Feb 23, 2017

The Walking Dead TV Show Presents A UFO In This Week Episode


UFOs show up to witnesses when they least expected it, but no one would have thought an unidentified flying object appeared on The Walking Dead set in this week’s episode. The UFO appears at 28:27 minutes of the show. Lampicka PSN of YouTube discovered the strange thing in the background of the video. The UFO seems to be a dark object moving from the right to the left of the screen.

Some UFO enthusiasts suggest that the dark disk showed up on purpose so that it could use its mind control methods on one of the most popular TV shows in the U.S. It is believed that UFOs have mind control to make people temporarily forget what they saw or even make people remember things. Many believe that the UFO shows up on purpose to reach a lot of viewers out there.

According to Elon Musk, if super intelligent aliens exist somewhere else, they probably already observing people on Earth. He added that it would seem quite likely and humanity is just not intelligent enough to realize it.

UFO hunters believe that aliens are everywhere, but to uncover the evidence before our very own eyes needs effort.

Chok-undersøgelse: Nu har 88 procent af danske svin MRSA (Blogger: Godt jeg ikke spiser gris mere, men miljø- og fødevaresvin, har vi nok af.. »Esben – et barn du ikke kan nå«.. Undskyld, kunne ikke dy mig.. | Mest sete tv: Da Esben Lunde sagde, tungmetaller ikke er et akut problem | Simon Kollerup om MRSA-skandale: Esben Lunde Larsen vildleder, og han bruger forskerne til at undslippe sit ansvar | Skandale: Esben Lunde Larsen lukker øjnene for kvælstoftal i 5 år | Coop: Esben Lunde giver ukorrekte oplysninger. Det er ifølge Coop forkert, når fødevareminister Esben Lunde Larsen siger, at detailkoncernen selv valgte at forlade arbejdet omkring udarbejdelsen af dyrevelfærdsmærket | Ekspert: Shitstorm mod Lunde næsten giraffen Marius værdig. Benjamin Rud Elberth kalder shitstormen efter Esben Lundes Facebook-opdatering for noget af det voldsomste, han har set i dansk politik | Esben Lunde afviser indsamlinger: Simpelthen fordi. Fødevareministeren vil ikke tage imod underskriftindsamlinger. Jeg vil simpelthen ikke, siger Esben Lunde | Esben Lunde har ingen kommentarer til mulig næse. Folketinget tildeler regeringen en næse i sagen om landbrugspakken | Skatteyderne igen til grin for deres egne penge | Esben Lunde Larsens sag om plagiat er et symptom på en ny virkelighed | Esben Lunde om mulig inhabilitet: Jeg har stillet mig udenfor døren. Esben Lunde Larsen kan ikke huske, om han har været inhabil, da kommunen behandlede sagen om vindmøller ved lufthavn | Frikendelse af Maersk i sag om ophugning. Miljøstyrelsen er nået frem til, at der ikke er grundlag for at politianmelde Maersk-gruppen for at sende skibe til ophugning på Alang og i Bangladesh. Redegørelsen blev bestilt af miljø- og fødevareminister Esben Lunde Larsen | Eksperter: Esben Lunde Larsen har et troværdighedsproblem. Uddannelses- og forskningsminister Esben Lunde Larsens (V) problem er ikke, at han tror, men at han dækker over sit trosforhold på en måde, så det kan skabe tvivl om, hvorvidt hans tro og politik er adskilt, siger retorikprofessor og religionssociolog | )


Det går den forkerte vej med at bekæmpe de resistente MRSA-bakterier i danske svinestalde, viser helt ny undersøgelse. Uacceptabelt, siger politiker. 

Af Magnus Bredsdorff
23. feb 2017 kl. 16:51

88 procent af de danske besætninger med slagtesvin er inficeret med den antibiotikaresistente MRSA-bakterie. Det viser en helt ny undersøgelse, som fødevareminister Esben Lunde Larsen (V) fremlagde for de fleste af Folketingets fødevareordførere onsdag.

I 2014, da den seneste undersøgelse blev gennemført, var 68 procent af slagtesvinene bærere af MRSA. Dermed nærmer svinebruget sig hastigt en virkelighed, hvor samtlige gårde har resistente bakterier.

Det bliver yderligere understreget af en stikprøve blandt avlsbesætninger. Svine-MRSA blev konstateret i samtlige seks besætninger, mens det for godt to år siden kun var tre ud af seks besætninger.

I den handlingsplan, som et bredt flertal i Folketinget vedtog i foråret 2015, er målet ellers, at smittespredningen skal stoppes, så de resistente bakterier ikke spredes til flere gårde. Det mål har planen altså ikke nået, og den blev også voldsomt kritiseret fra flere sider inden vedtagelsen.

Læs videre: https://ing.dk/artikel/chok-undersoegelse-nu-har-88-procent-danske-svin-mrsa-194459


Reddit Permanently Deleted Our Account When We Asked NASA About Alien Life During AMA (In other News: | GOOGLE blacklists Natural News… removes 140,000 pages from its index… “memory holes” Natural News investigative articles on vaccines, pharma corruption, fraudulent science and more | InfoWars was blackballed by AdRoll.com, an online advertising distribution company | The Web Sites They Don’t Want You To Read: “A Few of These Sites May Be Run By Truly Insane People” | )

Joe Martino

On February 22nd, 2017 NASA held a press conference to reveal they had found 7 exoplanets around a ‘cool star,’ and that some of those planets could be habitable. Following this announcement, NASA held an AMA on Reddit for the public to ask questions.

When we heard of this announcement we were excited about the opportunity to not only hear what NASA was going to share, but also about the chance to ask an important question during the AMA. We felt our question, at the very least, would tell us what the pubic was thinking about the subject, and hopefully perhaps get a response back from NASA.

We got our cameras ready, went live on Facebook during the press conference and then joined in the AMA when it came time. Up to this point NASA made no mention of alien life but they were mentioning that looking for signs of organic life was a priority on these new exoplanets.

Now to be clear, doing the work we do here at CE, we know through years of researching and speaking with insiders that NASA has been upholding a veil of secrecy around the subject of alien life for quite some time and that it wasn’t likely they would say anything beyond the very ‘public safe’ statements they made. In fact, NASA isn’t even at the top of the food chain when it comes to security clearance and what’s known about ET happenings in our solar system. It’s very likely that the people on the exoplanet panel didn’t know much, if anything, about ET life at all. However we thought we’d respectfully try to push the envelope.

So we asked:
“Collective Evolution Media asks: When is NASA going to reveal what is known about ET life? Former defence minister of Canada Hon. Paul Hellyer has said there are at least 4 known ET species communicating with humans. He is certainly not the only high ranking whistleblower on this topic. When is NASA going to address this? Thanks!”

Now you might be thinking “Well of course they didn’t answer! This has nothing to do with the exoplanets!” To which I say, “it has everything to do with it.”

Here we are talking about potentially habitable planets that could already contain life, or could end up being planets we move to if ours is destroyed. The obvious question on everyone’s mind is “What about alien life there?!”

Continue reading at ... http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/02/22/reddit-permanently-deleted-our-account-when-we-asked-nasa-about-alien-life-during-ama/?mc_cid=d74dbacf02&mc_eid=7ec29b3354

GOOGLE blacklists Natural News… removes 140,000 pages from its index… “memory holes” Natural News investigative articles on vaccines, pharma corruption, fraudulent science and more

InfoWars was blackballed by AdRoll.com, an online advertising distribution company.

The Web Sites They Don’t Want You To Read: “A Few of These Sites May Be Run By Truly Insane People”

BREAKING | Så er den gal igen | DF og RV blokerede vedtagelse om finansskat (Blogger: Her er et klokkeklart eksempel på, hvem som bestemmer i landet her.. Glem alt om de danske regerende populistiske partier i denne sammenhæng.. Alle går rundt og tror det er de folkevalgte, som styrer og regulere Danmark's finansielle enevælde, tro om igen. Embedsmændene i Finansministeriet, Magtelitens 423, IMF, Kommissionen, Centralbankerne, GoLDMaN SLaCKS samt Rothschild & Co, er alle i den ene og samme båd. De fester grådigt for dine sure tjene skattekroner og smisker for hinanden og spiller bonkammarater. Stop med at være naiv. Hvorfor tror du, at Kommissionen nægter at komme med et udspil? Det er afgift og dermed en 'gift' på finansielle transaktioner som rammer alle de finansielle markeder. Dvs. bankerne.. Hvorfor tror du siddende regeringer og EU-kommissionen, altid, udeler bankpakker, som børn får slik? Kan du huske, da skatteyderne reddede Dansk Bank, som blev konverteret til gevinst for ejerne og ikke skatteyderne?.. Den føderale redning af Wall Street, løste heller ikke økonomien - tværtimod skabte den en permanent statslig redningsplan, baseret på en Ponzi-lignende tillidsordning.. Mads Palsvig, JFK21 - JordenFrihedKundskab, har bevist, Sass Larsens mened om Pengeskabelsesprivilegiet!.. Som avisen piopio skriver: ".. Det skal ikke være attraktivt at spekulere på højfrekvente handler, som absolut ingen værdi skaber i realøkonomien. Og det skal ikke være attraktivt at handle med skadelige finansielle produkter.”, lød det ved den lejlighed.. Mens de store medier i går var travlt optaget af at diskutere bederum på uddannelses- institutioner, gik det næsten ubemærket hen, at et flertal i Folketinget valgte at nedstemme et beslutningsforslag om, at Danmark skal tilslutte sig arbejdet med at indføre en skat på finansielle transaktioner.. ”Argumenterne for at indføre en europæisk skat på finansielle transaktioner er mange. For det første og vigtigst, så handler det om at adfærdsregulere de finansielle markeder. Det skal ikke være attraktivt at spekulere på højfrekvente handler, som absolut ingen værdi skaber i realøkonomien. Og det skal ikke være attraktivt at handle med skadelige finansielle produkter.”, lød det ved den lejlighed.. ")

Læs også: Kristian Jensen går i rette med Claus Hjort om bankpakke
En tilsyneladende uskyldig formulering i en otte år gammel økonomisk redegørelse blev pludselig brandvarm på et samråd i folketingets finansudvalg: Optog den danske stat et dyrt lån tilbage i 2008 for at redde bankerne under finanskrisen?


DF og RV blokerede vedtagelse om finansskat


Et forslag om dansk tilslutning til en europæisk skat på finansielle transaktioner blev i går nedstemt af blå blok og Radikale Venstre.

Lars Wernblad Hansen23. Feb 2017 - PIOPIO

Mens de store medier i går var travlt optaget af at diskutere bederum på uddannelsesinstitutioner, gik det næsten ubemærket hen, at et flertal i Folketinget valgte at nedstemme et beslutningsforslag om, at Danmark skal tilslutte sig arbejdet med at indføre en skat på finansielle transaktioner.

Ti EU-lande arbejder i øjeblikket på at indføre en afgift på handel med værdipapirer inden for EU’s såkaldte forstærkede samarbejde. Og gårsdagens beslutningsforslag lød helt enkelt, at ”Folketinget pålægger regeringen at meddele Europa-Kommissionen, at Danmark tilslutter sig det forstærkede samarbejde i EU, der sigter på at indføre en afgift på finansielle transaktioner”.

Socialdemokratiet stemte for forslaget, det samme gjorde SF, Enhedslisten og Alternativet. Men med modstand fra såvel VLAK-regeringen som Dansk Folkeparti og Radikale Venstre blev forslaget forkastet.

Opbakning fra Socialdemokratiet

Beslutningsforslaget blev behandlet første gang af Folketinget tilbage i december. Her meddelte Socialdemokratiets ordfører Peter Hummelgaard, at partiet nu støtter en finansskat:

”Argumenterne for at indføre en europæisk skat på finansielle transaktioner er mange. For det første og vigtigst, så handler det om at adfærdsregulere de finansielle markeder. Det skal ikke være attraktivt at spekulere på højfrekvente handler, som absolut ingen værdi skaber i realøkonomien. Og det skal ikke være attraktivt at handle med skadelige finansielle produkter.”, lød det ved den lejlighed.

Tonny Thierry: Hvordan får vi den sociale licens tilbage? | Ny Nordea-topchef overtager ”enorme problemer” (Blogger: Hørt via jungletrommer, at Nordea's image er lig NULL. Med 25.000 mistede kunder, Panama-papirerne, russisk hvidvaskning, bankernes dans om den varme realkreditgrød om forhøjede bidragssatser, Nordeas schweiziske skattefinte, passivitet over for kunderne - der er nok at tage fat i.. Syv højstående chefer er blevet smidt på porten eller gået selv de sidste stykke tid. De fleste dyre konsulenter i it-miljøet har ikke fået fornyet kontrakterne og der er skåret ind til benet i virksomheden..)

Hvordan får vi den sociale licens tilbage? 


23/02/17 11:19

I dag, små ti år efter at finanskrisen begyndte, er tilliden til den finansielle sektor stadig generelt kraftigt undergravet, selv om den langsomt er på vej tilbage. Problemet er netop blevet adresseret af to af den danske finanssektors absolutte topfolk: Nykredits koncernchef, Michael Rasmussen, og koncerndirektør Tonny Thierry Andersen fra Danske Bank.

Det skete, da de to talte på nytårsmødet i Finansforeningen / CFA Society Denmark, en brancheorganisation for finansfolk. Mødet blev afholdt uden for citat, men erhvervsmediet Erhvervsfilosofi.dk har fået tilladelse af de to talere til at citere og referere dem som sket i denne artikel.

Både Michael Rasmussen og Tonny Thierry Andersen kommer fra pengeinstitutter, som har været i dyb tillidskrise. Danske Bank allerede under finanskrisen, hvor banken efter i årevis at have markedsført sig med, at den gjorde det, den var bedst til, pludselig skulle have hjælp. Og Nykredit kom for alvor i krise for et år siden, da koncernen ville hæve sine priser – bidragssatserne – for at kunne blive børsnoteret; en børsnotering, som kritikere siger, at kunderne ikke får nogen glæde af.

Tonny Thierry Andersen pegede på, tilliden kun bliver vigtigere, i takt med at kompleksiteten og asymmetrien øges, og at lav tillid simpelthen giver højere cost of capital, altså renter af de lån, banken selv optager, mens Michael Rasmussen så problemet i en politisk sammenhæng: Undersøgelser viser, at folks syn på finanssektoren hænger sammen med deres tillid til sektoren; jo mindre tillid man har til finanssektoren, jo strengere regulering ønsker man af sektoren.

Læs hele artiklen på Erhvervsfilosofi.dk

Ny Nordea-topchef overtager ”enorme problemer” 


Offentliggjort 23.02.17 kl. 07:16

Ifølge seniorrådgiver Lars Krull fra Aalborg kommer Frank Vang-Jensen som ny landechef for Nordea Danmark til at overtage enorme problemer. Men han ser samtidig den tidligere Handelsbanken-direktør som en gennemprøvet løsning. Det skriver Berlingske Business.

Nordeas nye landechef Frank Vang-Jensen får gode skudsmål med fra seniorrådgiver Lars Krull fra Aalborg Universitet. Han ser 49-årige Frank Vang-Jensen, der overtager efter 63-årige Peter Lybecker i midten af maj, som en gennemprøvet løsning og med en track-record, der viser at han kan ”flytte noget”. Det skriver Berlingske Business.

”Min vurdering er, at Nordea er ude i enorme problemer. Banken har mistet 25.000 kunder i Danmark. Det er næsten lige så mange kunder som i en større provinsbank. Det er en alvorlig sag,” siger Lars Krull.

Han ser det som et godt træk af Nordea at vælge den tidligere topchef for Svenska Handelsbanken, som overraskende fyrede ham i august 2016 efter 18 år i banken, hvoraf de seneste 16 måneder var som adm. direktør.

Lars Krull mener dog ikke, at man nødvendigvis kan pege på forgængeren Peter Lybecker, som årsag til problemerne.

Frank Vang-Jensen ny chef for Nordea i Danmark

Farvel til vestegnsdrengen der blev bankdirektør

The Trump-formation of America: Another US-Israel parallel?

First-graders, some of Japanese ancestry who were later interned for the duration of World War Two, in San Francisco in 1942 pledging allegiance to the United States flag (Wikicommons)

Like Israel's law blocking certain family reunifications, Trump's immigration ban treats entire families, friends and colleagues as enemies

By Ian Greenhalgh on February 22, 2017
[Editor’s note: It is becoming crystal clear now – Donald Trump’s presidency is intended to be the final stage of the transformation of the US from a democratic nation into a totalitarian police state. In short, Trump is going to turn the US into a copy of Israel.

The signs have been there since 9-11 – the infiltration of the NSA, FBI, CIA, DHS, Pentagon and most other organs of the federal monolith by Israeli assets, often joint US-Israeli citizens; the militarisation of the police, with many of them being re-trained in Israel; need I go on, the changes of the last 15 years are clear to see.

Then there is this stupid wall, a copy of the Israeli barriers designed to keep the undesirable natives away from the chosen people; Mexicans and Latins rather than Palestinians and Arabs, but equally undesirable to the Zionist Trump regime.

Israel is a hellhole where society is split into a religious extremist minority and a hedonistic majority who ‘enjoy’ a society where rights and freedoms are greatly restricted, police are little more than an armed gang, drugs of all kinds proliferate, violence, usually involving gunfire is commonplace, pornography, homosexuality, transgenderism, it is like 1920s Berlin only worse.

This is what the US is gradually morphing into, it is already well along the way in fact; the governmental changes being carried out by Israeli assets like Bannon and Kushner, the societal changes being pushed by Israeli assets throughout the media, especially in Hollywood and the world of TV production.

Trump isn’t overseeing this process, that is the job of his team, lead by Bannon and Kushner, Trump is merely an orange puppet, a performing clown who is expert at drawing attention to himself, be it via his childish Twittering or his outrageous public utterances, be it his ludicrous ‘Fake News’ accusations or his insane invention of Swedish terror attacks.

They don’t care what Trump’s approval ratings are or what public opinion is of the buffoon, just so long as he keeps all eyes on him and not on the nefarious agenda they are rolling out in the meantime.

They only need Trump to survive long enough to complete their transformation of the US into a second Israel, then he has served his purpose and becomes disposable, perhaps they will assassinate him in a false flag attack, we remain convinced that a false flag attack on the US is coming, maybe they will kill two birds with one stone and get rid of the orange bloviator at the same time, thus ending the potential for him to screw up things too badly and perhaps making him a martyr figure they can fool the disenfranchised from embracing.

These are dark times and the future looks ever darker. Ian]
Middle East Eye
Another US-Israel parallel? Breaking up families for no good reason

“The wall is necessary… All you’ve got to do is ask Israel,” US President Donald Trump said during a Fox News interview last month while reaffirming his plans to build a wall along the US-Mexico border.

“President Trump is right… Great success. Great idea,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded via Twitter the very next day.

New Cannabis Patch Treats Fibromyalgia & Diabetic Nerve Pain

February 21, 2017

Over the past 100 years, cannabis has gone from being legal, to illegal, to entering a strange legal grey area in our society. The stigma surrounding cannabis has pushed people to believe that it’s a “drug” that’s poor for your health, when in reality, it’s a plant that has incredible healing properties.

Cannabis can significantly help people suffering from anxiety or chronic pain, and can even kill cancer cells. Some of the more recent innovations using cannabis were two pain relieving patches created by Cannabis Science, designed for patients with fibromyalgia and diabetic nerve pain.

Medical Uses for Cannabis

Cannabis can and has been used for many years to treat a wide variety of illnesses including cancer. Cannabinoids refer to any of a group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis.

Consuming cannabis activates cannabinoid receptors in the body, and the body itself creates compounds called endocannabinoids, which help to produce a healthy environment. Cannabinoids play a significant role in immune system generation and re-generation, which is why cannabinoids reduce cancer cells.

A study published in the British Journal of Cancer, conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Complutense University in Madrid, determined that Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids inhibit tumour growth. Numerous organizations and universities, including Harvard Medical School, have also been studying the effects cannabis has on cancer cells, proving its success and recommending it to be used as cancer treatment for specific types of cancer.

Numerous cancer patients will smoke marijuana or take cannabis oil orally in order to mitigate the pain and nausea associated with chemotherapy. THC has been available in pill form for treating
nausea and vomiting in cancer patients since the 1980s.

Even the U.S. government has unwittingly confirmed that cannabis kills cancer cells. A group of federal researchers commissioned by the government were selected to prove that cannabis has no accepted medical value, but their findings showed otherwise (read our article here).

Counties reading at ... http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/02/21/new-cannabis-patch-treats-fibromyalgia-diabetic-nerve-pain/?mc_cid=e463a1ae7e&mc_eid=7ec29b3354

Ex-Marine Shatters Myth of Joining the Military (VIDEO#1) (VIDEO#2) -- 2009 -- Blackwater, the world's biggest private army, faces a terrible charge - that they were on a crusade to wipe out Muslims.. The convoy of SUVs threading through Baghdad's busy streets came to an abrupt halt at Nisour Square. Inside the vehicles were a team of black-clad security guards from the infamous Blackwater private military contractor - the American private army accused last week of embarking on a 'crusade to eliminate Muslims'. Blackwater carried out deliberate killings and arms dealing. According to the video, the American mercenaries began shooting at random into the Iraqi crowd. 'The shooting was so heavy it was like rain,' says Farid Walid, who was shot in the attack two years ago, a massacre which left 17 Iraqis dead. 'I saw lots of people getting shot. The driver who had been in front of me died and his wife fell out of the car. Her child was killed as well. The shooting went on for about ten minutes.' Umm Tahsin, widow of one of the men killed, says: 'They [Blackwater] are a group of criminals. [It] was a massacre. They destroyed our family.'..)

Vince Emanuele is a former US Marine who served two tours of duty in Iraq but who refused to do a third.

Published on Jan 4, 2017

Published on Apr 6, 2012

NASA Announces Breakthrough in Search for Alien Life (Blogger: As mentioned before, yet another 'kinda' funny baloney dumb NASA news, i'm not saying this is not important, it is, but there's more than meets the eye - Dr. Michael E. Salla, Laura M. Eisenhower, Alex Collier, Tom DeLonge, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Richard M. Dolan, Corey Goode, Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye, USMC s.s.), Tony Rodrigues, David Wilcock, Tolec, Simon Parkes, COBRA and many other ufologists, if i'm allowed call them that, tells us, our earthly governments, has been trading under treaties with other civilizations for decades ( The Dark Fleet and The 5 factions in the Secret Space Program). In other words, we made 'first contact' with other alien life for many, many years ago. If The Solar Warden Space Fleet and other space ships with reverse-engineered alien technology really exist, we surely conducted exoplanet exploration in the Solar System and the multiverse. Financed from black budgets and taxpayers money.. If you have no clue what i'm talking about, a good start would be: 'Citizen Hearing on Disclosure' and then connect with Secret Space Program Conference (2014,2015 and 2016)

It’s not a matter of if, but when.

mysteriousuniverse - February 23, 2017

Those words were spoken by Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA, at today’s highly-anticipated NASA press conference. NASA held the conference today to announce the discovery of a surprising set of exoplanets in a nearby system potentially capable of sustaining life. Seven Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting the ultracool dwarf star Trappist-1, found roughly 40 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius.

Trappist-1 is relatively close to Earth, and is found in the constellation Aquarius.
 The seven newly discovered exoplanets are so close together that anyone standing on the surface of one of the planets would have a “wonderful view” of the other six planets akin to our own view of the Moon.

These planets might be our best bet for discovering life on other worlds.