Sep 21, 2020

~ 🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟This is special ~ created by Everyday Masters🌟] ... ⚔️ SoTW (verdensalt) is bond by a Light Warrior's knightley oath: Protect the weak and uphold the good. This code states that knights must defend the weak and the innocent, must protect women and children, must fight fairly and honorably, and obey their lieges. WWG1WGA🛡️... I'm here to remind you, that the first order of business is always to calm your mental / emotional state, to assure you that you are not alone, to remind you that you have journeyed through other challenging moments in this life, reincarnations and other realms and to move your entire vibration into a state of peacefulness... Sent love and compassionate smiles to your fellow man... I hereby present you with a Purple Heart for the Spiritual Warriors of Peace...💜...|

🥳👵😂 ~ (Hyggespreder) Trines mor - Lagengymnastik | P1 Satire | DR P1 ~ | Blogger: [👉Langt over sidste anvendelsesdato, lige inden lukketid og uret ringer: Er du smittespreder, single og 'plejer' dine intime relationer?👈] ... Hylende morsom sketch fra P1 Satire, der sagtens kan bruges, nu om dage, men for djævelen da, hvor vi mangler, @DenKorteKirsten til at komme ind i Coronakampen igen... Alle danskere og EU-borgere, hader Trump åbenbart, er jeg den eneste i Dannevang, som kan se gennem røgsløret af det kommunistiske bedrag? Uanset om man er Q-fan, JFK21 eller tilhængere af POTUS og politisk engageret eller ej, og jeg på er ingen af delene, så skal den millionskare af Mette-mus og Co. tilhængere samt internet og medie-troldehæren, NOK, få sat os alle på plads og kalde os for, en blandet bolsjepose af "konspirationsteoretikere"... 🙏Mange moderne mennesker tænker på sig selv som spirituelle men ikke religiøse. Men hvad betyder det at VÆRE spiritual ? Spiritualitet, handler først og fremmest om af forbinde sig med “helheden” noget som er større end personen selv. At tilegne sig titlen at være "spirituelle", er det sammen som en indeboende komponent i alle mennesker, en komponent som vi oplever som vores indre “nærvær”, denne spirituelle del af mennesker kaldes vores “naturlige selv” eller vores “essens” eller "indre sjæle-gud"... Meeeeen, det indebærer du gennemgår en "komplet" udrensning og det kan tage år, og skabe mange dybe hug i dit "indre Jeg - selvet og egoet". Selve 'akten' at give afkald på dit "EGO", er noget det sværeste man kan gennemgå, som et menneske - bare spørg TNT Tantraskolerne. Du, kan sammenligne det med, at uddrive onde ånder eller give TOTAL afkald på dine mentale småknirkerier, skavanker og afhængigheder. Det er ligesom at skrælle et løg - når du ind til kernen - er du parat til, at gennemgå næste stadie og det er, at give afkald på PENGE, (SEXAFHÆNGIGHEDEN) OG FINDE BALANCEN MELLEM DET FEMININE OG MASKULINE ASPEKT. Næste træk er, at træde (helt) ud af samfundets 3-D Matrix og der er SoTW, meget tæt på at være... DET, er IKKE for alle og enhver... Og har haft mange kærester fra mange nationer - er jeg blevet klogere på kvinder fra Venus og mænd, fra Mars? Næææ... Kommer jeg tættere på Ascension? Sikkert ikke, men så har jeg da fornøjelsen, at vække folk i samfundet og være komplet frygtløs og uden ego (indtil næste trauma dukker op)... PS: Naturligvis elsker jeg stadig og savner, at have en (partner) i livet og min seksuelle lyst er stadig, intakt - så gammel er jeg nu heller ikke - præcist samme alder som Kronprinsen, jeg er født Helligtrekongersdag og Frede, han har jo heller ikke holdt sig tilbage.. |

👯‍♀️🚨👑~ (crowbar hotel) Prince Andrew feels squeeze to cooperate after chef stirs pot with FBI (NYP) ~ | Blogger: It's about damn time some would say, in respect to the law of the land, and alleged sexual assault victims... Buuutt, please remember - the Queen enjoys sovereign immunity and so does Prince Andrew, who is the Queen's second and favourite son... |


⏳🧘👻~ Aflysning af Mystikkens Univers i Østerbrohuset 2020 ~ | Blogger: Tja... Man kan vel ikke sige, det er verdens ende, men vi kommer helt sikkert også til, at se konkurser indenfor alt som hedder Messer og foredrag, samt koncerter, festivaler og store begivenheder aflysninger i 2021 - det er stensikkert, som armen i kirken... Tør vædde med, at Julen, bliver aflyst - det bliver det mest deprimerende 20/20 vision jul i mandsminde, med mindre nogle stopper, hele dette Corona Corporation "show"... |


Det er med stor beklagelse, at vi har besluttet at aflyse Mystikkens Univers 2020 pga. COVID-19.

Vi ville selvfølgelig have gjort 'alt det rigtige' for at passe på hinanden, og for at undgå smittespredning på messen; sprit, afstand, evt. visir/mundbind, rengøring osv...

Men der er flere udfordringer ud over det, bl.a.:
  • Østerbrohuset er jo et pragtfuldt sted, men indgangsforholdene er svære, når man skal holde afstand
  • Antallet af personer i foredragslokalerne er mere end halveret, for at vi kan holde den nødvendige afstand mellem stolene
  • Og ikke mindst: Det maksimale antal gæster, der må være inde på samme tid, er så lavt, at der næsten vil være flere udstillere end besøgende.
Så vi har måttet erkende, at med de nuværende vilkår for at afholde messer, kan vi ikke gennemføre Mystikkens Univers. 

Vi glæder os i stedet til nogle fantastiske dage i Østerbrohuset d. 5. - 7. november 2021.

Mange hilsner

Susanne Mehl Bengtson,

Krop-Sind-Ånd Messerne 

🪐☭🚀 ~ (SSP) 'Venus is a Russian planet' claims space chief (unexplained-mysteries) ~ | Blogger: People who do not know me on SoTW thinks i'm absolutely Looney Tunes Crazy, saying that (Earthly and Alien controlled) Secret Space Programs exist in our Universe, with USSF, USAF, USN, NASA, ESA, DTU-space and all countries defense and aerospace manufacturer for both civilian and military applications... Not because I have served The Danish Royal Air Force, visited Area 51 backdoor or storm Area 51, or attended many UFO conferences and saw "Mad Mike" Hughes' rocket (true-true to it all) - it actually comes from several x-military insiders and "spiritual leaders" (for a better word)... |

No, Russia doesn't actually own Venus. Image Credit: YouTube / Kinochronics

Source (unexplained-mysteries)

Dmitry Rogozin made the rather bizarre claim while speaking to reporters at an exhibition last week.

As head of Russia's space agency Roscosmos, Rogozin certainly can't be faulted for ambitious thinking - even if laying claim to an entire planet is taking things a bit far.

While attending an international helicopter exhibition in Moscow on Tuesday, the 56-year-old had been speaking in response to research suggesting that there could be primitive organisms living in the atmosphere of Venus when he made the claim that it was a 'Russian planet'.

"Our country was the first and only one to successfully land on Venus," he said. "The spacecraft gathered information about the planet - it is like hell over there."
"Resuming Venus exploration is on our agenda. We think that Venus is a Russian planet, so we shouldn't lag behind."

✨ ~ 💓 (3D-5D) Fires in America, predictions coming true, FB Anti-Trust Lawsuit, UK & Melbourne fight back & more! 💕 (3D to 5D Consciousness) ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Nyla Nguyen... Please notice that some of the videos and stuff Nyla is discussing of the (satanic occult world) could be very hard to cope with and should also, be taken with pinch of salt... |

Source (3D to 5D Consciousness)

The Demonrats are using all of the ammunitions against Trump and the Alliance. Many of my predictions from previous broadcast are coming true. FB will be facing a massive Anti-Trust lawsuit like I exposed in my previous broadcast on FB. UK and Melbourne finally fight back against tyranny. My analysis on Icke being wrong about Trump and him intentionally deceiving his followers about the POTUS. 

🤪⛓️🔐 ~ (Uphold your rights!) Victoria police could arrest people who ‘MIGHT’ breach Covid lockdown under proposed bill (RT) ~ | Blogger: [👨⚖️You Be The Judge, but do not be like Judge Dredd or Judge Judy. Do The Inner Fight - Ego vs True Self - Whoopi Goldberg vs. Jeanine Pirro👩⚖️] ... INSANE times - especially in Australia and New Zealand - as SoTW understand and have heard for many years now - is THE-TEST-GROUND for Cabal's operations and False Flags and now, The Corona Corporation... Australian gov has just granted power to police to abduct children without due process, lockdowns, MANDATORY “quarantine camps” and is "de facto", CABAL's playground for Coronavirus or a Globalist testing ground for the mass extermination of humanity, to be implemented elsewhere in the Western world... It has been and will also be, to see how much (crap) real-world entities can deploy into normal people's lives and to watch, how they react.. It's about submission and dominance psychology - the Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception, as ordered by our Dark Alliance - Secret Freemasonry and the Occult and Off-World Entities Dracos scheme (if you believe in that stuff)... PS: Just alone in UK, Police has issued 17,000 fines for lockdown breaches, since the very start until May of 2020 and PM Boris Johnson to enforce 10,000-pound fine on COVID-19 rule-breakers, as we speak... |


✅🦠💫 ~ (Fact-checking) Part 2: Evidence of The Use of Pandemic Flu to Depopulate U.S.A. by Jane Burgermeister (The Rumor Mill) ~ | Blogger: [👉HIV/AIDS: Man-Made Holocaust?👈] ... (SoTW) This is to give you an idea, and to show you, how deep the rabbit hole goes... As SoTW has heard from many sources, African green monkeys or kidney cells of green monkey, can be used as hosts to cultivate influenza viruses. The problem is that, monkeys can carry diseases that can make humans sick or, at worse, can kill them. According to Jonathan Allan, who has tried to determine the link between African green monkeys and AIDS. Over 50% of the monkeys carry SIV – the simian version of HIV – yet never develop the disease. And, monkeys, can catch most human diseases... Another fact is that Merck, as well as other vaccine manufacturers, uses two well-established human cell lines (Aborted Fetuses) to grow the virus for selected vaccines... And the list of facts just goes on, about Vaccine Ingredients, such as, aluminum, antibiotics, thimerosal, Nanotechnology with RFID/NFC tracking etc. etc. etc... ⚠️If you haven't seen this clip of Dr. Carrie Madej describing the COVID vaccine, it's time everyone did and RT (2 MIN VIDEO)... |

Posted By: oldmaninthedesert
Date: Saturday, 19-Sep-2020 19:42:31

continuing with Jane Burgermeister's expose, and don't let the date fool you, the same companies and many of the same people are still at it..,


Evidence Baxter is an element in a covert bioweapons network.

There are grounds for believing the specific production system which Baxter has developed with help of US government bodies for producing a human vaccination to the bird flu — namely, the use of 1,200 liter bioreactors and vero cell technology – could meet the technical criteria to be classified as a secret dual purpose large-scale bioweapon production facility in as far as the production process would allow a huge amount of contaminated vaccine material to be produced rapidly.

Grounds for believing Baxter is involved in any "Special Access Programs" , as defined by Congress, including 'waived', 'unacknowledged' 'waived' Special Access Programs (also known as 'black programs'), include Baxter’s application for a patent for a bioengineered bird flu virus designed to be more lethal Application number: 10/547155, Publication number: US 2007/0134270.

🕉️ ~ 💗 (This is it!) NEW COBRA UPDATE: A Short Message to the Surface Population 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🔩COBRA is a codename for 'Compression Breakthrough'. The codename "CO BRA" is derived from the two words "Compression" and "Breakthrough". Cobra is the only spokesperson for The Resistance Movement.🍔] ... IF you didn't catch my drift yesterday's blog posts - with all due respect and in my humble opinion - this is the time where, We the People of Earth, stand together and Break through the Veil or Power Grid of the 3-D Matrix of Illusion or Simulation. This has nothing to do with COBRA, SoTW has been trained in COBRA SCHOOL, it doesn't mean, i'm a blind follower, but it has EVERYTHING to do with Declaring our Sovereignty and step out of the Manipulation and illusion into Freedom. We are infinite Consciousness and infinite Awareness. It is time that we realise it and become infinite. Let's become who we already are in the Depth of our Being. Most of humanity has been captured on Earth for thousands of years. We live in a 100% free will Universe but due to the control structure that operates on this planet we don't really have free will. Our lives have been planned before we incarnated. We are trapped in materialism, consumerism and in the cycle of death and re-birth. As soon as we understand the nature of reality it will set us free from the system, the program and the perception deception... VOTL... |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

A Short Message to the Surface Population

Dark force occultists are using the coming Saturn-Chariklo conjunction on September 21st to enforce second wave covid lockdowns and implement draconic control measures against the surface population. Their plan was already leaked in August.

They are very seriously implementing that plan, as you can see here:

You may expect many new covid measures that infringe upon your personal freedom, to be attempted to be implemented in the next week or so.

🤫🤑💸 ~ (Govt turns blind eye) The FinCEN Files: Money laundering is a dirty, even deadly business. Miami plays a huge role (Charlotteobserver) ~ | Blogger: [☹️The billion dollar a month money trail: From Danish Danske Bank, Germans Deutche to HSBC, JPMorgan Chase and Barclays. From North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, Miami, Denmark. From corrupted local politicians, to terrorist organizations, mobsters, drug cartels, and ponzi schemers. World's biggest banks enabled litany of financial crimes, leaked documents reveal moving more than $2 trillion in suspected dirty money and every single government entity, has turned their blind eye☹️] ... 🛎️JUST to give you all a heads-up🛎️... Recent estimates for global poverty are that 8.6% of the world, or 736 million people, live in extreme poverty on $1.90 or less a day, according to the World Bank... 40 million Americans filed for unemployment during the pandemic, but billionaires, like Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos saw their net worth increase by half a trillion dollars or $637 billion richer... USA tops the number of millionaires per country with 40%, next is China, Japan and UK, Germany... There are 36 million millionaires in the world and they own nearly half the planet's wealth and many people in the world, NEVER EVER (like me at SoTW) sees 1 million of our own country currency in our bank accounts... Think about this number: 2 million millions, or 2,000,000,000,000 (trillion) dollars or 12.551.000.000.000 Danish Kroner has been suspected "dirty money" for mobsters, drug cartels, and ponzi schemers.. And NOBODY has been arrested yet? - it gets me sick... "wikileaks: FinCEN files is about how an out-of-control global financial system screws over people like you"... |