Jan 7, 2017

Antarctica Disclosure Updates 'Mysterious Structure Discovered' & 'Massive Iceberg To Break Away'

January 6, 2017

Ascension With Earth blog is continuously monitoring many different news feeds that relate to Antarctica.  "Insiders" like Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Kent Dunn, and many others over the years have presented information that shows that secret military bases, Nazi outposts, Reptilian extraterrestrial bases, and ancient civilizations do exist in the icy continent of Antarctica.

They have also been promoting that public disclosure will be coming soon in regards to a major discovery of an ancient civilization.  Today two different news stories and soft disclosures emerged suggesting to the public that more awareness should be given to Antarctica.

The following news stories are suggesting that a man made structure is now seen protruding from the ice showing an unnatural dome like structure.  The other news story is about a massive iceberg which is about to break off from mainland Antarctica, suggesting a possibility that a major reveal could take place and show what is under the ice sheet.

Continue below for a compilation of news articles from around the world talking about Antarctica today on January 6, 2017.

Multiple News Sources About Mysterious Structure Discovered In Antarctica

Strange Dome Structure Found On Google Maps - Antarctica

Patricia Cota Robles ~ I am returning to Christ Consciousness

Published on Aug 18, 2015
Patricia Cota Robles "Returning to Christ Consciousness"

Mike Quinsey: A Message from my Higher Self ~ January 7, 2017 CET

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2017 treeofthegoldenlight

January 6, 2017

You are at the start of a year that should prove to be exciting, even if at this stage you cannot see how that could come about. It should also be fulfilling as it will result in the coming about of many acceptable changes that have long been predicted.

It will be the year when results are achieved that have long been worked for, and promise to take you into the New Age on the crest of a wave that will sweep much of the old away. At first it will seem chaotic as the dark Ones fight change as they see their dominance slipping away. Silently and without any fuss the scene has been set for the changes that will quickly help establish a new Governance for the New Age.

Realise that the challenge to be released from the evil plan of the dark Ones to permanently imprison you has been met and has finally delivered opportunities to be completely free from their control. Those of you who work for the Light can now go forwards with confidence, knowing that this New Year will see the outward evidence that all is well, and that real progress can no longer be held up.

The plan for Man is well under way and is now supported by a powerful body of Light Beings from outside your Solar System. There are in fact others that have also come to your aid, and their presence will ensure that no other entities can interfere with the path to the Light.

All is proceeding very well and where you may have your doubts, remember that while you remain in the lower vibrations there will be a mixture that allows the dark Ones to still play their game. You see it as a very serious situation, yet it only exists whilst karma still remains to be played out.

Movie -- Operation Avalanche | Dir.: Matt Johnson | United States, Canada 2016 | 94 min ( | ‘Operation Avalanche’: How NASA Faked the Moon Landing | How I Faked the Apollo Moon Landing - Why you should care? Because it’s not only conspiracy theorists who can be fooled...)

Published on Jul 21, 2016
Dir.: Matt Johnson | United States, Canada 2016 | 94 min

‘Operation Avalanche’: How NASA Faked the Moon Landing

Posted By: James Barber January 4, 2017

1967: The CIA believes there’s a mole at NASA who’s leaking details of the Soviet Union. They send in a couple of young agents, posing as a public television documentary crew, to expose the traitor. Except, on arrival in Houston, the agents learn that there’s no way the USA can land on the moon before JFK’s 1969 deadline. Faced with a stark reality of a massive Soviet propaganda win, the agents come up with a foolproof way to fake the moon landing.

That’s the premise of Operation Avalanche (out now on DVD and Digital HD), a new film from actor/writer/director Matt Johnson. It’s shot to look like a 16mm documentary and it seamlessly mixes recreated footage with original newsreels and audio.

Johnson and Owen Williams star as “Matt Johnson” and “Owen Williams,” the two young agents looking to get ahead. Johnson managed to convince NASA that he was making a student film (technically, he was: Operation Avalanche turned out to be his masters thesis) and he snuck a camera onto the lot at Shepperton Studios in England to use in scenes where the young agents visit Stanley Kubrick on the set of 2001: A Space Odyssey to learn his special effects techniques to use in their own fake movie.

There’s some action and suspense and an alarming backup plan if the movie scheme falls through. True believers and Alex Jones listeners won’t appreciate the slightly absurd tone to the movie: if you really believe the United States government faked the moon program and that Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins played along with the lie, then you won’t like Matt Johnson.

Others may have to forgive his Canadian accent. Johnson makes a good run at playing an American Ivy League CIA recruit but his “about” gives him away every time.

The DVD comes with a load of entertaining featurettes, deleted scenes and a fascinating commentary from the cinematographers and post-production team about how they made their movie look so authentic.



How I Faked the Apollo Moon Landing

APR 01 2016 by The Daily Dose (true Story)

In this exclusive OZY confession, 81-year-old former Hollywood cameraman Max Canard comes clean about his role in what could be the greatest hoax ever carried out: the Apollo moon landing.

I first walked on the moon in the summer of 1965 — four full years ahead of Neil Armstrong. Of course, neither I nor the Apollo boys really set foot on the moon, but I suppose many of you suspected as much already.

I’m not proud of it. Of the deception, that is. As they say, one small lie for man, one giant fraud perpetrated on mankind.

Impossible? Well, you saw Argo, right? You saw the lengths to which the CIA was willing to go in order to rescue a handful of U.S. diplomats. Shooting a fake movie was all we were really doing, too. Except that we weren’t doing it just to save six American lives in Tehran. We wanted to save all 200 million.

Call it a massive fraud; call it a government-run conspiracy — whatever. The Apollo moon landings, in this humble 81-year-old’s opinion, were a public relations coup that accomplished nothing less than winning the Cold War. Period. Not bad for some celluloid and a soundstage — purchased, I might add, at about one-millionth of NASA’s overall Apollo budget.

And speaking of soundstages, no moon landing was ever filmed in a Hollywood studio. That much is true. They were filmed in North London.

How do I know? I was the one holding the camera.

Meeting Stanley Kubrick

As a boy, I enjoyed looking up at the night sky from our Pennsylvania farm as much as the next guy. But the stars I really had my eye on were the ones out in Hollywood. And so as soon as I had my high school degree in hand, I headed out West to pursue my film-star dreams.

Writer Max Canard notes that young and inexperienced cameramen may have been chosen in order to cede control of their instruments to the legendary Stanley Kubrick.

Source Public Domain

After a few years of waiting tables and playing an extra in crowd scenes, it had become abundantly clear that I had a face that belonged behind the camera. And so that’s where I went next, in 1961. About the time that President Kennedy was saying that America would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade, I moved back East, to New York; got married and started working as a cameraman, filming commercials for cereals, mouthwashes and toilet bowl cleaners for Madison Avenue ad agencies. It was every bit as crazy a world as you see in Mad Men, but creatively it was as inspiring as, well, a toilet bowl.
Picture: Writer Max Canard notes that young and inexperienced cameramen may have been chosen in order to cede control of their instruments to the legendary Stanley Kubrick. Source Public Domain
But seeing Dr. Strangelove at the Victoria Theater in the winter of 1964 changed my life. And so when I heard that its director, the already legendary Stanley Kubrick, was looking for a crew for his next big movie, I presumptuously sent in my application. When I was invited to come to Kubrick’s own apartment on the Lower East Side, I couldn’t believe my luck.

Why would Kubrick risk his reputation to orchestrate the biggest fraud in history?

PETER OBORNE ON POLITICS AND POWER: 2017? Mrs May's masterstroke, death of the euro - and a nasty surprise for us all... (Blogger: As Simon Parkes mentioned, one of the amazing major establishment newspaper story from 'dailymail' published December 31, 2016. A story about 2017 predictions in which the alternative media has been saying for years and years. But, daily mail reporters do not pick this stuff up from alternative media, but from stockmarkets, World Banking Mafia, funhouses that can see around the corners, says Simon.. Scroll down to the section titled "Collapse of the eurozone")

By Peter Oborne For The Daily Mail

At this point of the year, it is customary for pundits to look back and explain how the previous 12 months witnessed seismic world events.

But 2016 didn’t need such hype. What’s more important is whether 2017 will be equally sensational. This is what I predict could shake the world — both for good or ill — next year...

The CIA is growing increasingly worried at the power of President Putin (pictured) and his ability to seduce President-elect Donald Trump

Evermore migrants coming to Europe

The Turkish government — urged on by its new ally, Vladimir Putin — decides to allow hundreds of thousands of Syrian and other asylum-seekers through its land to EU countries.

This follows the collapse of a deal between Germany and Turkey to limit the number of refugees in return for Turkish citizens being granted visa-free travel to the EU’s Schengen (open borders) Area.

The move is seen by many as revenge on Brussels for the humiliating rejection of Turkey’s application to join the EU. Inevitably, the new influx of migrants will give a huge boost to Right-wing nationalist parties as they head into elections in France, Holland and Germany.

Right-wing extremist leader of France

Simon Parkes Update: Connecting Consciousness | Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio Short Show (Simon says: Major establishment newspaper 'dailymail' just publish a 'true' story in which the alternative media has been saying for years and years, called "PETER OBORNE ON POLITICS AND POWER: 2017?" (Collapse of the eurozone) | The last gasp of the ruling elite - Will they go for a FF alien invasion? EMP blast? Viral attack? | There was an assassination attack on Rothschild | The queen Elizabeth II has resigned from children's charities, very significant | 2017 - more celebrities will lose their lives, beginning to be a pattern | Because of Trump, we will not have a WWIII | Putin is a statesman, NOT a crazed madman as the establishment wants us to believe | 2017 - quiet before the storm, more and more awareness, wake-up and good people on the planet | Q&A )

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......


Mediernes dækning af vejr og klima er tendentiøs, alarmistisk og amatøragtig (Blogger: Det her handler ikke alene om fortielse om "Chemtrails, HAARP og vejr manipulation", som den største forbrydelse i historien for miljø, dyr og mennesker. Det topstyret DMI - Vejr, klima og hav og deres nationale partnere (listen er lang, inkl DaMS og Miljøstyrelsen).. Det handler om de statsejede venstreorienterede, politisk korrekte medier, TV 2 | DR's monopol, arrogance og selvhøjtidelighed, nyheder og geopolitiske selv-censur, usmageligt hyggeprogrammer, DR's møgsager samt ledelsen frås med vores tvungen licenspenge.. Er fuldstændig helt enig med formanden for det danske parti JFK21, Mads Palsvig, at ledelsen i TV 2 og DR bør gå af i 2017. Topstyret af de mørke kræfter af World Banking Mafia.. Mads siger, at det er 'beviseligt', at de fylder os med løgn. Der skal være et retsopgør og ledelsen skal muligvis fængsles!!!.. Folkets Avis: ".. Men nogen entydig sammenhæng mellem temperaturstigninger i det omfang, vi har set, og ekstremt vejr generelt er der ikke grundlag for at tale om. I den forstand er det imponerende, hvordan medierne har formået at skabe en falsk bevidsthed i befolkningen. Ikke mindst her i Danmark hvor mediebilledet er meget ensrettet og domineret af de store statsstøttede (dagbladene) og statsfinansierede (DR) medier.. ")

Vejr og klima

En storm. En oversvømmelse. Eller en anden vejrmæssig uregelmæssighed. Og straks er medierne fremme med skræmmebilledet af den menneskeskabte klimaforandring som hovedårsag til ulykken. Men så simpel er verden ikke

Af Lennart Kiil - fre, 06/01/2017 - 10:25

Det er lige så sikkert som "Amen i kirken".

Hver gang, vi i Danmark har "ekstremt vejr", så løber journalisterne hen til nogle "klimaeksperter" og spørger.

Og som man spørger, får man svar.

"Det skyldes klimaændringerne".

Underforstået - det skyldes menneskets udledning af drivhusgasser.

Sagen er bare den, at ingen forskere har overblik over de samlede klima- og vejrfænomener.

Ikke en.

Meget tyder på, at nogle typer af ekstremt vejr forekommer hyppigere i dag end for 100 år siden.

Men nogen entydig sammenhæng mellem temperaturstigninger i det omfang, vi har set, og ekstremt vejr generelt er der ikke grundlag for at tale om.

I den forstand er det imponerende, hvordan medierne har formået at skabe en falsk bevidsthed i befolkningen.

Ikke mindst her i Danmark hvor mediebilledet er meget ensrettet og domineret af de store statsstøttede (dagbladene) og statsfinansierede (DR) medier.

Hvis du går ud på gaden og spørger, vil mange sige, at vi har mere ekstremt vejr end tidligere – og at det skyldes klimaforandringerne.

Som om det var en veletableret videnskabelig sandhed.

Her på Folkets Avis vil vi i den kommende tid beskæftige os med klimaforandringer.

Men mere skeptisk og mindre følgagtigt end de øvrige medier.

UFO Hotspot Has Another Mass Sighting

(MJ BaniasDevon county in England has been a hotbed of UFO activity. The sighting a few days ago only lends more fuel to the fire. Why do the people who live in Devon see so many strange objects in the sky?

Ever since the 12th century, when religious pilgrims reported seeing a glowing dragon emerge from the sea and disappear into the sky, the entire southwest of England has had many a strange sighting. The most recent sighting occurred only a few days ago, when Mark Emmins, a musician, spotted the object over the town of Exmouth. He wrote on his Facebook page,

Source - Mysterious Universe

by MJ Banias, January 3rd, 2017
It stood still in the sky for some hours and then decided to move and then vanish. We got photos too.
The photographs were taken by Tyron Osborne, a friend of Emmins. They noted that the object hovered for several hours until it eventually moved eastward out of sight.

In July of 2016, John Mooner spotted a strange orange object hovering over his town of Newton Abbot. He grabbed his Nikon camera, and snapped several images. John Mooner stated in an interview with The Plymouth Herald,
The object was definitely not any type of known aircraft. The object was glowing bright orange and had a white pulsing light on the top left side. The object was large and just hung there silently over the housing estate it gave me the creeps.
Photo taken by John Mooner

In September of 2016, residents in Exmouth witnessed two triangular objects being chased by a helicopter. Multiple witnesses came forward with the same story. One of the witnesses, a serving soldier, told reporters,
I believe I have seen the same thing. On hearing the sound of a helicopter I looked out to see if it was another police chopper. I am a serving soldier and I can say I’ve never seen anything move in the way these objects were.

ECETI WARNING: Please use discretion if you're considering being part of the Global CE-5 this Saturday (".. As has been shared in the past, there are some in the UFO field who ignore the fact that, while dwindling, there are still large numbers of Reptilians, Grays and other lower level entities still raising havoc, still caught up in the power over other game here in 3D... ")


We've been getting quite a few calls/emails from people asking if they should join a particular Global CE-5 connection this Saturday. This has prompted us to write an email to the ECETI list encouraging you all to use discretion, discernment and tune into your own Self Mastery.

As has been shared in the past, there are some in the UFO field who ignore the fact that, while dwindling, there are still large numbers of Reptilians, Grays and other lower level entities still raising havoc, still caught up in the power over other game here in 3D. While we are indeed moving into a New Reality, we are not there yet and therefore it is VITAL to use your discernment before participating in any event.

The Crew at ECETI has spent hours on the phone and via email counseling individuals who have used particular contact or "summoning" practices or even "contact apps" only to have their energy field violated by reptilians, grays, demonics and other lower level malevolent entities. We've recently assisted 2 individuals attacked by entities that came through their television screens. Although we indeed step up to be of service and assist, it is also time for everyone to step into their own Self Mastery, stop giving your power away and, to repeat once again - BE DISCERNING.

At the minimum, before you join into any such event:
Seal your energy field off to all but your own Divine Christed Self, allowing communication only with benevolent beings from the 5th Dimension and beyond..

Do the Healing Negative Influences (clearing) prayer (see below). Call upon your main teacher/guide and your Higher Self. If you're not sure who your main teacher/guide is, ask for assistance and protection from BACAL (Bah-call) the 17 foot tall Lion Being from the Sirian Star System. As he is a multi-dimensional being he is not limited by time nor space so can assist many at the same "time"

We also recommend you do the clearing again AFTER you've participated in any contact event to ensure your energy field is clear. And any time in the days following the contact event when you don't like what you're feeling, do the clearing.

Washington Post, NYT, CNN, MSNBC incited kidnapping, torture and scalping of white special needs boy in disgusting racial hate crime… “journo-terrorism” now a clear and present danger to America (".. The video, taken by a woman identified on Facebook as “Brittany Herring,” shows a white man tied up with tape across his mouth. The victim is shown being repeatedly hit, sliced at with a knife, berated and his clothes ripped off.. ")

(NaturalNews) By now, you’ve no doubt heard about the four black teens in Chicago who kidnapped, bound, tortured, scalped and beat a young white “special needs” boy on a Facebook live video feed, all while shouting anti-Trump and racist hate slogans that will turn your stomach.

“Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump,” reports The Daily Caller:

The video, taken by a woman identified on Facebook as “Brittany Herring,” shows a white man tied up with tape across his mouth. The victim is shown being repeatedly hit, sliced at with a knife, berated and his clothes ripped off.

If you’ve ever wondered whether violent black hoodlums are targeting white people for extreme violence, hatred and felony assault, this sickening, racially motivated violence — broadcast live by Facebook — just confirmed it once and for all. In fact, black-on-white crime is now far more prevalent, violent and hate-oriented than white-on-black crime across America, as the following statistics reveal.
African-Americans are only 13% of the population but commit over 50% of the murders

The statistics on who’s really committing violent crime prove this beyond any debate. “Today blacks are about 13 percent of the population and continue to be responsible for an inordinate amount of crime. Between 1976 and 2005 blacks committed more than half of all murders in the United States,” reports The Washington Times.

“The black arrest rate for most offenses — including robbery, aggravated assault and property crimes — is still typically two to three times their representation in the population. Blacks as a group are also overrepresented among persons arrested for so-called white-collar crimes such as counterfeiting, fraud and embezzlement. And blaming this decades-long, well-documented trend on racist cops, prosecutors, judges, sentencing guidelines and drug laws doesn’t cut it as a plausible explanation.”

The four hoodlums responsible for this particular violent hate crime against an innocent “special needs” teen have now been arrested and charged with multiple, serious crimes. They are:

Jordan Hill, 18, of Carpentersville; Tesfaye Cooper, 18, of Chicago; Brittany Covington, 18, of Chicago; and Tanishia Covington, 24, of Chicago.

According to Zero Hedge, they have been “charged with aggravated kidnapping, hate crime, aggravated unlawful restraint, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and residential burglary, according to the Cook County state’s attorney. Hill was also charged with robbery and possession of a stolen motor vehicle.”

Here’s what they look like. I think if Obama had a son, one of them might look just like the thug on the right…

Continue reading at ... http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-01-05-journo-terrorism-washington-post-nyt-cnn-msnbc-incited-kidnapping-torture-scalping-of-white-special-needs-boy-racial-hate-crime.html

Breaking News ~ Chilean Navy Disclose "Groundbreaking" UFO Video | Gaian Eye -- Signs of Disclosure

Published on Jan 6, 2017
Infrared video of UFO over Santiago via The Huffington Post

Same type of camera system films UFO over US coast line in 2013