Jul 12, 2022

🕉️ ~ 💗 (JUST IN: Cigar Shaped Flying Saucer Filmed In Georgia) A New Cobra Interview (Cobra2012) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Anyways, I guess this is a NEW interview but no video. Is it already 6 yrs since the first one. Yeah. I remember that conference in Greece. Here I meet Isis Astara (real name unknown - not allowed to tell you what country she's from) and spouse to Cobra, before she was killed by a direct-energy weapon so claimed by the person behind COBRA RM. Well, I have a difference unpleasant story I have shared on SoTW already and why the core-team disappeared on him and why he hasn't had new conferences, except in Brazil, so I hear. And about his new American spouse. Enough of that. Some of the described reporting might be true, some are properly, not true... Just stay grounded, only take in that resonates with your higher self, respecting others spiritual beliefs and look at, and treat all, our beautiful people around us, with unconditional love... |

Cigar Shaped UFO Was Recently Filmed In Georgia - Alien UFO Sightings (alien-ufo-sightings.com)


Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

New Cobra interview June 2022


Hello Cobra,

TY for accepting our invitation for another interview


It’s been 6 years already since our first one 





As we approach the final stages of planetary and galactic liberation, we felt that the time is right for this interview.




Q. On 26 November 1977 in parts of southern England, during the ASHTAR Galactic Command Southern Television broadcast interruption and disarming warning to Earth population, was the galactic confederation aware of the EARTH’s negative exotic tech?

A. They were aware of some of it but not all of it.

🙏 ~ 💝 (HUNTERS become the HUNTED - Patriots in Control) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |

🙈🌲😮‍💨 ~ (Vi kan ikke se skoven for bare træer) En verden i oprør: Rygterne på nettet ulmer men politiet advarer det kan medvirke til uønsket adfærd hos borgerne, unødig frygt, hæmme politiets arbejde eller mistillid til myndighederne (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: To masseskyderier i Sydafrika efterlader 18 døde - lige nu. Der sker masseskyderier i USA - hele tiden. Og det eneste vi har oppe i hovedet er hvor sex-bombe-lækker Louise 'Twerk Queen' Kjølsen ta' sig ud for at være som pavestolt fra tæsk, hun tog for fjerdebølgefeminismen... Ved biografen i Field’s råbte den formodede 22-årige gerningsmand, at det ikke er ægte, det er ikke ægte 8 gange og det hele var en drøm på den håndholdte video og »Slå mig nu ihjel« under sin "spadser-tur" (spadseretur) eller som E.B. kalder det for clickbaits skyld "dødsruten". (sensationsjournalistik og idioter findes der mange af). Imens flød sko rundt, men ingen mærkelige genstande eller beviser på aflagte tøj, hijab, mobiler, barnevogne, blod, krudtslam, pistolhylstre og magasinholdere, som på splatterfilm. Flår mig tilbage 'down memory lane' omkring Sandy-Hook, i daglig tale kendt som Sandy Hook Hoax eller Sandy Hoax. Den første FF Ops skoleskyderi i nyere historie, afsløret som en total fabrikeret begivenhed, propfyldt med falske omgivelser og falske ofre (det er beviseligt, at flere børn er spottet andre steder, efter de er påståede døde, under Sandy Hook massakren).. Og naturligvis, skal vi lytte til myndighederne - ARE YOU NUTS!. Rigspolitichef Thorkild Fogde især som udtales "Foged". Dvs. han er en Fogedret i sig selv! Det selvom, Politiets øverste chef, har begået tjenesteforseelser, à la landsforræderi mod minkene som, BBB aka Barbamama - hvis du spørger mig. Politiets øverste korps på chefgangen har ENORMT meget magt. Har Frimureriet eget PET-indsatsstyrke? Det tror jeg jo. Vi så det under Coronakrisen. PET "frimurer-politiet" blev anvendt til at opildne til vold mod noget som medierne kalder for; "netværket bag den danske coronamodstand", Malue Montclairre (Flemming Blicher + Martin Iversen), nævnte noget om, da civile betjente PLUDSELIGT tæskede løs på uskyldige demonstranter, hvor Coronamodstanden, var på sit højeste. Har nu ikke selv meget skumfidus til Malue, eftersom der går rygter om at, i hendes frihedsråd, sidder der en mand, der går under navnet, Clement Harbinger Bane, i bestyrelsen, som er oplært af en tidligere Mossad officer, Fra den Israelske efterretningstjeneste, i netop manipulation... |

Rygter deles på sociale medier efter skyderi i Field's (berlingske.dk)
Misinformation spredte sig som en steppebrand efter skyderi, men det er ikke overraskende, siger ekspert - TV 2
Two mass shootings in South Africa leave 18 dead — RT World News
Louise 'Twerk Queen' Kjølsen er pavestolt af de tæsk, hun tog for fjerdebølgefeminismen. Men hun giver også indrømmelser (berlingske.dk)

Tre drab på 400 meter: Riffelmandens dødsrute – Ekstra Bladet
Viral video fra Field's vækker opsigt: »Slå mig nu ihjel« - politiken.dk
12 Reasons Why the Orlando Shooting was a False Flag | Mysterious Death Toll, Gun Control, Suspicious Crime Scene, and more - Stillness in the Storm
The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: Search results for sandy hook (verdensalt.dk)

Sat i bås med hertuginde Kate • Kendte.dk
Tom Cruise: People Think Star Has Clones As He Attends Three Events In A Day (ladbible.com)
TikTok Tom Cruise deepfake creator: public shouldn’t worry about ‘one-click fakes’ - The Verge
Tom Cruise in 'Oblivion': Drones and Clones on Planet Earth | TIME.com
Han var spået en stor Hollywood-karriere. Nu er han anklaget for vold, våbenbesiddelse og for at groome små børn (berlingske.dk)

Så 'stinkende' rig er hun • Kendte.dk
Rihanna the Princess of Illuminati - Brave Search
(16) RIHANNA S&M ILLUMINATI 'princess of illuminati' MUSIC VIDEO MEANING EXPOSED! - YouTube

LIVE: Krigen i Ukraine fortsætter – følg den seneste udvikling | BT Udland - www.bt.dk

Teleskops første billede viser 13 milliarder år gamle galakser | Kristeligt Dagblad (kristeligt-dagblad.dk)

Sønderlemmende tal fra USA: Næsten ingen stoler på medierne – Document
Biden’s Approval Hits 33 Percent; Democrats Want 2024 Options, Poll Shows - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

👥⚔️🦄💖 ~ (Martin Riggs: Who's f***ing next?! McAllister! Who's next?!") Macron of France will resign as Dominos fall at a faster pace Sri Lanka, England, who's next? (michaelj5326) ~ | Blogger: These guys are going to be exposed like NEVER BEFORE, says CIA / Navy SEAL Michael Jaco. But don't bet on QFS just yet. It's not ready to be green-lighted because the 'baddies' are able to intervene. Something like that says Michael. A lot of work and cleanup first. The Biden-crime-family is going down. A good show by Michael. He will expose Joe Biden for what he is. An Actor (and clones) and many more. Michael also discuss England, China, burn-Rome and France. Canada. Australia. etc...PS: Nobody is talking about Denmark. SoTW does... |


⚠️📢👂 ~ ('GG-'boxes' world-wide. DS killed Abe. Trump's Soul is 50/50 Pleiadian / Andromedan.') Chas Carter & Simon Parkes PPN Network. 8th July 2022 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Simon starts at 10 min. marker. They go through a lot of good Q&A. More details about GG (Georgia Guidestones) at 49 min. marker about so-called "time-capsules". Simon thoughts are a bit different really about the alleged time capsule beneath Georgia Guidestones a bust after bombing forces demolition. GG-explosion was made by space-force-satellite energy-weapon at 45 degrees says Simon (same as SoTW got). It's NOT a time capsule, per say, it's more like a "device" or "box" containing "knowledge" like ancient-chinese-scrolls and be open only when certain event's take place. Goes well with Janine and Julie talks about they feel the "box" underneath GG is a "healing-device" of importance to HUmanity. More '"boxes" has been found WW. Putin has discovered 2 in Russia. 1 in Romania. Several in Europa, says Simon. Reminds me on SoTW about the legend of Sphinx that leads to the mystery-shrouded Hall of Records etc. After Simon said that - my intuition tells me that - What if... these "devices or boxes or time capsules" are equal to "Space arks" like Salla is taking about? "ARKs" that contains seeds, ET DNA, real bible study or real HUman history etc.? - just a thought. Yeah - I KNOW Dr. Salla and his source "JP" talks about massive spaceships (arks) underneath Earth and at the Moon and in our Universe kinda (like 'Transformers': The 'Dark Of The Moon' Conspiracy)... |

PS: ANYWHO - I wish (I wish a lot of things) - I wish my local DK-CC coordinators were more visual, more on-the-beat and had more drive on social media, more meetings, since last 2 weeks has been phenomenal. Buuut - nothing! not even a whisper! They're gone on vacation. Fair enough. Since they got family, kids, partying and business to attend to. Me, on the other hand on SoTW, have a lot of free time and always knows what to do with it. Being a creative influencer, blogger and dedicated spiritual soul - takes 24/7... |