Published on Jun 11, 2016
*I do not own this work, it belongs to James Gilliland, As you wish talk radio and the great artists who took part in all aspects of it. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.*
As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland & Shannon Leischner. Listen in, as they discuss the state of the world, the Ascension, Healing & ECETI Conference 2016
For more information have a look here:
Jun 12, 2016
UFO escorted by Jet Fighters over US military base in TURKEY !!! June 2016 (Project Blue Beam using laser beam hologram projectors - or - real E.T. - or - Solar Warden - The US Top Secret Space Ship?)
via Section51,
June 2016 – Turkey, Izmir – US military base – 400km away from Istanbul. Leaked video showing formation of jet fighters escorting strange UFO / alien space craft.
An American witness inside Izmir Air Force Base, Turkey, reports there were many people watching the strange shaped UFO in the sky that was escorted by the jet fighters. There were many witnesses to the event.
“We were all in our office when we were told to come outside and see this really strange event in the sky,” the witness stated.
Turkey is one of the strategic military installations run by the US Air Force in Europe. It’s one of the oldest and largest cities of Turkey. Izmir is also close to the Aegean Sea.
In Turkey, UFO events are monitored by the Sirius center. According to their records, in 2015 between April 1 and Oct. 28 there were 3,640 reports of UFO sightings; 526 of them were recorded on camera, and 468 of them could have been satellites, Chinese lanterns, birds, balloons, photoshopped photos, light reflections or simple mistakes. A total of 79 were confirmed as UFOs.
June 2016 – Turkey, Izmir – US military base – 400km away from Istanbul. Leaked video showing formation of jet fighters escorting strange UFO / alien space craft.
An American witness inside Izmir Air Force Base, Turkey, reports there were many people watching the strange shaped UFO in the sky that was escorted by the jet fighters. There were many witnesses to the event.
“We were all in our office when we were told to come outside and see this really strange event in the sky,” the witness stated.
Turkey is one of the strategic military installations run by the US Air Force in Europe. It’s one of the oldest and largest cities of Turkey. Izmir is also close to the Aegean Sea.
In Turkey, UFO events are monitored by the Sirius center. According to their records, in 2015 between April 1 and Oct. 28 there were 3,640 reports of UFO sightings; 526 of them were recorded on camera, and 468 of them could have been satellites, Chinese lanterns, birds, balloons, photoshopped photos, light reflections or simple mistakes. A total of 79 were confirmed as UFOs.
BREAKING: Orlando shooting: Omar Mateen named as gunman who killed 53 in Pulse nightclub in America's worst ever mass shooting - Nightclub shooting comes day after death in Florida of singer Christina Grimmie (Acc. to The Guardian, it may have had extremist beliefs, and would consider possible links to ISIS...Blogger: I'm sorry. I don't know what to beleive in anymore with all these False Flag Operations since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.. )
Omar Mateen, the man suspected of taking 50 lives in an Orlando
gay club, is believed to have sworn allegiance to ISIS, US Congressman
Adam Schiff said citing local law enforcement. He stressed the
legitimacy of the connection is still being investigated.
"The fact that this shooting took place during Ramadan and that ISIS leadership in Raqqa has been urging attacks during this time, that the target was an LGBT night club during Pride, and - if accurate - that according to local law enforcement the shooter declared his allegiance to ISIS, indicates an ISIS-inspired act of terrorism," Representative Adam Schiff said in a statement.
Orlando Mass Shooting: This Is Who and Why They Did It
(Before It's News)
THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today
Orlando Mass Shooting:
Another Obvious False Flag
and Government Psyop
* * *
Why did they carry out a ‘mass shooting’ in a gay night club?
State of the Nation
There should be no doubt that the alleged mass shooting in the Orlando gay night club is a classic false flag operation and government-coordinated psyop. Not only does it have all the typical signatures of a purposely hole-ridden narrative, it has an extremely explicit purpose behind it.
Red Alert! Shout Out! by Anna von Reitz - June 12, 2016 CET
Ann von Reitz
Judge Anna here—- I need your help!
This is nothing but an attempt by the bankrupt the housecleaning
company to place a false claim of ownership against our estates.
I want you all to know that thanks to work done by Pennsylvania and Michigan, your states have the basis of an Equal Footing Claim. That’s the good news— but we need actual bodies with “an unimpeachable claim” to come forward.
I need at least two native-born men from every state in the Union
to stand up and lay claim to their heritage in behalf of their state and
the people in it.
To have an unimpeachable claim you must, according to the terms of
the agreements and treaties in the time frame they were made, be able to
prove that you are:
(1) a male Caucasian above the age of 21 years;
(2) that you were born on the soil of the state you are claiming;
(3) that one or more of your Grandfathers was born either in the
state you are claiming or in another state of the union prior to 1888.
(4) a properly witnessed—-that means three living men above the age
of 21, a Common Law Justice, a Common Law Clerk of Court, or a public
notary acting as a witness without claim of jurisdiction—-Act of Expatriation.
This is just a simple statement: I, John Doe, a living
native-born Texan, hereby expatriate from any assumption of United
States Citizenship or any presumption that I am or have ever been a
“citizen of the United States”. I explicitly claim my birthright
political status and heritage as an American State National and native
son of texas.
Reblog: Hvordan fører vi krig mod uvidenheden i os alle? Hvordan overvinder vi hjernevaskelse af vores MATRIX (Masser af gratis e-bøger)
Udgivet første gang den 16. Juli 2014 af Verdensalt
Jeg kunne sagens skrive om Justin Bieber, World Cup, Contador, Lockout, GGGI, halalslagtning for at øge min skare af tilhængere på min hjemmeside... har heller ikke løsningen på universets gåder, er heller ikke paranoid, isoleret, selvoptaget af konspirationsteorier, men jeg er vågnet op til vores Matrix...
"Dette er din sidste chance. Herefter er der ingen vej tilbage. Du tager den blå pille – historien ender, du vågner i din seng, og tror hvad du ønsker at tro. Du tager den røde pille – du bliver i eventyrland, og jeg vil vise dig hvor dyb kaninhullet er"
Nogen vil sige MATRIX blot er baseret på Illuminati / Hollywoods-Masonic-Mind-Kontrol. Det er ikke min overbevisning. Til alle som ikke lige genkender eller forstår MATRIX trilogiens symbolik og dens enorme betydning, inspireret fra kulturhistorien eller populærkulturen, et kort plot intro til filmen her
"I den nærmeste fremtid, "vågner" en hacker ved navn Neo op og opdager, alt liv på Jorden blot er en omfattende facade/illusion skabt af en ondsindet cyber-intelligens, med henblik på at udmanøvrere os mennesker ved at "dyrke" os som brændstof ind i et forvasket Matrix af dominans og slaveri, for at undgå vi ser den "virkelige" verden. Når han kommer ud til den "virkelige" verden, slutter Neo sig til ligesindede oprører krigere, Morpheus og Trinity, i deres kamp for at vælte hele Matrix" - Sjovt som det ligner vores egen verden....
For at provokere din egen bevidsthedsdannelse eller mindfulness:
Super god start - Tjek Elinas gratis e-bog "HOW To Change The World" her - Det er et fantastisk sted at starte...Mener een af de bedste beskrevet øjenåbnere som jeg er stødt på...
Ligesom den verden "vi" lever i nu, skaber vi intet, ved at hvile på laberbærene og være egocenteret. Vi kan gå i vores egen Matrix dag ud og dagen ind, på et tidspunkt bliver vi tvunget til forandring, lad os bare sige via love tsunami (men ikke alene), og i form af indikationer på forandring i verden. Vores syn på geopolitisk eller nationale politikere, whistleblowere som Edward Snowden som vi bedst kender, oprør og modstanden stiger, global-og transnational virksomheder samt den finansielle sektor slipper heller ikke mere, bøderegn og arrestationer. BRIC landene er blevet enige om ny verdensbank, snart ser vi valutanulstilling og snart kommer der et nyt finansielt system, og med de nye styreformer helt ny struktur og velstand til alle.
Der er ingen steder at gemme sig mere, for vi ALLE er i konstant forandring. Det er nu blot et spørgsmål om tid før vi som mennesker på denne jord, transformere, forbereder vores fysiske selv mod fuld bevidsthed, til en ny komplet re-sekventering af vores cellulær RNA / DNA.
Jeg kunne sagens skrive om Justin Bieber, World Cup, Contador, Lockout, GGGI, halalslagtning for at øge min skare af tilhængere på min hjemmeside... har heller ikke løsningen på universets gåder, er heller ikke paranoid, isoleret, selvoptaget af konspirationsteorier, men jeg er vågnet op til vores Matrix...
"Dette er din sidste chance. Herefter er der ingen vej tilbage. Du tager den blå pille – historien ender, du vågner i din seng, og tror hvad du ønsker at tro. Du tager den røde pille – du bliver i eventyrland, og jeg vil vise dig hvor dyb kaninhullet er"
Nogen vil sige MATRIX blot er baseret på Illuminati / Hollywoods-Masonic-Mind-Kontrol. Det er ikke min overbevisning. Til alle som ikke lige genkender eller forstår MATRIX trilogiens symbolik og dens enorme betydning, inspireret fra kulturhistorien eller populærkulturen, et kort plot intro til filmen her
"I den nærmeste fremtid, "vågner" en hacker ved navn Neo op og opdager, alt liv på Jorden blot er en omfattende facade/illusion skabt af en ondsindet cyber-intelligens, med henblik på at udmanøvrere os mennesker ved at "dyrke" os som brændstof ind i et forvasket Matrix af dominans og slaveri, for at undgå vi ser den "virkelige" verden. Når han kommer ud til den "virkelige" verden, slutter Neo sig til ligesindede oprører krigere, Morpheus og Trinity, i deres kamp for at vælte hele Matrix" - Sjovt som det ligner vores egen verden....
For at provokere din egen bevidsthedsdannelse eller mindfulness:
- Hvordan finder vi sandheden som sætter os fri?
- Hvordan løsriver vi os selv for frygt, blokeringer og berøringsangst? Hvornår begynder vi at forstå, det vi har lært fra skolen, nyhedskanaler, vores institutioner rundt om i verden, vores basale indlæring om verdensorden er forkert?
- Hvordan vågner vi op fra vores fastforankret virkelighedsbillede, når vi ikke ved, vi skal vågne endnu?
- Hvordan løsriver vi os væk fra den totalitære enhed af kontrol, magt og dominans?
- Hvordan skaber vi, som Werner Erhard citere; En Verden, Der Virker For Alle?
Super god start - Tjek Elinas gratis e-bog "HOW To Change The World" her - Det er et fantastisk sted at starte...Mener een af de bedste beskrevet øjenåbnere som jeg er stødt på...
Ligesom den verden "vi" lever i nu, skaber vi intet, ved at hvile på laberbærene og være egocenteret. Vi kan gå i vores egen Matrix dag ud og dagen ind, på et tidspunkt bliver vi tvunget til forandring, lad os bare sige via love tsunami (men ikke alene), og i form af indikationer på forandring i verden. Vores syn på geopolitisk eller nationale politikere, whistleblowere som Edward Snowden som vi bedst kender, oprør og modstanden stiger, global-og transnational virksomheder samt den finansielle sektor slipper heller ikke mere, bøderegn og arrestationer. BRIC landene er blevet enige om ny verdensbank, snart ser vi valutanulstilling og snart kommer der et nyt finansielt system, og med de nye styreformer helt ny struktur og velstand til alle.
Der er ingen steder at gemme sig mere, for vi ALLE er i konstant forandring. Det er nu blot et spørgsmål om tid før vi som mennesker på denne jord, transformere, forbereder vores fysiske selv mod fuld bevidsthed, til en ny komplet re-sekventering af vores cellulær RNA / DNA.
Flere interessante sider som giver et andet virkeligheds-billede fra A-Z:
- (rigtigt godt sted at starte)
- ( Portal for mange alternative sider)
- ( Masser af Coverups)
- (Aliens A-Z)
- (Esoterisk Litteratur - GRATIS E-BØGER)
- Downloadable Books (NESARA, Disclosure, Starseeds, Ascension etc)
- (Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? (Set over 10millioner)
"Vi kan vælge at være dristig nok til at tage ansvar for hele den menneskelige familie. Vi kan vælge at tildele kærligheden til verden, og vise hvad vores liv er egentlig handler om. Hver af os har nu mulighed for, det privilegium, at gøre en forskel i at skabe en verden, der virker for os alle. Det vil kræve mod, dristighed og hjerte. Det er langt mere radikalt end en revolution - det er begyndelsen på en forandring i kvaliteten af livet på vores planet. Du har magt til at affyre skuddet som kan høres over hele verden" - Werner Erhard, Graduate, februar 1980
Tak fordi du læste på min blog.
Tak fordi du læste på min blog.
Over 80% of Popular Bread Brands Contain Cancer-causing Chemicals (Can You Guess What Happens Next? Do You Feel Safe Inside EU? Leaving the EU will not even free us from TTIP. Potassium bromate are not banned in the U.S. Food industry companies would for sure be trying to force it through TTIP into EU..)
Posted: 10 Jun 2016 10:00 PM PDT
Before you make that next sandwich, you may want to read the list of ingredients on your bread bag label – because there's a very good chance that it may contain Daniel Barker A food additive used in bread called potassium bromate has been in the international news lately. Indian health officials have recently called for a ban on the use of the additive, which has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. A testing of products in India found potassium bromate in 84 percent of 38 popular brands of bread, buns, pizza crusts and other baked goods. |
CASPER UPDATE: Whole Lotta Crawfishing Going On? - JUNE 12, 2016 CET (A Must-Read)
Sub Title: Whole Lotta Crawfishing Going On?
Our last update was Jan.26th. On the 17th of January WE summarized the reclassification of bank th, 2015. All are included herein so with this update you are getting five for the price of one (free). Too much reading for most but having reviewed them today there is so much still relevant information we decided to include them.
depositors to bank creditors. The update before that was September 25, 2015 which included at the bottom our previous update dated May 29
I intended to begin today with some Shock and Awe, advising that Muhammad Ali supported and voted for Reagan for President, but, heckeedurn, it’s all over the net today.
Did you notice the conflict in Sunday night’s Zap update between what Poof had to say versus what Zap had to say? “Poof’ expresses doubt about funding’s while Zap repeats previous statements that releases have occurred and things are underway. It strikes me as odd this disagreement would occur within the same update from the same ‘house’ (so to speak). I would like to know who is doing the ‘Poof’ writings, after all he passed a couple of years ago. Has Susan become a ‘channel-er’? Have you noticed how the Poof expressions of doubt seems to agree with the title of Sheldon Nidle’s next webinar scheduled for June 19th, “How The Galactic Federation is Overhauling Their Strategies To Overcome The Cabal-And Get Our Funding’s To Us”. Does that sound like things are imminent? Hence the sub-title, Whole Lotta Crawfishing going on.
Which reminds me, no decent observer could possibly overlook the recent mud-slinging between Zap and Crayford which was started by an attack on Zap by Crayford out of the blue a few weeks ago, possibly because Zaps business appears to be progressing without OITC approval. Crayford lumps Zap with Hudes and accuses both of being pawns of Cabal Banks, BIS,IMF, etc.. Yes for Hudes, no for Zap. He has always said his funds are coming from another direction. Crayford’s position has always been that there are no funds not derived from the theft of or use of the Collateral Accounts and OITC is Big Boss Man for those accounts. In his update Sunday night Zap alluded to OITC’s inability to access or use the Collateral Accounts which, coincidentally, was the bottom line outcome of OUR amateur investigation of OITC many years ago which said “OITC cannot access one dime of the Collateral Accounts”. This remains the position of our sources today (VIP-Euro-Bankers). This begs the question, If OITC owns the Accounts as Crayford states, and is M-1 as Crayford states, why can’t OITC access the Collateral Accounts? And if things are so perfectly clear, why do others continue to war over the accounts? This seems to me too come down to a Proxy Fight, Crayford vs Zap, OITC vs Grandfather. 0-1 vs M-1. Isn’t it strange that Grandfather knows nothing of Crayford/OITC and Crayford/OITC knows nothing of Grandfather. High strangeness everywhere. All of us need to pray Zap is right as the alternative, made plain on multiple occasions by Crayford, is that no one gets anything---ever.
Regarding Zaps other recent dookie slinging arguments with Obama supporters my advice to Zap is “Learn to argue with fencepost. You will find them to be considerably better informed than Obama supporters”.
Speaking of Politics, I voted for integrity, intelligence and character as I said I would, I voted for Ben Carson. That forty plus percent of the American People are willing to vote to put Mrs. and Mr. Satan back into the White House just shows the depravity and depths to which the Democrats and our country has sunk. As you can read in one of the enclosed updates I still say Biden will be their man. It was not because of his son’s death that he did not run. It was because, he said, very privately, “I can’t run, I am compromised”. ‘Compromised’. D.C. speak for I accepted a 200M bribe from Bush, delivered by Hillary. D.C. is a sewer. They are all ‘compromised’, blackmailed, bought. What a strange election cycle. My lifelong Democrat mother and extended family are all voting for and happy with Trump while I, a lifelong Republican until I ‘resigned’ last year in favor of the Tea Party, think he is a nut case. High strangeness everywhere.
Our last update was Jan.26th. On the 17th of January WE summarized the reclassification of bank th, 2015. All are included herein so with this update you are getting five for the price of one (free). Too much reading for most but having reviewed them today there is so much still relevant information we decided to include them.
depositors to bank creditors. The update before that was September 25, 2015 which included at the bottom our previous update dated May 29
I intended to begin today with some Shock and Awe, advising that Muhammad Ali supported and voted for Reagan for President, but, heckeedurn, it’s all over the net today.
Did you notice the conflict in Sunday night’s Zap update between what Poof had to say versus what Zap had to say? “Poof’ expresses doubt about funding’s while Zap repeats previous statements that releases have occurred and things are underway. It strikes me as odd this disagreement would occur within the same update from the same ‘house’ (so to speak). I would like to know who is doing the ‘Poof’ writings, after all he passed a couple of years ago. Has Susan become a ‘channel-er’? Have you noticed how the Poof expressions of doubt seems to agree with the title of Sheldon Nidle’s next webinar scheduled for June 19th, “How The Galactic Federation is Overhauling Their Strategies To Overcome The Cabal-And Get Our Funding’s To Us”. Does that sound like things are imminent? Hence the sub-title, Whole Lotta Crawfishing going on.
Which reminds me, no decent observer could possibly overlook the recent mud-slinging between Zap and Crayford which was started by an attack on Zap by Crayford out of the blue a few weeks ago, possibly because Zaps business appears to be progressing without OITC approval. Crayford lumps Zap with Hudes and accuses both of being pawns of Cabal Banks, BIS,IMF, etc.. Yes for Hudes, no for Zap. He has always said his funds are coming from another direction. Crayford’s position has always been that there are no funds not derived from the theft of or use of the Collateral Accounts and OITC is Big Boss Man for those accounts. In his update Sunday night Zap alluded to OITC’s inability to access or use the Collateral Accounts which, coincidentally, was the bottom line outcome of OUR amateur investigation of OITC many years ago which said “OITC cannot access one dime of the Collateral Accounts”. This remains the position of our sources today (VIP-Euro-Bankers). This begs the question, If OITC owns the Accounts as Crayford states, and is M-1 as Crayford states, why can’t OITC access the Collateral Accounts? And if things are so perfectly clear, why do others continue to war over the accounts? This seems to me too come down to a Proxy Fight, Crayford vs Zap, OITC vs Grandfather. 0-1 vs M-1. Isn’t it strange that Grandfather knows nothing of Crayford/OITC and Crayford/OITC knows nothing of Grandfather. High strangeness everywhere. All of us need to pray Zap is right as the alternative, made plain on multiple occasions by Crayford, is that no one gets anything---ever.
Regarding Zaps other recent dookie slinging arguments with Obama supporters my advice to Zap is “Learn to argue with fencepost. You will find them to be considerably better informed than Obama supporters”.
Speaking of Politics, I voted for integrity, intelligence and character as I said I would, I voted for Ben Carson. That forty plus percent of the American People are willing to vote to put Mrs. and Mr. Satan back into the White House just shows the depravity and depths to which the Democrats and our country has sunk. As you can read in one of the enclosed updates I still say Biden will be their man. It was not because of his son’s death that he did not run. It was because, he said, very privately, “I can’t run, I am compromised”. ‘Compromised’. D.C. speak for I accepted a 200M bribe from Bush, delivered by Hillary. D.C. is a sewer. They are all ‘compromised’, blackmailed, bought. What a strange election cycle. My lifelong Democrat mother and extended family are all voting for and happy with Trump while I, a lifelong Republican until I ‘resigned’ last year in favor of the Tea Party, think he is a nut case. High strangeness everywhere.
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