Jun 24, 2015

CERN - What Have They Unleashed And Released? Shocking Headlines Of What Is Going On Around The World Since CERN Was Restarted! (Earthquakes, volcanoes, animal die-offs and much more are shown in the news clips below, all of which spoken about in the bible as precursors to end times)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Wednesday, 24-Jun-2015 09:35:27

June 22, 2015

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Since scientists restarted their "Big Bang" Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Europe's physics research center CERN in an attempt to probe into the "dark universe" which lies beyond the visible one, a number of events have occurred which led to some "shocking headlines," described by Jason A in the video below as proof that "prophecy is real" as he asks in his title "What is going on around the world?"

In a series of news clips from across the globe, Jason presents signs showing why he believes something big is about to happen.

It is also noteworthy that scientists that are not part of CERN warned in no uncertain terms that restarting the LHC at double the power could literally open "parallel universes," and "extra dimensions."

Via IFL Science:

Few ideas from theoretical physics capture the public imagination as much as the “many-worlds hypothesis,” which proposes an infinite number of universes that differ from our own in ways large and small. The idea has provided great fodder for science fiction writers and comedians.

However, according to Professor Mir Faizal from the University of Waterloo, "Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualized," he said to Phys.org. "This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science." Nonetheless, Faizal considers the test for a different sort of parallel universes almost within our grasp.

“What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions,” says Faizal. “As gravity can flow out of our universe into the extra dimensions, such a model can be tested by the detection of mini black holes at the LHC.”

Earthquakes, volcanoes, animal die-offs and much more are shown in the news clips below, all of which spoken about in the bible as precursors to end times, making many wonder just what CERN has unleashed and released upon the world.

Is it a coincidence that thousands of "spiritual sactuaries" have been destroyed, specifically some related to Shiva, the Hindu Goddess of Destruction, when the CERN facility in Europe has a statue of the dancing Shiva right outside of its building?


CERN Related Must-See Articles HERE[UPDATE] Second video just added, relates as MrMBB asks "Is the Large Hadron Collider manipulating the Ionosphere of Earth? A Strange frequency continues to be detected in the Ionosphere as the Large Hadron Collider is at maximum speed."

Read more incl VIDEO http://allnewspipeline.com/CERN_Unleashed_And_Released.php


The Lie We Live The One Video That Can Change The World (We are Nothing More Than Fuel To Power The Elite) - June 24, 2015

Published on Jun 24, 2015
Mirrored From Official NoLuker

Why They Killed Gaddafi “A Story You Must Read” (The world's infamous dictator, savior of the Libyan people, Enemy To The West) - June 24, 2015

To wit, match Muammar Gaddafi’s record up against that of your favorite candidate:

• Gaddafi nationalized his nation’s oil reserves and used the revenue to build schools, universities, hospitals, and infrastructure.

• Money from Libya’s oil revenue is deposited into the bank account of every citizen.

• He raised the literacy rate from 20 per cent to 83 per cent.

• He built one of the finest health care systems in the “Third World.”

All people have access to doctors, hospitals, clinics and medicines—free of charge. If a Libyan needs surgery that is unavailable in Libya, funding is provided for the surgery overseas.

• He raised the life expectancy from 44 to 75 years of age.

Basic food items were subsidized and electricity was made available throughout the country.

• He developed huge irrigation projects in order to support a drive towards agricultural development and food self-sufficiency.

• Recognizing that water, not oil, would be the scarcest resource of the future, Gaddafi initiated the construction of the Great Man Made River, which took years to complete.

• Referred to as a wonder of the modern world, this river pumps millions of gallons of water daily from the heart of the Sahara desert to the coast, where the land is suitable for agriculture.

• Any Libyan who wanted to become a farmer was and still is given free use of land, a house, farm equipment, livestock and seed.

• Gaddafi vowed that his own parents, who lived in a tent in the desert,would not be housed until every Libyan was housed.

He fulfilled that promise.

SEPTEMBER 23 2015 the END (Rather Cabal's and Religious Fraud and Fearmongering Endgame )- June 24, 2015

Offentliggjort den 5. jun. 2015

When will the ANTI Christ ARRIVE? Watch this Video and you decide! What will he do when he comes? That is the part you may not like!

Dave Schmidt Update: The Upcoming Currency Collapse (Keyword is Perception - No Public RV Folks!) - June 24, 2015

Finansielle akronymer

Dave Schmidt has a unique background in banking and finance, plus as a State Senator and a seminary graduate. Dave looks at politics, money and world affairs from a different paradigm, with passion for uncovering the truth about government and political issues in conjunction with how they impact our lives. In fact, Dave Schmidt has been a "whistleblower" on two different Discovery Channel TV programs as an expert on how government covers up and lies about what really goes on.

Mother's Mini-Message # 16 Earth Takes Her Place As the Heart of the Multiverse - June 24, 2015 CET

Mother's Mini-Message # 16

Earth Takes Her Place As the Heart of the Multiverse

I have a small message for you today. I will put it in as few words as I possibly can, because it is such an important concept that I must not over-explain it. As Father said earlier today, it is a bit like trying to explain what the oceans are by showing you a teacup full of water, but this is the way we must introduce information - a little at a time, building knowledge and understanding as you absorb the basics, then we go on to greater complexity day by day.

Looking back over the landscape of time and space, we see our beloved humankind developing slowly at first, over the first million years or so, then taking on the programming and struggles of dealing with the Annunaki, the Reptilians, the Greys, the Draconians, and other dark races who came to enslave our human children. Now, as you come through the final chapter, untangling yourselves from the thousands of years of mind-control, we want you, our beloved front-line Lightworkers, to have a glimpse of the cosmic adventure you and your dear Terra have begun.

You are now in the interesting and rather disorienting phase during which the old and the new are overlapping in wondrous and surprising ways. I will tell you a bit of the cosmic news. Some of you have heard about the fact that Earth is moving through your Milky Way Galaxy, changing position in relation to the other stars and planets. 

You are puzzled because your scientists seem to notice nothing of the kind, but I assure you, dear Children, it is true. Your planet is moving at great speed toward the center of your galaxy, and your galaxy is also moving at top speed toward the center of your Universe. Because of your rise in consciousness, your growing wisdom and spiritual strength, your planet, Terra, shall become not just the center of your Universe, but she shall be the shining jewel which is to become the Heart Chakra of the Multiverse.

Now, I will explain a bit. We have created a holographic screen for your scientists, whom we have wished to protect from further ridicule and attack on the part of the cabal, until the work of sending them all to the Light is done. It is a simple technological strategy we devised to prevent undue concern on the part of the worriers and doomsday folks who are fond of predicting deadly comet collisions and so on. I can assure you noting of the kind will happen as our precious Terra moves through space to take up her final position as the spiritual and intellectual center and heartbeat of the Multiverse.

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 24. Juni 2015 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Finansielle akronymer

A new time is set! This time is not about a paradise lost and found. It is about a great reunion and a time to move outward to carry out a most grand set of heavenly directives for this sector of physicality.

Ummac Dan ~ symbol of the
Sirian Star system

5 Ix, 12 Kayab, 11 Ik

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We are here to report on the status of the initial transferences of funds to North America. At present, we are preparing to complete the process, which is to permit your blessings to become available to you all. We have been forced to make some additional corrections to what we thought was to be the final directives needed to finish this particular task. Our partners in this project report that a number of final tweaks are still required. Thus, we are now in the process of jointly doing what is necessary to assure our success. This entire process is at most extremely stressful to our earthly allies. The dark cabal continues to use its remaining positions of power as a way constantly to thwart them from achieving even a modicum of victory. It is reaching a point where we need to do what is essential for our allies to get the triumph they richly deserve. Meanwhile, the dark cabal is continuing to face defeat on every other issue. It is becoming quite clear that our intervention is now required. Heaven is decreeing in our favor and we expect every issue to be resolved shortly.

The dark cabal is, after all, those who gladly carried out the dark wishes of the Anunnaki for nearly 13 millennia. These rogues have a deep inner feeling that even without their former lords they are still invincible. Somehow they believe that a means can be found to delay the inevitable. We have over the years tolerated their miscreant behavior since neither Heaven nor our allies wished to adversely reject them from power. We are greatly disgusted by their adverse behavior. It is essential that these dark rascals be swiftly isolated and given a fate, which keeps them from your door. This need to get them “out of the way” is something that now needs to be done in a very drastic way. We are planning a surprise, which can easily achieve this prime purpose. Until then, expect no success and ready yourselves for some immediate disappointments. However, this process is not to be a long one. We intend to be able to hoist these vile rapscallions by their own petard! So do not fear! The end to this long wait is really quite near!