Gunnar Langemark kommenterer på sagen om Den Korte Avis.
Lars Werge fra Dansk Journalistforbund mener, at DKA ikke er objektiv
nok og indholdet for holdningspræget til at blive kaldt journalistik.
Denne definition køber Gunnar Langemark ikke.
Han køber heller ikke den med, at man skal være medlem af pressenævnet for at man kan lave journalistik.
Men hvad er journalistik så? Se videoen for at få svaret.
er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De
offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle
emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre populariseret. Desuden
sætter aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end
normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med tre væsentlige
hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi ******Following articleisin Norwegian - use google translate on the top of my blog entry*****
Hvorfor og hvordan heve sine personlige vibrasjoner
Mange har spurt eller spør seg «hva er det egentlig som skjer nå…?»
Det er en del som har merket at det er «noe» (nytt og uvanlig) som skjer, også i ens egne liv og på det personlige plan. Men hva kan det være, hva kan det skyldes, og ikke minst: Hvor er vi på vei, og hva vil den nære fremtiden komme til å bringe…?
En måte å finne ut av det på kan være å gå «back to basics«; ved først å fokusere på tilværelsens basiske grunnelementer:
1. Fysikken; fysikkvitenskapen er «vitenskapenes vitenskap»
2. Energetics; energi er tilværelsens basiselement
3. Jorden er en roterende og vibrerende planet i Universet
Energi, frekvens og vibrasjon er tilværelsens basiselementer
Nikola Tesla, tidenes oppfinnergeni, formulerte det slik: ”If you want to find the secrets of the universe; think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”
Nikola Tesla, tidenes oppfinnergeni, formulerte det slik: ”If you want to find the secrets of the universe; think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”
Hva er så sammenhengen – mellom energi, frekvens og vibrasjon?
Energi som vibrerer på ulike frekvenser (vibrasjonsnivåer) er på sett og vis ”alt som er”…
Alt i universet består (til syvende og sist) av energi som vibrerer på ulike frekvenser.
Selv faste stoffer består på et kvantefysisk nivå av vibrerende energifelter.
Jordens vibrasjonsnivå – som i en svunnen tid var høyt – har i århundrer «skrapet langs bunnen», noe som bl.a. har manifestert seg i den mørke middelalder og det svært blodige og lidelsesfylte 20. århundre.
Uopplysthet («mørke»), lidelse og frykt henger ofte sammen med et lavt vibrasjonsnivå.
Planeten Jorden – som er en levende organisme med en sjel; Moder Jord Gaia – har sin egen frekvens; jordpulsen (eller Gaia-rytmen) som er kjent som Schumann-resonansen.
Jord-pulsen lå lenge stabilt på 7,83 hertz (som forkortes Hz og står for fullførte vibratoriske sykluser pr. sekund – et mål for frekvens).
Jordpulsen (Schumann-resonansen) har tradisjonelt ligget stabilt på 7,83 hertz. Dette var tilfelle så sent som i 1995.
Det er et grensesnitt (en vekselvirkning) mellom jord-pulsen og menneskenes kollektive bevissthet. Dersom menneskenes vibrasjoner holdes nede (den kollektive virkningen av mange lav-frekvente individer) vil dette kunne bidra til at jord-pulsen holdes nede. (Tradisjonelt har dette funnet sted ved at det er blitt spredd lav-frekvens triggere i form av lidelse og frykt blant menneskemassene).
Det er en samvirkning mellom jordpulsen og menneskekroppens frekvenser
Det er en samvirkning mellom jordpulsen og menneskekroppens frekvenser Jordpulsen og Jordens vibrasjonsnivå er nå på vei opp
Den kosmiske personligheten Omnec Onec formidler i dette utdraget av artikkelforfatterens intervju med henne i 2014 innsideinformasjon om møter, vurderinger og beslutninger om Jorden og Jordens fremtid som har funnet sted utenfor Jorden…
Omnec Onec formidler her to viktige innsikter som berører alle som lever på Jorden nå:
1. Jordens vibrasjonsnivå er i ferd med å heves
2. Planeten Jorden er nå under beskyttelse (som omfatter enhver form for mulig ødeleggelse, inkludert atomkrig)
I mer enn 15 år har jordpulsen nå vært stigende, først langsomt og nå stadig sterkere.
Selv om utvikling og dagsverdier av jordpulsen er en del av basisfysikken, er dette informasjon som er vanskelig tilgjengelig.
De følgende tallverdiene for jordpulsens (Schumann-resonansens) utvikling de senere årene er hentet fra en russisk kilde som er i besittelse av avansert måleutstyr for formålet. (Russisk vitenskap har tradisjonelt vært velutviklet innen frekvens-fysikk, også som et element i menneskelig biologi; frekvens-fysiologi).
For centuries, the US has committed war crimes around the world and rarely suffered negative consequences as a result. Some of the US most notable war criminals, such as Henry Kissinger and Barack Obama, have received numerous accolades, including the Nobel Peace Prize, despite their dark legacies. However, things may soon change as former President George W. Bush may be forced to stand trial over the war crimes his administration committed in Iraq. The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California recently confirmed that Judges Susan Graber and Andrew Hurwitz will hear oral arguments in the case of Saleh v. Bush, beginning tomorrow December 12th. Other members of Bush’s administration, such as Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz, are also named as defendants in the case.
The case was brought against Bush by Sundus Shaker Saleh, an Iraqi woman who charges Bush and high-ranking officials in his administration with breaking international and US law by planning and executing the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq. Saleh maintains that Bush and his colleagues are guilty of the “crime of aggression,” which was defined as the “supreme international crime” at the 1946 Nuremberg Trials.
In the case, Saleh is appealing the immunity provided to Bush and the other defendants by California’s Ninth Circuit court in 2014, after they were urged to do so by President Obama and the Department of Justice. Saleh previously tried to take Bush to court in 2013 until the Department of Justice intervened. The California Court dismissed her case in December 2014, citing the Westfall Act of 1988, which immunizes former federal officials in civil lawsuits if a court determines that the official was acting within the legitimate scope of his or her position. However, this time around, Saleh argues that the invasion of Iraq fell outside the legitimate scope of employment of former President Bush and his administration. Plenty of evidence since the invasion took place has shown that the administration knowingly lied to justify and execute the war by falsely claiming Iraq under Saddam Hussein possessed “weapons of mass destruction.” The real reason, however, was that Hussein had stopped selling Iraqi oil in dollars by switching to euros, threatening US hegemony in the region.
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit
Report date: 12.14.2016
British member of parliament has now pushed the idea that the BREXIT
was influenced by a Russian hack. Retail sales much lower than expected,
during the holiday season which included black Friday and cyber Monday.
Mortgage applications continue to decline, more people do not have the
ability to purchase a home. Industrial production declines for the 15th
month in a row. The Fed raises interest rates which signals the collapse
of the economy, brace for impact. Harry Dent believes the market will
drop down to 17,000 points.
Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.
Following the lead of our friends across the pond, America delivered their own version of Brexit by electing Donald Trump president. In the year of miracles, add Trexit to Brexit and the Cubs winning their first World Series in 108 years to the list of odds defying events. History tells us that eventually the pendulum will change direction and swing the other way and the number of casualties is growing by the day. The list is long and distinguished and perhaps the biggest losers are the US crime families named Clinton and Bush.
Don’t be fooled by the asskissing of all the losers who were quick to appear to make amends with the Trump victory, among them Romney, Bonnie and Clyde Clinton and der Fuerher himself, George HW Bush. It is incumbent upon the people of the US to now direct their energy and focus attention on Trump’s promise of “draining the swamp”. Our readers know the swamp is large and will take time to drain but at least the alligator hides business will lead the economic recovery provided they aren’t allowed to slither off into the night to wreak havoc once again.
Robert Rubin, the current Co-Chair of the Council on Foreign Relations, former Goldman Sachs and Citigroup operative and Bill Clinton’s former Secretary of the Treasury went on television in the UK on Sunday, November 6 and assured the viewers that (1) Hillary Clinton would not be arrested and (2) would be elected President of the US on November 8. A globalist hack and cabal henchman, Rubin has fully been discredited for the fraud he is and always has been. Rubin was no doubt a supporter and instigator of the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act which resulted in the derivative nightmare and contributed to the crash of 2008. Rubin revealed himself for what he is, an arrogant, cabal/bankster who has lost all influence (as he should) in the world of government and finance.
We’ve gotten a glimpse of this group and the picture isn’t pretty. The product of a nationwide, heavy handed government influenced school system sprinkled with an obsession with social media has given us a generation of reactionary, unthinking and mindless followers of socialism and entitlement. You have to conclude that the once open minded US college university system has been overtaken by a very un-American undercurrent that finally revealed itself. This is social engineering (aka brainwashing) at its finest.
Thin skinned but thick headed, this group has followed the current Administration’s lead on the attack of the 1st Amendment, displaying a penchant to be offended by anything in an effort to stifle free speech and free expression. Political correctness on steroids, it’s apparent this group has lost touch with reality on several levels.