Feb 17, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Eliminate everything that doesn't help you evolve) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Earth Intelligence Report - February 2021 ~ Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings🌟]... |

🛑🤫🏴‍☠️ ~ (highly-recommended read) How Conspiracy Theorizing May Soon Get You Labelled a ‘Domestic Terrorist’ (strategic-culture.org) ~ | Blogger: [👉"Among the most troublesome of those variables which upset computer models are: “Conscience”, “Truth”, “Intentions”, “Soul”, “Honor”, “God”, “Justice”, “Patriotism”, “Dignity”, and “Freedom” ~ Matthew Ehret - February 15, 2021👈 ] ... Outside this report as an example because we are no longer allowed to discuss ANYTHING that is outside our governments narrative of (truth) : ... "‘Tsunami of disinformation’: UK battles for BAME Covid-19 vaccine trust, translating jab information into 20 languages" (RT.com)... "Israel battles Covid misinformation as vaccination drive slows"(theguardian.com)... "India’s biggest challenge: How to curb Vaccine Misinformation" (orfonline.org)... Etc. etc. etc.... |



Conspiracies for good and for evil do exist now, as they have from time immemorial, Matthew Ehret writes. The only question is which intention do you want to devote your life towards?


If you are starting to feel like forces controlling the governments of the west are out to get you, then it is likely that you are either a paranoid nut job, or a stubborn realist.

Either way, it means that you have some major problems on your hands.

If you don’t happen to find yourself among the tinfoil hat-wearing strata of conspiracy theorists waiting in a bunker for aliens to either strike down or save society from the shape shifting lizard people, but are rather contemplating how, in the 1960s, a shadow government took control of society over the dead bodies of many assassinated patriots, then certain conclusions tend to arise.

Three Elementary Realizations for Thinking People

The first conclusion you would likely arrive at is that the United States government was just put through the first coup in over 58 years (yes, what happened in 1963 was a coup). Although it is becoming a bit prohibitive to speak such words aloud in polite society, Nancy Pelosi’s official biographer Molly Ball, recently penned a scandalous Time Magazine article entitled ‘The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Elections’ which admitted to this conspiracy saying:

“Even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream- a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” (Lest you think that this was a subversion of democracy, Ball informs us that “they were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.”)

Another conclusion you might come to is that many of the political figures whom you believed were serving those who elected them into office, actually serve the interests of a clique of technocrats and billionaires lusting over the deconstruction of western civilization under something called “a Great Reset”. Where this was brushed off as an unfounded conspiracy theory not long ago, even Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister (and neo-Nazi supporting Rhodes Scholar) Chrystia Freeland decided to become a Trustee of the World Economic Forum just weeks ago. In this role, Freeland joins fellow Oxford technocrat Mark Carney in their mutual endeavor to be a part of the new movement to decarbonize civilization and make feudalism cool again.

💋🦸💃 ~ ('S tager æren - du betaler prisen.') Se hvordan S manipulerer - tager æren for alt det gode som er betalt af dig og mig (Folkets.dk) ~ | Blogger: [👉In the 'NICK' of time: 'Doorstep'-pressemøde onsdag klokken 10.30 om en forventet styrket fremtidig testindsats.. Det er en 'Samfundskontrakt' kalder Magnus LØGNICKE når Danmark skal genåbne med test og atter tests, spritte af og holde afstand (og vacciner og tests). Nye næsepodnings 10 mio. lyntests som OVERHOVED ikke er farlige, og gør ondt, sammen med sekventeringsarbejdet, teste og atter teste siger altså, Sundhedsaggregatet Magnus, grundlovbryderen, Nick-Dick Hækkerup samt den omvendt kommunist, STASI-kollaboratør og DR-frihedskæmperinde, Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil👈] ... {test, test og atter tests også de unge, før de må komme i skole og så teste} ... Allelandsmoder Mette-mus' »Fuldstændig Epidemikontrol« er fup og fidus! ... Tror du virkelig på, at Danmark, åbner HELT op den 1. Marts 2021?... Neeeeeej!.... PS: Nu nærmer propagandaen for den danske Corona-pandemi sig kvalmestadiet... VI KAN IKKE MERE og partierne har samlet sig i al hemmelighed imod regerings lukning og imod de eksterne samfunds-eksperter, referencegrupper og finansministeriets unge "matematiske modeller" og "beregnere" fra danske universiteter, derfor mødet i dag?... Selvstændige erhvervsdrivende og 10.000 støtter på Fjæsen, som blev fjernet, kan ikke mere... Vi er FÆRDIGE med skærpede tiltag og nedlukning... Der er INGEN farlig "virus" nye "mutationer" og hvad ved jeg... VIL DU acceptere 2 ugentlige test til alle voksne og unge som løber op i ca. 9 millioner test om ugen sammen med kommende vacciner og hvem tjener på det?... HVORFOR skal vi stole på regerings særlige beregning, regeringen og myndighederne støtter sig til, når de nu åbner op?... ER DET kunstig intelligens ("Computer Modellers") og finansministeriets unge "matematiske modeller", som skal bestemme over en (spøgelses) virus og om vi må leve frit i Dannevang?... HVEM skal betale gildet?... De 700-1.000 miliarder hele Corona-nedlukningen har kostet?... DET SKAL 'DU' MESTER JAKOB... 🇸🇪NOTE: Den svenske regering oplyser onsdagen, at en yderligere nedlukning af samfundet kan være på trapperne, skriver JP (go figure)... |

Socialdemokratiet har efterhånden udviklet et slemt frelserkompleks

Socialdemokratiet har efterhånden udviklet et slemt frelserkompleks

Lennart Kiil - 11/02/2021 - 10:04

S tager æren - du betaler prisen.

Hvis man skal tro Socialdemokraternes reklamekamagner på de sociale medier, så er det partiets egenhændige bedrift at vi får vacciner, hjælpepakker og skolegang.

Er det så samfundssind eller partipropaganda?

Socialdemokratiet med Mette Frederiksen i spidsen er ganske enkelt vores frelsere.

Men partiet glemmer noget centralt.

Når der lukkes ned og stilles krav - så taler Mette om samfundssind. Ja, så handler det om hele samfundet.

Men når hun så åbner op igen, så lanceres dette af hendes parti, Socialdemokratiet, som en bedrift eller sejr for netop partiet selv - komplet med kampagne, logo og photoshop.

Se: Mette taget i grov billedmanipulation | Folkets Avis


🛸⏰⚔️ ~ ('Leader of Secret Pentagon UFO Program: 'We Are Not Alone') Disclosure Starts Here... (SP + Dr. CW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Please be open-minded, factcheck and use your own spiritual discernment reading this stuff and anything coming out from Verdensalt.dk🤛] ... This story is old news to me, and readers on SoTW, but nonetheless it's news others haven't heard!?!... Thanks to Simon Parkes... I know that SP always has 2 independent sources to confirm, before he submits anything... |


Simon Parkes Official 


※🔴🔺~ ('The city of Jerusalem will be “utterly obliterated” to “put an end to messianic delusions”) Benjamin Fulford Partial Report & weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: [👉Summary: Jerusalem messianic fanatics want to build a temple of death.. The Khazarian Mafia, Knight’s Templar, CCP, Bill Gates, Rockefellers involved when DE weapons was aimed at the Fuji Fire + Fukushima Earthquake February 3rd attack.. U.S. Navy destroyed the world’s largest adrenochrome factory.. The city of Jerusalem will be “utterly obliterated” if they don't stop, warning goes.. The civil war raging in the west involving these fanatics has now pitted MI5 again MI6, and the CIA against the FBI among others👈] ... From FULL REPORT: (General Sir Nick Carter took the side of…) 📑MI6 when he went on the record on February 11th to say his nation was about to go on a war footing: “What you generally find with a crisis like this [Covid-19], which becomes an economic crisis, is that it then undermines the security and stability situation as well. And what often follows a very significant economic event is a security challenge. If you look at the Thirties, that started as a very significant economic crash and that acted as a very destabilizing feature📑... [READ MORE THURSDAYS]... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Gnostic Illuminati Demands Khazarian Mafia Surrender

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on February 15, 2021 CET     

The city of Jerusalem will be “utterly obliterated” unless the Khazarian Mafia surrenders, according to a Gnostic Illuminati source. The destruction of that city is needed to “put an end to messianic delusions” held by religious fanatics including U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, the source says.

Any move against Jerusalem would be part of a massive worldwide counter-attack against the Khazarians following their recent offensive actions against Russia, the UK, the United States, Japan, and other countries, multiple intelligence agency sources agree.

As a part of this offensive, the U.S. and Japanese military are ready to respond because the recent attack on their forces near Mt. Fuji (fire at base of mountain on left side) has been traced to that city. This is in part because Kiyosu Takayama, a self-declared Knight’s Templar, has been traced as the source of disinformation about the February 3rdattack. He claims that in the attack the “U.S. Navy destroyed the world’s largest adrenochrome factory.” https://blog.goo.ne.jp/mokushiroku666/e/d9ea9ad13066e7c7077c58932514feff

In fact, according to an official in the Pentagon’s Space Command: