May 6, 2019

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | ~ Menneskets Opstigen og Åndelige Hierarki ~ | Blogger: [🔺Man's Ascension and Spiritual Hierarchy🔻] ... {“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. - RUMI} ... Going strong towards 15.000 blog posts, since 2014 when i started. Yes, over 10.000 posts and if it resonate with you, use my SEARCH button or TRANSLATORS... Now, a SSL friendly site and no more performance issues... ❔Who am I: Lightworker & Lightwarrior, truth-seeking debater, masculine conspirateur untamed truth-oracle, awakening soul, spiritual advisor. I am no fortune-teller, but I can 'spot bullshit from a blimp in a fog storm!'. Self-driven-awake-soul who has always had a feeling, there is more than meets the eye and life offers. Awaken to some insight or opened my consciousness that's greater than myself to bring the message to others who wish to receive it... TRUTH is ONLY what you perceive in YOUR OWN SPACE. The person sitting NEXT to YOU, might have a different OPINION and should NOT be FORCED upon. EVERYONE have FREE WILL and having their own SPIRITUAL AWAKENING EXPERIENCE. In other WORDS, STICK to the INNER TRUTH from your HIGHER SELF, that will always LEAD YOU STRAIGHT home... 💭 PS: I never posted anything that has not been researched and resonated with me. That means, all videos and articles has been skim through and sometimes read, studied and understood carefully. Yes i'm a follower of many highly spiritually people (not so many in Denmark, don't ask me why) and commenting on stuff sometimes, but hosting a serious blog is a full time job and i don't get paid a dime. It's all for you guys out there (👛admission is free and donations are always welcomed - if you feel so guided or it resonate with you. Much love & light. Thanks💜)... Always use your own spiritual discernment.. Research, Research, Research! .. Stay tuned! and thanks for reading on my blog... 🙏|

Udgivet første gang den 19. Januar 2015 af

Vær opmærksom på, at's forsimplende version af Det Åndelige Hierarki med pyramide- diagrammet kan gradbøjes og fortolkes på forskellige måder. Min er ikke entydigt korrekt i andres vurderinger. Det er en god ide, at sætte sig ind i Bevidsthedsudviklingenden Esoterisk filosofi og Visdom, Antroposofi samt Det Hierarkiske Princip.

Forståelsen, at alt i universet er energi, og at al energi er på forskellige niveauer af vibrationer og frekvens, angiver, at alle planeter og deres indbyggere vibrerer på forskellige niveauer

Alt i universet er skabt ud fra de rene lys elektroner kendt som ''kroppen af Gud'. Disse elektroner udgør atomerne i den fysiske verden. Den geometriske udformning og hastigheden af handling omkring den centrale kerne (plus andre faktorer) bestemmer hvilken type atom og dets hastighed på en vibration. Planeter, mennesker, dyr, planter, træer alle udsender en bestemt sats for vibrationer. 

Pyramidediagrammet (nedenfor) viser lysspektrets tæthed (Density), jo tættere vibrationsniveauet, des laveste niveau i lysspektret.

I modsætning til Densivitet, omfatter Dimensioner hele realiteter og overlapper hinanden. Lavere dimensioner er indeholdt i højere. For eksempel den tredje dimension indeholder de nederste to (1st+2nd).

Gode sider og kilder som kan hjælpe dig igang med vores Spirituelle Guider, Åndelige Hierarkier, Vores Chakras, Reinkarnationsprincippet, Karma, forståelse for Universet energi, Oneness og meget mere!: 👉

Kan desværre ikke finde orginalen, så zoom og størrelsen er ikke optimalt

Council of Love | ~ 💗 Being Stuck 💕 ~ |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak May 6, 2019

The Joy of Coffee 

Radio24syv | ~ Hospital kører med underskud, men Ledelsen scorer alligevel statsministerlønninger og faste store bonusser. Folkekirken investerer i Goldman Sachs og banker sat i forbindelse med svindelsagen om udbytteskat i Europa. Australske Macquarie får den kolde skulder af PKA og ATP, som opkøbte TDC i 2018, Macquaries topledelse sagde god for at plyndre statskasser – trods talrige advarsler og central i milliardkamp om danske elkunder. Kapitalfond Blackstone overtager det danske ejendomsselskab 360 North, mens Northside og Tinderbox solgt til kapitalfonden Providence Equity. Kapitalfonden Solix Group opkøbte landbrugskoncernen Skiold Group. Nu har Skiold så opslugt konkurrenten Jyden Bur. Med kapitalfonden EQT i ryggen, har GlobalConnect netop opkøbt den danske Cisco-partner Netteam ~ | Blogger: [🥳"Skidt pyt" -- Kom Nu Allesammen! -- Sikke'n fest vi har haft nu i nat Åh ja åh ja åh💃🏽] ... {DK INC. Griskhed og Grådighed samt Korruptions Pris - Hvordan de Folkevalgte stillesigende accept og dermed tilladelse til overdragelsen af kontrollen af det Danske Statsejet El-, Gas-, Olie og Varmeforsyning, Vandværker, IT-koncerner, Forsvarsindustrien, Teleudbyderne, Konsulenthuse, Finansielle System m.fl. bliver privatiseret til USA, Kina og højstbydende} ... ENDNU EN DAG MED FLID, FEDT & SNYD I CENTRAL- ADMINISTRATIONEN... |

Kapitalfond i udbytteskandale central i milliardkamp om danske elkunder
PFA-direktør vil ikke handle med kapitalfond bag TDC-køb
Northside og Tinderbox solgt til amerikansk kapitalfond

Benjamin Fulford Full Report | May 6, 2019 | ~ Bank of Japan to be nationalized as new era starts ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts from the Full Report:... Instead, the sources say … … the petrodollar system created by Henry Kissinger will be taken over by Asian powers and moved from being petroleum-backed to being backed by a basket of commodities. This move is being carried out because Asia consists of 60% of the world’s population and 46% of GDP, while Europe plus the Americas and Australia only have 25% of the world’s population and 43% of GDP, the Asian secret society sources explain. These numbers make it clear that it’s time for Asia to run the world, the sources claim. The 8-trillion-dollar Chinese-led Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is China’s view of how the world should be run. They say win-win cooperation on big infrastructure projects that benefit everybody is a much better alternative to the perpetual warmongering of the Zionist-controlled West. They have managed to get 126 countries, covering much of the globe, to participate. This map illustrates the vast scope of this project. However, despite this shift of the economic and demographic tides, the West can still turn the situation around, Pentagon sources say. The key is to get Russia, India, and Japan on board. The handing over of a Japanese-owned F-35 fighter jet to.. [READ MORE]... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Bank of Japan to be nationalized as new era starts 

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s repo- rts for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill.....

Published by Benjamin on May 6, 2019
Note: Last Friday, May 3, 2019, I had an interesting discussion with Sean Stone. can be seen here:


Now that Japan has a new Emperor, the Bank of Japan will be nationalized and Japan will be liberated from the Khazarian mafia, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor. This move will force the Washington, D.C. political establishment into Chapter 11 bankruptcy and pave the way for the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America, Pentagon sources say. The liberation of Japan will be a decisive victory for humanity in the ongoing, undeclared, secret battle for the planet Earth, Asian secret society and CIA sources agree.

To understand how important this is, let’s start by looking at why the Washington, D.C. establishment and its Khazarian Zionist masters are mathematically doomed.

The breakdown of trade negotiations last week between China and the U.S. regime headed by Donald Trump is likely to be the immediate trigger for the bankruptcy of Washington, D.C. That’s because without the promised “trillion dollars” worth of Chinese purchases of U.S. goods, there’s no way the U.S. can stay solvent.

The U.S. government has been trying to pretend all is well by jacking up the stock market with Federal Reserve Board money, faking unemployment figures, and other measures. However, denying reality will not help. This great article by Michael Snyder lists 19 facts that blow the “all is well” story right out of the water.

The U.S. Treasury Department was able to end a 35-day government shutdown earlier this year by stealing tax refunds and looting public pensions, but these tricks bought only enough time to keep it going until July. “Treasury expects that the extraordinary measures will be exhausted sometime in the second half of 2019,” said Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Brian Smith.

They were hoping for a big infusion of Chinese money by then, but Asian secret society sources say a decision has been made to stop financing the warmongering Zionist-controlled political apparatus in Washington, D.C.

Even though the new Japanese regime will keep buying all the U.S. treasuries they can afford (because they do not want China to take over the world), it won’t be enough, according to the Japanese right-wing sources.

The Zionists, meanwhile, with their moves to start World War III thwarted, have been reduced to attacking a small ghetto of mostly unarmed civilians inside the Gaza Strip. You can be sure there also will be new provocations in Iran, Venezuela, and elsewhere by the desperate Zionists.

However, even if the Washington, D.C. government manages to use war blackmail to kick the can down the road yet again in July and get permission to borrow more money, the way things are going, by 2024 all U.S. borrowing will be used to pay interest on debt.

Efforts by Henry Kissinger, the Rothschilds, and others to cash historical Asian bonds for astronomical sums of money in order to save the old political structure have all run into a brick wall. There’s not going to be a “Global Currency Reset” or miracle revaluation of defunct currencies like the Zimbabwe dollar, the Asian secret society sources say.

Instead, the sources say …

(Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

Øjenåbner | ~ Danmark Vågner - Original ~ | Blogger: VARMT anbefales - hvis du tør... 😨🤳💨🙈🙉🙊🙌 den er lidt 'skarp', men indeholder SANDHED!... Banksters, danske Bilderbergers, fake news DR, Danmark som retsstat, Folkmord, FF ops og Krise Skuespillere, Ekstrem overvågning i Kina og DK, «Påvirkningsloven», 'Vi vil ikke være slaver', Børn er forsøgskaniner med indtagelse af toksin baseret vacciner og medicin,GMO, Fluor i tandpasta, Chemtrails, trådløs kommunikation og 5G...|

Jeg beklager hvis nogle føler jeg har brugt deres videomateriale på en forkert måde til at støtte et parti "som jeg ikke vil nævne da videoen sikkert vil blive slettet igen hvis jeg gør" jeg har slettet den del, ændret billedet og titlen så håber alt er fint nu. Personer som er med i videoen - klip med Morten Wilder, Anders Bondo Christensen, Emil Bier, Lars Muhl, Bjørn Elmquist, Preben Wilhjelm, Dan Johannesson, Eva Smith, Carl Henrik Rørbeck, Peter Goetzsche, Mads Palsvig, Morten Julius, Frank Rasmussen, Rasmus Malver, folketingsmedlemmer, Aaron Russo, m.fl.

SITSSHOW | ~ Agarikon Mushroom Benefits: Strongest Anti-Viral, Tuberculosis Treatment and Protection From Archons? ~ | .. With medicinal mushrooms continuing to trend within the nutraceutical and wellness industries around the world, we’ll look at the mysterious Agarikon mushroom and the benefits it exudes. We’ll also discuss how it has been shown to be among the strongest anti-virals known, how ancient Greeks used it as a Tuberculosis treatment and how Indigenous tribes and shamans used the mushroom as protection from archons and why it is believed to be a protector of women’s sexuality .. |


Starseed Films | ~ GUARDIAN ANGELS ARE ASSIGNED TO YOU AT BIRTH ~ | .. Dolores Cannon talks about how at least one guardian angels is assigned to each person when they come into Earth in an interview for the movie 3 Magic Words .. | Blogger: PS: Do you remember the now deceased, but amazing and well known Dolores Cannon? Among other things, Dolores Cannon traveled the world teaching thousands of people her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ for healing and past life regression... 💗|

Barbara Goldsmith | ~ Astrology and Channeling interview with Tricia Carr ~ | .. I hope you will watch this interview all about the astrology for 2020-2030 as well as some channeling with the Pleiadians! .. |

Barbara Goldsmith: Professional astrologer over 35 years, personal readings, financial readings, classes, workshops, author, financial and business consultant, investment adviser. Pleiadian channeler...

Tricia Carr: Currently, I am studying with the University of Metaphysics, pursuing the degree of Doctor of Divinity, D.D., specializing in Spiritual Healing. I graduated from Advanced Mediumship with the Los Angeles School of Spiritual Development. I am a Certified Fairyologist and Certified Realm Reader. ​I have also taken courses with Caroline Van Kimmenade and Crystal Anne Compton. I host an online TV talk show called Charmed Life with Tricia Carr.

CNBC | ~ You will get chipped – eventually ~ | .. You will get chipped. It’s just a matter of time .. | Blogger: [🔬Skin-deep microchips pave the way for 'transhumanism'🤖] ... WE KNOW SO FAR, that Thousands of Swedes and Germans, are getting microchip IDs inserted into their hands to swipe into homes, offices, concerts and even to access social media... Back in 2010, CBS news reported that the Australian government had a potential RFID microchipping plan in the works related to the health care system. Under the headline ‘Australians embracing super-human microchip technology’... U.K. tech firm BioTeq has carved out an unusual niche for itself: implanting microchips into the hands of other companies’ workers. It's a convenient way to deal with security, but it raises privacy concerns. BioTeq founder Steven Northam told the Guardian that most of the company’s work is for individuals who want to use the the chips to access their own homes and cars. However, it has implanted RFID chips in the hands of workers in the financial and engineering sectors, too — though the procedure is voluntary. It’s also shipped the chips to other countries including Spain, France, Germany, Japan, and China... 2015 : A group of Danes explores the possibility of improving their bodies with technology. The development can create ethical dilemmas for society, experts say.... |


👀 Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 🙏 | Aired May 5 2019 | ~ Simon Parkes: Connecting Consciousness ~ | Blogger: NO transcripted version from verdensalt - this time - since multiple technical difficulties had occurred during this recording and 'hijacking' content was lost... |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...

5G⚠️CRISIS | ~ Join May 15th Day of Action ~ | .. 5G isn't an upgrade, it's a massive increase in wireless radiation exposure .. | | Arkiv | ~ Flere tusinde støtter Kamilles borgerforslag: Afskær ikke-vaccinerede børn fra offentlige institutioner ~ | Blogger: [🤯Brainfarts from a Woman: NO vaccination, NO kids in public institutions and 8000(23.164) agrees in a petitions, with a fast growing numbers. Danes ready for vaccination: An opinion poll conducted by DR in 2015 showed that many Danes are ready to take the step further and introduce, compulsory vaccinations. In the survey, 75 percent responded that they were fully or partially agreed that there should be a mandatory vaccination, so that all parents are required to have their children vaccinated with the MFR vaccine (from the article)😜] .. O-M-G!. Jeg får det dårligt, af disse "fantasister" 🤢... Mage til uvidende nonsens... Hvad bliver det næste i perlerækken, fra andre feminine opbomstrende copy-cat MeToo debattører, George Soros og Rockefellers velbetalte uvidende medicinal institutioner? Tvangsvaccinering eller tvangsopdeling, diskrimination og apartheid??? Schhh ... ikke vække dem der sover, af tiltagende døsig og bevidsthedsvækket ego-drama af fornægtelse... og dem der er bange og frygtsomme... fordi, når de vågner op fra Deres mareridt og ser et røgslør af vor 3D Matrix af illusion, en dag, er det for sent at gøre noget ved det... Til den tid, har de bragt Deres egne børn i livsfare, og fortryder så "bitterligt" at de lod sig rive med, af en sponsoreret medievirkelighed af pengemaskine propaganda mafia, for at forgifte deres børn med Aluminium i vacciner samt andre neurotoksiner... Jamen, hvad skal jeg ellers sige, til dette her DRAMA???... Skal ikke-vaccinerede voksne kunne benytte bus og tog? Modtage lægehjælp, tage på sygehus og gå på gaden og i forretninger? Hvad med overvægtige mennesker? Den voldsomme vækst i antallet af overvægtige mennesker i Danmark gennem de sidste 50 år skyldes ændringer i samfundet, der har ændret vores livsstil... Det er da et relevant spørgsmål, fordi, de smitter jo også andre voksne og børn, med mæslinger og andre sygdomme, og svært overvægtige, belaster økonomien... Vi er alle blevet bakterie forskrækket af den elefantastiske fortælling fra et korrumperende fællesskab af lobbyister, politiske interesseorganisationer og den farmaceutiske industri, samt Sundhedsstyrelsens ENORME indflydelse, i stedet for at kigge den alternative vej mod andre behandlingsformer, som, traditionel kinesisk medicin, traditionelle plantelægemidler, metafysiske årsagsforhold og 'Den medicinske seer' (bog) af mediet og Anthony William, som med sine utrolige psykiske evner kan ’se’ menneskers helbredstilstande og give dem indsigt i, hvad der skal til for, at de kan genvinde deres sundhed...🔦PS: verdensalt går aldrig ind i enkeltsager, eller revser nogle former for mennesker med en direkte hetz eller andet negativt. Betragter verden fra helikopterperspektivet og lokalisere årsagsforholdet og bevæggrunde, hvorfor vi tænker og føler som vi gør. Det 'kunne' være, at Kamille Mette Mathiasen, skulle 'starte' med, at kigge indad, og fokusere på, hvorfor hun besidder frygten, havde leukæmi som barn med nedsat immunforsvar og tror hun dør, hvis hun var blevet smittet med eksempelvis mæslinger. Dernæst hendes barnetraumer, opvækst, fobier, chok m.fl og se og få renset kroppen, så hun ser lidt mere klart og nøgtern, på problemstillingen... 🙏💙✌️.. PS: Noget som verdensalt finder endnu mere beskæmmende, er denne unge kvindes ansigtsudtryk af 'vrede', kropssprog og tonalitet, er det 'ægte' eller JV's måde at få en falsk historie, om ikke-vaccinerede skal straffes, til at eksplodere, så sponsorkroner og clickbaits bliver til en pengemaskine?. er en del af regeringens medieforlig eller får støttekoner - ego- kan ikke være platformsneutralitet.. (check billederne, så forstår du, hvad jeg mener)... |

22-årige Kamille Mette Mathiasen har siden onsdag fået over 8000 støtter til sit borgerforslag, der vil forbyde ikke-vaccinerede børn i offentlige daginstitutioner, medmindre de af sundhedsmæssige årsager ikke kan blive vaccineret.

MFR- Vaccination skal være lovpligtig for at gå i kommunale institutioner

DW | ~ Measles: German minister proposes steep fines for anti-vaxxers ~ | .. German Health Minister Jens Spahn is proposing a law that allows for fining parents of unvaccinated children up to €2,500 ($2,800). The conservative lawmaker said he wants to "eradicate" measles .. | Blogger: [💉WHO & Vaccine Deep State Declares "Global Health Threats," on Anti-vaxxers🥺] ... {Doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and the government have a lot of power over children's lives. That can make parents act irrationally} ... Verdensalt has stated the problem, from the very start. Soon it's going to spread to Scandinavia and many other countries... "Anti-vaxxers" - people whose fears about the safety of vaccines have made them hesitant to allow their children to be vaccinated - pose as much risk to world health as the Ebola virus, air pollution, climate change, HIV and superbugs, among others... |