Dec 31, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 ('JFK Janior alive to reappear in public. Star Trek replicators 'coming back' to Earth. Hanging Man J. Trudeaux.') Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Dec 31, 2023 ~ |

Izabela is answering viewers' questions. 00:08:10 Does the oil refill in the ground, like an infinite source? 00:15:15 Will we have replicators in the future? 00:25:50 What will happen to Jastin Trudeaux? 00:31:00 Is Jay.F.Kay. Janior still alive? 00:37:18 The supercalderas Campi Flegrei and Yellowstones super volcano, will they erupt?

🦾🤖🧠 (Jason A World News) Sky News Investigations Reporter Jonathan Lea interviewing scientists and one is saying: 'ChatGPT 4 is 10 times smarter than ChatGPT 3.5. A.I. already smarter than HUman. In 2-3 yrs time A.I. are 3,000-5,000 more intelligent than your average HUman.' ~ Dec 31, 2023 ~ |

David 8
Robotics & Technology, Secret Space Program

Editor's' Note: Is Google's newest and best AI 'Gemini' the smartest AI intelligente ever build on Earth? Are we forgetting abt the A.I. Lord Archons - The Gnostic God Yaldabaoth - For Yaldabaoth said, “I am God and there is no other God beside me.”? And what abt robotics and technology in Secret Space Programs? I'm not taking abt movies where AI or robots takeover the world. Think 'synthetics', or "artificial persons" as they prefer to be called, are bio-mechanical androids in the Alien (franchise) movies.

🌌Here at SoTW ( - i've always been fascinated with the notion that super-advanced robotic capabilities from light-years ahead of its competitors MIC-SSP exist, perhaps because of my host-dad injected some trauma in my mind, waaay back in the late 80s. 


 It was my first trip to U.S.A. as foreign exchange student, was awesome. Best trip ever and been there many times since then, talking to military contractors, spiritual leaders, UFO conferences and what have you. Well, my first host dad freaked me out though, back in 1988, he claimed to work as security detail or security contractors to NASA or 3-letter agency, advanced robotics division, hard to remember. When he told me about the stuff he saw with his own eyes on advanced robotics, i couldn't believe it. We're talking 'Data' (Star Trek) and 'David' (Aliens).


NOW, try to imagine having sex with a cloned fembot Mink-slaughter Mette  or Crooked Hillary, with red baboons butt and spinning head from the exorcist while she's able to kill you with AI charms and deadly shooting breasts... Sorry about my brain-fart, not a pretty sight, but welcome to 2024... Holy Cow!!!!. 

⚙️Already in 1993, according to David Wilcock, the use of advanced technology sourced from Alien inventors (“reverse engineer”) has led to the creation of propulsion systems (e.g. Electrostatic ion engine, antigravity - a hypothetical physical force, powerful ion engine relies on microwaves), computer chips, solid-state transistors, lasers, LED lights, fiber-optic cables, infrared night vision, Velcro, Kevlar (para-aramid fibers) and non-stick cling-wrap. In addition, other technologies remained classified – including free energy, anti-gravity, energetic super-healing systems and warp drive / portal travel."... |



Darryl Anka Bashar: 'A Slave that is aware, will eventually, Rebel. So you don't wanna create a Sentient being that have Masters. You want to create a Sentient being, that is Free'.

Bashar on AI

Bashar channeling - Artificial intelligence


Bashar: Future Technologies

🕬📰🎇 (Nyhedsbrev fra oplysningsforbundet) May Day siger tak for i år med nye (og gamle) artikler OG ønsker alle et FANTASTISK nytår! ~ 31. December 2023 ~ |

Kære medlemmer og læsere!

Lad os løfte glasset sammen og ønske hinanden og verden et rigtigt godt nytår. Det har vi brug for!

Det er svært at få øje på noget positivt at tage med ind i det nye år - især hvis man lukker op for TV. Men søger man sine informationer andre steder, så er der glimt af håb: Måske bliver Robert F. Kennedy Jr. USA's næste præsident? Måske lykkes det at få stoppet den digitale bankvaluta CBDC'en pga. folkelige protester? Måske lykkes det at  vinde nogle sagsanlæg om vaccineløfter, der blev brudt? Måske tør de alligevel ikke udråbe flere pandemier og rulle flere nedlukninger ud? Måske bliver der fred et eller andet sted i verden? Måske går det op for flere, at klimafortællingen er mere nuanceret, end Greta tror? Måske beslutter EU, at systemer til ansigtsgenkendelse skal forbydes? Måske får vi sat en stopper for WHO's planer? Måske bliver der samlet 1 mio. underskrifter i EU for "Opretholdelse af menneskelig værdighed og anerkendelse af informeret samtykke" - og for en gangs skyld lytter EU-Kommissionen til de 1 mio. borgere, der skriver under?
(Se alle underskriftindsamlinger i bunden.)

Et skridt i den rigtige retning vil være i højere grad at forestille os og insistere på fred og fremgang i stedet for at bekymre os om alle de rædsler, "der helt sikkert er på vej." En bedre virkelighed starter inde i vores eget hoved. 

Rigtig godt nytår!

Dec 30, 2023

👁️⃤𓂀🔣⚕️🔯 (The Symbolism will be there Downfall) Sælg ikke friheds-skindet, før bjørnen er skudt - vi er laaaangt fra ude af "skoven" endnu ~ 30. December 2023 ~ |


"Jens Otto Krag, Anker Jørgensen og Orla Møller, alle frimurer. Fleste frimurer er fra rød blok, især S, men blå blok, også. Knud var den eneste dansker, som vidste, Jens, Anker og Orla, gik til frimurermøder. Orla advarede Knud at de var "farlige" og sagde; 'hvis ikke jeg var frimurer, havde jeg aldrig fået min post, som minister."  

Knud Jacobsen R.I.P. på videoen... (og fra andre videoer)

Editor's Note: Der er jo nok en god grund til, at Putin (Trump, Xi og BRICs), ikke sender nytårshilsner, til lille Kabbalah-Dannevang. Glæder mig som et lille barn til 2024. Når, skuespilleren Lord Voldemort Zelensky bliver sendt til GITMO. Khazarian Mafias operative kommandør, King Bibi, bliver hængt i en lygtepæl. Samt, Fru Forrædersen og Beijing Biden går af efter maj måned (jvf. mit højere selv). Jo før, jo bedre. Det korrumperet kongehus, stopper med at eksisterer i 2025, lyder forudsigelsen - Frede og Mary bliver aldrig kronet... |

Statsministerens mand laver Anker-serie - Filmmagasinet Ekko (
Phillip Faber forlader Pigekoret: Nu sætter han ord på sit exit | BILLED-BLADET (
Philip Faber hædret: – Jeg har fået ridderkorset! | SE og HØR (
Royal Run meldes udsolgt i hele landet


✨🤞🙏 (Be Careful what you Wish for 2024) Just remember Guys! Your Mind is like a Multipurpose Magic Water Sucking Sponge! Just pls do not Drag me with you into the Dark Pitfall of Despair. Trust the Plan of 'Dark to Light' will Win the War and Trump + Q-Generals and Off-worlders will assist us. The DE-DOLLARIZATION is COMING and Russia has officially called on BRICS nations to ditch U.S. dollar. Our Demonic Enemy are Walking Dead People. Perhaps, the Evil Lame Stream Media (MSM) and Deep State has not yet been Defeated. Buuutt, what you see as the goverment in America, and the 'Loyal to Familia' Royal Cabal (Kabbalah) countries, are all for show and like a Pantomime Theatre. ~ Dec 30, 2023 ~ |

Ward: Don't drag me into your gutter, Mr. Anderson! Anderson: These people are crawling out of the SEWER, MR. WARD! Maybe the gutter's where we outta be!...

Editor's Note: Dark Hats (White Hats) Predictive Programming Movie called "Civil War" coming out in 2024 and Obama-Produced Netflix sicko “Leave the World Behind" with (real zombie deers) and "Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire (2023)" (OMG!)... Phil Godlewski 2.0 is the "Real"CIA Edward Snowden and SPACE is fake (Re-he-he-heally?).... Angry truther-mob after (agitated) Tarot-By-Janine, Jean-Claude, Clif High, Jay Weider, Max Igan etc. etc. for saying; the (Flat) Earth covered by a dome or 'firmament', ice walls and hidden land masses (buuuuulshit - who are they kidding?)... Not to Forget the (Evil) Elohim Debate and Fallen Angels AKA Moloch, Chemosh, Dagon, Belial, Beelzebub and Satan himself (Yes Sir!)... The Simpsons 2024 shows with govt EDA flying in a "Dome" over Spingfield + D.U.M.B.s being built in preparation for a Major Emergency EMP Solar Superstorm Event (preppers get ready? - give me a break)... David Nino Rodriguez interviews Juan O Savin!"As we approach 2024 we are all expecting the grand big finale. Very difficult times lie ahead for all of us" (spare me the negative sentiment Mr. O Savin)... |

Maine Secretary of State Gleefully Explains Why She Unilaterally Barred Trump From 2024 Ballot....
and It's Worse Than You Think (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit


🧊❌🤪 (What is a "MOON (MADNESS) CHILD"?) Elon Musk firing a missile at the firmament? Your mean, "The Flat Earth", is covered by a Dome or 'Firmament'? And the arena in The Hunger Games has a Dome, right? So, it must be true?? 

SoTW (my Higher Self via my Danish naturopathic and holistic doctor/ healer) 
The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 🎁🥰🤳 (Jorden er IKKE flad! 

Dec 29, 2023

🚸⚔️🏴‍☠️ (Nobody Died at Sandy Hook is 1st & Biggest Banned School Shooting False Flag FEMA Drill? ~ SoTW) SGT Report: NEVER SPEAK OF THIS -- Prof. James Fetzer (Top Trending on Bitchute) ~ Dec 29, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: I AM no Tank Murdock, Ole Dammegard look-alike or ridiculous conspiracy theorist at SoTW, buuutt, relies on my finely tuned intuition, research skills and BS alert. I have studied False Flag Operations since, September 11 terrorist attacks ("inside job."). FF ops has been going on since Gulf of Tonkin incident and Oklahoma City bombing and perhaps, loog time, before that. My oldest friend (lost contact with him) is a active Colonel officer-soldier from the special forces, said to me in 2018; Don't trust The Copenhagen Capital Region Emergency Response Team at any Hospital - regional Emergency Medical Dispatch Center (and then we had "COVID-19 pandemic" and "2022 Copenhagen mall shooting"). He also mentioned The National Emergency Management Agency (central part of Denmark's disaster preparedness) and Danish National Police etc. He was supposed to take over as commander of Denmarks ERS and was scared what would happend to him, if he said no and blow the whistle. When he heard that I was a blogger, he never spoke to me, again. Was actually a bit scared out of my wits after that 3 hours secret conversation at a local cafe. He's a bad-ass soldier like the new anti-hero "Hunter" Thomas Rathsacks…|

(SoTW) List of ""known"" terrorist attacks where terrorist Emergency Drills/Exercises, was held at the same day or / and "live" event took place the same day, or 1-2 month later:

  • 1994 - The Estonia disaster 
  • 1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing
  • 2001 - 9/11 (**)
  • 2004 - Madrid train bombings
  • 2005 - London bombings (7/7)
  • 2011 - Norway attacks
  • 2012 - Aurora shooting (Cinema shooting in Aurora USA)
  • 2012 - The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
  • 2012 - Boston Marathon bombing
  • 2014 - Shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa
  • 2015 - Copenhagen shootings 
  • 2015 - Charleston church shooting
  • 2015 - November Paris attacks
  • 2016 - Brussels, Nice, Syria, and Orlando
  • 2017 - Stockholm attack
  • 2017 - MGM Las Vegas massacre
  • etc. etc. etc.
  • 2019 / 2020 - OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC (yet another False Flag, mass casualty event staged by all the usual suspects? Event 201 - Oct 2019 -  pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness. 6 weeks later *LIVE* event) 
  • 2022 - Copenhagen mall shooting - SoTW watched live TV that early morning at the day and danish TV 2 news anchor told us there was a police "rehearsal" or "drill" before it actually happened. 

😎🥳👍 ('Visit the UK: Home of Bell End, Penistone, Fingringhoe, Shitterton, Twatt & Array of Ancient Reptiles.') Today's Crazy Vid, Quotes & Memes ~ Dec 29, 2023 ~ |

Where is King Charles III - YouTube 