Feb 19, 2019
ECETI - Special As You Wish BBS Talk Radio | ~ This Week: HIGH DOSAGE GALACTIC RED PILL PART 2! With Special Guest: Allison Coe ~ | Blogger: [🎫 ".. Andy Dufresne: (in letter to Red) Remember Red, ""hope"" is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies" 🎟️] ... (Quantum Healing and Bey- ond & Past Life Regression:) Allison Coe is promoting stuff that 99.9 percent of her own family don't believe in... However, Allison Coe, she's still a down to earth kinda woman - like you and me. At the same time, she's funny, lively and charismatic ... My own mood barometer rose significantly, each time i listen to her 🌡️+... PS: Do you remember the now deceased, but amazing and well known Dolores Cannon? She also used Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) ... . 👩⚕️ Verdensalt meet a amazing woman at Awake & Aware conference in London (Simon Parkes, Project Camelot), Liz Vincent, Past Life and This life Hypnotherapy Regression Specialist. I listen to her's life experiences with other people sessions and she has a very deep understand and knowledge - amazing!!!... 💊 Be red-pilled ... |
Allison Coe. My name is Allison and I'm a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner living in Portland, OR, USA. I do hypnosis and dream interpretations. I set up this channel to share portions of my QHHT sessions that I deem beneficial to the public, and dreams that are sent to me from all over the world that I have interpreted. For more information on Quantum Healing Hypnosis please visit my website at www.soulfocus-hypnosis.com - I'd love to answer any of your questions.
The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG | ~ 🌕 Full Moon Purge 🎑 ~ |
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience
The Earth and the collective consciousness are purging. These energies can be overwhelming especially with sensitives and empaths. There are other planetary influences at play, Mars the warring energy, Pluto deep dark releases, combined with this super moon are accelerating this. Muster all the energies you can to clear but don’t be disappointed if you still feel the heaviness. I would strongly suggest the words not mine and this too shall pass. You will see the deep dark secrets revealing themselves, the true nature of people, “politicians and dark hearts”, the great awakening and house cleaning is in full swing. It is as if a spiritual fire hose was just turned on full. All we can do is surrender, release the past and be the solution. Take time to do your own house cleaning. This is a major turning point, the masks are coming down, the truth is being revealed and those who have been willingly or in ignorance working for the dark hearts will have a severe karmic reaction. When I say in ignorance I am referring to the mind-controlled masses that fell for the politicians and lame stream medias social programming race and gender card games. The games are over the people are waking up. You are going to see some very short careers in the political and main stream news. There was an undeniable coup to take out a duly elected president. The Russian hoax has finally come to an end exonerating Trump. Now comes the consequences. The round up has begun, top people will find themselves soon wearing orange suits in a nice tropical setting. Too bad they won’t be able to engage it. The gold standard has been engaged ending the Federal Reserve which is a consortium of private bankers and never was Federal. Treasury will take over ending the siphoning off of trillions to the global elite. These next two weeks will see a lot of action. Clearing energies and critical thinking as well as personal responsibility will be the tools necessary to get through these times. The victim roles, blaming, projecting will not be supported with these new energies. Remember not everything you are feeling is yours. Be kind to yourself, others and the planet.
The Latest From ECETI& James Gilliland
Latest news
Full Moon Purge
Be wise, be well,
James Gilliland
eng.lsm.lv | ~ Danske to cease operations in Baltics and Russia ~ | .. Following the case of suspicious transactions in Estonia in the period from 2007 to 2015, the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority has ordered Danske Bank to cease banking operations in Estonia, which Danske Bank has agreed to do, Danske Bank told the Copenhagen stock exchange .. | Blogger: [💰is probably the largest ever money-laundering scandal in history of the world?💸] ... 1.500 billion DKK as most corrupted Bank, closes its branch offices outside Denmark.. PS: Andre som er uværdige på Deres poster, andet end Klaus Riskær Pedersen, ifølge Sauron Pind?... (Kirsten-Birgit:) -- Danmarks Statsminister som man kan købe for en gemen luder for 50.000 kroner .. Claus Hjort Frederiksen, der har fået en stor næse, efter den anden, for at lyve i Folketinget .. Troels Lund Poulsen, tidl. skatteminister, der fik dyrt Rolex af oliesheik .. Kristian Thulesen DARL, der mødes med lobbyister, der køber hans aflagte Peugeot, til overpris .. Inger Støjberg, der lyver om sit CV og barnebrude .. Anders Fogh og Irak-krigen .. Per Stig Møller og den manglende info om Den udenrigspolitik nævn og Skat .. Salget af DONG og SSI... |
verdensalt og DKR | ~ Messer-shit vælger Henrik-Sass, sender live fra vinbar og kender ikke forskel på et pandekage- og eller operahus. Helle, græder over sin homo-mand. Disruption-Klaus Riskær og Sauron Pind i åben konflikt. Bonus til Kisser, Rasmus bliver Collateral damage, hvis ikke Radio24syv vinder sendetil- ladelsen ~ | Blogger: 🙈🙉🙊 Dette er en fanfare og tribute til nu fyrede Zissel og Speaker Allan. Også til dengang, konspiratør-tøssen Ulla, OnlinePosten og General Birgit's Troldehær, som nu er afgået ved døden, på samme tidspunkt, da Johannes Langkildes globetrotter-hest fik et ildebefindende. En skandale, da Den Korte Radioavis blev omlagt til Den Korte Weekendavis og tilbage igen. Men så sikkert som amen i kirken, bliver beskåret, når Kristian Thulesen DARL og tidligere chef- redaktør for Jyllands-Posten Jørgen Ejbøl, får sin vilje, trumfet igennem, at de skal sidde i Århus eller helt nedlægges... .. Vidste du, at Det belgiske De Persgroep (Berlingske Media og People Group) ejer nu pengelotteriet, sendefladen og selv- censuren!?... Hver evig eneste gang vi klikker på clickbaits på B.T. og Berlingske media blade, sendes penge til lobbysponsorater, aktionærerne og ejerne, i udlan- det!!!!... er du chokeret, overrasket eller ligeglad!?... Kirsten-Birgit snakker KUN om politik og korruptionen, hentet fra Berlingske media magasiner, hvor er Ulla-konspirationerne henne, Troldehæren samt revolutionen, noget som er blevet censureret ud?... |
RT | ~ You too can repeat Yuri Gagarin’s 1st-ever spaceflight: Russia announces space tourism projects ~ | .. Rogozin’s tweet came as the agency made a separate announcement that it signed a contract with US firm Space Adventures to take two “non-professional” astronauts up to the International Space Station before 2021 ..
Selena Space Yacht © NPO Aviation and Space Technologies |
Paul Butler | ~ 💦💎✨FEB 18/19TH RARE COSMIC EVENTS ✨💎💦 SIRIUS 💎 SUPERMOON 💎 Chiron Leaves Pisces ~ |
2/19 09:09 UTC – The updated chart this morning shows a new strong spike at 7:30 UTC that reached 67 Hz. These amplitude increase are starting to be recurrent, kind of waves. We are in a transformation phase for the Earth and the surface population, we are seeing quakes, eruption, weather patterns, all quite strong so the Schumann Resonance strong activity is not surprising, seems rather a confirmation of the Time For Change. 2/18 23:23 UTC – Seems like we are witnessing a pattern here, especially if we look at the dependencies chart below. The last 24 hours closed with mainly calm, we just saw a spike toward the end of the chart but with the new day in Tomsk, corresponding to 17 UTC it slowly restarted again. This initial part of the chart shows peaks up to 33 Hz. at 21 UTC. 2/18 – After the impressive activity we saw yesterday it make much sense for today to be e calm day. There were some very light oscillation from 1 until 11 am UTC with peaks that went close to 20 Hz. You can see the crescendo of the amplitude increase in the SR Archive page. 2/17 – 17:17 UTC The massive activity lasted quite exactly 24 hours, it ended sharply dropping to normal from above 40 Hz. at 11:45 UTC. READ MORE: disclosurenews.it |
Verdensalt | ~ 🌍 Hvem står bag verdensalt-bloggen 🌍~ | (In English:) - Who is behind Salt Of The World .. | Blogger: [🤖OUR 3D MATRIX IS A 100% DIGITAL REALITY AND IT HAS TO HAVE ELECTRICAL POWER TO KEEP THE ILLUSION GOING WITH LOWER NEGATIVE FREQUENCIES🔌] ... 👨🌾 I am exactly the same age as our beloved Crown Prince Frederik, Denmark's coming King, born on the Three Kings' Day. Consider myself an energy-coach, 2019 will be the starting point. However, I am a moneyless proprietor, unknown "John Doe" and daydreamer. Didn't score the highest in both intelligence and creativity during my 16 years of school time, but awaken and seen a flash of light, a 'glitch' in the existing 3D Matrix of the illusion 👁️🗨️ ... The name of my blog, verdensalt, was inspired of the know- ledge, by the dairy-maker, Martinus Thomsen, and his vast universe ... Later on, much, much more ... verden(salt): Nobility, landlords and rulership and Kings ... During the German occupation of Danmark there was scarcity of 'everything'. The goods shipment continued after the war - the first item that was released was SALT, and this happened in August 1945 ... (Below the salt:) If we go back many hundreds of years, In or at a position of low or common standing, rank, regard, or repute. The term is derived from the social hierarchy of nobility in medieval times, in which salt, a precious commodity then, was set in the middle of the dining table. Those of high noble rank were seated "above the salt," that is, closer to the lord and lady of the house, while those in lower social standing were seated "below" it. The closer one peasant was to the nobility, one could reach the SALT and it was, in fact, a huge rare commodity and highly sought merchandise, just as Gold is in our days.. YOU are the salt of the earth. — Matthew 5:13.. You are the salt of the world. We are the salt of the world. We live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. 🔦 Verdensalt.dk is a free breath of a whales blowhole, to the starving soul who wants to develop and de-radicalize its entren- ched perfectionist Ego, which otherwise would have been in denial ... Welcome - Namaste 🙏 .. PS: I understand that you wish to read everything at this blog in English, but there's still some, that suffer from difficulties in the language barrier, no worries, i've add an better translator, than Google, can deliver... |
🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍
Former Technology Specialist - Banking |
Giving Unconditional Love:
Love yourself unconditionally.
Unconditional love starts at home, with oneself. ...
Make the loving choice. ...
Forgive those you love. ...
Don't expect to shield someone you love from all discomfort and pain. ...
Be the protector of love, shine light in the ones who’s needed
So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin?
You maybe see me outside, a few like you, can also see me within.
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see,
Who I AM is not what others think of me.
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be,
A dreamer that just wants to be free,
A warrior of light for eternity.
(translate from Danish -> English) -- https://www.translatetheweb.com/?from=da&to=en&dl=en&a=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.verdensalt.dk%2F2019%2F02%2Fverdensalt-hvem-star-bag-verdensalt.html
Hvad nu hvis alting IKKE er så sort og hvidt, men der findes gråtoner, dem finder du ikke hos de 5 autoriteter; forældre, lægen, skolelæreren, præsten og samfundets politikere og Deres dikterede levevilkår (deres håndlangere - medierne, den fjerde statsmagt) ... Hvorfor? Fordi, du ER hvad du har LÆRT!...
Hvorfor kunne jeg engang slå Kronprinsen i Triathlon 🏃 fordi jeg er toksin-fri, afstresset og sund spiritual udenjordisk DNA-kodede avatar, som det aftraumatiserede menneske...
Hvorfor kunne jeg engang slå Kronprinsen i Triathlon 🏃 fordi jeg er toksin-fri, afstresset og sund spiritual udenjordisk DNA-kodede avatar, som det aftraumatiserede menneske...
Min søster, crossfit-jernladyen, har kysset Kronprins-frøen, ved et stævne, noget som hun åbenbart, er stolt af og jeg selv, har en superdejlig familie, som jeg ikke kan leve foruden. Dog bliver det sværere og sværer for mig, at leve i Deres stress helvede, i et tredimensionelt MATRIX, der skal fødes via en konstant negativ spiral af lavere energi-frekvens og elektricitet ...
Tilbage i 1988 gav Whitney Houston koncert i Valby hallen, og der løb jeg ind i Kronprinsen, fik vist udvekslede et par ord med ham...
Tilbage i 1988 gav Whitney Houston koncert i Valby hallen, og der løb jeg ind i Kronprinsen, fik vist udvekslede et par ord med ham...
Min datter forlod sin far, for 7 år tilbage, min blogs daglige udsendelser, hjælper naturligvis ikke på, hun nogensinde, kommer tilbage, men min søster har tre børn, som acceptere og elsker, sin Onkel ..
🔴TV2 FNYS NEWS | ~ (ENG:) - Danish Minister presents plan: - 5G becomes a digital tiger jump in 2020 ~ | Blogger: [📶"(VIDEO:) - 5G will be 100 times faster than 4G. Demand of new smarter tech will create smaller, faster microchips in devices, robotics in the Danish Healthcare Service, self-driving cars. Denmark must be at the forefront when it comes to the deployment of 5G, which will ensure much higher speed and a more stable access to the Internet"🤳] ...O-M-G! WHAT DID HE JUST SAY 😱... Record-breaking 1.9 Gbps Internet Speed achieved over 5G Mobile by TDC. Not EVEN the plague, Vaccines & Chemtrails, comes CLOSE, to how dangerous this technology is 😮. (2017:) - Did you know, that DENMARK with TDC, Huawei & Telia, has been handpicked & chosen (perhaps by globalist or Bild- erberg Group), to be THE TEST country, for lightning fast 5G networks?🤯😞 (2018:) - The Nordic prime ministers have agreed at a prime ministerial meeting in Sweden, may 2018, that Scandinavia, The Nordic region, MUST be the first integr- ated 5G region in the world.... ARE THEY INSANE??? ... LET THIS BE KNOWN!☝️ Verdensalt will move out of Denmark, i have already located a another country, IF, the Ministry's plan to introduce 5G, will succeed ... 1.5 million surveillance cameras in Denmark, Chemtrails, misuse of HAARP in Trondheim Norway, devastating 5G mmWaves, internet session logging etc. etc. Total control of humankind... I'm sorry, it really sounds ludicrous, i'll understand. But, this is their aim. As an observant citizen, americanized militarization of the danish police force has already taken place. Now, like in France, Belgium, Italy and UK, Denmark (a warring nation) has also joined. Why? Control and Obedience. Just think about. Extended surveillance from CCTV cameras, Smart City Copenhagen. The police will check millions of Danish license plates. Digitalization & Robotization. Smart Homes. Cashless societies... We're seen the danish police administration cheating with taxpayers money, police force coverups -- Danish police accused of manipulating rape statistics to hide ‘hundreds’ of cases. National Police employee arrested for bribery. Danish police were under orders to make sure Chinese president didn’t “lose face” under Tibet crisis.. ". Extended visitations as an Instrument of Discipline in Early Modern Denmark, more power to the elite political dynasties and central administration... "The decision to deploy actual soldiers patrolling streets in peacetime is considered controversial and foreign, says TV 2's political editor ..". TheDeepState needs protection and that comes with military servicemen.. "if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts," by George H.W. Bush... |
The Oracle Report | ~ Special Report - Full Moon in Virgo - February 19, 2019 at 10:54 am EDT/7:54 am PDT~ | .. The Full Moon occurs at 01 Virgo and the Sabian symbol of "in a portrait the best of a man's features and traits are idealized." See what's in store for the remainder of this lunar month. Laura Walker .. | Blogger: February 18, 2019 CET in Denmark, a huge beautiful full moon appeared in blue sky around 5 PM, just before sundown... Moon Phases: Fuldmåne (Supermåne). Date: 21 januar 2019. Time: 06:17:10 AM. Distance to the Moon: 364.209 km ... |
SPECIAL REPORT - Monday, February 18, 2019
Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, process, analyze
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: 16 Aquarius - “a big businessman at his desk” (lead yourself, solve)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: 27 Aries - “through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained” (return to truth, return to true self)
Wise owls, we have multiple astrological events happening as we move into the Full Moon tomorrow (February 19, 2019 at 10:54 am EDT/7:54 am PDT). Let’s get in the gno:
1 - CHIRON RE-ENTERS ARIES AS MARS CONJUNCTS THE CHIRON POINT - Holy Chiron, Batman! This is some massive Chiron energy that is going to teach us something IMPORTANT throughout the Full Moon phase, but primarily today and tomorrow. So we want to be watchful and mindful even more than we normally would.
The heavenly energies teach us via the subtle curriculum and schedule of astrology. The timing of this lesson is quite special. This is because it is happening alongside several significant astrological aspects.
Chiron leaving Pisces and changing signs as it moves into Aries is a big deal. Anytime an outer planet changes signs it is a big deal. It causes tremendous shifts in energy, related to the planet and signs.
Chiron is leaving the end of the zodiac in Pisces and beginning a new cycle as it starts over in Aries. Chiron is our Inner Warrior. It represents self-mastery. The energy teaches via experience - we live its lessons. Usually, the lessons are hard won, but when we know, we know forever.
Chiron also frees us from our suffering.
Chiron in Pisces effectively doubled the suffering.
Now, Chiron in Aries takes that suffering and what we have learned and fires it up. It burns away what is no longer needed and takes the purest forms forward. Chiron in Aries produces treasures and then moves them into perfect place.
With perfect timing to double the effects, Chiron moves into Aries just as Mars (ruler of Aries!) makes conjunction with the Chiron Point - the degree in the sky where Chiron was located when it was discovered. This degree, 04 Taurus, encapsulates all of Chiron’s themes (which are myriad - many more than any other planet).
Chiron rules healing, alternative healing, systems and currents of the body, the arts of war, Renaissance People, medicine and medicinal herbs, alchemy, bards, hands, the healing power of the hands, teachers and teachers of teachers, inventors and inventions, gymnastics, jedi, Virgo, pain and suffering, suicide, self-sabotage, the hero’s journey, and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The “double Chiron energy” is one of the main reasons that makes today so very powerful and such a good opportunity for fresh starts (or regained opportunities).
NewsInsideOut.com | ~ SPACE NEWS WEEKLY#3: Secret Space Forces- Human Soul Trafficking & Genetic Chimera, Arms&Drug Trafficking ~ | Blogger: [🌌"(EN:) - The Anunnaki and Sagittarius Galaxy have relented and will allow the hierarchy intervention in Earth Deep State Mafia interdiction" - the video starts out" - (DK:) - "Anunnakierne, med indgriben fra Galaksen Skytten, vil opleve en ubarmhjertig kampagne fra højere hierarkier som vil forbyde, den mafia lignede mørke stat på Jorden"⚖️] ... Pres. Trump has been downloading very subtle and complex guid- ance, and he seems to have accepted it by Archangel Emmanuel (loosely translated as "God is with us) in order to prosecute The Guantanamo Trials.. A miracle of universal intervention in a local galactic matter: Human soul trafficking, human DNA retrofitting, to pursue super soldiers robotics, both in which is both unlawful, by The Law of ONE and Prime Directives ... Much great info.. You be the judge. Always use your own spiritual discernment... |
Human Soul Trafficking & Genetic Chimera, Arms&Drug Trafficking by Secret Space forces: SpaceNews#3
ACCESS FULL SPACE NEWS WEEKLY ARTICLE: https://newsinsideout.com/2019/02/human-soul-trafficking-genetic-chimera-armsdrug-trafficking-by-secret-space-forces-spacenews3/
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