Dec 6, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Wouldn't it be swell if White Hats did a "movie" how they maked the "movie" - get it?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Don't get me wrong, I loooove Christmas. That one time of the year, Christmas, is traditionally a time for sharing presents, eating good food and spending time with your family. Carols and streets filled with decorations and the whole shebang. However, when you wake up as a kid and finds out it's all a lie and Christmas is way too commercialized and there's more. For starters, the "sacred" figure, Santa Claus, no matter how cozy you feel about "HIM", is actually SATAN. That's a risky thing to say at the start of anything, but I don't want to "trick" you or "lie" to you (like everyone else does about Santa and Christmas). Let's leave it at that, there's more bumps-on-the-road. History convincingly shows that December 25 was popularized as the date for Christmas, not because Christ was born on that day but because it was already popular in pagan religious celebrations as the birthday of the sun. The biblical accounts point to the fall of the year as the most likely time of Jesus' birth... Sooo... Actually, since i'm a adult now, and do not get any gifts, my daughter hates me and no girlfriend and because who I AM, my wish is only Planetary Liberation NOW! Simon Parkes has given me and others something to be looking for; the possibility of Biden resigning by 15th December now being talked up behind closed doors. Simon has stated if there's no replacement, it could start, a constitutional crisis... Next gigantic crisis for us could be when Queen Elizabeth dies and we have a similar problem, since there's no longer any true direct bloodline to the throne. End of the twelve sovereign monarchies in Europe.. And lastly, there's so many rumors of Pope Benedict XVI already left the earth plane. But we will perhaps never know that fact, since an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics worshippers in the world and they just can't handle the truth. And you think the corona-crisis was bad with depression, suicide and hopelessness. Wait until the pope dies and no replacement... Sorry, buuutt, that's the Facts, Jack!... |

👁️⃤🤘🦌 ~ (QKVINS SYGT & OKKULT) Vølverne førte an i ritualer og ofringer og spåede om fremtiden, gerne hjulpet på vej af euforiserende bulmeurt og frimurernes symboler viser vej til Gud (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Nogle tror på, eller rettere, dansk kirke- og kulturliv mener, at Jim Lyngvild missionæren, der taler med både Odin og Jesus, bør ophæves til elitemedlem som 'Årets LGBT+-person' sammen med SS(T) Medical Corps Søren Livsfarlig Understrøm. Ja ham, som har ført an i (Event 201) Corona-Corporation agendaen, som ledte til, han fik en chefstilling i W.H.O... Andre, som undertegnede, har luret 'Røde Tyr' eller 'Viking-Jim'. Et menneske, som mistede sin mødom som 9-årig, med en trist barndom og voldelig porno-far til modemand, designer og cremekonge (Ole Henriksen) urte-cremer. Om han er hardcore ondskabsbøsse DDFO-frimurer kan ingen bevise, vi kan jo spørge de 9.000 andre frimurer. Det er dog mig mega-meget besynderligt, ud af alle Dronninger af dansk politik, af Dannevang eller Drag queens, Jimbo, vælger at befriend, Kjærsgaards benægtelse af dansk racisme er ikke bare forkert, men dybt skadelig. De aller største sex offenders har, DF'erne også. Tag bare borgmesterkandidat og nuværende byrådsmedlem i Odder, der skamferede fastbundet kvinder med et hvidglødende tortur-redskab... |

(eksempel på hvordan) Illuminati opstod, i den bayerske by Regensburg den 20. juli 1785, da Europas klogeste hoveder i dyb hemmelighed forberedte at indføre et samfund uden konge og kirke. Idéen var livsfarlig, og Illuminati blev hurtigt forbudt. Men nogle mener, at medlemmerne arbejdede videre i det skjulte. Overalt på det europæiske kontinent skød private kaffe- og te-klubber op, hvor eliten og det fremspirende europæiske borgerskab mødtes for at diskutere kultur og politik. Flere af klubberne udviklede sig til "læseselskaber", hvor samfundskritisk litteratur blev studeret og debatteret. Selskaberne var dog ofte infiltrerede af myndighedsagenter, der ivrigt rapporterede tilbage til deres overordnede om statsfjendtlig virksomhed.Mange fritænkere engagerede sig derfor i hemmelige selskaber, der arbejdede bag kulisserne i bl.a. læseselskaberne. Det gjaldt fx frimurerlogerne, der var udsprunget af de håndværkerlav, der havde eksisteret i Europa siden middelalderen. I 1700-tallet forvandlede lavene sig til loger, og tilknytningen til mure­rfaget ebbede ud [LÆS VIDERE]... |

Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild and Baron Alexis de Redé

🏳️‍⚧️👨‍⚖️🔮 ~ (Fake trial? Fair trial? Shenanigans? BH Op / WH Op?) ZODIAC SPREAD ON THE MAXWELL TRIAL! WILL ALL COME OUT OR MORE OF THE SAME STORY? (Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: WATCH IT reeeally carefully - we're gonna have some deep wisdom out of the this (White Hat Op). According to what I get out of Janine, EVERYONE has already been rounded up. Trial will end in February 2022... That means, Mucky Madam - Ghislaine Maxwell is looong gone, who once sat on thrones in Buckingham Palace with the Hollywood horror Kevin Spacey. "They" (good guys) also knew, according to Janine & her cards, the whereabouts of Frau Maxwell hideout, when the FBI picked her up in Bradford, N.H., on July 2, 2020 (all for show?). Which also means, that Obama-appointed (transgender) Judge that censored ‘Sensational and Impure’ evidence in Maxwell case is all for "show". Janine is also talking about Epstein "escape" and The Playboy Prince Andrew, that was the Queen's favorite child (already dead or rounded up like all the other senior Royals)... |

Check out Tarot by Janine's new video where she does a reading where she looks in on the maxwell trail taking place? What are we going to see? Are we going to see the actual truth come out? Or will see things spun in the same old fashion? Join in!