Mar 16, 2024

🧙☀️🔮 (BEYOND THE NEWS) Upcoming Earth Changes, Catechism, Solar Storm, Temporary Disturbance, HAARP, Positive Military Activities & April's Crazy Tinderbox Eclipses ~ Mar 16, 2024 ~ |

🙏 ~ 💝 (Spirit vs Intellect) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Mar 16, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Billions invested in Haiti since 2010 earthquake 
Undersea Cable Damage Causes Internet Outages Across Africa
Haiti on brink of anarchy and humanitarian crisis as gangs reign supreme after government crumbles


👁️⃤𓂀🤑🐮 (Betalte 18.500 kroner for en billet) Én NPC clone glitch? At betale så mange penge for at lytte til løgne, luftkasteller og varm luft i canal grande, er nok noget af det dummeste, jeg har hørt om ~ 16. Marts 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Det er en ren pengemaskine Obama's danske og europæiske tur og ikke første gang 

CIA-asset, bøsse, muslim og nigerianske Obama AKA Barry Soetoro, eneste motiv er, at få Trump, ned med nakken. Obama er én chokoladeøresnegl inde i Bidens indre, som vil omstyrte verden med hidtil ukendt ondskab og råddenskab... 

Editor's Note: Dummeste ja, men SoTW har jo selv været én; 'normie, sovende får, muggle' engang. Dog, aldrig en NPC, der står for “non-playable character”, på dansk en “ikke-spilbar figur”. Det er hvad klovne-klonen Obama er, der gæsteoptrådte, i Nææææstved. Ifølge den tidligere, Frimurerjæger, Knud og parti (rettenpaavrangen), er Næstved/Sorø Ret med flere, svindlernes paradis. Her bor Danmarks største forbryder, frimurer Præsident Alex Elisiussen.

Snakkede med mine forældre i går fredag, som vel altid, har haft bekendtskaber / venner, som enten var i en frimurerloge eller Odd Fellow m.fl. Og da de bor i en nordsjællandsk by, som er fyldt til bristepunktet med disse svage sjæle. Og det er der intet galt i. 

Nu viser det sig dog, der, hvor de bor, på et prestigefyldt (​Seniorboliger og Plejecenter) vil ikke sige navnet, er der et underskud på 4 millioner kroner, som deres advokat, "pludseligt" har fundet ud af og bestyrelsen, (muligvis) har holdt skjult, i årevis. 

Denne private institution har flere branches spredt i Dannevang og opereres fra Søllerød. De ældre beboere, kommer fra meget ressourcestærke baggrunde, lige fra en Bankdirektør til tidligere jurister og læger. Men NU er Hr. og Fru Jensen sgu vågnet op til råddenskaben i Seniorcenteret der styres af frimureriet (Frimurer eller medlem af Odd Fellow, Junior Chamber, Rotary, Lions eller andre internationale klubber). De ældre som bor der, tidligere jurister, begynder så småt, at stille de rigtige spørgsmål... |

Obama gjorde alt for at tale håbet op i Næstved
SoTW - Kongen inviterer Mette F.
Advarer Mary og Frederik - Kan ende med britiske tilstande
Elvira & Mortada opretter influencer bureau
SoTW - facebook
SoTW kører nu benzin - men du har nok fanget budskabet facebook
SoTW - Vakte vild opsigt: Nu er det sket igen

🧔🏻💗👼 (Jesus through John) Awareness of your true divine nature will envelop and embrace you ~ Mar 16, 2024 ~ |

The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness ~ SoTW

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2024 johnsmallman

As you all continue to focus on inviting the Love of God to fill your hearts daily, and then allowing yourselves to feel and enjoy It, be aware that your numbers are increasing massively every day. Love is inundating Planet Earth and every sentient being presently in form. Your constantly renewed intent to be only loving whatever may arise during your day is extremely powerful, and consequently Love is flowing powerfully through each one of you, and strongly influencing everyone with whom you interact in even the slightest or most minor way. You are all blessed and honored for the amazing work that you are doing, even though it may seem to you that you are doing nothing. Truly the Love-flow that you are, and that you are sharing and extending worldwide is extremely effective and far reaching.

Trust in Mother/Father/God knowing, as you do within the depths of your being, but mostly below your level of conscious awareness, that your presence NOW on Earth is essential and is perfectly providing what you all intend – enormous assistance to all who are engaged in your collective awakening process. Do not be unduly disheartened or disturbed by the suffering that is occurring in so many places, because it is an essential part of humanity’s collective awakening process. NO ONE who is suffering is being punished, EVERYONE is precisely where they planned to be prior to incarnating, in order to fulfill their chosen tasks in humanity’s awakening process.

👹👑🏰 (Will They, or Won’t They?) SoTW; It's probably THE END of a 1000 year span of ruling Power Houses. A Venetian "Black Nobility" group of European Royalty and Aristocrats ~ Mar 16, 2024 ~ |


SoTW - Was it on purpose?
His Majesty the King and Her Majesty Queen Máxima to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam be postponed 

Editor's Note: After DDFO-Daisy of Denmark has abdicated and Queen-Lizzie of England has died. As you may or may not know, the inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Windsor II. Queen Margrethe II, was a active heavy hitter and V.I.P. in that group. Soon, the European blue-blooded OVERLORDS and longest-reigning reptilian monarchs of states who were internationally recognized as sovereign for most or all of their reign is over... | 


Will They, or Won’t They? – March 14, 2024




👀 Probably Nothing. Carry on.

