Dec 21, 2019

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (Verdensalt) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [📜"Being absolutely truthful with yourself, Sadhguru says, is something that everyone who considers themselves a seeker or sadhaka must do" ~ Jaggi Vasudev📜] ... SoTW( verdensalt) is bond by a Light Warriors knighty oath: Protect the weak and uphold the good. This code states that knights must defend the weak and the innocent, must protect women and children, must fight fairly and honorably, and obey their lieges. I will hold this energy of protecting the sacred feminine, as well⛨... SoTW is here to remind you, that the first order of business is always to calm your mental / emotional state, to assure you that you are not alone, to remind you that you have journeyed through other challenging moments in this life, reincarnations and other realms and to move your entire vibration into a state of peacefulness...Have (yourselves) a stunning day, enlighten ones... Sent love and compassionate smiles to your fellow man... Source / God, will always support your choices and is amazed to see your spiritual progress, the ability to evolve, coexist with others... Remember, you are exquisite in every form... You possesses a ravishing inner and outer beuth, self-doubt and self-love and will knockout every naysayers or lost souls, who doubt your choices... Just, be truthful to yourself... I hereby present you with a Purple Heart for the Spiritual Warriors of Peace...💜... 🛐 Collectively, we ask Source to speed up any operations for activation of the "EVENT" moment of the "Compression Breakthrough" and LIBERATION OF PLANET EARTH by the Light Forces and to assist in removing all negative energies, entities, exotic weaponry, and dark beings from all planes of existence, thus ending the planetary occupation of Earth by dark forces forever!.. So be it, and so it is...🙏.... PS: Samadhi Movie is truly incredible...🤩 |

🔴 ~ BREAKING : Pensionsopgør: Politikerløn kan gå helt amok ~ | Blogger: [😟En vaskeægte jule-agurketids-manøvrer. Føj for en varm kartoffel. Folketingets aktiekonger🤫] ... {politikernes grundløn skal stige med 280.000 kroner – eller 41 procent. En årsløn på 959.000 kroner plus 17 procent i arbejdsgiverbetalt pension} ... DET´ EDDERMAME VILDT OG MANGE PENGE - skal jeg hilse og sige fra Mogens (Monrad & Rislund) ... Mens den almindelige dansker, er stress forvirret af julens gøremål og sysler, 150.000 danskere får et trusselbrev fra Gældsstyrelsen og trækker folk automatisk i løn, og fattigdommen i Danmark lever i bedste velgående. 64.500 børn under fattigdomsgrænsen i dag, godt 20.000 af disse børn er under 5 år - familier som blev ramt af det seneste kontanthjælpsloft, ca. 14.300 børnefamilier, er der stadig mange familier, der kæmper – især i julen - med at få økonomien til at slå til... HVIS jeg skulle ind til min chef og (tigge) efter en lønforhøjelse på 500 kr., ville han skrige af grin - sådanne var det efter hver MUS-samtale i bankbranchen for 35.000 kollegere, dengang jeg var afhængig af - PENGE - og det tror jeg helt almindeligvis, er en (de facto) barriere, for mange MUS-samtaler, ud af de 2.956.000 mennesker, der udgør arbejdsstyrken i 2019.. MEEEEN, Folketinget med Venstre-Kongemagere (de neo-konservative) samt Socialakrobaterne (kommunisterne) skal nu have mere i løn, fordi de kan. For man skal ikke tage fejl af SYSTEMET, som A-L-T-I-D går efter de små mus og lader elefanten i rummet, passere. For det er ikke politikerne der bestemmer, det gør alle partisoldaternes embedsværk. Ja, dem som tjener 300-400 pct. mere end politikernes lønninger og der, hvor kommunernes slunkne kasse er TOM, scorer topembedsmand alligevel millioner i gyldent håndtryk og bonusser i millionklassen. For ikke at tale om de Guld1000 virksomheders Chefer med succes - der har gjort verden til deres legeplads - der agere millionærer. Det er sådanne vores samfundssystemer er bygget op omkring - survival of the fittest - mer, vil have mer, og grådigheden, vil ingen ende, tage... Og jeg er STENSIKKER på, mange mennesker er SKIDE LIGEGLADE, om Folketinget giver sig selv, en lønhøjelse på 41 pct., fordi de ligesom på Ditte Okman's panel af Mossad-agenter (krammeterapeut Per Brændgaard har politianmeldt Ditte) beskytter folk, af personlige grunde, de har eks.vis. været i vedkommendes sommerhus eller slikket Deres tårer (for ikke at bruge et grimt udtryk), såsom Peter Warnøe og hans (mandatsvig) og snyd med firmakortet til private arrangementer i Tisvilde (verdensalt har været på dette traktørsted mange gange). Lisbeth Zornig er ikke en skid bedre, har lavet sig selv et skattely i muller mørket af sin x-mand, så hun ikke skal betale 700K i skat ud af 1,4M, hun gik i konkrus med (snakke om selvbedrag om at hjælpe fattige og svage). Det eneste det Socialdemo populistiske vælgerbedrag er interesseret i, er, at uddele millionbøder til danske familier, der har hyret au pair-piger til sort arbejde... Dem, som sidder langt oppe i magtpyramiden er ihh så åh så søde og dejlige venner, med alle, men SVINDLER, danskere - HVER dag. Man må naturligvis ikke tale dårligt om de døde, men, Henriette Zobel, overfladisk rosenrødt jetset-kvinde, skyldte 2 millioner i sit (spirituelle firma), samt Rigmor Zobel, 14.833.000 millioner (Totalkredit - Nykredit Bank). HVER eneste dag, kan vi konstatere, at mennesker snyder med ALT... Jeg, på verdensalt-redaktionen, er så HAMRENDE træt af fidusmagere, bondefangere, lurendrejere eller plattenslagere, der NÆGTER sig skyldige fordi de ikke besidder empati eller følelseskolde fra egocentrisk personlighedsforstyrrelser. Har du aldrig mødt eller har en passiv-aggressiv narsissistisk mor, far, partner eller ven?... Glædelig jul, siger jeg bare - føj for den lede... |

Medlemmer af Folketinget vil få en lønstigning på 41 procent, hvis skitse til ny indkomstpakke vedtages.

Kilde (

Clark W. Griswold Jr.: "Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse."


Source (ECETI and James Gilliland)

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience


After the full moon energies with the solar flares and Schuman Resonance spiking at 160 as predicted the Schiff is hitting the fan. Politically the Bar bill is going to be paid but the bar bill is karma accelerating in all walks of life. All institutions have their karma and have to transform, become frequency specific to these new incoming energies. Political, religious, business institutions even family dynamics will experience a transformative process which can be chaotic. Your souls are screaming to remove you from circumstances that are not aligned with your soul and the awakening and healing process is well underway. These energies are exponentially rising, everything is accelerating speeding up and the best advice we can give is to slow down. Release the past, do your daily meditation, prayer or spiritual practices and find a good process-oriented therapy. Forgiveness is key, forgive others and yourself for manifesting and magnetizing these people and events into your life. Most important gain the wisdom from the experience and let the wisdom settle in the soul. Now you know what you don’t want, shift into creationary mind and start focusing on what you do want. Setting your intention is key.

🧲 ~ 💗 Earth’s Magnetic North Pole is Moving Faster Than Ever, Leaving Scientists Baffled 💕~ |

Source (Galactic Heart PAO's Newsletter) 

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Today I'm sharing an article on Earth's magnetic pole. It is moving southward toward Russia's northern border. This is not a new phenomenon and I'm glad they are reporting about it. Their conclusion however is not accurate according to Sheldan.

Currently we are a bi-polar planet which equals duality reality. We are moving to a Unified (Unity consciousness) planet of Oneness. Sheldan taught us that our planet will become a mono-polar planet. This is where the northern magnetic field surrounds the surface of Earth and the Southern magnetic field migrates into the inner Earth creating a mono-polar planet supporting Unity consciousness.

In the past Earth has experienced many polar flip. This is not will happen this time around because we are moving into a new reality...the 5th dimension. Notice that the article doesn't mention anything about the South pole's magnetic field. I couldn't find the article that I read a few years ago but it talked about the southern magnetic pole was migrating/disappearing (inward) while the Northern pole was migrating southward. Still I found the article interesting. Hope you do too.

Have a Fun-tastic holiday season with your family and friends.

Love and Light,

Earth’s Magnetic North Pole is Moving Faster Than Ever, Leaving Scientists Baffled

👼 ~ 💗 A Message to Lightworkers 💕 ~ | Blogger: "Caroline Oceana Ryan : Holiday Greetings, Ascendant Jedi! In the midst of hearing how completely cool and amazing these energies are that have been pouring in these past few weeks . . . I see many of us at a huge crossroads, releasing old trauma and shifting the way we view ourselves and the world. This week's Message addresses how this process of releasing the false self, the dictates of the ego-mind -- the 3D human construct -- can, though it leads to heaven, feel to be a hell of a ride. It is offered in Divine Love, with higher energies to assist in your beautiful evolvement. I pray it supports you in every way needed now!"... |

A Message to Lightworkers - Dec 20, 2019

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

Today our writer has asked us to address the issue many are feeling now (by which we mean most Light Bearers currently on Earth).

And that is, “With all this higher Light coming into the planet, there are some saying, ‘Now you will be able to move up to higher dimensional realities, reclaim your 12-strand DNA, and manifest more of what you desire,’ etc. Which is perfectly nice.

“But what about the fact that all this Light is drawing up everything we can no longer live with? That can be a very uncomfortable place to be. I have never felt more stretched and challenged!”

We would agree that this is a very unusual time, not only for the continuous waves of higher Light now weaving their way into your everyday realities—your world’s goings on, your energy systems, and your mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

You spirit is likewise readjusting, because there is so much that human beings take on over centuries of 3D living that clashes with what is natural to them in the higher realms.

That clash is never pleasant, when experienced in a physical body.

You may be thinking, “I Am growing Lighter, therefore I should be more joyful, not less! What is happening that all this sadness, anger, feelings of grief or loss are coming up?

“It’s too much some days. I manage to throw it off and feel better for a bit, and then it all crowds in again, demanding to be heard . . . ”

The voices demanding to be heard, though they may not be speaking in words, are the experiences of this and other Earth lives, and lives lived elsewhere.

They are explaining to you that your body can no longer support certain ideas, emotions, resonances, frequencies, if it is going to move into a higher vibrational level.

Photo by Renee Turcotte

👼 ~ 💗 Just Hours Till the Solstice – Eclipse Activations 💕 ~ |

Source (Meg Benedicte's Newsletter)


Whenever I tuned into the energies of 12:12:12, my biofield would light up with a blast of kundalini. The 12:12:12 gateway did not disappoint. What a powerful ascension upgrade it has become! Along with the crystalline DNA activations, there has been some serious clearing occurring in our personal and collective fields. It feels like I dropped a ton of dead weight, as the crystalline light continues to transform the light body for Soul embodiment.

As we enter the Solstice Gateway, the Cosmos has handed us the perfect ‘fresh start’ recipe to launch our Ascension lives in 2020. We are in a powerful gateway of momentous upgrades. This is the Seed Moment for a new cycle to start in 2020. Whatever you initiated during the 12:12 – 12:21 Gateway ripples into the quantum field of all possibilities. As you near the annual Solstice on Saturday, December 21st, you are moving into the stillness of changing cycles.

The Solstice occurs when the sun ‘stands still’ between light and dark. It is the balance point of all creation. It is also the day the Sun enters Capricorn, an earth sign, initiating a change in seasons. While the Sun is conjunct the galactic center, the crystal wave DNA has been attuned to higher dimensional frequencies. The Soul Presence needs to descend in order to ascend the physical reality.

🦸‍♀️🔛 🦹‍♀️ ~ Do you believe me now? Democrats actively rolling out scheme to remove VP Mike Pence so they can install Nancy Pelosi, then Hillary Clinton as President… the CRIMINAL COUP IS HERE ~ | Blogger: Wow! Talking about conspiracies - or is it?... Everyone is a russian asset -- America laughed at Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Tulsi Gabbard, but her ideas fit perfectly in the intellectual Kabbalistic illuminati mainstream... If you should ask me on SoTW - best (female) candidate right now, is the woman fighting for Hawai'i - Tulsi Gabbard - could well be the only genuine Anti-war, Anti-Globalist, Anti-interventionist & Anti-LGBTQ legislation candidate... |

Mike Adams
You may recall I warned about this exact scenario over two months ago: A sham impeachment would remove Trump from office, then the deep state criminals would turn their focus to VP Mike Pence, accusing him of the same "crimes" they used to smear Trump.

After impeaching Pence, even without a Senate conviction of Trump, the Leftist criminals would "gaslight" the entire nation into thinking Trump and Pence are gone, then they will install Nancy Pelosi as President and declare her to be in charge. (Again, this is entirely unconstitutional and lawless, but that never stopped them before...)

Once Pelosi is installed as president, she will appoint Hillary Clinton as her V.P., with zero resistance from the Senate. Then Pelosi resigns, and Hillary becomes President.
This plan is now actively under way, exactly as I warned over two months ago.

⛄ ~ Never Seen Before: Up to 30 Feet Deep Snow Banks Bury Two-Story Building in Iceland ~ | Blogger: At least, it's easier for Santa to deliver presents?🎅... |

Source (Strange Sounds)

“We’ve never before had snow on this scale,” said Valgeir Þorvaldsson, director of the Icelandic Emigration Center in Hofsós…

After his office, located in two-story houses almost disappeared under a thick blanket of snow during the big storm last week. (READ MORE)

🛢️ ~ US plunders Syria's oil - the Al Baghdadi hoax 🤑 ~ | Blogger: Here's something that Pres. Trump (may or may not) have lied upon - the Al Baghdadi hoax. We know for a fact, that America, wants to control the world's oil reserves, natural resources and replace current policy makers, with a new (US cloned) version. It has always been their goal - take a look at the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project between Russia and Germany / Denmark - who controls the oil, controls the world (btw - only 12 oil barons controls the world's energy supply with their Rockefeller and Rothschild banksters)... |

Source (Inessa S)

I am frankly bewildered by the entitlement to Syria's oil. This is not a question of IF and MAYBE - it is out there in the open. International law and concepts of sovereignty are for everyone else, apparently. #baghdadi #syria #wtf

📶⚰️ ~ Are 5G-Enabled “Smart Ambulance” Tests Contributing to Multiple Deaths of UK Ambulance Workers? ~ | Blogger: ["News reports out of England have revealed that three employees at the East of England Ambulance Service Trust (EEAST) died suddenly last month" ~ TBYP] ... VERY important to look into...😟|

Source (Take Back Your Power)

As new 5G-enabled “smart ambulances” rush to the hospitals, we ask if they are also rushing patients and paramedics directly into a health crisis.

Futurists rejoice! It’s the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where all your sci-fi dreams can and will come true. Or so the telecom industry would like you to believe. 5G is poised to revolutionize… well, everything. From video streaming to virtual gaming, the future is supposedly at hand.

We are being sold that healthcare is one of the top economic sectors to benefit from 5G technologies, from physician-to-physician consultations to at-home monitoring to video-based telemedicine. China has already conducted its first robot-assisted remote surgery (on animals) using Huawei’s 5G-network technologies. Chicago’s Rush University has teamed up with AT&T to become one of the first 5G test hospitals in the United States. And across the world, emergency response teams are testing 5G technologies to develop the “smart ambulance” and the “data-empowered paramedic” in order to revolutionize and transform patient care. (READ MORE)

🌌 ~ America's Future May Depend on Trump Gaining Control of the Space Command ~ | Blogger: [Does the Program Exist? Are There Aliens?] ... ask, Dave Hodges.. The answer is of course - a BIG YES!.. However, Dave Hodges with many of his associates like Steve Quayle, are survivalist experts and has lived with the idea, that Satan inspiring the world blah blah blah (und so weiter)... I do like some of the stuff Dave Hodges puts out, but they always have a negative agenda and why don't we look at some more positive outcome, that is, Trump, will (maybe) save us by (divine intervention) to take out the bad seeds of (controllers) within these (secret) Space Programs...Amen... |

Source (The Common Sense Show)

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Friday, December 20, 2019 - 14:09.

I have been in possession of information regarding America's secret space program for over 35 years. Because of the classifed nature of the program, I had to remain silent on my father's revelations about the program. And only then, did I reveal scant information. To those who will experience much chagrin, my entire series on this topic has been distributed and people I do not even know are in possession of these events with instructions to reveal what has been given to them in the even of my demise. Yes, I have employed a classic dead man switch.

My first go around with disclosure was measured and it was done so by request of the people of Naval Intelligence who guided me on the legalities of disclosure. I have been approached by these same men and their associates with a request to release certain information thata will provide them leverage to make much needed leadership changes in the Space Command. The motivation for the present set of disclosures is simple, we are headed towards a civil war. If the wrong people control our space program it will impact who wins the civil war. Most of Naval Intelligence (ONI) remains loyal to the country. They are concerned that disloyal members of the Air Force remain in control of what once was the Secret Space Program. My Naval Intelligence contacts believe that if the leadership of the Space Command stay in place, the globalists will win the upcoming civil war.

I have been asked to reveal information on two fronts. Therefore, my information is still somewhat measured. I have been asked to reveal a more detailed history. Secondly, I have been asked to identify the rogue elements of the Air Force still exhibiting control over the space program along with the present level of technology in order that the correct people can clearly see the threat by leaving the program in the hands that it is in. .

Trump has created a militarized branch call the Space Program. However, the program is not new as the public is being told. Trump is trying to wrestle control of the program away from those who do not have your best interest in mind. One has to remember that the Air Force came into existence in the same year as the CIA and the NSA. These three organizations owe their founding to events in the United States related to Extra=terristials