Jan 1, 2020

👸 ~ En retorisk psykoanalyse af H.M. Dronningens nytårstale 2019 ~ | Blogger: [😬False Landings 1969-1972 - Just Another Pipedream💭] ... Verdensalt bliver rigtig upopulær nu, men hvad kan jeg gøre...⛏️For det første, så kan vi med sikkerhed sige, at NASA, ikke landede på månen i 1969, for 50 år tilbage, som vor elskede Dronningen påstå, skete! Ja, USA, har med sikkerhed været på månen, men langt tid før 1969, men de opdagede, ligesom på Mars, at den allerede var beboet, eller ihvertfald, fandtes der spor fra udenomjordiske væsener, hvis man skal tro på NASA's whistleblowere, så som George H. Leonard, eller Dr. Brian O’Leary. Nazisterne, Roswell og operation paperclip succes, muliggjorde, at de avancerede hemmelige rumprogrammer (SSP), kom til live, siden Hitler via amerikanske JIOA's indsats, flygtede og en række højtstående officer, tog til Argentina, i U-3523 ubåden, der for nylig, blev opdaget - liggende ødelagt på bunden af Nordsøen mellem Danmark og Norge. Det er skam ikke noget jeg finder på. Desuden har russerne kommet amerikanere i forkøbet, med at sende ubemandet sonder til månen og i rummet, før USA... 🤗Dronningen rammer dog plet ved at snakke om Ensomhed, som kan ramme enhver sjæl, ung som gammel... ⛏️Den anden verdenskrig, befrielsen, holocaust og antisemitismen, er nok den største misforståelse, bygget på en løgn... ⛏️Alle krige er bank-krige og i Israels historie, og det jødiske folk er en myte, ergo, er (jøder) ikke en race, "antisemitisme" er en løgn (påstår mange). I dag bliver enhver kritik af jødisk ideologi og zionismens bevægelse mødt med påstande om "antisemitisme", som for at antyde, at jøder er en slags race eller etnicitet og at afvisning af jødedom og den jødiske stat Israel, er en form for racisme... ⛏️Det danske mindretal og det tyske mindretal, blah, blah, blah (kedeligt)... ⛏️Så kommer vi til Grønland, som Dronningen ikke nævner med direkte ord, men vi ved alle hvor skoen trykker, nemlig, at det grønlandske folk, er blevet fejlfortolket, misforstået og ignoreret i årtier af Danmark, mht. de sociale udsatte og den sociale ulighed i forekomsten af vold og seksuelle overgreb, alkoholisme, selvmord og hvad ved jeg.. ⛏️Forbindelsen mellem Grønlands is smelter, Klima og Greta's Globale Opvarmning er ren fantasi... ⛏️Færøerne, som tvinger deres øboere med kinesisk 5G, nævnes heller ikke... ⛏️Vores danske udsendte soldater, som tvinges ud i unødvendig krige, forbi vi er en krigsliderlig krigsnation, men har ingen (reelle) fjender...⛏️ Dansk Argentina, der hvor alle Rothschilderne, søger tilflugt, der ejer mest landmasse på jorden og tidligere præsident Obama, besøgte hemmelige ubådsbaser, adskillige gange, foruden Kongehuset... ⛏️Jordkongen Joachim er flygtet til Paris, dels fordi, han er skidesur over danskernes reaktion med årpenge, apanage og uvenskabet med hans brormand, og uønsket, som Konge. Joakim har snydt og bedraget os alle, med gælden i De 5 Gaarde, hushandlerne og dovenskab. Dog elsker vi ham igen, siden, rigmænd, mediedarlinger og DR-staten, har lavet en brandslukning, siden Januar 2019, og betalt ham ud, da det gik (helt) galt... ⛏️Ikke er ord om Prinsgemalen, som blev tvunget på demens-orlov, pensioneret og nu død - for gud, konge og tissemænd (kinesiske fallossymboler). Dronningen holder kaje om, at hun selv, er bidt af utroskaben med den svenske greve Gustaf Trolle-Bonde og Prins Henrik, var til thaidrenge... 🤗Til gengæld, var Dronningen af dansk journalistik, Kirsten Birgits nytårstale, GENIALT. For fanden hvor var det godt - UG med kryds og slange... GUD BEVARE DANMARK... |

Kilder (bare nogle  - søg og du skal finde)


👼 ~ 💗 KejRaj Report: Fasten, New Year, Freedom for Humanity 💕~ |

😜 ~ Ten insane, completely irrational things millions of Americans believe as we enter the 2020s ~ | Blogger. For about 20-25 years ago, SoTW were living the (happy) life, as It-nerd, working with every aspect of networking, firewall and mobile platform, inside the GoLDMaN SLaCKS banking industry. Total ignorance from the danger of "Dumbing Down" reality or 3-D Matrix of Simulation. Back then, you could convince me of anything (almost). I had myself a girlfriend, a daughter, a great car, great home and great life in the fast lane of illusion. I have never been active in any religion, but if you would have told me, that Greta Thunberg, was the new green hope of humanity - a climate crisis messiah and she and Greenpeace gave me 5G to boost my internet, a free vaccination shot against the flu, i would have been the happiest, happiest guy, in the world... O-M-G! that was back then and now this... Looking at my life now, perhaps it seems, i'll lost (everything), a choice to live outside, the MATRIX. Believe me it's a tough choice to make, but being awaken to this (insane) reality, has also make me strong, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Would i have gone back, in a time machine, to fix the broken heart of losing my daughter (among many fixing) - no. You can't mess with your karma, destiny and primary contracts. I only live my life by projecting unconditionally love and not by psychological projection. If my daughter and her mother, family or for that matter, anybody else, still hates my guts, i would only sent them Love, Understanding and Forgiveness, in return... 100.000 articles and videos later, 14.000 blog posts and hundreds of conferences and talking to people with (real) experience, all my hundreds or thousands of reincarnated cell memory from traumas, shock, anger, fear, guilt and self-worthiness is gone and i can start living my (old) dream again, reborn outside the Matrix, or at least, re-inserted into the grid, with no remorse... |

Source (Natural News)

So here’s a list of 10 totally insane things that millions of Americans believe right now as we enter this decade of insanity. Hint: Given all the 5G radiation, brain damaging fluoride in the water, heavy metals in the food and hormones in food packaging, it’s certain that the insanity is only going to get worse, so buckle up and prepare for life in a mad, mad world (READ MORE)

🛐 ~ Pope Francis angrily slaps woman's hand after she yanks his arm ~ | Blogger: [There is NO bigger HOAX on planet earth than the Roman Catholic Church!] ... {The Black Papa Francisco PedoGate: An epic scandal consumes the Vatican and incriminates Pope Francis}.. In his New Year's speech, the Pope had just spoken of love, peace and tolerance between people, when he visibly annoyed suddenly felt the need to give a very insistent woman among the thousands of attendants at St. Peter's Square in Rome a few small slaps over her hands... DID YOU KNOW, that The Vatican has itself been the site of several high-profile UFO sightings. This revelation is based on an email dated January 18, 2015 from former astronaut Edgar Mitchell to John Podesta, a top Democratic Party adviser and chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign?. Some say, that the Vatican, possess in their archives, the most explosive evidence about the (real) human history, fallen angels, and has been, or part of SSP, that was once, contacted by extraterrestrials races and much, much more...|

Source (ctvnews.ca)

TORONTO -- Some worshippers wait for hours outside the Vatican in hopes of meeting the Pope face to face. But a woman who grabbed Pope Francis when he appeared to pass her by without a handshake saw a much sterner side of the pontiff (READ MORE)

⚔️ ~ SIS Clear Out ~ |

Source (Simon Parkes Official)
In Britain the heads of the SIS (secret intelligence services) MI6 and MI5 are to leave their post
It’s time for a clear out - The new controllers are expected to come from ‘outside’ the service.

This change has been forced because of the less than effective handling before - during and after recent situations.


Source (Simon Parkes Official) 
Finally after Connecting Consciousness repeated calls on the Australian government to send in the military to fight fires - They do so! And about time!!!

🔋 ~ 💗January 2020 Energy Update: Blinding Clarity, Drama Healing, Course Correction, Abundance & More 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🥂There are five main themes coming up for January: ↪ BLINDING CLARITY ↪ DRAMA HEALING ↪ COURSE CORRECTION ↪ RISE OF THE MAGICAL ↪ ABUNDANCE🤟] ... Heil Lee Harris! He is (really) amazing in what he do to humanity on Earth! However, not to be negative, but events that people like Lee Harris or let's say, David Wilcock provide (an American author known for promoting some pseudoscience and attempting to convince his readers that his ideas are factual ~ rationalwiki.org) to their followers with (unbelievable) expensive courses and missions. E.g., CONSCIOUS LIVE EXPO 2020 at LAX Hilton, will cost you (all access passes) $525 (normally $777), plus Hotel, airticket, food etc... IMPACT THE WORLD: A LEE HARRIS EVENT at The Scottsdale Plaza Resort, AZ, will cost you, between $1,697 – $4,997... Another example: Cobra and the Resistance Movement - the Brazilian conference sale in 2018 (tickets+merchandise etc.), where SoTW attended, got Cobra, 100.000 euros (plus) - yes, you heard me ... Why does divinely spiritual service to people on Earth - cost MONEY? And who benefits and how will the money be spend?... PS: One of the reasons i think right now that Simon Parkes, is the greatest living being on Earth, since he is humble, kind, and calm and don't overcharge anybody, for anything... (sorry i do have a strong opinion and must call a spade a spade)...|

Lee Harris has monthly forecasts via 15-minute intensive videos and he works with energies that are truly rewarding and very real bids on how we are influenced by the energy fields and energy streams that exist everywhere in nature and around us. Lee Harris describes the current situations that all people and children should relate to and how we restore the balance.

Personally i think his mindfulness of things is a uplifting experience and actually, very appealing. Will also say, Lee Harris, is at an awareness level I also share, many things he tells us are pretty much many of the topics I describe on my blog...

👼 ~ 💕 Prepare yourselves for the joy to come (Message from Saul) 💕 ~ | .. With so very much love to you all at this dawning of the terrestrial year of 2020, Saul .. |

Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddha, Mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2020 johnsmallman

Saul Audio Blog for New Yea’s Eve 2019/20

Today, as you prepare to enter into a new terrestrial year, I would like to remind you that there is only and can only be L O V E! Love is Reality, is Mother/Father/God, is The Source from which All That Is flows constantly out embracing and re-embracing Itself in every moment, creating infinite Joy for All.

Separation is an illusion, and time is a major aspect of the illusion, because there is only NOW. There is no last year, this year, or next year, there is NOW. All experiences occur NOW, even memories you revisit occur NOW. That is why memories can be so intense, because when you bring them to mind you re-experience them NOW! Painful memories need to be released and discarded because they spoil the now moment for you. However, they do not actually do any spoiling, it is just that when you bring them to mind you are departing from NOW! Now is always joy-filled, so joyful memories can intensify Now, whereas painful and sorrowful ones hide Now from your awareness, and replace it with dreams or nightmares that are totally lacking in Joy.

Joy is real and is available to you in every moment regardless of what may be happening in the now moment for you as humans. Joy sees the beauty in every moment and intensifies it, and in every moment there is always beauty. As humans you experience duality – good/bad, right/wrong, beauty/ugliness – and you thenchoose the aspect on which you wish to focus your attention. That is why earthly events and situations bring joy to some and misery to others.

For instance you might support a football team; when they win a match you are in joy, and the supporters of the other team are in misery; and when your team lose you are in misery and the supporters of the other team are in joy. But to allow yourselves to make yourselves miserable because the team you support does not win is a choice you make, no one else makes it for you. That is a simple example to demonstrate quite clearly that you do make the choice to be either joyful or miserable, because if you decide to support a different team then your perception of what makes you joyful or miserable alters. But, as you live your lives, most of the time the choices available to you do not seem to be nearly as clear and simple as that.

🔥 ~ 💗 LET'S FIRE THE EARTH'S GRID! 💕 ~ | Blogger: [💌"I am issuing an invitation to my Rainbow Scribe Family to consider seriously taking part in the following worldwide meditation: One benefit I received from the first ones is the ability to hear the Earth’s crystalline grids ‘humming’ during high energy days such as before and after a full moon." ~ Marlene Swetlishoff] ... |

Source (Marlene Swetlishoff  - therainbowscribe.com)


Yay! Spread the word everywhere! There were 10 million people who took part in the first three! Let us DO this!

This is 3:11 a.m. Pacific standard time

December 26, 2019

Hi Everyone,

Did you Fire the Grid in 2007-2009 and 2011? Well, I have good news for you! The Light Beings have given Shelley Yates 3 more dates to join together to flood the junctures of the Grid with our positive energy and love. When we raise our frequency at the same time collectively, we can positively affect the world around us. The first meditation will be on January 13th, 2020 at 11:11 GMT. Come play in the field!! Join us and spread the word far and wide. (READ MORE)


👼 ~ 💗 I AM Avatar : 2020 ~ The Great Flip of the Switch 💕~ | .. This 2020 Message by Tiara Kumara shares some of the most impressionable energies that frame up our forthcoming work.. |

Source (iamavatar.org)

💥 ~ 4,000 paratroopers Ordered to prepare for rapid deployment to Middle East ~ | Blogger: [⚠️Something you DON'T see EVERYDAY: POTUS, who breaks off his x-mas vacay, to returns to The White House for this emergency embassy situation⚔️] ... A strange development is happening right now, has (someone) tried to put on a (new) Clinton; ‘Trump’s Benghazi’ on POTUS? Embassy has been siege brings up parallels with Clinton’s darkest hour, but it seems crisis has been averted??... |

Source (The HAL Turner Radioshow)

The U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division’s alert brigade has been issued orders to deploy rapidly to the Middle East following an attack on the American embassy in Baghdad by a pro-Iranian mob.

At least 750 paratroopers are already making their way to the Middle East, with additional forces preparing to deploy over the next several days.

'This deployment is an appropriate and precautionary action taken in response to increased threat levels against U.S. personnel and facilities, such as we witnessed in Baghdad today,' said Secretary of Defense Esper.

A total of 4,000 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne's Deployment Ready Brigade have been put on notice for imminent deployment in the next 96 hours.

The snap deployment comes amid rapidly rising tensions between Iran and the U.S. and a series of violent tit-for-tat escalations between the two countries.

On Tuesday, some 6,000 pro-Iran Shiite militia fighters stormed U.S. embassy in Baghdad, set walls ablaze and chanted 'Death to America!' in a violent retaliation for American air strikes. There were no reports of American casualties, and the attack was repelled after 100 Marines rapidly reinforced the compound.

🚀 ~ Space X Deleting Space - David Icke ~ | Blogger: [🛰️SSP and NASA owns the restricted LEO SPACE! A big NO, The UNIVERSE is not limited by SPACE and TIME!🤥] ... {Why do you think they stopped Aerospace engineer, “Rocket Madsen” & "Mad" Mike Hughes, who will NEVER reach LEO? - just an idea - SoTW} ... SoTW (Verdensalt) has been so incredibly lucky to have meet William (Bill) M. Tompkins, at 2017 MUFON Symposium, 1 month later, he died... Well, maybe you don't give a rats ass, but being able to hang around, starstrucked, as a hillbilly danish nobody, smack in the middle of the UFO community conferences in 2017, 2018 and 2019, visiting Area 51 back gate, and meeting amazing real astronauts and whistleblower, and what have you, i've tell you, not many can put that on his CV/résumé from Denmark... I'm a freak you say!?... Exopolitics/UFO investigator Craig R. Lang was targeted & murdered at the February 2018 International UFO Congress using exotic weapons to stop his disclosure investigations and 2 others died, at that conference, SoTW attended (that's a fact i was there and reported by Alfred Webre)... My american friend Patrice, knew Craig R. Lang, very well and i have dated a woman briefly Denise, in Florida, whose father, ranked as the Master Sergeant on the Patrick Air Force Base Eastern Test Area, later through the control tower. He is now retired, but had top clearance, launching virtually all missions of the Apollo program, which included both manned and unmanned space missions flown by NASA between 1961 and 1975. In addition to posting in Germany and other secret places, his certificates and other qualifications hung on Denise's wall in her house. Unfortunately, the Master Sergeant did NOT "spill the beans ", and is now dead and i'm afraid, my friend, Patrice, has died of cancer also in 2019 (cannot reach her)😥... Back in 2017, SoTW got greeted by former NASA employees, one of them, a true astronaut and, of course, got their autographs (L. Blaine Hammond, Dr. Ken Johnston). K. Johnston whistled about conspiracies, got a good talk. whether he himself knows that the military took advantage of airbrushing tons of photos showing moon structures, etc., while Hammond has been given a mouthful. Asked Mr. Hammond if he knew about the first Danish ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen, but he answered out in the air, there are probably many people, besides himself in space, and had no idea where Denmark was... You be the judge... |

MUFON Symposium 2017 (SoTW - "I got their autograph") 

L. Blaine Hammond

Dr Ken Johnston