May 3, 2020
👪 ~ 💗 Elina ST-ONGE: HOW To Change The World' 💕 ~ | Blogger: [💟Hvis vi alle tog et øjeblik for blot at observer verden som den er, ville udviklingen af vores arts potentiale, ske natten over🌎] ... Tjek Elinas gratis e-bog 'HOW To Change The World' -- Det starter allerede ved indskolingen og 0. klasse og slutter aldrig, før du selv siger STOP!. Elina siger: " Få år efter vi er født i frihedens tegn, bliver vores umoden og barnlig adfærd (friheden til at lege og udforske), brat afbrudt af behovet for aktivt, at træne os selv til den "virkelige verden" (slippe leg og frihed). Vi kan være så heldige, at blive født frie og uden et begreb om begrænsning, men at overleve i denne tidsalder, kræver, 'mandsmod'. Når livet pludselig bliver til 'noget', vi skal gøre os fortjent til. Vi skal hurtigt tilpasse os "samfundet", som er et meget fortralvende, konkurrencedygtig overlevelse-orienterede spil."... PS: Det er svært at finde en kopi, fordi hun har slettet sin første udgave, og arbejder på sin næste... |
🦠😷 🙅♂️ ~ Dr. Tenpenny: This is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on The Human Race… ~ | Blogger: [😴Wake Up Outta Your Sleep ~ Truthstream Media⏰] ... | |
Source (Spiro Skouras)
In this explosive interview, Spiro Skouras is joined by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. The two discuss the latest developments regarding the coronavirus situation which was declared a global health pandemic, by the Gates funded World Health Organization, as more information comes to light questioning the need for a global lockdown. Dr. Tenpenny and Spiro examine and explore, the motives of the global response by governments, global institutions and private interests, as Dr. Tenpenny exposes perhaps the most alarming aspect of the crisis yet! No, it is not the virus, it is the blank check issued to the vaccine and drug manufacturers, which not only provides unlimited funding, but also provides blanket immunity to Big Pharma for any harm attributed with the treatments produced during the declared emergency, including all drugs and vaccines. This blanket immunity is provided by the US government under the PREP Act and provides the drug and vaccine manufacturers the 'Ultimate Blank Check' during a declared emergency. As Dr. Tenpenny points out, the vaccine and drug manufacturers have zero incentive to produce a safe product, as the declared emergency not only rolls back regulatory standards and removes them from any and all liability, but it also ensures the government will purchase their products. This is an unprecedented level of immunity which raises many questions and safety concerns.
In this explosive interview, Spiro Skouras is joined by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. The two discuss the latest developments regarding the coronavirus situation which was declared a global health pandemic, by the Gates funded World Health Organization, as more information comes to light questioning the need for a global lockdown. Dr. Tenpenny and Spiro examine and explore, the motives of the global response by governments, global institutions and private interests, as Dr. Tenpenny exposes perhaps the most alarming aspect of the crisis yet! No, it is not the virus, it is the blank check issued to the vaccine and drug manufacturers, which not only provides unlimited funding, but also provides blanket immunity to Big Pharma for any harm attributed with the treatments produced during the declared emergency, including all drugs and vaccines. This blanket immunity is provided by the US government under the PREP Act and provides the drug and vaccine manufacturers the 'Ultimate Blank Check' during a declared emergency. As Dr. Tenpenny points out, the vaccine and drug manufacturers have zero incentive to produce a safe product, as the declared emergency not only rolls back regulatory standards and removes them from any and all liability, but it also ensures the government will purchase their products. This is an unprecedented level of immunity which raises many questions and safety concerns.
🙀 ~ Chicago mayor threatens to issue citations, arrest those who ignore stay-at-home order: 'We will shut you down' ~ | Blogger: [👉WHAAAT!?!?!? ": "We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail," ~ Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Friday👈] ... Mayor Lori Lightfoot is a hardcore Democrat and I just wonder if the same "democratic" party ruled government around the world or Denmark, with their "commies", will make the same threats?... SoTW recently talked to a friend who's been told by a retired police officer, that he finds it absolutely offending, that the danish police fines innocent people with no symptoms of CV19, like a mother with her children with no other people around on a playground or 2 men waiting for a harbour bus. The danish police henchmen to the politicians lockdown are getting more aggressive and violent, by the minute, because NOBODY dares to ask, if this CV19 is the BIGGEST human experiment in history... |
💲😁~ Dollargrin: Sheiken får 3,4 mio. kroner i lønkompensation. Anders Fogh søger 100.000 kroner i corona-hjælp til eget firma med 3 millioner i overskud ~ | Blogger: [🤪Tilgivelsens mange Dimensioner; Himmelråbende idioti - Narcissisten har ingen Empati.🙄] ... Man burde opkræve krisecentererklæringer og psykologerklæringer på, at følelses- og dramavampyrerne, de Malignant Narcissists-Narcissistic/sociopath politikere og ledere, skal kunne blive stævnet for overtrædelser af menneskerettighederne. Men, der er intet nyt i kampen mellem Eliten og Folket. Faktisk var skellet meget værre i gamle dage. Det er bare mere synligt nu... |
⚠️ ~ DRs ansatte og fagforening kræver stor lønstigning til dem selv og deres generaldirektør med årsløn på over 4 millioner KongeKroner. Borgmester shop-amok mens der fyres, og Loud-bagmænds plagiater er tyveri ~ | Blogger: [☝️ Husk lige på: "Licens er noget vi giver hinanden", "Skat - det er noget, vi ta'r fra hinanden!" og "COVID-19 er noget vi smitter hinanden med"☝️] ... ALDRIG i mit liv, siden Danmarks Radio sendte TV ud i æteren første gang i 1960, har der været så lousy og elendigt TV fra DR. Det slår, alle rekorder! Folk må da være dødhamrende trætte af, at der bliver sendt det samme SKIDT igen og igen. Genudsendelse på genudsendelse og løgnhistorierne flyder frit fra fantasien. Det er dog heldigvis ikke mig selv som skal betale Medielicensen, så generaldirektøren kan få 4M og stjernejournalisterne, der tjener over 1M, kan skraldgrine, hele vejen ned til banken... |
👼 ~ 💓 A Message from my Higher Self (TreeOfTheGoldenLight) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Excerpts:"The greater wealth in the world is in the hands of a small minority, who have acquired positions of power and authority to control the population and keep them in ignorance. That cannot continue, and already moves are taking place to remove those who stand in the way of advancement. It will, so to say, “come out of the blue” to be greeted by both shock and surprise. Understand that the majority of the people are blissfully unaware of how their lives are controlled to a degree that the Earth is an open air prison. However, the good news is that the Forces of Light are at this very time rooting out the active supporters of the dark Ones."... |
Channeled by Mike Quinsey
© 2020 treeofthegoldenlight
1st May 2020
The people are becoming more aware of their potential strength to make changes happen, that will give them a boost and strengthen their hands to get a better deal for Humanity. The greater wealth in the world is in the hands of a small minority, who have acquired positions of power and authority to control the population and keep them in ignorance. That cannot continue, and already moves are taking place to remove those who stand in the way of advancement. It will, so to say, “come out of the blue” to be greeted by both shock and surprise. Understand that the majority of the people are blissfully unaware of how their lives are controlled to a degree that the Earth is an open air prison. However, the good news is that the Forces of Light are at this very time rooting out the active supporters of the dark Ones.
🆕 ~ 💗 Jason Estes Update 💕~ | Blogger: Thanks to Jason Estes and TheEarthPlan for sharing... |
"Angelic Selves will be coming online...." ~ that may explain what I felt (as per my previous personal post) ~ theearthplan
Source: Jason Estes
👼 ~ 💕 A world in rebirth.... (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ |
Photo by Ann Albers in Phoenix, AZ |
We're birthing a new world... Be gentle with yourself...
(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Breathe. Be patient with yourselves and one another. You are in a state of re-birthing upon your planet earth and birth is not a process that can be easily rushed. It must come in its own time. The human race is going through intense contractions right now – one moment feeling very hopeful that things are progressing and that you can see the light at the tunnel, and in the next feeling stuck, frustrated, and stagnant.
We celebrate the joyous anticipation so many of you feel. You are indeed moving into a kinder and more connected world, a world in which more people acknowledge the value of every human being, a world in which you crave touch, kindness, and where you have learned that you can indeed "hug" one's soul even if not hugging a body. So many of you are focused upon this reality and even better. That is a blessing to your entire human race.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Breathe. Be patient with yourselves and one another. You are in a state of re-birthing upon your planet earth and birth is not a process that can be easily rushed. It must come in its own time. The human race is going through intense contractions right now – one moment feeling very hopeful that things are progressing and that you can see the light at the tunnel, and in the next feeling stuck, frustrated, and stagnant.
We celebrate the joyous anticipation so many of you feel. You are indeed moving into a kinder and more connected world, a world in which more people acknowledge the value of every human being, a world in which you crave touch, kindness, and where you have learned that you can indeed "hug" one's soul even if not hugging a body. So many of you are focused upon this reality and even better. That is a blessing to your entire human race.
👼 ~ 💕 Eternal joy awaits your awakening (Message from Saul) 💕 ~ |
Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddha, Mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.
channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
Saul Audio Blog for Saturday May 2nd
To start with, a metaphor: humanity is out surfing, an enormous wave is approaching, therefore . . .relax, but be ready and allow this magnificent wave to carry you along for an exhilarating ride into the new era which you have all been working so assiduously to bring into being for a very long time. You will not fail to rise up on it, because you have great expertise and you have been practising with powerfully focused intent to be ready for this precise moment, and you are ready, and you will rise to the occasion. You will be filled you with joy and wonder as you finally come to know yourselves, the true You, at One with all of God’s divine Creation. Your awakening is to be spectacular, way beyond anything you could possibly imagine, in fact way beyond anything that even someone who has had the most uplifting and inspiring Near Death Experience could possibly imagine. Your divine inheritance – infinite Joy – awaits your awakening.
To awaken is your only purpose, but within the game, within the illusion myriad distractions are constantly dragging your attention away, as, in moments of lucidity, you attempt to remember that purpose. You know that there is a much greater meaning to life than the materialistic and competitive cultures – in which you find yourselves experiencing life as a human – would have you believe. At some stage in their human lives absolutely everyone wonders if life has a higher purpose, but the vast majority believe that they cannot afford to waste time thinking about it because they have work to do, bills to pay, and families to take care of. They may be members of religious or spiritual organizations, and they may spend a few moments each week, or even daily, saying a brief prayer in order not to offend the divine being that the organization tells them they should honor. They may even pray strenuously and desperately for help if some catastrophe befalls them, but mostly they just focus on daily living, while seeking moments of pleasure by engaging with some of the distractions available solely for that purpose. Living like that does not provide satisfaction, even for those who are without any financial burdens, because you each have a deeply buried knowing that you do have a purpose, and that knowing will continue to nudge you towards wakefulness throughout your lives, unless you totally refuse to pay it any attention by choosing to block it out of your conscious awareness. Whatever you do you cannot totally remove it or separate yourselves from it, because it is an essential aspect of who you are — a divine being having a temporary experience in form.
channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
Saul Audio Blog for Saturday May 2nd
To start with, a metaphor: humanity is out surfing, an enormous wave is approaching, therefore . . .relax, but be ready and allow this magnificent wave to carry you along for an exhilarating ride into the new era which you have all been working so assiduously to bring into being for a very long time. You will not fail to rise up on it, because you have great expertise and you have been practising with powerfully focused intent to be ready for this precise moment, and you are ready, and you will rise to the occasion. You will be filled you with joy and wonder as you finally come to know yourselves, the true You, at One with all of God’s divine Creation. Your awakening is to be spectacular, way beyond anything you could possibly imagine, in fact way beyond anything that even someone who has had the most uplifting and inspiring Near Death Experience could possibly imagine. Your divine inheritance – infinite Joy – awaits your awakening.
To awaken is your only purpose, but within the game, within the illusion myriad distractions are constantly dragging your attention away, as, in moments of lucidity, you attempt to remember that purpose. You know that there is a much greater meaning to life than the materialistic and competitive cultures – in which you find yourselves experiencing life as a human – would have you believe. At some stage in their human lives absolutely everyone wonders if life has a higher purpose, but the vast majority believe that they cannot afford to waste time thinking about it because they have work to do, bills to pay, and families to take care of. They may be members of religious or spiritual organizations, and they may spend a few moments each week, or even daily, saying a brief prayer in order not to offend the divine being that the organization tells them they should honor. They may even pray strenuously and desperately for help if some catastrophe befalls them, but mostly they just focus on daily living, while seeking moments of pleasure by engaging with some of the distractions available solely for that purpose. Living like that does not provide satisfaction, even for those who are without any financial burdens, because you each have a deeply buried knowing that you do have a purpose, and that knowing will continue to nudge you towards wakefulness throughout your lives, unless you totally refuse to pay it any attention by choosing to block it out of your conscious awareness. Whatever you do you cannot totally remove it or separate yourselves from it, because it is an essential aspect of who you are — a divine being having a temporary experience in form.
📶 ~ 💗 5G and Hawaii (Dr Debra Greene) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Debra Greene, PhD, is a mind-body medicine specialist and frequently quoted expert in the fields of energy medicine and energy psychology... |
Source (Dr Debra Greene)
What is 5G? Do I have it on my phone, computer, tablet? What does the relevant EMF research show about health effects? Why is our government not protecting us? What is wrong with the FCC? What's happening in Hawaii? What about the 5G satellites? How many are orbiting earth now? Are they activated? What can we do to stop 5G? Please sign our petitions at:
🚼 ~ Cops smash trafficking ring 'selling babies to dodgy Chinese businessmen for £40k' ~ | Blogger: [👉Global human trafficking: The babies were specially bred for the businessmen👈] ... Sorry for bringing this to your attention! It really is disgusting - horrifying - monstrous!... | |
🇬🇧 1300 CHILDREN SAVED in the United Kingdom so far. Arrests ARE being made.— QAnon Comrade 🕊 (@qanoncomrade) April 26, 2020
🙏 #TheStorm |
🦠😷📸 ~ Nineteen Eighty-Four Censor of Doctors of Courage: Dr. Dan Erickson, Dr. Judy Mikrovits, Dr. Rashid Buttar and nurses and other health care professionals. Bill Gates & Facui Breaching Human Rights by Fear, Stress and Make them Susceptible and Weak. By Mandatory Vaccine Microchips, Global Surveillance Tracking, CV19 Misinformation, Lockdowns, Financial Meltdown (SoTW) ~ | |
This is a WONDERFUL ‘Freudian Slip’ from Dr Birx!— BeachMilk (@BeachMilk) April 28, 2020
Who is she REALLY working for?#GatesFoundation #COVID #Coronavirus #Plandemic
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