Jul 17, 2022

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: Six confirmed SA-Sources. 1940's TT. One bomb Hiroshima or Nagasaki w/ future Plutonium) Exopolitics, Space Arcs & Elon Musk: Dr Michael Salla (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: (ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal) - Dr. Salla talks about, that he had got in touch with 6 confirmed sources now. That includes his longest whistleblower-friend US Army call-name, "JP", and some of these guys also have hands-on experience or work involves actually doing particular operations with these 1000s-of-yrs old SPACE ARKS, aKa Noah's Arks or Mother Ships, descripted in the Bible, or the Great Flood-story. These SA are buried below, that exist in Ukraine (and other places on Earth) was handed over to US military. Other places is on the Moon and elsewhere in the solar system. Dr Salla also discuss Dolores Cannon client testimonies around time travel devices, Nikola Tesla time travel experiments, and Philadelphia experiment (Time Travel) etc...✨NOTE: "Ashtar Sheran – We Destroyed the Georgia Guide Stones."... 🎦Btw, I looove Jupiter Ascending... |

We send a message to the DS – beware of further attacks;

'Your governments are falling, your presidents are quitting. The UN army is no match for Russia in their efforts to liberate the Ukraine from its long resident evil. Your monetary system is on the brink of implosion and a new BRICS system is being initiated globally. With China’s financial system in ruins, there is no hope for the globalists still alive in the U.S. They have no money. The inflated American dollar will soon deflate as oil reserves continue to be shipped abroad in the hopes of maintaining finance, however these reserves are being confiscated by our forces.' ~ Ashtar Sheran

💌 ~ (✨L✨O✨V✨E✨) Let Your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change Your smile 💘 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: You know I'm a (hopeless) romantic Soul and will always be... It's looong time since I fell in love or was together with someone (special)... I would rather stay with an woman with 5-D personality and mindset than 3-D - I had many girlfriends of that nature... There's nothing wrong with 3-D but, the older you get more difficult it will be to find younger partners with (rehabilitated) healing mental, emotional, and spiritual traumas in woman. My experiences is, that most woman, have been around at least one or had many traumatic setbacks with, psychopathic or narcissistic, men. And since I'm a healer and protector and no bullshitter, I'm getting better to avoid those woman - because - they refuse to self-heal and look deep inside and cure emotional wounds. When you're in victim mentality, the whole world is about you and your pain. You're not a victim...you just want all of the drama, sympathy and attention you can get by playing the victim (in my humble opinion)... Todays date - 777 - are not coincidences. It symbolizes the expansion of the consciousness of your soul as you develop spiritually. 777 are orchestrated messages from the universe and your guardian angels or beloved spirit guides. They will catch your attention because something really beautiful and awe-inspiring is happening or is about to happen in your life... |


👩‍💻🐇🕳️ ~ (These People are Sick ~ Q) BRACE Yourselves - Let All That SINK in (SoTW) ~ |


👁️⃤ 🏳️‍⚧️ ~ (At få børn med dig selv?...) 'The gay agenda': LGBTQ+ venlige Kabbalah, Fryden ved Satan & Illuminati-klanernes biologiske overlevere (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Naturligvis skal vi ikke snakke om helt "almindelige" uden-for-eliten, LGBTQ+ mennesker, ellers får jeg alle de 72 gyldige køn, såsom, lesbiske, bøsser, biseksuelle, transkønnede, interkønnet, ciskønnet og Queer, m.fl. på nakken. Dog, går vi tusindevis-af-år tilbage, har udenomjordiske hyperintelligente væseners indflydelse, "den Fjerdedimensionel bevidsthed", som har været kendt symbolsk under mange navne (såsom Satan, Set, Lucifer, Djævelen og – i min optik – fængselsbetjentene eller Prison Warders) skabt den jordiske Super Eliten - De sorte tryllekunstnere, Tempelridderne, Frimureriet og Illuminati. Deres delmål altid været, at overbevise visse svage-sjæle, at (konvertere) fra gudsskabte babydrenge og babypiger til, at ligne eller helt at overgår til et nyt køn med konstant propaganda om kønsskifte... Men det forekommer mig besynderligt, at det var en DANSKER ved navn, Lili Elbe, tidligere Einar Wegener, der i 1930 blev den første i verden til, at få foretaget en kønsskifteoperation. Det lykkes kun delvis, SoTW - ja det er korrekt, men 92 år efter med suverænt know-how, teknologier og den 4. industrielle revolution (4IR) kan man i dagens Dannevang, og snart på verdensplan, fremstille, hvad som helst. I 2018, eksperimenterede man med at skabe livmodertransplantationer, kunstig sæd og udskudt overgangsalder til Transmænd, der kunne bevare, kvinde kønsorganer. Snart kan mænd (måske) blive gravide og få børn med sig selv. Bare tanken, giver mig, myrekryb. Under Frimurer-ordenens doktriner, ser man mere end på, at biologisk mænd, får status som trans-kvinder, det giver dem mere sort-magi og magt. Tarot by Janine har utallige gange nævnt, at DDFO-Daisy er en mand. Samme er hendes hjerteveninde, Queeny-Lizzie. Dvs. født en babydreng og klippet "tissetrolden" over og fået lavet en 100% kønsskifteoperation fra mand til kvinde som mange i de europæiske royale kredse, er kendt for. Kunne man det i 1940? Eller hun en transvestit? Hvad med hendes børn, der ligner, hende på en prik? [LÆS VIDERE] ... |

Er det absurd og helt på månen at begynde at snakke om trans-mænd, trans-kvinder og den globale transgender-plan kreeret af Frimurer-ordenen og illuminati's Sabbatsgeden, Baphomet, et hornet væsen, en ged eller en tyr, halv-menneske og halvdyr, mand og kvinde, godt og ondt?... SoTW

MIN påstand, og står ikke alene om det, er, at SJH er / var engang, en MAND. Har fulgt hende længe, hun har SNYDT Dannevang og verden. Håndplukket af den falske navne-og dåbsattest og landsforræderen, Obama, som er en KENDT bøsse, og hans partner, 'Michael' Big-Mike, er Transvestit. Check brede skuldre, store hænder og fingerlængde, arme, brede ansigtsformer, læg og især, talje og hofter m.v.  

💊🕳️🐇 ~ (Royals-Repto Trannies & Cabal Worshiping Satan & Baphomet!) There is no easy way to say this Folks! 10 yrs ago SoTW could've been shot and killed in an alley! (SoTW) ~ | 

FORTSAT -- Hvad med hendes børn, der ligner, hende på en prik?

Jeg aner det ikke, men når man påstår, at kunne rejse til månen på timer i et rumskib, mulighed for Star Trek kvanteteleportation, Medical-Beds (Med Pods) som kan genskabe legemer, kropsdele og helbrede alle sygdomme, kan man forestille sig, hvad-som-helst. Også kloning- og Adrenokromfabrikker og Supersoldater og menneskerobotter... 

Efter 1947, da man opdagede en nedstyrtede "flyvende skive", som det hed dengang. Det amerikanske militær, erklærede at det blot var en almindelig vejrballon, men vi ved nu, at man har kopieret alting med Reverse engineering (engelsk for omvendt konstruktion) teknologiger efter fundet og flere andre, til at udvikle sindssyge ting, som ikke eksistere på jorden eller gemt i de sikrede og hemmelige 6000 patenter, i USA. 

Faktisk, skal vi bare tilbage til 1900-tallet, for at finde beviser på, at udenomjordisk civilisation har givet menneskeheden teknologisk overlegenhed via Nazisterne og oftest forbundet med Thule Society eller Vril Society, en anden tysk okkultistgruppe, der siges at omfatte en fremmed superrace. Men det er en heeelt anden historie... | 

Rost iværksætter beskyldes for at pynte sig med lånte fjer (berlingske.dk)
Obamas danske darling afsløret – Ekstra Bladet
Sahra-Josephine Hjorth | CanopyLAB
Snart kan mænd (måske) blive gravide og få børn med sig selv | Nysgerrig | DR
The Super Elite – The Black Magicians – Powers That Beat ©️ 2021 (wordpress.com)
ChaosNavigator: Den Døende Gud og Kabbalah (chaosnavigator9.blogspot.com)


🧑‍🔬🦠💉💣 ~ (Trials will begin soon... Mark my words... Big Pharma and Govt is done for) Undeniable Proof Some COVID Batches Were Pentagon’s DARPA Bioweapon Designed As AI Nano Vaksine-KillSh0ts Others Contain Placebo Doses Of Saltwater-Saline-Vitamins (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: From the SUN is dangerous, to climate change is a scam, burning food processing plants and starvation-crisis-scare. Extreme heat, that leads to wild fires, that leads to burning down farmers food crops, and elimination of bees and meat company stocks. And Dutch farmers angry over new livestock emissions targets and soon food rations, eating insects, vaccinations, Universal basic income and ONE world governance etc. etc. ... that is our Globalists end goals ... there's no easy way to say this ... you see ... there's a reason why so many said NO! but more said YES! ... you always have a choice ... Trust in Government entitles (politicians, departments, agencies and public bodies) will be peoples death! ... it's as simple as that... True sovereignty belongs to the people, who in turn delegate it to their governments... we have been taught by fake religions - and bible-schools, it is impossible for us to fully understand the connection between God's sovereignty and man's free will and responsibility. Only God knows how these two things are connected in His plan of salvation ... the good think is, You, each and every human in form, is a divinely created child of God, perfect in every way, you have just momentarily forgotten this absolute Truth about your pure and sinless identity. Every sentient life is divinely created to give joy to God, and not even one of them can fail to do so ... The “God Particle”, which is also called the “God Cell”, is situated between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. It is the intertwining of the pineal and pituitary glands known as “ida” and “Pingala” in Sanskrit. When properly activated, this particle is so powerful that spiritual abilities such as instantaneous healing frequencies, clairsentience, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are all possible which indicate a closer connection to SOURCE ... take it or leave it... this ends todays SoTW's transmission ... |

US Department of Defense Finally Comes Clean - Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine (thegatewaypundit.com)

Louisiana Nurse: “We Have Had More Children Die From The COVID Vaccine Than Of COVID Itself – The Madness Has to Stop!” – Era of Light

America’s New “Angels of Death”: Inject Humanity With a Gene-Altering Death-Dealing Technology. Medical Professionals Cannot Claim Ignorance. - Truth Comes to Light
Pentagon’s DARPA Plans To Create COVID-19 'Temporary Vaccine' Until Regular Vaccine Is Developed (ibtimes.com)
Nanotechnology Used in mRNA Vaccines and 2,000 Food Items Goes Unlabeled (theepochtimes.com)

Major Study Confirms COVID Vaccines Alter Women's Periods | ZeroHedge

It Begins: New Zealand Doctors Send Letter Asking Police to Investigate Deaths Following COVID Vaccinations (thegatewaypundit.com)

»Tiden er kommet«: Lægetjek af 40.000 ældre skal bane vej for hurtig vaccination (berlingske.dk)

Hundreds of thousands of US troops may face dismissal — RT World News

Hvordan fungerer Guds suverænitet og menneskets frie vilje sammen i frelsen? (gotquestions.org)
The God Particle And The Acceleration Of Human Consciousness - DNit (disclosurenews.it)
Saul: Each And Every Human in Form, Is A Divinely Created Child of God – Era of Light