May 23, 2017

Meddelelse fra Saul | May 21, 2017 | Channeling through John Smallman | Truly, You’ve Got What it Takes to Live Successfully as a Human |

Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddah, Mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.

Kanaliseret af John Smallman 
© 2017


Life is GOOD! There is only Life/Love/Source/God. Pain and suffering, while feeling intensely real, are of the illusion, and will pass. You can ease your pain and suffering enormously by accepting whatever arises and dealing with it in the now moment!

That may well sound insane to those of you who are suffering and in pain, but if you truly open your hearts to Love, releasing your attachment to any of your attitudes that cause you pain – judgment, blame, resentment, bitterness, hatred – you will find joy, peace of mind, and contentment. And I can assure you that those attitudes are the cause of your suffering and pain.

When your mind ceases to dwell on hurts you have experienced that were inflicted by others, or by yourselves, your pain and suffering will and does ease.

You hold onto pain and suffering by frequently or constantly dwelling on the wrongs others have done you, or on the sins that you yourselves believe you have committed. You know this, because when you are in that mode you feel BAD! Then, when you are distracted from those thoughts by something pleasurable, your pain and suffering are gone, even if only momentarily, before you quickly return to that egoic indwelling state (me, me, me,) of being abused or mistreated.

You established the human condition to experience separation because you thought that to be independent of God would be freeing. But what actually happened was that you discovered that being alone, isolated, and without support was terrifying. However, you had forgotten that your natural state, which is Love, envelops and embraces you in every moment, and so you then started to seek Love quite desperately from others.

Black Pigeon Speaks | May 23, 2017 | Manchester: The Hashtag & Flag Filter Response |

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WND U.S. | May 22, 2017 | BOMBSHELL: DONNA BRAZILE WARNED OFF PRIVATE EYE ON SETH RICH MURDER | .. Ex-DNC chairwoman reportedly asked cops why investigator is 'snooping' into mysterious case .. |

By Alicia Powe and Liz Crokin

WASHINGTON – Former Democratic National Committee interim chairwoman Donna Brazile is the high-ranking DNC representative who allegedly called police and the family of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and demanded to know why a private investigator was “snooping” into Rich’s death, the private eye revealed to WND Monday.

Detective Rod Wheeler
“The high-ranking DNC official that called the police after I inquired about Rich’s case was Donna Brazile,” veteran homicide detective Rod Wheeler told WND. “Why shouldn’t I reveal who it was?”

Brazile, who was also a CNN contributor and a Hillary for America donor at the time, was caught providing Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton with questions that would later be asked of Clinton at a televised CNN town hall. In an interview with Fox News before the election, Brazile denied leaking the questions to Clinton. But in a March 17, 2017, column for Time magazine, she finally admitted doing so, saying it was a “mistake I will forever regret.”

A spokesman for the Rich family has repeatedly criticized detective Wheeler, who was hired by Rich’s family in March to find the DNC staffer’s murderer, for not ruling out the possibility that Rich may have leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks. The Rich family recently sent Wheeler a “cease and desist” order to stop his investigation into the murder.....[READ MORE]

Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich

FAZ | Mai 21, 2017 | Brüssel fordert mehr Geld für den Euroraum | .. Brisantes Papier: Die EU-Kommission will den Euro bis 2025 in allen 27 Staaten einführen. Neue Fonds für die Eurozone fordert sie auch, vielleicht auch einen Euro-Haushalt .. | Blogger: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) er en tysk konservativ avis. FAZ er en af de mest anerkendte aviser i Tyskland og udkommer i over 380.000 eksemplarer.. Kisser fra DKR raser over, afsløringen fra en hemmeligstemplet kontroversiel skrivelse. EU-Kommissionen planlægger at indføre euroen i 2025, for samtlige 27 stater. EU-Kommissionen opfordrer til nye finansieringskilder for euroområdet (efter BREXIT) og ønsker, at samtlige Euro-finansministre skal underkastes Europa-Parlamentets kontrol... Ingen af de danske aviser har ønsket at popularisere, denne nyhed.. Kisser mener, vi får en ny folkeafstemning i Danmark.. |

Zukunftsgespräche: EU-Kommissar Pierre Moscovici (links) und Kommissions-Vize Vladis Dombrovskis.
Die EU-Kommission fordert für den Euroraum neue Finanzquellen und will die Eurofinanzminister der Kontrolle durch das Europaparlament unterwerfen. Das haben die für den Euro zuständigen Kommissionsmitglieder Valdis Dombrovskis und Pierre Moscovici in der vergangenen Woche auf einem vertraulichen Treffen mit wenigen Europaparlamentariern in Straßburg erklärt. Ein Protokoll des Treffens liegt dieser Zeitung vor. Es wurde angefertigt, obwohl die Kommissionsvertreter die Parlamentarier verpflichtet hatten, den Inhalt des Treffens nicht aufzuzeichnen..... [Weiterlesen]

Den Korte Radioavis 23-05-2017

Berlingske | 23. Maj 2017 | »Jeg mener, at Inger Støjberg er ude på aldeles dybt vand i den her sag« | .. Dagens overblik: Flere partier kræver intern mail udleveret fra udlændinge- og integrationsminister Inger Støjberg (V). Regeringen pønser på ny pensionsplan. Og Bertel Haarder har skrevet sang om forholdet til DF og S. Hele dit overblik her .. | Blogger: Troede du virkelig på, at Løkke ville give op? Politikere er som korkpropper eller oppustede badedyr, der altid flyder ovenpå, uanset hvor mange bølger, som overrumpler dem. De er magtmennesker og deres job er ligesom dit og mit, kampen om Gyllegaarden, om overlevelse, at tjene til føden og opretholde livet, velfærden. Tror du selv på, det er politikeren som finder på de skøre påfund? Nej, det er embedsværket, de specielle rådgivere, VL-grupperne (Dansk Selskab for Virksomhedsledelse), magtelitens 423 danskere, der styrer landet med deres mest magtfulde familiedynastier, i ryggen. Så længe du støtter dem, så længe du elsker penge, magt og den amerikanske drøm, så overlever VLAK-regeringen. Så længe du støtter Støjberg med had mod udlændinge og fremmede, så overlever hun også. Danske politikere overlever, fordi de ved, at de har støtter i befolkningen og der er ikke tradition for blokader og demonstrationer, i større målestok, i Danmark. Snakker om, at tør gå op imod 'systemet'. Det system som giver os, alt hvad vi ønsker os, gennemsnittet af den danske befolkning har masser af penge og gemt væk i skattekisten. Der er ingen som ønsker, at blive som Dovne Robert, vi frygter faktisk, dette. Derfor vil vi hellere lide i stilheden fra stress, jag og livsstilssygdomme og lyve lidt om vores pragtfulde liv i skyggen af problemer, som hober sig op, konstant. Derfor vælger vi konservativt og af vane, fordi så føler vi os sikre og trygge og skal ikke tager stilling til vores eget liv, lad endelig andre, gøre det for os... |

Foto: Nikolai Linares

VT Today | May 22, 2017 | “One Orb to Rule Them All”: Trump channels Antichrist in Riyadh | VIDEO -- interview “Was 9/11 a Human Sacrifice?” with Tom Breidenbach | Blogger: I must say, Donald Trump's strange world tour gets stranger, but not worse than TheDeepState' most aggressive move toward impeachment ... |

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
In a scene that would have been funny had its implications not been so dire, Donald Trump, Saudi King Salman, and Egyptian dictator al-Sisi – three of the four most demonic rulers on Earth – all grasped a glowing orb and swore eternal allegiance to Satan yesterday. (Earth’s #1 demon-in-human-form, Bibi Netanyahu, was physically absent at the proceedings, but presided over them in spirit.)
If you thought Trump’s doing the “sword dance” with a sword used to behead the Saudi rulers’ critics, and occasionally their slaves, I mean “domestic servants,” when they get out of line, was evil, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
The demonic invocation took place at the inauguration of Saudi Arabia’s new “Global Centre for Combating Extremist Ideology,” which is in fact a disguised Satanic-globalist temple. (The word “Global” in its name is not an accident.)
Satan, revered by the globalist  New World Order high cabal, is known as the “Father of Lies.” And the assertion that Saudi Arabia and its US backers oppose extremist ideology is such an outrageous lie that it might boggle the mind of Beelzebub himself.
Saudi Arabia is the home of Wahhabism, a murderous and fanatical sect that swarmed across the Arabian Peninsula three centuries ago mass-murdering Muslims who disagreed with its extremist interpretations. Had Wahhabism not been weaponized and supported by the British Empire, and now the Zio-American Empire, it would have gone the way of the countless other Kharajite groups that have briefly arisen and quickly disappeared.
Today, Saudi Arabia and the US, alongside their masters in Tel Aviv, are the creators, funders and sustainers of al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the other Wahhabi-Takfiri “extremist” groups that they pretend to fight. The “Global Centre for Combating Extremist Ideology” is a truly Satanic lie.

Dr. Greer ~ Sirius Disclosure | New Trailer Unacknowledged | Maj 22, 2017 | Unacknowledged is now available to RENT on all digital and cable platforms worldwide! |

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Prepare For Change | COBRA | May 23, 2017 CET | What is The Resistance Movement? | .. 9-11 had not turned out as the Cabal had planned. Instead it served as an awakening trigger that helped many humans realize what is really going on beyond the propaganda of the mass media. This new awareness has made it easier for the Resistance Movement to improve their plan of overthrow of the Illuminati on planet Earth. Until 2003, they have managed to clear all the deep underground military bases and only the uppermost portions of those bases remained. Since then, the Resistance Movement has infiltrated around 300 of its operatives inside Illuminati network, mostly in top positions in the military and intelligence agencies. Those operatives are undetectable and Illuminati have no idea who or where they are. In January and early February of this year of 2012, the Resistance Movement has seized most of the gold that was in Illuminati hands. So if you are asking yourself where the Yamashita gold is, now you know the answer. It is not in Mariana trench, it is not in Fort Knox, it is not in cellars of private Rothschild villas and chateaux, it is not in vaults under Kloten airport, it is not in safes of UBS in Zurich, it is not scattered in safes of small banks around the world under Jesuit control. It is in underground chambers of the Resistance Movement, and after the Event it will be returned to humanity and it will serve as a reserve for a new currency which will mean abundance for everyone. The idea to devise a plan to overthrow the Illuminati network was there ever since the formation of Organization in 1975. In 1977 I spoke with the man who conceived that plan. The document that Drake saw around 1979 was probably an early version of that plan. The early idea was for the military to take over and overthrow the Illuminati under the guidance of the Organization and later the Resistance Movement. Because of the awakening that happened after 9-11, the original plan has been revised. Now, nobody is taking over the planet .. |

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Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

(written by Cobra)
Friday, April 6, 2012

Resistance movement


In 1975, a certain intelligence agent under codename Michael was running for his life from Illuminati that were chasing him. He gathered around him a group of 12 operatives in order to protect himself. While on the run and in hiding, they discovered a maze of tunnels below the New York underground subway system. They entered the tunnels, disappeared from the surface and regrouped down there. So the Organization was born, having its main command center under the subway system of New York. Through the vast spy network that Michael still had on the surface, they have contacted many operatives that fought against the Illuminati and many of them went underground and joined the Organization.

Their main objective was to overthrow the rule of the Illuminati and give advanced technologies to humanity. Personal computers that we know now were developed with assistance of Organization and I have personally seen a room full with rows of computers as they were being developed in their main underground command center back in 1977. The Organization had contact with the positive civilization of Agartha that existed in subterannean caverns for millennia. They had contact with positive Andromedans already in 1977 if not before, as I have seen a sleek silver Andromedan cigar shaped craft in their underground hangar as well.

In early 1990s, they had some influence in assuring that internet expanded from military ARPANET into public domain.

The Illuminati and off-planet dark forces launched an offensive in 1996 to destroy the Organization and there were severe physical battles in underground tunnels and caverns that almost destroyed the Organization and also nearly wiped out Agartha.

In the hour of need, a plan was devised to counteract this. In early December 1999, Pleiadians have contacted the Resistance Movement on planet X and ignited a massive uprising against Illuminati there. The Illuminati were overthrown in about three weeks and they had to flee to their bases on Mars and the Moon. At that time, many Resistance Movement freedom fighters have entered the underground tunnel systems on Earth to join the Organization in their fight. The two forces integrated and emerged as one and are now called Resistance Movement.

Their increased joint force has turned the course of events and now the dark forces were in retreat. In 2000 and 2001 the Illuminati has lost their bases on Mars and the Moon and elsewhere in the solar system. With the assistance of the Pleiadians and other Galactic Confederation forces all remaining Reptilian, Draconian and Reticulan forces were cleared out of the solar system also in the same time frame. This set the dark ones into panic mode and they have staged 9-11 to preserve their last stronghold - planet Earth.

Planet X 

NewsInsideOut | AUDIO: BBC Cites U.S. Intel Sources Naming ‘Suicide Bomber’ in Manchester Nail Bomb Incident | .. According to witnesses, U.S. singer Ariana Grande finished her evidently occult ritualistic set by performing the title “Dangerous Woman” then stating “Bye bye, Manchester,” when house lights went up. A white flash and thunderous explosion that killed at least 19 people and injured 50 then erupted within the arena foyer, said police .. |

Vancouver, BC – During May 22, 2017, coverage of what is being called the Manchester Arena incident U.K. national broadcaster the BBC cited multiple U.S. intelligence sources said to be "strangely" offering suggestions that what U.K. police have so far termed a terrorist incident was in fact the work of a suicide bomber.

READ 'AUDIO: BBC Cites U.S. Intel Sources Naming ‘Suicide Bomber’ in Manchester Nail Bomb Incident'