Nov 3, 2021

👀👓🔮 ~ (The Psychic who predicted Brexit, Trump victory who 'will become more powerful', Coronavirus pandemic, North Korea will be attacked and world economies will nosedive) 2022 World Psychic Predictions | What will happen in 2022? (CHP) ~ | Blogger: That was years ago, actually, since 2017 predications... Craig Hamilton-Parker is a British self-styled psychic, referred to by the popular press as the "Prophet of Doom"... However, as I have told my readers, since 2014, when I've started my blog with 23.000 blogposts and counting, I'll refuse to put out "Doom and Gloom" scenarios, where HU-manity will not survive, no matter, what Craig kindly wish to share with us, Earthlings, of predictions about 2022. I do share the vision about Queen-Lizzie, HAS TO GO!. Also, more revelations concerning Jeffrey Epstein scandal and others will disappear, like, Barclays boss Jes Staley and more flooding's and volcano eruptions and extreme weather. Let's Go Brandon Creepy Joe will of course, not see the end of his term, but it's not gonna be black woman, but a white woman, outside U.S. politics, that will replace the "actor", according to my higher self. I think, that Craig, has already predicted, that EU, will ultimately break up, years ago, which I also agree upon etc... 🌎🌪️🌊PS: In regards to extreme weather etc. -- I believe, Mother Earth, cannot any longer sustain herself living with pollution, microwaves, chemtrailing - air pollution, toxic radiations, pesticides, microplast in the oceans, marine and animal life die off, - you name it - she's shaken it off, by showing force; entering into the 5D and awakening the population, demands a powerful tool, to dissolve thousand of years destructions of Earth and disinformation and deception... |

Thanks to The Rumor Mill:

A summary of Hamilton-Parker’s main points:

  • Queen Elizabeth II will die. Prince Charles will become king but his reign will not last long. Prince William and Kate will succeed King Charles, although this may only happen after 2022 and they will be the LAST ENGLISH MONARCHS.
  • There will be more revelations concerning the Jeffrey Epstein scandal and someone from the upper echelons of the British political establishment will be revealed as having been involved.
  • Korea will see mass starvation and there will be growing food shortages globally.
  • Extreme weather will hit China and there will be flooding in London and Paris.
  • Carbon taxes will be imposed on goods from China.
  • The realisation will dawn that China is the world’s leading military power. The perceived threat will increase, as well as instability in China itself.
  • The situation vis-à-vis China and Taiwan will get really serious in 2022 and may even escalate into military conflict.
  • Border conflict will also escalate between India and China.
  • Japan will become a nuclear power and will develop hypersonic missiles too and an arms race will develop as the world tries to catch up with China’s military advances.
  • Iran will announce that it has full nuclear capability and Israel will strike with either sabotage or air strikes.
  • Biden will not see the end of his term. He will be removed from power but Kamala Harris will not replace Biden, at least not permanently. Instead another Black woman will become a real rising star in U.S. politics (Candace Owens?).
  • There will be a huge swing away from the Democrats in the U.S. mid-term elections.
  • The European Union will ultimately break up and we will continue to see more signs of this in 2022.
  • The new Facebook META will be a complete FLOP!!! The fortunes of other Internet giants will also falter.
  • Immigration in the U.S. and Europe will get completely out of hand.
  • There will be renewed efforts to develop space technology as the realisation grows that China is weaponising space.
  • Together with this there will be a big push to develop space technology generally. So take your money out of Facebook/Google and invest in space technology.
  • Economically, there will be rising inflation worldwide. India will overtake China, gradually, and become very powerful.
  • There will be a really brutal civil war in Africa.
  • There is much more in the following:

🙏 ~ 💝 (Knights Templar, Illuminati Order & Trump/Lizzie acknowledge the representation of the End Times!?!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟GB QUEEN ELIZABETH II: ILLUMINATI OVERLORDS - BLACK CHILD PRODUCTIONS 2018🌟] ... |

📢✊⚖️ ~ (Der er ting som selv en psykopat aldrig ville gøre!) De lytter aldrig, De siger aldrig undskyld og De er aldrig til at stole på: Det er Ikke blot logik for burhøns men for de dum, dummere og dummest i normie-landet (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Andre kendetegn er; 'De får dig aldrig til at føle dig tryg' samt 'De gør aldrig noget for andre – uden de får noget tilbage.' Det, ifølge, METTE STORM (psykopatfri)... Jeg siger ikke på SoTW, at vores elskede / hadede Statsminister, hverken er psykopat, sociopat og narcissist, men at man kan for fanden da regne ud, at der findes visse personlighedsforstyrrelser i mennesker, som gør, De aldrig som i A-L-D-R-I-G, erkender egne fejl. Har selv levet med én kæreste og én kone, som havde nogle, udfordringer, i den henseende, uden at gøre mig selv til en skinhellighed. Og hvis jeg sagde det åbenlys om Mink-Medico-Metto, ville jeg sidde i samme celle som den Esbjergenser, der nu er fængsles for dødstrusler efter et skilt på hans bolig, hvor der stod: "Mette Frederiksen skal henrettes".. Vi ved jo alle sammen godt af der findes et PET "frimurer-politi" - noget som medierne kalder for; "netværket bag den danske coronamodstand", Malue Montclairre (Flemming Blicher + Martin Iversen), nævnte noget om, da civile betjente PLUDSELIGT tæskede løs på uskyldige demonstranter, hvor Coronamodstanden, var på sit højeste. Her, deltog Malue og andre, i et fakkelprotest for en indsat kvinde, aktivisten, "Nanna Fri" ved Vestre Fængsel i København, i forbindelse med en af de såkaldte Men In Black-demonstrationer 9. januar 2020 og der er flere som blev anholdt, efterfølgende. Så kan man mene hvad man vil om Malue Montclairre , der går rygter om at, i hendes frihedsråd, sidder der en mand, der går under navnet, Clement Harbinger Bane, i bestyrelsen, som er oplært af en tidligere Mossad officer, Fra den Israelske efterretningstjeneste, i netop manipulation. "CHB" har bl.a. afholdt foredragsaftener, som med forfatter og "fraud examiner", og været meget aktivt i ""... Hvad tror Du, der vil ske kl. 20.00? En simpel undskyldning og så et mundbindskrav og opfordring til lyntest? Kan man stole på de øverste lag i politiet, sundhedsmyndighederne og dommere i Dannevang?... |

Slette-Mæætte og Co., #RETSOPGØRET kommer snart!

PS: SoTW påstår, når, hele Cabal-korthuset falder, for det gør den, og vi modtager "sande og nyttige" nyheder 24/7 nonstop fra enten Trump og Musk's Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) og Starlink satellitter, som ikke længere er 5G farlig netværk, eller vores venner og familie fra plejaderne, eller hvad og hvem man nu stoler på, så sker der sgu ting og sager. Alle dem som har været ude og snakke om '10 Days of Darkness', bliver nu forvandlet til '10 århundreder oplysningstiden'. Folk kommer til at være grædefærdige, at finde Deres partnere, forældre og familiemedlemmer, blive eskorteret af modstandsbevægelsen for Danmark og Nürnbergprocessen og den danske udgave af Gitmo... Vi får sikkert og vist et chok over, hvor mange danskere, som er infiltreret.. |

👑🌎😛 ~ (Is 'COP/CUP26' half empty or half full?) The Vampire Prince of Wales & His Naughtiness but no Queen-Lizzie busy driving around her Windsor estate: From half-reptile rulers to secret love children, the stories are juicier than anything on TV (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: ... Rumors for many decades that, Queen Elizabeth I, was a man.. My higher self elaborated, that Queen II of DK- Daisy was born a male with a Ding Dong, later removed, somehow... Why not - we are entering the Endtimes of Madness... There's so many crazy conspiracy theories about the Royal Family... And then, we have the God's Dream-Team below (some of them are not my 'cup/cop' of tea but close)... (what's that about?) - The "Sudden Emergency" after Fakery US “President” Biden was evacuated right before he was about to speak. The crowd was ordered to disperse and Biden didn’t return to this last day of meetings on Tues. 2 Nov??... ✌️PS: The victory to Glenn Youngkin, new Virginia Governor, is a gigantic defeat for Creepy-Corona-China Biden, MSNBC, CNN melt down and The Cabal, DS = because of Quantum Voting System?... |

(excerpts:) What’s going on at the COP26 Summit of world leaders in Glasgow? China’s President Xi Jinping and Russian Putin didn’t show up, though Putin did a video broadcast of his speech, while French President Macron left the Summit in a huff a day before other leaders. US “President” Biden was evacuated right before he was about to speak. The crowd was ordered to disperse and Biden didn’t return to this last day of meetings on Tues. 2 Nov:


🦠🧪💉~ (Could our kids, elders and healthy people, really get deathly sick or even die after taken the jap?) CDC Gives Final Go-Ahead For Pfizer’s Pediatric Frankenstein VakkZine & $36 Billion In Revenue This Year (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: BEFORE, we all go into a frenzy conspiracy overdrive... 😮STATEMENT: SoTW believe that not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease not dangerous to them... 😮SCIENCE FACTS: Research is beginning to reveal that the reason children have fared well against COVID-19 could lie in the innate immune response - the body's crude but swift reaction to pathogens...😮 FACTS FOR DUMMIES: It cannot be ruled out that the vakkZines will have long-term adverse effects that have not yet been discovered at this time, including on growth, reproductive system or fertility... 😮MSM FACTS: vakkZines are not 100% effective at preventing infection, some people who are fully vaccinated will still get COVID-19... 😮CLAIMS: There have been multiple claims made online which say that the Pfizer vaccine contains 99% graphene oxide, a substance which is derived from graphite... 😮MORE CLAIMS: Pfizer changed their formulation for 5-11 year old kids. They added a blood acid reducer which is used to stabilize people with heart attacks... 😮CONSPIRACY FACTS: VakkZine spike protein enters cell nuclei, suppresses DNA repair engine for the body... 😮CONSPIRACY OVERDRIVE: Brazil's President Jair Bolsonar, alleging that vakkZines don't reduce the risk of contracting the disease and that they cause other infectious diseases - adding - supposed link between Covid-19 vakkzines and AIDS... 🙏AND NOW OVER TO OUR GALACTIC FRIENDS:👉... |

"Now then, if employment, school attendance or travel is requiring you to be vaccinated and exclusions are not accepted, please do not worry. Immune systems and cellular restructuring from carbon to crystal of all adults and children are being fortified by light in increased intensity as more and more civilizations are aiding Earth’s peoples in this respect. Your worst enemy is fear—don’t let the low vibrations of fear energy dim your light while simultaneously feeding the dark ones and refueling their unprecedented scourge on Earth." ~ Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Nov. 1, 2021

🕉️ ~ ✨ (NEW COBRA UPDATE) Flash Overtura Update (Cobra2012 RM) ~ | Blogger: The most hardcore Cobra RM 'occultist' or "I belong to a cult," still hangs on to these so-called "Spiritual and Esoteric material" news reports, like, glue. And please continue to do so, if all the intel, resonate with you. For me at SoTW, on the other hand, I would compare these reports, to Benjamin Fulford’s reports, reading them, should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth, some might be false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment... |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Now that the most critical period has passed, I can release a little bit of intel.

As a response from a non-physical, non-local quantum cosmic impulse of Light, our Galactic Central Sun is showing signs of increased activity on the non-physical planes. This is expected to increase until the Galactic pulse Superwave occurs in the near future.

Our Universe is a living entity and it is learning:

The main lesson of our Universe now is to completely transform all gross primary anomaly, and the current metastable cosmic quantum vacuum state will shift into a new, more stable equilibrium state without darkness:

This new Galactic Center activity is already changing quantum vacuum structure of the Solar system, and there is more and more luminous superfluid plasma which brings pure Light into our Solar system:

The remaining Chimera fleet in the Kuiper belt, which came into our Solar system from Orion in 1996, can not stand this high vibration. Most of those ships were cleared, and the rest escaped much closer towards the Earth beyond lunar orbit between 1-10 million miles from Earth, where they might be temporarily safe for a few weeks still.