Jan 19, 2023

💝 (Bye, Felicia! Errrr, Jacinda) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Jan 19, 2023 ~ |

🎁🥰🤳 (Jorden er IKKE flad! Demokraternes falske 3. verdenskrig og cyberangreb mod banker, er omlægning til nye finansielle system QFS / G-NESARA) Dialog med mit Højere Selv: 10 spørgsmål til professoren. Sandheden lever enten hos dig eller mig, sagde hunden! Februar og Marts 2023 bliver skelsættende ~ 19. Jan 2023 (SOTW; var lige forbi min holistiske naturlæge. Tidsbilledet for Kongehuset og Frimureriet, som styrer det forjættede land, ændrer sig løbende - nok ikke noget at gøre mht. tidslommer, men om de dynamiske bevægelser, Universet, Lysarbejderne aka Revolutionen og Befrielsen. Mit højere-selv er en guddommelig/åndelig del af mig, som forbinder mig med en større sandhed og viden - om både ens selv, ens liv og universet. Man kan vel sige, at Kinesiologi er ’bevægelse i kroppen’, som behandleren afmåler på ens arm som bliver slap/stærk alt afhængig af de spørgsmål, som bliver stillet og den er udviklet ud fra vestlig viden, hvor hjerne, muskler og organer er forbundet via nerver samt ud fra kinesisk videnskab om yin og yang, akupunkturpunkter og energistrøm i meridianer, som påvirker organer, hjerne og nervesystem. Btw - brug egen spirituelle dømmekraft, intuition og indre visdom, når du læser nedenstående!) ~ |


Udgivet den 19. Januar 2023 af Verdensalt

Nu fragtes amerikansk militærudstyr på danske veje – Ekstra Bladet

Forord: Jeg stiller spørgsmålene og mit H-S svarer mig igen. Det er et nutidsbillede, som tarotkort eller pendulering. Louis er blot en forlænget arm og har INGEN indflydelse eller nogen jinx, engle, dæmoner eller andet forstyrrende. Det er jeg/vi nødt til at tro på. Her er ordret i rå format uden nogen former for ændringer via indtaling på telefonen: 

🙋 SPM 1: Christian 4. - Frederiksborg Slot - er der nogen negative energier der rammer omegnenNEJ! 

-    Er der foregået nogen okkult på slottet NEJ! 

-    Børnemishandling eller andet NEJ! 

-    Selvom man bor 1 meter fra slottet er der nogen negativt udstråling NEJ! 


Flad Jord, jorden er flad (Flat Earth) Hvorfor kommer det frem nu i mennesker, en forestilling om, at jorden er flad? Sejlede Christopher Columbus i 1492 ud for at bevise at jorden var flad eller rund? "Jorden er flad som en pandekage!". - råbte Erasmus Montanus til sin kommende svigerfar, en stivnakket og uvidende bonde, i Ludvig Holbergs komedie fra 1723...

🙋 SPM 2: Når man nu i dag med den viden man har, 500 år senere, taler om Flad Jord, hvad er så årsagen? 

-    Er det fordi, det er sandt, Jorden er flad❓ NEJ! 
-    Er det fordi, disse mennesker (såsom Ole Lochmann, Sidney Lee) virkelig TROR på myten JA! 
-    Er det fordi, de skal gøre sig interessante NEJ! 
-    Er det fordi, så man kan blive kendt eller se-på-mig? NEJ!
   Er det fordi, de endnu ikke har set, den er rund og de tror den stadigvæk er flad❓ NEJ!
-    Er det fordi, det er deres opfattelse, fra dengang (1500 tallet og opefter) som kommer op til overfladen, grundet, “influx of energy” JA!
-   Med andre ord, er det FORTIDEN, som kommer op til overfladen JA!

(Louis notere sig, det er frigørelse af energi i cellerne - DNA'en - der indeholder alt vores viden, som skal op til overfladen, for at folk kan "komme videre", ellers går det bare retur, tilbage igen)

 Er det fordi, folk, skal have frigjort gamle mønstre, som kommer op til overfladen, med den viden de havde dengang, det, de postulere i dag så mange år efter, at sådanne er det bare... fået af vide af præsten, eller hvad ved jeg...JA!

(Louis forklarer, det er overtroen eller mangel, på viden. Man tror Solen, kører rundt om Jorden, og ikke Jorden der kører rundt om, Solen. Det er den gamle intelligens for 600-800 år tilbage, som dukker op til overfalden, i disse mennesker. Og som, snedker og psykoterapeut, Ole Lochmann siger; JEG HAR SELV SET DET! 
OMG siger Louis, hvor har han set det? I en børnefilm eller tegneserie - jeg ved det ikke! Der er 300 quadrillioner af planeter, som er RUNDE i vores galakse! 
Der er INGEN Iskant hele vejen rundt om jorden. Den ENESTE 'kant' er et bjergbælte, omkring midten af Nordpolen, som holder vandet væk (indgangen til Indre Jord - Inner Earth). Den er fotograferet, men må ikke vises længere. De er kun én som har fløjet over den og det er SAS Scandinavian Airlines i starten af 1960'erne. Admiral Richard E. Byrd møde med en tabt civilisation i Antarktis har været i TV)   

-   Er der nogetsomhelst sandt om FLAD JORD's opfattelser ❓ NEJ!   

📜🖤⚖️ (I wonder... why Putin is on the list... Must be one of the older versions of Putin!?!) Rose Ramblees: List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles – Jan 19, 2023 (SOTW; Thanks to my DK-friend for sharing! "Truthers" know it exist, but still refuse to, Believing it, Before seeing it... A lot, also still refuse, that GITMO, has expanded like 1000% since, Trump came into power and that, "Real Raw News", is accurate. I think Tarot by Janine has looked into RRN-website and told us, it's true-true... It doesn't matter what anybody says, not me, not your bullies, not your parents, politicians, propagandists, not anybody no matter if it's good or bad - the war in Ukraine and any worldly wars, has to stop! Agree?. You give all those words a meaning. The positive, the negative - you give power to what you focus on. It's your choice!...) ~ |


Versions of Putin and Beyond – Era of Light

NOTE: The list of arrests and executions of famous people should be released early 2022 to the public. If you have any other info on Arrests and executions of famous people 2021, please share in the comments below.

There is a new and updated lists that has been confirmed with many more added to it. The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death or a jail cell for life.

Home»Editor’s Picks»List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles


List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles

Medeea Greere

By Medeea GreereJanuary 17, 2023Updated:January 17, 2023765 Comments4 Mins Read

List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

NOTE: The list of arrests and executions of famous people should be released early 2022 to the public. If you have any other info on Arrests and executions of famous people 2021, please share in the comments below.

There is a new and updated lists that has been confirmed with many more added to it. The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death or a jail cell for life. 

Obama gave up Michelle, then breached his warrant, so he got one in the back of the head. Michelle chose lethal injection.

Others were just executed. The doubles and AI clones were activated and the deep state now work for Trump. We have won with DECLAS, the show is just for the sleepers and to reveal the hidden players!

👩‍💻🦹🌐 (K. Schwab & G. Soros BOW-OUT of World Economic Forum Conference in Davos) StrangeSounds: After Soros and Klaus Schwab now Bill Gates… Interesting that the top WEFers are not WEFing… Where is their private meeting? You’ll notice that the biggest WEF ass kissers such as Macron and Trudeau aren’t there either ~ Jan 19, 2023 (SOTW; My question - are they ALL even alive or is it a Clown-show with Clones and CGI? Rumors of the old "Cabal controlled" Elon Musk, was killed, as he stated on Twitter that his life may be in danger. This is likely because he has appeared to be going against the globalist evil cabal with the global agenda and we're now watching a Cloned 2nd version of Mr. Musk - that is in TheWhiteHat's control. Didn't the 'original' Bill Gates-version, die by execution in July 2013, according to Ancestry.com, due to his polio vaccine permanently disabled 47,000 children in India? And Melinda Gates is Actor Kevin Kline? Acc. to Alex Collier or was it, Elena Danaan, Druidic priestess, received answers from Thor Han Eredyon, a Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and Oona from the Intergalactic Confederation (aka the Guardians), Cabal leaders went to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance) ~ |


After Soros and Klaus Schwab now Bill Gates… Interesting that the top WEFers are not WEFing… Where is their private meeting?

melinda gates actor kline at DuckDuckGo

This reminds me of the passengers who canceled their trips on the Titanic at the last minute, and the lucky billionaire leaseholder who didn’t show up to work in their office at the top of one of the towers on 9/11.

Yesterday, it was Soros and Schwab…

Soros, Schwab and Gates not present at WEF 2023
Soros, Schwab and Gates not present at WEF 2023

‘Unavoidable schedule conflict.’ For your brainchild. That happens every year at the same place. Riiiiiight…

Today it is Bill Gates…

Soros, Schwab and Gates not present at WEF 2023
Bill Gates not coming to WEF 2023. via Twitter

You’ll notice that the biggest WEF ass kissers such as Macron and Trudeau aren’t there either… It seems there are only B listers present at the meeting right now… Ukrainians are probably not very happy (The Klitchko brothers arrived yesterday in order to discuss about new weapon deliveries).

Are the big players having a private club meeting somewhere else? Where would it be? On Epstein private island? Sorry for that… It was too easy … 


👉👮⛓️❤️‍🩹😌 (BREAKING 'SHOCK MOVE' KIWIS LIBERATED LIKE AUSSIES BY THEWHITEHATS) New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern "Mcallister The Transgender", commander of NZ shadow company, announces resignation. 2nd "daughter" born to a Mormon family. Game of Thrones-inspired nickname: 'Mother of Dragons' ~ Jan 19, 2023 (SOTW; Rumored was Spying on Pacific allies for 'Five Eyes' and NSA. Rumored fully aware of child trafficking from D.U.M.Bs, like Pine Gap. Rumored fully aware or directly involved in the False Flag shootings in Christchurch. Rumored a man to female transgender like, Brigitte Macron a.k.a. Jean-Michel Trogneux (President Macron's 'Gay Lover' since childhood), Michelle Obama a.k.a. "Big Mike or Michael", The Serena Williams sisters and Royals in EU monarchies etc. Graduate of the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders to become the country's youngest PM in more than 150 years. Rumored, one of the worst, (scumbacks) under 2019-2022 Corona that-doesn't-exist and Vax-KillSh0ts PlanDemic period. Now, the country has to heal itself from the Satanical system just like their neighbour country, Australia and Scott John Morrison - ScoMo; Scummo as a further iteration of ScoMo. Liar from the Shire; Scotty from Marketing became a common nickname due to Morrison's perceived poor response to the 2019 Australian bushfires. It originated in an article on satirical web site The Betoota Advocate during the bushfires) ~ |

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