Nov 29, 2019

🎭 ~ Everyone Must Know This! The Video That Will Awaken The World (Anonymous Official) ~ |










📜🏺🌌 ~ Ancient Texts, Emerald Tablets, Terra Papers, Star Wars, Advanced Tech & More w/ Billy Carson (1of2) Sarah Westall ~ | Blogger: [💯Hey yeah. You gotta believe] ... |

Researcher, Musician, & Author, Billy Carson joins the program to discuss his latest book, "Compendium of the Emerald Tablets - A Beginner's Guide". He explains how the Emerald Tablets and other ancient texts gives an incredible story about our human history including genetic manipulation, advanced technologies, and alien "gods". Here is an excerpt from his book: "I will lead you on a journey that will delve into the history of the Emerald Tablets and the secret mysteries contained within these cryptic artifacts.As we begin, it is important for you to know that The Emerald Tablets were written by an ancient being known as Thoth the Atlantean. To date, there have been two manifestations of the Emerald Tablets. First, thousands of years ago Thoth created multiple tablets of text and then concealed the location of these ancient tablets. Second, Thoth chose to incarnate as Hermes the Thrice Great. As Hermes, he carried a single Emerald Tablet.What to Expect In the first two chapters of this book I will provide information so you can understand and validate for yourself the role of extraterrestrials in our history. I will also offer evidence as to how Thoth the Atlantean was influential in our development as humans." 

🦋 ~ 💗 Transformation (Sandra Walter) 💕 ~ |

👼 ~ 💓 A Message from my Higher Self (TreeOfTheGoldenLight) 💕 ~ | .. The time for real change has arrived and [it] cannot be turned back and that particularly applies to Mother Earth whose actions are already felt .. |

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

29th November 2019

By now you should be becoming aware of the changing pattern of the New Age energies. They are pushing ahead more quickly than any previous time.

No matter how much people hang on to their old ways the onward movement for change is becoming well established. People are aware that their freedom has been controlled and curtailed to such a degree that they are unable to fully follow their own desires.

Perhaps the most important aspect will be considered as freedom of speech that is essential for a growing movement that desires to freely express its opinions. Rest assured that we on our side of the veil are giving you every encouragement to press for the changes that will help propel you along your chosen path. The time for real change has arrived and [it] cannot be turned back and that particularly applies to Mother Earth whose actions are already felt.

Your future is one that has always been envisaged and [that] is why you are preparing for Ascension. There is an opportunity for every soul to progress, and none shall be able to say that they missed out as you all have freewill.

On our side we ensure that everyone is given every opportunity to evolve, but by the same token we do not pressurize people to do so. Every conceivable bit of information that you may seek will be found somewhere on your computer, even if it takes a number of links to find it.

☄️ ~ Stunning New Image of Interstellar Comet - Its tail is 100k Miles Long or 14 Times the Size of Earth (nemesis maturity) ~ |

Yale astronomers have taken a new, close-up image of the interstellar comet 2l/Borisov. 2l/Borisov, first spotted this summer, continues to draw nearer to Earth and will reach its closest approach—about 190 million miles—in early December.

Yale astronomers Pieter van Dokkum, Cheng-Han Hsieh, Shany Danieli, and Gregory Laughlin captured the image Nov. 24 using the W.M. Keck Observatory's Low-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer in Hawaii. They've also created an image that shows how the comet would look alongside planet Earth.

According to van Dokkum the comet's tail, shown in the new image, is nearly 100,000 miles long, which is 14 times the size of Earth. "It's humbling to realize how small Earth is next to this visitor from another solar system," van Dokkum said.

🔴🔫 ~ London Bridge incident: reports of shots fired as police close off part of city – live news (TheGuardian) ~ | Blogger: [🏴TARGET : Black Friday, Christmas Markets, 322 illuminati, Skull & Bones, Numerology, False Flags and Spiritual "Psy-Op" War🏴‍☠️] ... {re-play 2017 London Bridge false flag alert? It smells like a FF ops} ... "The false flag terror events are scripted psy-ops orchestrated by a freemasonic-satanic criminal gang that holds, as part of its occult belief system, the bizarre notion that “if we warn you and reveal what we’re doing and you let us get away with it, then the bad karma is on you, not us.” ~ Ole Dammegard... PS: Thanksgiving day massacre: Facebook & Instagram experience major outage across continental US & beyond. Record-setting double bomb cyclone slams western U.S. with blizzard conditions and 100 mph winds... is the threat of a strike on Black Friday. That's the day after Thanksgiving, widely considered the busiest, and most lucrative, retail day of the year... |

Police say they are in ‘early stages of dealing with incident’ and ask people near the scene to move away

🎖️ ~ Den Kongelige Livgarde på beredskab for politiet (Forsvaret) ~ | Blogger: [✊DEN STRATEGISKE RESERVE: 400 soldater, som kan støtte politiet i forbindelse med større uvarslede hændelser👊] ... {Kan du fortælle mig hvad "større uvarslede hændelser" er for en fisk?}... Verdensalt ønsker ikke, at være pessimistisk og conspiratorial - men kan ikke se andet, at denne eskalering og aktivering af (aktive) soldater fra Livgarden, er en direkte følge af FE og PET's terrorrelaterede fænomener, analyser af terrorgrupper og trusler i udlandet og indland. Og det selvom, man har en af de mest hardkåre militarisering af politiet (PET's aktionsstyrke SWAT). Det man ønsker sig, det er, at militæret, overtager og danske soldater, kan indsættes, i de danske gader og stræder, om nødvendigt (beskytte Staten, hvis folket, sætter sig til modværge). Ligesom, soldater bevogter den jødiske synagoge i København og skoler... Vi er nødt til at forstå, hvorfor - Danmark er i sandhed en krigsførende nation og det er vi fordi, vi er med USA hele vejen... Uanset hvilken (farve) du stemmer på, er alle partier ens, når det kommer til forsvaret - krigsliderlige... Venstre-politikere, der stort set har ødelagt den danske velfærdsmodel via hemmelige EU og militære doktriner (NATO), i 50 år... Anders "Fog of War" Rasmussen = COME CLEAN!! - Hvis vi skal kunne tilgive dig Fogh, så fremlæg alt bevismateriale omkring Irak og hele dit synderegister gennem din politiske karriere. Du må gerne inddrage dine Venstre kollegere, så vi får alt skidtet frem i lyset, en gang for alle... Nu hvor den amerikanske ambassadør i Danmark, Carla Sands, bønfaler Danmark, til at styrke forsvaret med blandt andet flere kampfly, og de konservative (som altid) følger trop, så skal det nok, kunne lade sig gøre. Og det selvom, F-35 har kostet danske skatteydere, 100 milliarder kroner, for 27 kampfly, 5 skal slå i USA, og resten overvåge Danmark og Artisk område, fordi, Rusland, anses som en trussel - gud fader bevares. Hvis Rusland ville, kunne de smide et par BrahMos missiler (hurtigste supersoniske cruise-missil i verden) eller overrumble os med en Super-EMP bombe (Blackout Warfare). Inden USA kom os til undsætning, så vill Danmark, kapitulere, ligesom under det nazistiske Tyskland, efter få timer... |

Den 1. december er 90 værnepligtige fra Den Kongelige Livgarde på højt beredskab for politiet.


⚖️ ~ CIA BRENNAN FACES THE FIRING SQUAD (Tom Heneghan Explosive Intelligence Briefings) ~ | Blogger: PS: YES, i understand that some find Tom Heneghan narrative, illustrations and his word choice repulsive, but in my book, not all of the Intel is Fake News, that's IMPOSSIBLE... As always, use your own spiritual discernment... Nobody has the full picture of what's going on, behind the scene, but the war is NOT over. LOVE has not WON yet, but we all most work on it, very hard - the TRUTH is all that matters...💕 |

Wednesday   November 27, 2019
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


former Nazi CIA John Brennan

UNITED States of America   -   It can be reported that U.S. Inspector General Michael Horowitz (now under house arrest) is fully cooperating with now inaugurated United States President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee, U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence and the U.S. Military Court for the District of Columbia.

Horowitz, along with former FBI Director James Comey (received immunity from the U.S. Military Court for the District of Columbia) have turned over evidence and fingered both former CIA Director Brennan and former NSA Director James Clapper in infiltrating the FBI with double agents loyal to the Nazi Bush-Scherff CIA and the British Intelligence and Israeli Mossad-controlled NSA.


Indictments served on Nazi BushScherff-Clinton-CIA 'Deep State'
at H W Bush funeral
source  source  

There will be massive criminal referrals issued, which will lead to the decapitation of the treasonous CIA and NSA with a total take over by U.S. Naval Intelligence.

Nazi BushScherff-Clinton-CIA Deep State leaker 

Guy Snodgrass 

💚 ~ (Green Friday) Global climate strike: Can protests really change policies? (DW News) ~ | Blogger: [💫O-M-G! A new (innocent) "Greta Thunberg" brainwashed youngster has been born:? "We need a much higher CO2 taxation" - are you freaking kidding me?🙀] ... {Clara Mayer von "Fridays for Future"} .. Impressive, how well spoken, positive, welcoming and outgoing girl of 18, perfect english speaking, both Swedish Greta and German Clara, are able to lure us into the climate hoax spin... These well-meaning good people, demonstrating all over the world, has properly no idea, that Direct Energy Weapons exist or that the Rothschild criminal cartel come all over carbon-tax global-warming scam with Al Gore's "carbon trading" hoax, in their pocket. Is there any end to how deep Goldman's claws dig into America and the rest of the world? Obviously not... |

Climate activists around the world are taking to the streets in the fourth global climate strike today. They're demanding that governments step up their efforts to further cut carbon emissions. Demonstrators in Australia kicked off the day of protests, which are planned in cities around the world. In Sydney, hundreds skipped school for a rally outside city hall. They were joined by victims of the bushfires that have been ravaging parts of the country.

🚨 ~ No jurisdiction? Scotland Yard forced to explain why it dropped sex trafficking probe into Epstein & Prince Andrew (RT) ~ |

Some 14 years later, she brought her story to the Metropolitan Police Service, only to see the probe dropped rather quickly. “At first the Scotland Yard told me they were going to forensically examine [Ghislaine Maxwell’s] house in London – next thing I hear, just like the FBI, they were not allowed to pursue the investigation. Corruption in the highelevels (sic) of gov,” Giuffre wrote on Twitter this week.


🛡️ The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG | Blogger: By the way - Rosa Koire, also talks about a (local) agreed Agenda 21 (LA21) in Denmark, establish in 1994 and 2004 at a roundtable meeting, besides the so-called (Action Plan) on Sustainable Development that was adopted at the World Summit in Rio Janeiro 1992, which is "fascism" or (corporatetoxicity or totalitarianism). You have noooo idea what they have cooked up in UN Agenda 2030... |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

Latest News Nov 28th 2019

More Polio Cases Now Caused by Vaccine Than by Wild Virus 

New vaccine to shut down spiritual centers in the brain

Russian and Impeachment Hoax all sponsored by Socialist Global Elite, connecting the dots. Facts everyone should know

A must watch, the end goal for socialism. We are being socially engineered through the lame stream media. Centralize the power and wealth, disarm with total surveillance. Global elites plan for America the left and DNC embrace with open arms.

Latest UFO Footage from Peter Maxwell Slattery

💸 ~ Afslører at finansdirektør slipper billigt i skat (E.B.) ~ | Blogger: HAT-TRICK -- GN Store Nord has more than 24 employees, but also a director, employed as a "researcher". The German CEO, Marcus Desimoni, earns DKK 11.6 million a year and pays only 32.84 percent in taxes, in comparison to normal, 52,02 pct. In other words, Marcus Desimoni, has 649.213 kr to himself, each month... Who cares, says, Bo Nilsson, CEO of Nets A/S - I got almost DKK 2 billion in bonuses and my biggest customer is the danish government and danish taxpayers (satire)... |

Tyskeren Marcus Desimoni tjener 11,6 millioner kroner om året og betaler kun 32,84 procent i skat, fordi han er ansat på forskerordningen


🤣 ~ Bertel Haarder kritiseres for julesang: Man skal ikke joke med voldtægt (Kristeligt Dagblad) ~ | Blogger: [🔔Ole Henriksen - "I love it - ha ha ha!"🎁] ... {#Bryd-et-tabu og Amalie Have modefænomenet: "Se-Mig-egoismen", sex-samtykke, krænkelsesparatheden og krænkelsesdiktaturet} ... Er det korrekt som antyder?; hader den socialdemokratiske top "heteromænd"?... Verdensalt er overbevist om, at hele Hedeager-sagen, er FUP og en politisk strategisk korrekt finte - et liv uden for menneskenes åge syn? VÆK, fra de ENORME skandaler, som figurerede, i og omkring, Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen i København (og det har virket). Ninna Hedeager Olsen, (skjulte) sig ved at (søge tilflugt) på Tunø. Det hele var spin.. HUSK på, det var Ninna Hedeager Olsen som anmeldte den (såkaldte) veninde-voldtægt, uden hende - ingen sag i politiet... Det VAR allerede et valgkamps-slogan, oppositionen stod samlet: Sex uden samtykke er voldtægt og skulle stemmes igennem, som værende den mest latterlige LOV, i Danmarkshistorien (og den svenske). Dog, kommer der ingen samtykkelov i denne omgang, skriver EL, på sin hjemmeside... Enhedslisten ønsker både at nedbryde EU og gøre det klimagrønt, haft et overforbug af ekstremt Folkemøde-frås, forbyder mænd på partiets talerstol – og angriber Trump: "Han tramper på kvinders rettigheder og ligestilling" og desuden ønsker Pernille Skipper at de skulle have (væltet) Thornings regering... Så mens Enhedslisten politianmelder Venstre-folk i donationssag, Venstres Britt Bager og Marcus Knuth, så agere de brodne kar, som alle andre på Borgen... |

Mangeårigt Venstre-medlem Bertel Haarder har skrevet en julesang. Men et vers om en voldtægt udløser kritik.

Pernille Skipper opfordrer i sit svar Bertel Haarder til at fjerne verset og samtidig give en undskyldning.

Helt anderledes hetero er Hedeager-drengen: Én var ej nok, han vill´ ha´ to med i borgmestersengen! Han møved´ med dem begge, og han pilled´ lidt for meget! Han tro´de, at i Enhedslisten var der fælleseje! M E N hvorfor skal de vær´ så striks´ og hindre Enhedsliste-sex, lad ham dog få en dejlig heks med hjem til jul!