Aug 8, 2022

🤗🏳️🙌 ~ ('The entire light spectrum is changing. The cosmic, gamma ray, Xray charts, ultraviolet and infrared ..') ECETI News #41 (James Gilliland) ~ | Blogger: OMG! SoTW still can't go to America - the land of the free? I refuse to get jabbed and wear an mouthpiece. I'm thankful and graceful still have 2-3 good friends left who take me as I AM. And went a few days to Southern Jutland where my oldest soldier buddy and friend was home (Danes abroad) visiting his family and Holiday home. And it's a really nice place - Germans who rents it, seems to like it. Last spring he expanded the 350kvm house with wilderness bath "SwimSpa" plus Infrared/ordinary sauna etc. He is a great cook and owns, a wine cellar. As I told you, was one of "them" the Banking "bad boys club". Nowofdays, I'll be lucky if "they" wanna talk to me. No job means "looser or no future" except if you're a wealthy business man who has all the time in the world. The last is me - I have no money only for survival - and work for/towards Planetary Liberation... |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

August 6, 2022| Issue #41


By James Gilliland

8/8 Entering the Lions Gate, UFOs and the Multidimensional Awakening and Healing of Humanity and the Earth

It seems the Universe is roaring, time to end the denial, heal and release the past, clean up the mis and disinformation and move forward in the upward spiral of ascension. We no longer have the luxury of denial. We all have images of ourselves yet do they correspond with right action? Have they corresponded with right action in the past? Have we been in service to self or service to others? Our vision of who we truly are verses who we be lie ve we are, is going to be shattered. The lack of right action in the past will have its karmic consequences. There is a grand division between the two images, the dysfunctional image and denial is going to be cast off. It can be done gracefully or painfully. If you want to continue in your pain body, it is a house that will fall. If you want to continue in denial and dysfunction that two will be revealed, what is inside will become outside for everyone to see, karma will be accelerated to give the lessons needed to evolve.  


We are going to see this on a personal level, throughout the political, business and religious institutions no rock will be left unturned. The science or mechanics behind this are simple. Higher consciousness and energy in, garbage out. The Earth is rising in frequency from its center and from incoming energies. The Sun is extremely active with solar flares and CMEs coronal mass ejections. With the light comes consciousness and energy. Universal law is within the light, the higher consciousness and energy flooding the galaxy. The Central Sun has activated the network of suns throughout the galaxy. This affects other dimensions, especially the lower 4th where a lot of unseen negative influences reside as well.  

👁️⃤ ❌🗳️~ (Valgforsker og dommedagslyn i Satans tegn "666") Som et lyn fra en klar himmel: 'S' får partiets laveste Voxmeter-måling siden 2015 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: SJOVT nok som valgforsker på tror på »Tirsdag den 27. september« som Mette's "lynafleder" inden 4. juni 2023 og er også en illuminati Numerologisk dagsorden (hvis man tror på den slags). 27.9.2022 er lig med (9+9+6). Vi ved, at 3 er en multiplikator af både 6 og 9 - og 6 er 9 - omvendt. Altså bliver dagen til "666"... SJOVT nok er dagen også "NATIONAL DAY OF FORGIVENESS. Så rent mentalt skal vi alle tilgive Mette Masse-mor - ellers "Lev med det". Samt, "National Chocolate Milk Day", "National Crush a Can Day", "National Corned Beef Hash Day", "World Tourism Day", "Morning Show Hosts Day" og... Om hvorvidt, at Mørke-Mette og Co., stadigvæk kan benytte sig af "valgfusk" fra samme typer valgmaskiner som fuskede med Donald Trumps 2020-valget, vides ikke. Det vi ved er, at DXC Technologys (nu Netcompany) samarbejde med Smartmatic-koncernen, der har dybe rødder i Venezuela, er foregået udenom Folketinget (siger man) og hemmeligholdt, at virksomheden beskyl­des for korruption og fifleri under seneste præsidentvalg i Filippinerne, og andre steder og optræder i læk fra skatteparadis m.m.... P.S. Klik på nedenstående Fjæs-linket af JK og se en kort video. Skræmmende så mange danske "kendisser og politikere" bejler til frimureriet... |

Valgforsker: Denne dag afholdes valget – og to ting kommer til at præge valgkampen (

Mads Mikkelsens hemmeligheder i nyt Ekko - Filmmagasinet Ekko (
(20+) Johnny Kristensen | Facebook

Lyn ved det Hvide Hus koster tre livet -
Reuters criticized for article stating fatal Washington, D.C., lightning strike offers 'climate warning' | Fox News

Dommedagsbilleder fra Cuba: Lynnedslag i olietank skaber kæmpe brand | BT Udland -

Måling: Aldrig har så mange vælgere ment, at Mette Frederiksen gør det dårligt som statsminister | Politik | DR

(20+) Oona Delphine Broberg Ayoeslapaz | Facebook

7-Eleven lukker alle butikker i Danmark: Udsat for angreb (
7-Eleven holder lukket landet over efter muligt hackerangreb (

🧑‍🏫🙈🏴‍☠️ (James Fetzer fined $450K & Alex Jones $45M) 20 children "died" in the Sandy Hook shooting says the jury, US court system and parents. Alex Jones has been thrown under the bus by the Kabbalah (Cabal) (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Idolatry worshippers, Satanic occultism in demonically created systems🤛] ... Kyle is Noah. Are HUmanity really that dumbed-down?... So why don't we do more useful evidence-based research ourselves?... Kyle Rittenhouse, has been accused of giving performative "crocodile tears" after he broke down while giving evidence in his trial in regards to "2020 Kenosha unrest shooting". And he sure as hell look like, Noah Pozner, if you ask me on SoTW... I AM NOT trying to reduce the drama, innocent children could have been murdered in cold blood. False flag claims after mass shootings are often made first by anonymous posters on far-right or unmoderated sites, like 4chan or Buuutt not anymore. Soon enough, they’re picked up by influencers, major media figures and even public officials and "Q". One of the key factors of building up a "False Flag operation" (screenplay or script with payed crisis-actors) is to install so much confusion and drama, based on fear of terror, violence, massacre like in a horror movie and to look authentic with real police, emergency units and people watching from a distance, telling the tale to TV reporters and TV anchors on Breaking News (acts) "shocked". Most of the time the whole area is sealed off and police is warning public of jail time, if someone shares videos from the scene. One of the most-talked-about is leaked video, that shows Texas law enforcement’s long wait to confront Uvalde school shooter. "2022 Copenhagen mall shooting" has same problems; nobody knows the (names) of the three dead victims. Nobody has seen any injured, no blood, "Bullet Holes", buuutt lots of abandoned "shoes" and junk and Danish emergency units was told they had to prepare for at least, 100 killed or injured. Same scenario for "2017 Las Vegas shooting". Las Vegas police has fired an officer who ‘Froze’ During the 2017 massacre and US S.W.A.T. did absolutely nothing, to stop anything... |

Noah is Kyle. Kyle is Noah.  Can you not see? 

'Sandy Hook has become colloquially known as the Sandy Hook Hoax or Sandy Hoax, the first false flag in recent history to be exposed as an entirely fabricated event, replete with a fake setting (a fake school) and fake victims (claimed by hundreds perhaps thousands including SoTW).' 

“…this on-display public trial is being used to discredit anyone who talks about legitimate false flag operations that will be carried out by our own governments as history shows!”

⌚🐰🕳️ ~ (46 - 25 - 04 = 17) TICK TOCK: How Do You Know The Future? (EYEDROPMEDIA) ~ | Blogger: (SoTW) - All of these "celebs" still alive and/or jailed in GITMO that are allegedly illuminati... (White Hat controlled?) "Persona non grata" Joe-the-Moe US' “Swagger-in-Chief” officially cleared to emerge from isolation following rebound Covid-19 case. In the meanwhile "Lord Voldemort" Zelenskyy haven't washed his T-shirt since the Russo-Ukrainian War with a (infamous) Nazi cross symbol, meets Jessica Chastain. Mrs. Chastain cancels July 4 with obscene gesture about lost ‘rights’ and has transformed into "The Eyes of Tammy Faye". Who's tweets about "Eyes Wide Shut" photo (See-No-Evil Monkey Aug 3). Other tweet about (Pedo) Tom Hanx (Tom Hanks Jul 28). And another tweet, Jul 23, More gucci drip with illuminati Eye Hand 666 Symbolism etc... Btw, what a straaange video by Simon Parkes & Dr. Charlie ward 5th August 2022 "Proof of Life" (with all due respect). There's no new Intel - nothing - except promoting Mr. Wards world wide tour and VACAY Bali Indonesia... To understand the future look into the past. Watch Dr. Salla's video... |

Are There Any Good Guys Left? – August 7, 2022 – Rose Rambles…

Seneste nyt om krigen i Ukraine 7. august - TV 2
(1) Warmongers argue we must protect Ukraine because it’s a “democracy” - YouTube
Clandestine ~ Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19 (
Ukrainian region announces vote on joining Russia — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
Amnesty regrets ‘distress’ caused by claims in Ukraine report | Ukraine | The Guardian
Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) / Twitter
Does Anyone See A Connection Here? (

🧑‍🏫🙈🏴‍☠️ (Bedøm selv, jeg skal ikke være dommer, jury og bøddel...) Flere beviser på, at Sandy Hook Elementary School var flyttet til Monroe, CT før skudmassakren (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [🤜En TRILLION Dollar retssag anlagt mod MSM (Mainstream Media) for "iscenesættelse af Sandy Hook Massacre"🤛] ... "SHES" er nok den første CIA inspireret Falske Flag-operation på en skole, som har flest ubesvarede spørgsmål, civile søgsmål, udsagnslogik og modsigende beviser mod sig, foruden 911. Sandy Hook-massakren, som TV 2 Nyheder (afholdt fødselsdag for Sandy Hook den 14. Dec 2017), B.T. & The Mirror (og hundredvis af andre korrumperede MSM media) tidligere har forsøgt, at piske en stemning op omkring, er IKKE ÆGTE. Det hele var iscenesat, desværre viser det sig, at være en Hollywood special effect operation, hvor ingen døde (ja du hørte rigtigt).. Det her, er ikke noget jeg selv støver op fra konspirationsteorier, har også snakket med flere amerikanere, set tonsvis af beviser på, og du burde selv kræve ubestrideligt bevisførelse på, om Sandy Hook-massakren, var den første FF Operation i nyere tid. Det bedste bevis kommer fra (afdøde eller er han?) whistleblower David Steele, en tidligere marinesoldat og fra CIA's hemmelige specialtjeneste (clandestine services) der siger, at de fleste terroraktioner i USA, udføres af false flag terrorister, eller blev skabt af egne sikkerhedstjenester. Andre troværdige er, amerikansk tidligere politibetjent, Wolfgang Halbig (US Customs inspector og Florida state trooper), pædagoger (offentlig idrætslærer, skolelærer, assisterende rektor) og ikke at glemme, UMD Filosofi Professor emeritus og konspirationsteoretiker, James Fetzer... Kan blot konstatere, at Sandy Hook, i daglig tale kendt som Sandy Hook Hoax eller Sandy Hoax, er den første FF Ops i nyere historie, afsløret som en total fabrikeret begivenhed, propfyldt med falske omgivelser og falske ofre (det er beviseligt, at flere børn er spottet andre steder, efter de er påståede døde, under Sandy Hook massakren).. Har en del artikler omkring emnet på bloggen... Men det er jo kun dig selv som skal overbevises, verden omkring dig, ønsker at lulle dig i søvn og skræmme os alle med frygt, for vid og sans, så vi ALDRIG, finder ud af sandheden.. Fake News MSM nyhedspressen har en bestemt agenda. Husk, jeg kender heller ikke hele sandheden, men kan kun gisne, ligesom vores aggressive nyhedspresse som trofast støtter, Biden, Bush, Obama og Hillary regimet (Den Mørke Stat, Kabbalah og Frimureriet m.m.)... |
One TRILLION Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against MSM (Mainstream Media) For “Staging Sandy Hook Massacre” | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

“…Vi får at vide, at den 14. december 2012 gik en enlig bevæbnet mand, Adam Lanza, på Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) i Newtown, Connecticut, hvor han i løbet af 11 minutter skød og dræbte 20 førsteklasser og 6 voksne. Det viser sig, at asbest-forurenet SHES var blevet lukket år før den påståede skudmassakre, og Chalk Hill Middle School havde været forladt og tom siden juni 2011...” ~ Fellowship Of The Minds