Mar 11, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 (Be your own Savoir - avoid the Orange Revolution #SuperStraight PsyOp) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Will we be saved from evil? Take action by pushing back on lockdowns. Don't wait for a savior ~ Navy SEAL Michael Jaco🌟] ... PS: In regards to the 'Orange Revolution' (Transphobic Trend), #SuperStraight, with a mix of orange and black clothing (see danish PM Mette Frederiksen picture) that Michael K Jaco shows us a clip from. Reporter & Journalist, Millie Weaver, goes into more depth about this 'Orange Revolution' in Ukraine & voter steal in 2020 (The Orange Revolution - another CIA - NATO Gladio Coordinated Color revolution in 2004 massive election fraud and corruption). Millie Weaver covers the issue of environmental exposure to endocrine disruptors and the new far-right psyop called "SuperStraight" that is creating another false narrative for conservatives to get caught-up with... Michael K Jaco has so much more on the table with (clone) China Joe, Elon Musk, U.S. borders, sex-trafficking, fully vaccinated special rights etc. etc.. Make no mistake, 'Chameleon' Harris, will be the next black 'female' president, when Joe Biden is gone soon, says, MJ, using the remote viewing... (runned by the Obama deepstaters?)... |
🎵🥳😟 ~ (Malue Montclairre's Udskældte #Genåbningsfest er AFLYST!) Kendte, som influencer, konspirationsteoretiker og tidligere SOAP-sangerinde Saseline, delte samme budskab med tusindvis af andre og ville tage imod 'SAMMEN GENÅBNER VI DANMARK' Frihedsbevægelsens Fællesråd invitation (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Party-Busser fra hele landet har allerede kørt mod Djævleøen, ville trodse geoengineering (kunstig vejrmanipulation) regn, rusk, blæst og snestorm - »den største egoist løber allerforrest væk fra alle andre«, sagde Big Nick-Dick Energy, Hækkerup og mange folkevalgte, eksperter, var dybt, dybt forarget. Rasmus Nøhr & Alex Ambrose, tog konsekvensen allerede i går og trak sig begge, efter 'prik' på skulderen af venner og kollegaer, i branchen👈]... 🤪NØJAGTIGT det samme skete, da den svenske udenrigsminister, Ann Linde lukkede grænserne for danskere til broderlandet; »Vi har lukket grænsen, for at danskerne ikke skal kunne tage over som turister og have det sjovt,« sagde hun i programmet Nyhedsmorgon... 🤪Ligeledes Tyskland og Norge, vi må ikke gå på rov i grænskebutikker og stå på ski, grundet vi er en flok egoister og fordi, vinterkulde, forureningsfri fjelde er en Corona-smittefælde... 🥇Næææææ ser du, HELTE og HELTINDER skal findes indenfor centraladm's egne rækker... 🤥Det selvom, Sundhedsaggregatet og grundlovbryderen, Magnus LØGNICKE (bistået af Henrik Uld-I-Mund) påstod, vi ville have 870 coronaindlagte medio April 2021... 🦸FOR ikke at snakke om, Professoren, 'Corona-Lone'; »Jeg føler et stort ansvar for at stille op og bruge min viden«, som sammen med Viggo Andreasen, netop har vundet, RUC's forskningsformidlingspris. "For at kombinerer matematik med historiske data, har de kvalificeret mediernes dækning af COVID-19". Carlsbergfondet har desuden givet 10 mio. kr. til RUC-forskning i matematiske pandemimodeller, der sammen med Allan Randrup Thomsen, professor i eksperimentel virologi, udgør "EKSPERTGRUPPEN", som har været med til, at ØDELÆGGE, landet... 🥺👉👈TROR slet ikke folk, er klar over, hvor STOR og OMFATTENDE, denne Agenda er og hvor MANGE, der er involveret... 💖ET STORT kærligt ønske fra SoTW om, danskerne, må vågne op til dåd, og vi må få vores friheds- og menneskerettigheder, tilbage... ⚠️PS: Selvfølgelig tager Mink-Medico-Mette, LØGNICKE samt SS(T) Medical Corps Søren Understrøm, ÆREN, for at de har sad AstraZeneca på pause i 14 dage, grundet 1 DØDSFALD. 142.102 er allerede stukket med AstraZenecas vaccine. Men hvad med de hundredvis, af påståede danske dødsfald fra Pfizer/BioNTech-vaccinen???... ☠️NETOP NU!: Statsministeren erkender i Radio4 Morgen, at det var en alvorlig fejl, at der ikke var lovgrundlag for at beordre alle mink aflivet... 卍Det er desuden kommet frem, at (Hitler's Nazi-eugenik datter) kansler Angela Merkel's 3 CDU politikere, har tjent store summer på at hjælpe private firmaer med at købe og sælge mundbind under coronakrisen... |
"Coronanedlukninger har afværget op mod 35.000 dødsfald i Danmark"
~ Uden restriktioner havde epidemien presset sundhedsvæsenet til sammenbrud, vurderer Lone Simonsen, professor i epidemiologi ved Roskilde Universitet... | | |
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (SSP News - Semper Supra) Are Middle East Wars a cover for Soldiers being sent to fight Extraterrestrials? (Dr. M. Salla ~ | Blogger: Yes, yes, a bit what Cobra (RM) are warnings us all about, but what Cobra is not telling us, perhaps, Dr. Salla, will?... ☝️NOTE: People who's into SSP-movement, for a better word, understand that no-matter what we do, how good and vibrational frequency we all are on Earth, there's a secret Project Looking Glass theory, which involves a yellow cube, that is pretty darn interesting.... It has been said, PLG was used by the Aggressive Dark Alliance, to see alternate timelines... It's like, a Area 51 device wormhole technology - Military Grey Alien Technology. This M.G.A. tech theory basically postulates that a lot of military and air-space technology - along with their capabilities - are intentionally kept hidden from society in Area 51, and this technology has been influenced by "found" or "acquired" alien tech that somehow made it to planet earth... My point is, no-matter what we wish for, good or bad, our future timelines has perhaps been set in stone already, or the future has already happened... |
A March 9 Zero Hedge article presents nine signs why the Biden administration is moving towards increased US military intervention in Syria and against Iran. In this Exopolitics Today Podcast, Dr Michael Salla examines how these looming Middle East wars are a cover not only for Deep State activities such as searching for extraterrestrial artifacts and to fund a CIA black budget supporting secret space programs, but also for human soldiers to fight extraterrestrials in conflict zones. The podcast discusses extraterrestrial agreements dating back over a millennia, and the need for the Deep State to fulfill quotas of soldiers that are regularly sacrificed through wars contrived by the Deep State.Exopolitics Today Podcast available on Rumble and YouTube
🕉️ ~ 💗 (NEW COBRA UPDATE) A Short Notice to the Surface Population 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Cobra, the Resistance Movement (RM) and the Global Network of Lightworkers - you're message is heard and understood... Lucky for HU-manity, The GREAT RESET, is not going as planned, according to this report... However, I must insist, and of course in my humble opinion at SoTW, that we look at present and future timelines, as positive and not, a warmongering imminent, Israel-Iran war that can span to a Russia / NATO conflict... Not sure, the only reliable source, should be HAL Turner Radio Show, with all due respect... (Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!)... |
Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
A Short Notice to the Surface Population
As the plans of the dark forces for their Great Reset are not going as they have wished, they have resorted to their ancient strategy: engineering a war.
Black Nobility families and Jesuits believe in the Armageddon end time prophecies of a war in the Middle East that will expand into the third world war between Israel and Iran, and between Russia / China and NATO. This is what they are trying to create now:
They are occultly using the Syria vortex to trigger a Russia / NATO conflict:
And a Russia / Israel war:
There are even signs that:
Black Nobility families and Jesuits believe in the Armageddon end time prophecies of a war in the Middle East that will expand into the third world war between Israel and Iran, and between Russia / China and NATO. This is what they are trying to create now:
They are occultly using the Syria vortex to trigger a Russia / NATO conflict:
And a Russia / Israel war:
There are even signs that:
⚠️ℹ️👍 ~ (Giv meddelelsen videre til dine medborgere) BORGERMEDDELELSE: Meddelelse fra borger til borger til alle i Danmark (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜This Is NOT 'London Calling' Global Media Control BBC World Service 1941🤛] ... Nedenstående kommer fra en såkaldt, dansk special task force gruppe af lysarbejdere, for frihed, under Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Danmark. I virkeligheden er de bare som dig og mig, men ønsker, ligesom du læser, at vi få syn for sagen og friheden, tilbage... Jeg aner ikke hvem som er ejer og formidler, som stiller skarpt ind på "Oviedo-konventionen", "BEK 304 af 28/02/21" samt "Epidemiloven, lov nr. 285 af 28/02/2021"... |
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