFK21) ~ | Blogger: New MEGAupdate from @Palsvig. Former executive from Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse and Barclays turned Whistleblower, Chairman of Danish political party JFK21... Both Danish and English speaking videos to stress out how important it is to STOP 5G... |

Kære Alle,

Kom med til demonstration imod 5G nu på lørdag i København og JFK-demo i Randers.


13:30 Nørreport går vi ad gågaden til Christiansborg derpå tilbage til Strøget og til Kongens Nytorv. Derfra går vi til Rådhuspladsen. Vi gør kun korte ophold undervejs.
For de der måtte have tid og lyst tager vi en kop kaffe sammen efter demonstrationen.
Husk banners og flyers.

JFK Demo
JFK Demo i Randers Kl. 10:00 Lørdag D. 14.12.2019
Mødested Biltema Randers – her aftaler vi hvor vi skal kridte og snakke med de lokale, om vores parti i 2 til 3 timer.
Efter dette skal vi bruge nogle timer på planlægningen af 5G Demo'en
D. 25.01.2020, som bliver stor! Så vi skal være 100% forberedte💪🙏❤️

Venlig hilsen



Her er video'en, der for alvor var med til at starte 5G debatten i Danmark fra januar 2019...

...og nedenfor en opfølger fra i dag med titlen "
5G sættes op i samtlige lande...samtidigt...":

Mads Palsvig: Er 5G farligt? Er der en MEGET bedre løsning?

5G sættes op i samtlige lande...samtidigt...


Se denne super vigtige video af Claire Edwards WHISTLEBLOWER fra FN og grundlægger af 5G space appeal

CLAIRE EDWARDS ~ "The 5G Space Weapon, Mind Control Agenda & Kill Grid" [Age Of Truth TV] [HD]

👼 ~ 💓 12-12-19 and 5D : What is the 12/12? (Intuitive Callings) 💕 ~ | .. The 12-12 is the Twin Flame Gate of Mastery. It is the time of bringing in the Ascension energies and light codes for the rest of this year .. |

About the author

Dawn Lianna

Dawn is able to connect with your Spirit Guides and Angels and bring through clear-channeled guidance regarding your life situations, purpose and answers to your immediate questions. She has a Master's degree in Counseling and Psychology and is a skilled NLP Practitioner. She can help you work through an old issue, and clear it out safely once and for all. Dawn Lianna’s style is fun, loving, soulful and supportive.

Dearest friends,

In this issue:
  • What is the 12/12?
  • What is the fifth dimension?
  • 12/12/19 – Live In person Group
  • Time to Read: 2 – 3 minutes
What is the 12/12? On 12/12/19 we are moving through another portal or upgrade of light. The guides are calling this a “Master twin flame gateway”. The energies that are coming onto the earth are very loving. They are meant to help dissolve the fear that many of us are feeling on the planet at this time. They are pushing the corruption even further to the surface so we can see it. That means however that underneath, those of us who care to look, can find more light, more love, more good detachment and more humor! Destiny is very strong.

The energies are building as we hit 2020. It’s the end of a year, the end of a decade and the end of an era. It’s time to be gentle with ourselves and stop judging anyone, including ourselves. We know we want to love ourselves more deeply and to be more compassionate with our own progress. This is a time of integrating our own divine masculine and feminine as one, inside our own beings.

What is this all this talk about the Fifth Dimension?

What 5d really means is that we are moving more deeply into our hearts. It’s time for us to love each other. We are a rainbow tribe of many shades and colors, genders, lifestyles, preferences, beliefs, opinions and skills. Can we accept each other and as we are? Can we send love to those who aren’t showing much love? Can we accept ourselves with our light and dark sides and the hardships we have been dealt and release our past identity? Can we let go of what has been so hard for us and turn the corner to a new way of being? My answer is yes and I do know it takes effort and will. I’m in it with you.

Listening more deeply to Spirit helps me the most and listening in a group is my greatest joy. That is so often when the Ascended Masters come through in channel to teach us and answer our questions. I sit daily with myself, first thing in the morning and both listen and meditate. My goal is to find the peace inside. That way, no matter what is going on in my day, I am anchored to the light of love.

Moving Through Your Oldest Deepest Issues

😧💔💶~ A Spiritual Brexit : "Here We Go" ~ | Blogger: Excerpts From Matthew’s Messages July 29, 2016 : "“So UK leaves EU. Now what?” The Illuminati’s dominoes will keep falling. It is not that countries cooperating to offer their citizens enhanced trade, employment and educational opportunities is not a grand idea— indeed, it is! But never was the purpose of the European Union to benefit the people, it was to put them squarely under the thumb of the Illuminati. When vibrations reached a rate wherein an organization built on a foundation of dark intent could not much longer stand, it became a matter of when the first domino in the EU would fall. Let us put this into its larger context. The Illuminati—also now known as the cabal, global elite, shadow government, One World Order, One World Government—began as a group of individuals who felt that they were the most intelligent and learned people in the world, thus they were entitled to rule everyone else. Over time, others with the same superior attitude were drawn into the fold of this secret society, egos grew, tempers flared, and two competing factions emerged with the same goal, world domination"... "BREXIT is the most recent. Few individuals who voted to leave know of the Illuminati or the real purpose of the Union; what they knew is that benefits they had been led to believe they would derive had not materialized. Few who voted to remain know of the Illuminati or what the Union really was about, but they were faring well or were leery about what would happen if the United Kingdom set out on its own. Few know that the outcome of BREXIT was more than the vote count—it was influenced by vibrations that are undergirding activities leading toward a world of peace, honest governance, justness, and a fair share of Earth’s abundance for all peoples. There will be some frayed nerves and bumpy patches as the EU unravels; more truths emerge; the economy fluctuates as the Illuminati—some at the peak of both factions have joined forces—futilely try to hold onto their ill-gotten wealth; and violence runs out its energetic course. Every happening in this moment and forthcoming is moving society closer to that aforementioned world. Beloved family, we know how eager you are for that to come about, and your steadfastness as lightworkers is helping to bring ever closer in linear time that which is fait accompli in the continuum." (..)... |

July 29, 2016

Cause of increased violence; US presidency; BREXIT, European Union in Illuminati context; light; refugees; natural disasters; alternative healthcare practitioners, whistleblowers; damaged souls; auras

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Your concerns about a number of issues are shared by many around the world, particularly the frequency of terrorist acts and mass shootings. As sad as it is to see our Earth brothers and sisters killing one another, we anticipated the increase in those kinds of incidents. They are the natural result of your linear time crunching up and energy levels that have intensified all personal characteristics, including mental instability, and corresponding behavior—those two powerful forces working in tandem is accelerating the activity of energy streamers with violent attachments.

We hasten to add that those forces are affecting everything on the planet, and situations propelled by beneficial attachments are steaming toward soundly-reasoned resolutions. An example is The Hague’s ruling pertaining to the South China Sea. China’s grumbling is not unexpected, but nothing in the energy field of potential indicates a strenuous objection that could lead to open conflict.

Of special interest in the United States and, because of its international influence, in other countries as well, is that nation’s two major political parties’ presidential nominees. We stated in previous messages that prevailing vibrations were not supporting candidates who lack moral and spiritual integrity, but the voters will decide who wins. Each party’s nominee has staunch supporters; however, the energy momentum of the electorate’s widespread dissatisfaction with both has become too strong for either to be elected.

Earth’s monitors in Nirvana tell us that the energy awhirl could manifest any of various possibilities that will put Senator Bernie Sanders in the White House. Souls at this station are apolitical, so it is not on a partisan basis that we will welcome his presidency, but rather that his wisdom, personal qualities and leadership will enable his country and your world to continue progressing toward Gaia’s vision for all life on her planetary body.