Feb 12, 2020
🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🦠Is Wuhan Coronavirus a bioterrorist attack and China’s 9/11, same perps, same usual suspects🤔] ... As an example of the Craziness : The world's largest wireless industry conference canceled due to Covid-19 concerns (canceled for "just the flu"). On Wednesday morning, Nokia, Vodafone, BT, Deutsche Telekom, HMD, AT&T, Sprint, Cisco, Facebook, Intel, Royole, Sony, Amazon, LG, Vivo, Ericsson, and Nvidia all withdrew from participating at the world's largest wireless industry conference in Barcelona on COVID-19 fears... A company in Suzhou reopened. One CoVid2019 case found. Over 200 employed couldn't go home and immediately under quarantine ... Quarantined Diamond Princess cruise of 3,700 passengers and crew of 1,100 have many questions. Japan has few answers ... |
🤑 ~ Skatteministeriet hemmeligholdt advarsler - meget alvorligt, siger ekspert ~ | Blogger: [🚽Nok den største skandale i dansk statsadministrations historie, men der er IKKE, fejet noget ind under gulvtæppet🚮] ... I 2004 startede EFI-sagaen, PrivatLarsLøkkePer og Kristian (Brubaker) Jensen - en bombe under systemet, var bare "startskuddet" på alle skandaler i Skat. Siden fulgte alle andre farvefulde ministre, tusindvis af fyrede medarbejdere og flere milliarder tabte kroner og ud kom engang 💩💩💩 og hundredvis af nye skandaler og Skat, lider under det endnu, Anno (anus) 2020... |
Skatteminister Morten Bødskov (S) er klar til at udlevere rapporterne efter vinterferien. Foto: Liselotte Sabroe / Ritzau Scanpix |
Ministeriets interne revision har siden 2016 sendt 117 af de mest alvorlige advarsler til ministeriets ledelse.
💉 ~ Achilles’ heel of ALL viruses? Scientists discover holy grail which could lead to UNIVERSAL vaccine ~ | Blogger: [HERE we Go! A #GlobalVaccineToCureThemAll. Coming to a Town Near You] ... "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them"... |
Illustration: © PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay |
Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in the US have uncovered the ‘Achilles’ heel’ of most viruses which plague mankind, and could soon develop a universal vaccine.
Vaccine research, development and testing takes a long time, as the ongoing coronavirus outbreak has shown, but that is because researchers devote their time, attention and resources to targeting specific viruses one-by-one. But now scientists at MGH have located what may prove to be a game-changing breakthrough for humanity which could strengthen our bodies and make them impervious to most viruses (READ MORE)
😥 ~ Hjemløse vil også have en Danmarks Indsamling ~ | Blogger: [🔨Efterhånden blir' der fler og fler' opgaver, som det forventes klaret med frivilligt arbejde! Er det en ny revolutionær samfundsorden, eller forlidterklæring❓🤔] ... {Trecifret millionbeløb pisker afsted fra indsamlinger til udviklingslandene og de fattige børn i den tredje verden "Afrika, Asien, Syrien" - TV-shows og internationale donarkonferencer - hvor er tv-indsamling til fordel for hjemløse, ensomme og udsatte familier i Danmark❓} ... Flere og flere udsatte BORGERE, får det værre og værre, er min påstand... Lige nu på RADIO4 MORGEN, sender de live om Bosteder/værested for misbrugere/alkoholikere eller bare socialt udsatte, hvor aktindsigt viser med al tydelighed en tendens til flere whistleblowere, der er eksploderet efter grusomheder og mangel på ressourcer m.v... De stakkels hjemløse, tiggere, misbrugere, psykisk syge, kontanthjælpsmodtagere, prostituerede og flygtninge i nødasylcentre, har efterhånden ingen chance for, at blive 'normaliseret' i en samfundsorden, som tilgodeser de kernesunde højtlønnede borgere, og specifik den skævvridning af 'chefer' i det offentlige, der tjener mange gange mere end Statsministeren... Er det retfærdigt, at mens ofre for kriminalitet har måttet finde sig i rekordlang ventetid, har en lang række af cheferne hos politiet kunnet SKRALDGRINE, med gigantbonusser, svarende til årsværk for 142 chefer❓... Årsløn på 3.622.979 kroner rakte ikke for DRs generaldirektør, selv menige journalister tjener nu over 550.000 kroner om året... Hvorfor skosede Nets-hovedejer (kapitalfonden Hellman & Friedman) andre kapitalfonde såsom kapitalfond-kollegaen Blackstone (regeringsdramaet) for grådighed, mens Nets’ ejere skjuler sig i skattely i Delaware og Nets-kongen, Bo Nilsson får 2 milliarder kroner i bonus❓. Hvorfor tror du, at 31 kommuner går til kamp mod uretfærdig udligning❓. Er det bedre, at Helle Thorning-Schmidt scorer millionbonusser og har nære forbindelser til en kontroversiel erhvervs-boss, der er kendt for at føre penge i skattely❓... (DANMARKS INDSAMLING) -- Jeg har nævnt det utallige gange før, det er en svær pille at sluge, men indsamlingsshows går hovedsageligt til regninger, lønninger, arrangørerne bag showet, teleudbyderne, administration, krigsherrer af diktatorer og andre som skummer fløden, som multinationale selskaber. Danske virksomheder smider heller ikke penge efter projektet uden at få noget tilbage via gratis reklameplads, alt velgørenhed giver skattefradrag. Det medicinske industrielle kompleks får også store summer via Kræftens Bekæmpelse. Det er helt klart den største malkemaskine i historien, for vores 'establishment', som styrer verden ... DERFOR, kommer en tv-indsamling til fordel for hjemløse og socialt udsatte, ALDRIG, på tale😟... HUSK lige på, vi har 1500 milliarder hvert år på de offentlige finanser, de 750 mia. kr. er til SNOLD og DERFOR, er vi danskere, et af verdens rigeste, selvom Staten, siger noget andet til Dig og Mig(tallene kommer fra Søs Marie Serup, politisk kommentator)... PUNKTUM.. |
Kilde (Altingete.dk)
TV-SHOW: En række organisationer arbejder på en tv-indsamling til fordel for hjemløse og socialt udsatte. Når der ikke er politisk vilje til at løse problemerne, må civilsamfundet træde til, siger hjemløserepræsentant.
👼 ~ 💓 Matthew’s Message 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Coronavirus; US elections; ascension: planetary, personal; light; soul helpers👈] ... |
Kanaliseret af Suzy Ward
© 2019 www.matthewbooks
Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.
© 2019 www.matthewbooks
Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.
February 11, 2020
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We express our profound gratitude to the lightworker who was our message group’s dedicated moderator for 12 years and to the owner and technical staff who offered their company’s service when Yahoo stopped hosting groups. My mother thinks of all these dear souls as “angels on Earth”—they are indeed!
Let us now speak about quite a different matter, concern about the coronavirus. This laboratory-designed virus is more potent than its predecessors—avian flu, swine flu, N1H1 and SARS—but it will be no more successful than they were in causing a global pandemic.
Extraterrestrial volunteers living among you greatly reduced the coronavirus’s potency, just as they did with its forerunners. Thus, instead of being lethal to many millions, even billions, as intended, this virus’s symptoms are comparatively mild. Many thousands have contracted the disease or have flu-like symptoms, but only individuals with severely weakened immune systems become so ill that they cannot recover.
Thwarting the dark ones’ efforts in that respect is not denying their free will—they still could design, store and release new viruses. However, after Ebola and AIDS were somewhat as destructive and fear-producing as the Illuminati intended, Gaia made her free will choice: No longer would her human population be subjected to mass illness and death from diseases created for that purpose. In honoring her choice, God authorized the volunteers to render all subsequent viruses as harmless as possible.
Media’s “pandemic fear” is the very same publicity given previous attempts by the Illuminati to cause panic and deaths worldwide. They are tenacious, but trying their hand at the same diabolical effort after repeated failures is a move in desperation. They need the energy of fear for fuel, and their newest virus was meant to provide great amounts of that for a long period, but fear and media hype will fizzle out just as they did in the other “pandemics.”
Let us now speak about quite a different matter, concern about the coronavirus. This laboratory-designed virus is more potent than its predecessors—avian flu, swine flu, N1H1 and SARS—but it will be no more successful than they were in causing a global pandemic.
Extraterrestrial volunteers living among you greatly reduced the coronavirus’s potency, just as they did with its forerunners. Thus, instead of being lethal to many millions, even billions, as intended, this virus’s symptoms are comparatively mild. Many thousands have contracted the disease or have flu-like symptoms, but only individuals with severely weakened immune systems become so ill that they cannot recover.
Thwarting the dark ones’ efforts in that respect is not denying their free will—they still could design, store and release new viruses. However, after Ebola and AIDS were somewhat as destructive and fear-producing as the Illuminati intended, Gaia made her free will choice: No longer would her human population be subjected to mass illness and death from diseases created for that purpose. In honoring her choice, God authorized the volunteers to render all subsequent viruses as harmless as possible.
Media’s “pandemic fear” is the very same publicity given previous attempts by the Illuminati to cause panic and deaths worldwide. They are tenacious, but trying their hand at the same diabolical effort after repeated failures is a move in desperation. They need the energy of fear for fuel, and their newest virus was meant to provide great amounts of that for a long period, but fear and media hype will fizzle out just as they did in the other “pandemics.”
🧑✈️ ~ SAS - What is truly Scandinavian ~ | Blogger: [🤜Original SAS commercial has been censored and taken down. Blame it all on China and Russia?🤛] ... {A campaign video has triggered so much anger that it must have been coordinated, SAS believes ~ BT.dk} ... "No, SAS - it wasn't a "coordinated attack", it was just an unusually miserable advertisement. Speak well of those who you are nagging about money ~ Folkets.dk.. |
In the campaign video, a voice says that much of what we associate with Scandinavia - pastries, windmills, meatballs and much more - is not at all Scandinavian. On the other hand, these are copies from abroad that we have brought from abroad and made Scandinavian.
🔴 ~ The Gateway Pundit: MUST READ: Seth Rich Family AND Defendants REQUEST TESTIMONY From Julian Assange — But Podesta-Linked Judge Richard Leon REFUSES ~ |
Epstein didn't kill himself and Russians didn't hack the emails. (SETH RICH)https://t.co/W2YJZMOYuC— Jordan Sather (@Jordan_Sather_) February 11, 2020
🌌 ~ 💗 The Guardian: How big is the universe compared with a grain of sand 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to PAO/Galactic Heart... Of course Secret Space Programs exist, with (human and alien) Star Trek advanced technologies, 100s of years beyond the federation, have been building bases, space colonization and visiting our solar system and beyond, with billions of exoplanets and trillions of stars, not mentioned in this report by The Guardian, a British daily newspaper... |
🛸 ~ Storming Empty Area 51 (S4) Started As A Joke. Not A Mystery Anymore. Area Sealed Off By Nye County Sheriff’s Office & Mercenary Camo Dudes. More Important Is, Pine Gap (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [🥺O-M-G! Pine Gap, one of the most significant underground facilities on the planet!? Video by Matrix Wisdom🔮] ... The United States has been carrying out continuous research into electromagnetic propulsion (EMP for short) at Pine Gap since it was established in 1966. Richard Nixon (former U.S. President ) announced in 1975 as a target date for the completion of the project. At that time it was to relieve the petrol crisis... Pine Gap, (the Director of DARPA was Stephen J. Lukasik), has what is believed to be the deepest and straightest 'water bore' in Australia drilled beneath it. The bore is at least 28,000 feet deep (5.3 miles). This bore can also be used as an underground "antenna" for very low frequency electricity broadcasts. As Pine Gap is supposed to be involved in both upper atmospheric and sub-surface research, it is quite feasible, if for no other reason, that the 'bore antenna' could be used to tune a gigantic 'standing wave' field around the entire planet!. It is also rumoured that Pine Gap has a very large nuclear facility used to power its enormous 'transceiver.' Other rumoured projects include high-voltage, high-energy plasma accelerators (possibly for use in new methods of power generation), a 'death ray' or plasma cannon, and even specialized power broadcasts to partially fuel 'electric submarines' as far away as the Indian Ocean. It is almost certain that the earlier version of Pine Gap's VLF (very-low-frequency) transceiver which was located at the North West Cape near Exmouth Bay in Australia was used to transmit very powerful undersea electric currents to U.S. submarines which trailed long antennae behind them. It is also known that electricity transmitted in this way can be 'strong' enough to recharge on-board 'high-voltage batteries' known as 'plasma-dynamic storage cells.' (there's much, much, much more like Alien research facilities, Alien R&R, teleport bases to go between U.S. Area 51 & Pine Gap, Jump rooms to Mars, etc. etc.) ... 👽PS: TALKING about Area 51 - 💥DID YOU KNOW 💥, that a UFO researcher has discovered that Area 51 employees are using (in secret a subcontractor) 🛫SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES🛬 to/from The Tonopah Test Range (TTR).. [READ MORE FOR PROOF]... |
... Mind The Gap… Pine Gap : USAF Edwards Air Force Base (Area 51/S4). Rudloe Manor Yorkshire - UK's Area 51. CFB Suffield Experimental Research/Canada's Area 51. Pine Gap - Australia's Area 51 - The ANZUS Treaty - New Zealand Discloses UFOs as U.S. Hides Possible ET/UFO Base at Pine Gap, Australia (SAS - Scandinavian Airlines)...
🚀 ~ Norway Claims Chinese Intelligence Has Repeatedly Acquired Its Space Technology ~ | Blogger: [🇩🇰Denmark–Norway, also known as the Dano–Norwegian Realm, the Oldenburg Monarchy, or the Oldenburg realms, was an early modern multi-national and multi-lingual real union consisting of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Norway🇳🇴] ... {not to forget, NASA and the Swedish National Space Board (SNSB)} ... AND that is actually very important to know, because (both Denmark and) Norway plays an important role in space exploration for key military space facilities used by the US, as stated by SputnikNews...Denmark has many bases and secret military pact with Greenland and US (Thule Air Base, Camp Century: Project Iceworm etc.), NATO Bunker 7 ('Combined Air Operations Center Finderup' not closed in 2013?), Cold war museum Stevnsfort (not closed?, biggest & most powerful radar on danish soil, besides NATO & Danish Royal Air Force Air Control Wing on Bornholm), DTU Space (The National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark), Danish ESA-NASA astronaut Andreas Mogensen (who never went into space?), SAS - Scandinavian Airlines (flying in/out of Area 51 with Janet Airline) and Terma A/S (Lockheed Martin, Pentagon connections etc) as the biggest and also most controversial secretly contributions to the (Secret) Space Force (Programs)... Then we have Norway's Globus II radar in Finnmark County, an ionospheric heater called EISCAT(HAARP) near Tromsø, Norway has also become US Marines' Hub in Europe and U.S. stationing tanks and artillery in classified Norwegian caves (Værnes Air Station) and during the Cold War, Norway built a secret naval base, Olavsvern, that was carved into the mountain just outside the city of Tromsø, in the Arctic Circle... |
Norway plays an important role in space exploration for key military space facilities used by the US, including the Globus II radar in Finnmark County, sometimes referred to as the world's most advanced radar for tracking satellites.
In recent years, the Chinese intelligence service has succeeded in obtaining advanced Norwegian technology several times, the Scandinavian country's intelligence service has stressed, warning that China is en route to becoming “a military superpower in Norway's neighbourhood”.
“With growing interest in the Arctic, we believe that China will continue to influence the situation, even in our proximity”, the head of the intelligence service, Lieutenant General Morten Haga Lunde, said, as quoted by national broadcaster NRK.
According to Haga Lunde, advanced technology with military application is especially sought after.
For instance, the Andøya Space Centre at Andenes in Nordland County, which is vying to become the first in Europe to launch satellites, has admittedly noticed penetration attempts.
“We notice that the interest and awareness of our sector is only getting bigger, even when it comes to penetration attempts”, Odd Roger Enoksen, Managing Director of the Andøya Space Centre, told High North News.
🗳️ ~ Breitbart: ***New Hampshire Primary LiveWire*** | Socialist Wins ’Live Free or Die’ State | Results: 1) Bernie 2) Buttigieg 3) Klobuchar | But! Sanders Gets Far Fewer Votes Than 2016! | Fifth Place! Another Biden Disaster | Yang Out | Faux No! Warren Embarrassment in North East ~ |
FLASHBACK: Trump Is Talking Treason And He’s Naming Names! @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/BgcDg81w7M— Flightcrew 🇺🇸 (@flightcrew) February 11, 2020
The Fake News Media is looking hard for the Big Democrat Story, but there is nothing too fabulous. Wouldn’t a big story be that I got more New Hampshire Primary Votes than any incumbent president, in either party, in the history of that Great State? Not an insignificant fact!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 12, 2020
Whatever happened to Hillary campaign manager Podesta’s BROTHER? Wasn’t he caught, forced to leave his firm, with BIG BAD things to happen? Why did nothing ever happen to him, only to the “other” side?— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 12, 2020
Source in headlines (Breitbart)...And a swamp creature with “pull” was just sentenced to two months in jail for a similar thing that they want Stone to serve 9 years for. A phony Mueller Witch Hunt disgrace. Caught! https://t.co/6baxv3Lvuk— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 12, 2020
🚢 ~ Bill Gates becomes first to buy a £500m hydrogen-powered super yacht ~ | Blogger: [💧Yet another lie, that (Master Chief of taken lives by polio vaccinations), Bill Gates, has commissioned a $645million 370ft eco-friendly superyacht powered by liquid hydrogen?💧] ... According to Bill Gates himself, he and his Foundation has (also) invested into a machine, that turns feces into water and electricity - and may save lives. But, nobody has ever heard of this machine (ever) again, why is that?.. What's not a lie and rumors has it, the Bill Gates Foundation, Rothschild Vanguard & Blackrock ChiCom manufacture Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak by funding both the creation of the virus and the vaccine. Bill Gates is the New World Order's equivalent of a chief science officer. As such, his top priority is depopulation. His stated method is vaccines... In a recent press release, Bill and Melinda Gates pledge $10 billion in call for decade of vaccines - Increased vaccination could save more than 8 million children by 2020; significant funding gaps remain, others must join effort (yeah riiiight)... |
Source (telegraph.co.uk)
Microsoft co-founder commissions eco vessel expected to go to sea in 2024 in latest sign of his interest in alternative fuels
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