Nov 4, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 (Heart electromagnetic field) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨The Heart is Much More Than an Organ: Heart Intelligence ~ UIY✨] ... "The electromagnetic signals generated by the heart have the capacity to affect others around us. In other words, the idea of ‘picking up on someone’s vibes’ is not hyperbole, but rather a scientific reality. If electromagnetic fields affect all of our biological systems and, through energetic communication, the systems of those around us, if sending out and picking up ‘vibes’ is a real thing, then imagine how this knowledge might be used, on oneself and towards others. The HeartMath Institute asserts that the key is adopting practices which put the heart into what is called a “heart coherent state.” In other words, to positively impact the biological systems of oneself and others, the information encoded in the heart’s electromagnetic field must be positive and healthy. ." ~ Universe Inside You... |

🎟️ ~ (Mutation & Fake News) Event 201 CV-øvelsen, ID2020 og løgnen: Follow the money, for hvem er det lige som betaler Statsministerens lønforhøjelse❓ Det er her, fårene skilles fra bukkene (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [👉Danskere har i gennemsnit 200K digitale-konto-penge og 934 mia. kr. i samlet indlån. Staten får mellem 1,5 - 1,800 mia. kr. ind hvert år på de offentlige finanser og polstret til krig, ligesom kommunerne. Alligevel hæver NB den ledende rente, hvis Joe Biden vinder. Banker følger efter uden redningskrans, tjener på negative afkast. Som perler på en snor, leger Nordea kongens efterfølger og nu også Danske bank, der opererede med en grænse på 1,5 mio. kr. for kunder med Nemkonto, snart 250K og det gælder ALLE banker. Virksomheder går konkurs fra Marts 2021, udskydelse af deres moms-betaling, afvikling af hjælpepakker og lånemuligheder og danskere fyres i tusindvis, og mange tvinges ned i løn. Det gør ikke noget, 2,1 mio. danskere er alligevel på overførselsindkomst og Rationeringsmærkerne bliver genindført, hvis du er ID-mærket og vaccineret👈] ... Jeg er brændt sammen indeni med spørgsmål og jeg ønsker mig, du kunne hjælpe lidt til... For hvem er det lige som tildeler vores Landsmoder en ekstra månedsløn, midt under COVID-19pandemien, der er den værste globale krise siden Anden Verdenskrig siger FN, Danske politikere, CDC og WHO❓.. 🙋 -- Nu hvor den danske regering har efterlevet "agendaen" fra Bill Gates, Kina, den medicinske mafia, de danske loger og frimurer, så er det vel i orden, Mette F. får en klækkelig lønforhøjelse❓. Hvorfor siger jeg det❓ Jo, fordi det er netop kommet frem, at Novo Nordisk og andre virksomheder har fået fast sæde i regeringens kontroltårn, UDEN, at Partiledere er blevet informeret om, at private aktører sidder med ved møder om Danmarks coronakrise😮... 🙋 -- Hvorfor går Lone Fønss i front og introducere en verdensteknologi midt i coronakrisen via Lars Seier Christensen Concordium❓ En FinTech blockchainprotokol hvis mål, er at forbedre de økonomiske systemer, der lige nu er ramt hårdt af coronakrisen. Huraaaa for bankernes kollaps af Finansmarkederne, velkommen til det "kontantløse samfund", 100% indførelse af Digitalisering og Robotisering, Statens og bankers proprietær Blockchain-tech, Kunstig Intelligens, Nationalt ID-centers biometriske standard.. Det hele, syntes planlagt... 🙋 -- Hvorfor må Kirsten Birgit og Dr. Vibeke Manniche ikke går ud og sige, at Corona-tallene falder fortsat procentuelt eller Masker, er sundhedsskadelige!❓ Vi bliver vel smittet af de "nære relationer" af familiemedlemmer, end alm. mennesker, på gaden som er sunde og raske❓ Verdensalt's egen nevø har lige været smittet, da en dansk aktiv praktiserende læge, smittet min nevø og derefter smittede min søster. Men sjovt nok, kom de over det, uden at læger eller sygehus, ville teste dem og uden brug af mundbind... 🙋 -- Forår, sommer og varme, slår al vira og influenza ned, nu rammer vi vinteren og dermed influenzasæsonen og PLUDSLIGT, opblomster Bølgen 2 eller COVID-20, mink skal slå ihjel - enhedslisten - fremsatte jo også i 2018 lovforslag om at få minkavl forbudt. Kan du ikke se det❓729 døde i Danmark. Vores regerings- og sundhedssoldater, påstår, de døde (MED) ikke (AF) en virus. Selvom Kåre Mølbak, fremlægger usande beviser, på bordet, at mange døde (AF) corona-virus. Ja sgu - for de immumsvækkede, multi- og kronisk sygdomsramte ældre.. 🙋 -- Hjælper det at leve i et klinisk indendørs miljø, uden bakterier, D-vitamin fra solens stråler, uden kram, kys og omfavnelse af vores børn, andres børn og vores ældre og konstant bruge håndsprit med Metanol (formaldehyde, myresyre) eller Ætanol aka Ethanol❓... 🙋 -- Folkemødet er aflyst😢 "Vi er dybt berørt". Det kan jeg godt forstå, fordi virksomheder, interessegrupper og de, som agere moderator for en debat, tjener KASSEN FRU MADSEN, på Folkemødet, foruden Bornholmerne selv, bespisning og udlejning m.m... 🙋 Slå mink ihjel for enhver pris, hvad bliver det næste? Vores Husdyr❓Er det i orden❓... Skal jeg blive ved❓ Kan du hjælpe❓... |


🤯😵🤗 ~ (Mink has 30 chromosome similar to cats. Humans 46. Chimpanzees 48. Dogs 78) Can You Catch A Virus? Coronavirus Questions (Tom Barnett Archive) ~ | Blogger: [✊Listen to what Tom Barnett has to say: “YOU CANNOT CATCH A VIRUS. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE” - now censored on YouTube - but now and then a mirror channel shows up👊] ... {Thanks to Tom Barnett & Max Egan from Australia} ... HOW is that even possible?... (SoTW) I have seen this video back in April of 2020, and now, it's your turn... THIS is (perhaps) the ONLY video you need to watch... AND I KNOW, it's not going to be easy... I KNOW, that ego defense mechanisms will kick in and you will, DENY, DENY, DENY... THIS is NOT about if COVID-19 is real or not. Of course it is real, but this is about understanding how the governments have CREATED the dystopian future, and it is NOW.... It's about the "COVID-19-Pandemic", the "false" narrative about Global numbers of "death toll". The "projections" of millions of fatalities. The COVID-19 "comparison" of Spanish flu and END-OF-THE-WORLD-SPIN. To "flatten" the COVID-19 curve is to "target" the "Subconscious". The COVID-19 "Lockdown", has "created" the "largest human experiment in history". A playbook from The Official C.I.A. Manual of Trickery and Deception... COVID-19 is a "drill" for "EVENT 201 a.k.a. Agenda 21/2030" to "stop" or "pause humanity", to evolve to next level in our Consciousness Evolution and Ascension Process. A Global Depopulation Program for Global Vaccination... You be the judge... 🌱 PS: (SoTW - Are Viruses Alive in our Third Dimension?)... Viruses lack many of the features that are the hallmarks of life... A 3-D rock is not alive - although - a rock receives energy that surrounds it and of the minerals they contain. But a rock is considered metabolically active sack, devoid of genetic material and the potential for propagation, is also not alive. Are Crystals alive? My opinion is that, yes, they have a form of consciousness. It may not be in the same way we experience or understand that but, yes. A bacterium, though, is alive. Although it is a single cell, it can generate energy and the molecules needed to sustain itself, and it can reproduce. But what about a seed?. And the story goes on and on...and don't listen to SoTW - listen to Tom Barnett - IT'S A SHOCKER... BTW, Australian Tom Barnett, is among the VERY FEW infectious-disease specialists, epidemiologists, scientists or holistic natural doctors, you can TRUST in the world right now (has 12 years of studying conventional medicine, natural health of medicine and solely looking into viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and parasites etc. etc.)... |

Source (Tom Barnett)
it actually possible to catch Coronavirus, and if so, how? Is there more than meets the eye with this so-called Pandemic, and is it following the same script as every other?

🧥🥼☠️ ~ (COVID-20) From Wuhan to Denmark. From Bats, seagulls and dogs and cats. New mutation in mink threaten vaccine worldwide, W.H.O. has been warned and approx. EUR 1,1 billion danish industry is about to disappear. Mink is now de facto 2009 H1N1 pandemic (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉12 people are infected with a mutated coronavirus derived from mink - so they claim👈] ... Danish parliament and politicians are panicking... My mom who has been a ER nurse and leader in a Hospital emergency room for 45 years, and knows a lot about virus pandemics and everything else, has loooots of questions this evening over the insanity of killing minks in Jutland 400 km from danish parliament and are asking: "Is this a deliberate act for communist China to "destroy" mink production in Denmark? - she ask. She goes on: "They haven't blame "mink" yet for the outbreak of (new mutated) Coronavirus in politicians - but is blamed to infect humans - is that even possible"? SoTW asks: "Will they close down borders from Zealand to Jutland, like they did when former president Obama, visited Denmark."?... So many question, so little time... Danish PM goes into self-isolation and joins 14 members of her cabinet in self-isolation after justice minister tests positive for the virus... (Satire) Who to blame and what to do?... hmm... hmm... Yeeees! I got it, says Mette Frederiksen... We should cull aaaall farmed minks over COVID fears and call it a Wuhan mutation and COVID-20?... I’ll admit it - the biggest story of today might not come out of Denmark... Unless, you loooove gorgeous furs coats from Danish Mink... Not 1 million not 2 or 4, but 17 million mink is about to be slaughtered - in the name of panic and our psychological biases... The main target right now is The North Jutland Region, that is about to be quarantined and LOCKDOWNS is to begin tomorrow... Some would say it's heinous crime to kill minks for fur and oil, many investigation reveals animals brutally beaten and skinned alive on fur farms in Asia for the sake of fashion. Some are claiming that the same thing, goes on in Denmark...|

❌😵‍💫 ~ (Reptilian Overlord) ”Godfather” & ”capo di tutti capi”: Your time is up! This is Kennedy's Last Stand and Nostradamus, predictions for 2020 USA elections suggesting a win for Donald Trump (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Was "Amtrak Joe" already pre-identified as a future President even if "The Donald" himself was destined to sit 4 more years as U.S. President? Could Trump's brand new United States Space Force (USSF) destroy that?... In 1980, at the start of the CIA (Secret Space Program) called 'Mars Jump Room' project, (Project Pegasus - 1969-72) Basiago, claims that from 1980 to 1984, he was recruited into a second CIA-led project that involved the use of teleportation technology for travel to Mars. These “Jump Rooms” led to him and others traveling to the Red Planet on multiple occasions witnessing indigenous life on Mars, as well as secret bases there. So, Barack Obama was not only aware of his Presidency when we were being trained in 1980, when he was 19 years old – and just turned 19 in August of ’80 – but when we were rooming together briefly, a couple of days – at the College of the Siskiyous. He was reading briefing documents that they were giving him to groom him for the Presidency. Basiago is not alone in claiming that Obama was groomed by the CIA to become a future President. Investigative reporter Wayne Madsen was the first to make such a claim in August 2010 in a three part series of articles. He followed this up in a 2012 book titled, Manufacturing a President: The CIA’s Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House... |

Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, s/he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. — Robert F. Kennedy.