Feb 25, 2020

❌ ~ @realDonaldTrump: The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA ~ | Blogger: [👋Excuse me, Mr. President... Is that a wise tweet?🤔] ... "CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!"... Yeah right! ... Working 'very smart' to have kicked the world's scientific community into overdrive with paying party of Bill & Melinda Foundation to deliver us life-saving coronavirus vaccine and deceive us all... More than 8000 Californians under “self-quarantine” for coronavirus, almost none of them tested… zero enforcement of “voluntary” quarantine measures… medical INSANITY on parade (NN)... U.S. equity markets have experienced turbulent trade recently as investors keep watch of a deadly viral outbreak of COVID-19 in China (marketwatch)... Then you have the cojones to call former Lars Løkke Rasmussen for "The King of Denmark" in a confidential conversation, one of the most corrupt Prime Ministers, in Danish history (Berlingske)... Buuutt, I guess I can let that slip, since you're former daughter-in-law, Vanessa and the John Porting's siblings, has been on a secret visit to little Danish island. You know, the family relationship between Denmark and you, as sitting US President, is closer than everyone previously assumed. Which basically mean, we're almost Family👨‍👩‍👧... God bless America & Denmark💙... |

Trump's daughter-in-law on a secret visit to little Danish island (DR - Archive 2017)

🤥 ~ Formand i Danske Bank vil have 47 procent mere i løn (EB.dk) ~ | Blogger: [🤑For nu lige at vende tilbage til dødssynderne såsom Griskhed og Grådighed i Fidusmageriet💸] ... {Alle vil være venner med psykopater i jakkesæt; tidl. DI & DB's Karsten Dybvad, NB's Lars Rohde og CO-industris formand, Dansk Metal, Claus Jensen} ... 1,500 milliarder kommer ind der hvidvaskes, ud kommer million tjent på gebyrer og nu ønsker djævlens advokat, at aktionærerne, giver Danske Bank's executive team 47 procent, mere i løn. Det er da kun fær, ikke sandt?. Nordea slipper (også) for erstatningskrav på 100 mio. kr. fra kommune i sag om swapaftaler... Imens, opgiver Statsadvokaten at rejse tiltale mod tidligere finansdirektør Anja Erichsen fra det nu hedengangne Værnsfælles Forsvars- kommando, for tjenestemisbrug eller pligtforsømmelse.. Sådan!... Og, som nu jeg gentagne gange har sagt i årtier, at Embedsværket og Finansministeriet, og de private VL-grupperne, politiske magtelite familier og Den Danske Frimurerorden, er dem som styrer landet her, fordi, de sidder på Magten og Pengene. Ikke, politikerne, der blot agere nikkedukker. Det, kom til tydelighed, under Mette F. og Co. udligningssystemet og totalitære rettet krig for at ødelægge Venstre, var kreeret af en embedsmand, som er sket hundredvis af gange før (spindoktorer, ministerrådgivere, særlige rådgivere, ministersekretær - whatever). Selv, Folketingets Lovsekretariat, har godkendt Mette Frederiksens Rossen-manøvre, der placerer sin særlige rådgiver i magtfulde regeringsudvalg og sætter ham i spidsen for et sekretariat af embedsmænd. Alle af Folketingets spidskandidater har en magtfuldkommenhed, som ingen anden, på denne planet. Spinner man guld via Borgen, får man en ledende stilling i det private... Også, Inger Støjbergs tidligere spindoktor, Mark Thorsen, som nu er kommunikations- og formidlingschef i Frederiksberg Kommune. Der er dog nogle, som finder det lidt betænkelig, at man ansætter en mand med en politisk fortid i en stilling, der skal kunne betjene hele byrådet... Men pyt... Flere eks-politikere går gennem den gyldne svingdør til private topjob... Danske Bank er en ÆGTE Statslig betjent Infrastruktur-bank, som aldrig må gå ned, ligesom Kongehuset, aldrig må falde, ligesom stærke alliancer mellem kræftinstitutionerne og medicinal- og kemisk industri samt Fødevare- og Landbrugsorganisationerne og lobby-institutionerne, kommer til ordre og laver studehandler, gennem politikerne eller rettere "EmbedsNetværket"... GUD BEVARE EMBEDSVÆRKET... |

Karsten Dybvad modtog gaver fra en lang række af landets virksomheder, organisationer og myndigheder, da han fredag holdt 60 års reception på øverste etage i Industriens Hus i København. (Foto: Altinget.dk)


🦠 ~ Flyvestation Skrydstrup og kaserner kan huse coronasmittede ~ | Blogger: [🚧DANMARK har åbenbart allerede etableret FEMA camps - just in case🏟️] ... {Det begynder at eskalere til vanvid, det her! Hvad bliver det næste? Er denne virus, ligesom Ebola, SARS og HIV, at sprede menneskabte biologiske epidemier for at få mennesker ramt på Deres frygt-panik-knap inden de modtager vacciner, affolkning Agenda 21 og en ny global (endnu) større økonomisk krise? Coronavirus kan betragtes som værende en ukendt lungesygdom, der rammer folk med et svag immunforsvar, men dog hos Asiatiske Mænd. Skal vi tage denne virus alvorlig eller skal vi tage det med ro?} ... I Danmark er ingen endnu smittede, men danske hospitaler er klar, hvis det skulle blive nødvendigt. Sydjysk flyvestation og midtjysk kaserne indgår i beredskabsplanerne i tilfælde af stort antal coronasmittede. På sjælland er det Antvorskov Kaserne i Slagelse og Høvelte Kaserne i Birkerød. I Region Midtjylland har man udpeget en kaserne i Herning... |

Kilde (jv.dk/)

☢️ ~ (Coronavirus CoV-2019 Update) : Study Shows People Can Transmit Coronavirus Without Showing Symptoms ~ | Blogger: [🥵THINGS start to heat up in this so mature spiritual audiences folks! Calm Yourself Down, please!🤞] ... {💉"Tianjin University develops oral vaccine to protect against COVID19 - but DON'T buy any pills or vaccines." ~ SoTW⛔} ... ↪The Iranian government has denied trying to cover up the full extent of an outbreak of the coronavirus, as Italy reported six deaths and officials across the Middle East and Europe scrambled to limit its spread.... ↪ABC: FEMA Facility Will Be Used as Coronavirus Quarantine Center... ↪8,000 Californians under "self-imposed quarantine", South Korea locks down city of 2.5 million people... ↪South Korea: 200,000 sect members to be tested... ↪The Dow tumbled more than 1,000 points and marked its third-worst point drop in history... ↪Coronavirus fears spread to European Conferences, Events and Carnivals - even - Japan’s J-League postpones cup games over virus... ↪Only event that remains open is Sitges Carnival near Barcelona - Coronavirus and Greta Thunberg among themes (I bet you that Naomi Seibt can tumble that)... ↪Fears of Global Coronavirus Contagion as 3,000 Cruise Passengers Go Home... ↪Around 1,000 people in lockdown after Tenerife hotel is struck by coronavirus... ↪Paramount Pictures halts production of ‘Mission: Impossible VII’ in Italy due to coronavirus outbreak...↪Fight breaks out in Italian supermarket as coronavirus fears reach fever pitch... ↪A Turkish Airlines plane flying from Iran has been diverted to Ankara at the request of the government, an aviation source said... |

Source (themindunleashed)


"It's official: the coronavirus can be spread by people who show no symptoms." ~themindunleashed 

🛸 ~ Space industry CEO is ‘absolutely convinced’ that aliens have visited Earth ~ | .. Robert Bigelow thinks the truth is out there .. | Blogger: [⚰️R.I.P. Diane Mona Bigelow🙏] ... (Thanks to UFO Danmark)... From George Knapp on twitter today: "Memorial services for philanthropist and businesswoman Diane Bigelow are scheduled for Feb. 29. She passed away this week. Diane was married to space entrepreneur Robert Bigelow for 54 years."... 🎙️ Lara Logan: Do you believe in aliens? Robert Bigelow: I'm absolutely convinced. That's all there is to it...🎙️ Lara Logan: Do you also believe that UFOs have come to Earth? Robert Bigelow: There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence. And I spent millions and millions and millions -- I probably spent more as an individual than anybody else in the United States has ever spent on this subject.... |


Diane Mona Bigelow

APRIL 9, 1947 – FEBRUARY 19, 2020
Obituary of Diane Mona Bigelow

Diane Mona Bigelow was born on April 9, 1947 in Camden, NJ and passed away on February 19, 2020 in Henderson, Nevada.

📡 ~ Into the DEEP In Pursuit of Truth Presents ~ | Blogger: [🛰️And Now for Something Completely Different....🤔] ... {40,000 Satellites. 5D, 5G, USAF StarLink, Skynet-ish, NeoLink, Space Force, SpaceX and the Human Trap?} ... SpaceX to play bigger role in this 'Massive' live-fire Air Force exercise, event on Apr 8, 2020, already tested in 2019 (The Air Force Experimental Advanced Battle Management System)... Elon Musk net worth is $43.6 billion on paper, but with bonuses to complete his goal until 2025, Tesla, crosses the $103 billion mark... If everything goes to plan, StarLink is estimated to generate $30-50 billion a year, and, to put this into perspective, the market potential for Internet connectivity is much larger (as much as $1 trillion per Elon Musk), and Starlink could find a sweet spot if it can deliver the Internet globally at speeds and prices that are competitive with cable and fiber providers... To top that, the top military branches, USAF, Lockheed Martin and Virgin Orbit, are they using SpaceX StarLink program for a new Skynet version? Why has the Air Force tested its experimental Advanced Battle Management System that will connect air, sea, land and space assets?. Is SpaceX StarLink a military operated program, not only to entrap humanity in a 5G deadlock, but apparently also, a military strategic platform... |

Source (In Pursuit of Truth)

😇 ~ 💫 Sofie Rose: Englene er klar med svar til dig 💫 ~ | Blogger: Én af mine veninder fortæller mig, SofieRose og hendes engle, er første spirituelle kraftsted', ligesom eks.vis. spiritweb, er for mange, lidt ala Tony Robbins, efter den bratte sandhed om processen under spirituel opvågning, går i gang... Og så skal man videre til mere dybere oplyste spirituelle steder... Verdensalt har 20 år plus på bagen med min egen process, og de opvågningssymptomer, der opstår, er ganske hårde og energikrævende. Det er først og fremmest ekstrem VIGTIGT, når du bevidsthedsmæssigt syntes parat og modnet til, at kigge dybt, dybt ned i 'SELVET' - at du bestiller en 'personlig' udrensningens-hovedeftersyn. Altså, en 'transformation og opløsningen' af især, ens eget ego-kammer, gemte traumer, frigørelse af fobier og chok, gennem barndomslivet og reinkarnationer, så sker der FØRST, et personligt spirituelt gennembrud... Har selv brugt flere (holistiske hjælpere) til at gennemføre personlige og spirituelle udviklings forskellige vækstfaser, herunder de meningsfulde kriser som os guddommelige engle, oplever på vejen mod større indre oplysning... Det kræver sin MAND/KVINDE, det nytter ikke, blot at lytte og lære, du skal 'handle' på det du siger og gør, og de fleste mennesker, herunder spirituelle, påstår hårdnakket, de er forandringsparate, men i virkelighedens selvbillede og tankemønstre flår os væk, via den 'mørke' side af underbevidsthedens forsvarsværker (EGOET- som den værste fjende)... |

Modtag Englesvar 

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📝 ~ 💗 PFC: Notes from COBRA Taipei Ascension Conference from November 30th to December 1st 2019 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Highly evolved spiritual esoteric material of course and even for me at SoTW, hard to grasp sometimes, because there’s a hierarchy of levels of human consciousness, how we interpret things and peak or spiritual experience. In other words, every person has his own level of spiritual evolution and understanding👈] ... Any new revelations from this particular conference compared to others?... You be the judge...✌️VICTORY OF THE LIGHT💡 ... |

Source (PrepareForChange)

Below is a note being taken during The Taipei Ascension Conference which was held between November 30th and December 1st, 2019. The note was written by members of the We Love Mass Meditation Admin Team who attended the conference.
Disclaimer: This note is a personal interpretation of what Cobra said at the conference, such interpretation may NOT correctly reflects what Cobra actually meant to said at the conference. Only 50% of the conference materials have been written down. Cobra has given approval for the following note to be published. This disclaimer MUST BE INCLUDED if you want to share this note on your blog, website or other platforms.

Day 1

First part

Planet Earth is a jail. 25,000-26,000 years ago, one precessional cycle ago, many huge sectors of the galaxy were liberated. Only a small section of Galaxy, comprising of less than 1,000 lightyears, remained in the grip of the dark forces. Most of them were gathered in this sector of the galaxy. There were two headquarters – Rigel and Earth. This was a custom zone, the border. The Orion overlords, the Orion fleet was patrolling this system. They welcomed only the dark forces (Dracos).
The Light forces kept some bases on the Moon, on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede and in the Kuiper belt. In certain key moments, some physical people were contacted by them: Jean d’Arc, Templars, Middle East, the founding fathers of America, etc.
Vaccinations (obligatory in Congo for example) open your energy field for reptilian entities to enter your body.  Earth is a multilayered prison. It is not easy to disable it, it takes time to deconstruct it. We are deconstructing this prison for the first time in human history.
In the time period of 1993/94/95, many star systems were liberated. Planet Earth was meant to be liberated too. The dark forces decided to move their headquarters to Earth and surrendered Orion to the Light forces. Since 1996 the process of liberation accelerated drastically. The dark forces did not expect that the intel will come out. Information is power.
Details into physics – we will go deeper into details than ever before:
The Primary anomaly: it is opposite of sense
The Source= full of harmony, of everything positive.
This opposition… The Primary anomaly exists as physical (note: phenomena)
Nobody understood the primary anomaly because it doesn’t make sense. There is a strong potential between the primary anomaly and Source. This energy potential, the tension between Source and the primary anomaly, created the universe. We entered into this as Source to transform the primary anomaly. Every time we began to be conscious of the primary anomaly, we dissolved it. In terms of physics, this is the field which exists as a quantum fluctuation field. The quantum field around the Earth is an energy vortex, a quantum hole.
Atomic explosions not only create the chain reactions on an atomic scale but also cause distortions in the quantum field. The dark forces created dark portals with many such explosions. In January 1996 there were 200 explosions in the plasma field, enough to create a negative portal to bring all of Orion’s primary anomaly in. Quantum fluctuation is a random energy field. It exists even in vacuum; vacuum is full of quantum potential, which can be used for good or for bad. This is the picture of this field:

🙇‍♂️ ~ 💗 EOL: Mother God: Coronavirus, RV & Humanitarian Work, Manifesting 💕 ~ |

Source (EraOfLight)

Corona Virus

This is your Mother God, I hear your concerns, upset and your anger. You and many other sensitive Lightworkers cannot stand to see people suffer. It hurts your heart and it hurts my heart too. You are all my children and I don’t want to see anyone suffer. But we must let this play out. We cannot interfere. To your question about the virus, it does serve many purposes and it was maliciously released to the public at a time when many people would be traveling around both Eastern and Western holidays—your Christmas & New Year’s and the Lunar New Year for the Chinese people. So, it was released, there are people still on Gaia that you call the cabal and they did release this virus. They will be dealt with; however, there is no punishment large enough as you say for the atrocities they have committed. They will be recycled in the central sun. They will be no more. They will not be given any more chances (to turn to the Light); they have been given many, many chances. Honestly, the ones who did this have already been taken care of.

Be Prepared

Dear daughter, you are correct, there is so much going on and the level of chaos is rising. I have struggled in telling anyone the timing when something will happen. I mentioned to you last Spring that I thought the Grand Flash would happen last year but things were delayed and it didn’t happen in your 2019. So, I hesitate to give you dates anymore, as I don’t wish to cause any upset. Time is changing constantly. Even your calibrated time is changing, it’s absolutely speeding up and most of you can feel it very readily. I would advise keeping yourselves on high alert to jump into your new lives of helping others at a moment’s notice. This means being prepared with emergency supplies—not to frighten you—but to be prepared with extra water and extra food stuffs that are not perishable. If you live in a cold climate, some type of heating apparatus that does not require electricity to run would be beneficial for your family. I do not say these things to scare you, I would just like my special Lightworkers to be prepared; whether it be from natural causes (such as a storm or blizzard) or power outages. I would like everyone to be prepared. You also may need to help others around you.

Humanitarian Plans and the RV

💌 ~ 💗 WLMM: Urgent! Meditation to stop the pandemic outbreak in China every 4 hours 💕 ~ |

Source (welovemassmeditation)

UPDATE ON FEBRUARY 20TH: Post has been updated to reflect the latest update by Cobra and the meditation instructions have also been updated.

A pandemic outbreak has occurred in Wuhan, China two weeks ago. It is believed to have its origins in a seafood and poultry market in the city in the middle of China, which is also a travel hub of China with 11 million of population. As a result, it has been spreading rapidly to the surrounding regions and countries. The US confirmed the first case of infection in Washington on January 21st.


China has confirmed that this new coronavirus can be spread from human to human. The DNA analysis of the virus revealed that it is very similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which claimed almost 800 lives across Asia in 2003.

https://www.rt.com/news/478733-wuhan-virus-sars-epi… (READ MORE)

🕵️‍♂️ ~ Millennial Millie: How Obama Infiltrated The Trump Administration ~ | Blogger: [🤜"The Plan": USA runned by Corporate 'Deep State Swamp', Shadow Govt, Masonic Ritual and Symbolism and The military–industrial complex (MIC)🤛] .. Oooof course you realize, this means war!...InfoWars... As you properly know, Millennial Millie is a true Trump supporter and InfoWar warpath executive, but this is a very good videocast actually... We, The People, know, that Clintons, Bushes and Obama's entire Presidency was nothing but a crime spree... What I don't agree upon is that Trump's (new) The United States Space Force (USSF) is not (only) to place the present military-industrial complex under Trump's constitutional structure of checks and balances, it's also for Trump, to call for a new Space Force and a step towards disclosure of USAF Secret Space Program (SSP-MIC)... PS: He who controls SPACE controls the Universe... |

Source (Millennial Millie)

Millennial Millie reveals the ultimate back story of how Barack Obama attempted to use an executive order to prevent Donald Trump from fully becoming President and how Trump cleverly got around it
