May 27, 2019

Verdensalt | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ 💕 |

Council of Love | ~ 💗 Daybreak - Kindness Counts 💕 ~ | Blogger: With all due respect to Linda Dillon 🙏 and 'Lady Gaga and Dalai Lama talk kindness' reference (Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet. Dalai Lama - CIA Asset) and she keep saying "I HOPE" all the time 🤔... TO HOPE = powerlessness, no action - reverse and turn it into positivity - I am looking forward to... (I'm just saying Sorry, couldn't help it) ... |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak May 27, 2019

The Joy of Coffee 

Operationdisclosure | ~ RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Faux" ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... |

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Faux" - May 27, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

According to Earth Alliance sources, several planned major events are on the verge of occurring.

Events such as the replacement of the fiat financial system, mass indictments, and the disclosure of our true ancient origins, extraterrestrials, and technologies.

Brexit will re-adjust the UK to be under GESARA compliant terms.

Brexit will also lead to events that will systematically dismantle the EU.

Israel is expected to have a new election once the deadline for Netanyahu to form a new government expires.

Meanwhile, faux movements continue to be made with the RV to remove the "bad apples" from the basket.

The RV is expected to begin at an unknown time in-between the above mentioned upcoming major events.

Radio24syv - Det, vi taler om | Arkiv | 11. Maj 2018 - 2019 | ~ Søren Gade tester "The Perfect Pants" - Hvad i alverden foregår der her? Hvorfor sælger Søren Gade bukser i Aalborg? ~ | Blogger: [😙'Uskyldighedens Gade' forlader dansk politik. Eller gør han? Venstre sluger halvdelen af stemmerne i Søren Gades hjemby😇] ... {lad os parkere Per Stig Møller og hans glasøje, som er lige så betændt som The “eye of Sauron” og Poul Nyrup trak Danmark ind i Kosovo-krigen på baggrund af strammede oplysninger. Det skriver Berlingske, den 6. Feb 2019} ... Sminker han sig med en ny politisk promo-video, for at sælge flere billetter til sjove trylletricks og store illusionsnumre, når han stiller op i Aalborg, til Europa-Parlamentet???... 💬 BT den 1. Dec 2017 -- Søren Gades bryllupsfidus: Nægter at betale 'latterlig regning' - men sender alligevel en check .. »Men beløbet bliver sendt til arbejdet med syge og og sårede veteraner. Jeg betaler ikke en latterlig regning, som BT mener, at jeg skal betale,« siger Søren Gade til Dagbladet Holstebro Struer .. Blogger: 💭 Hvad i hede hule🤨.. kan danske politikere fortsætte i Folketinget, (EP) totalt diplomatisk immunitet, selv når de nærmest begår 'krigsforbrydelser' overfor borgerne i dette forjættede land?? Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen - manden de andre engang kaldte for en »politisk klyn- gebombe«, der kunne eksplodere i hænderne på regeringen.. 2015 - Netop som den nye regering bekvemt har nedlagt Irak-kommissionen, føjer flere skandaløse oplysninger sig til den række af fortielser og vildledninger, der har omgærdet dansk krigsdeltagelse under VK-regeringen i nullerne, og som kommissionen kunne have bragt os nærmere opklaringen af.. Det store spørgsmål er, om Søren Gade kendte til omkring Bush, Blair og Foghs hemmelige notat? Som bekendt, drøftede Fogh om en invasion af Irak med USA langt tidligere, end det hidtil har været kendt. Danmark »ville utvivlsomt yde sin støtte«, lød det fra Fogh ifølge et klassificeret notat (det eksplosivfarlige notat er siden hen brændt på bålet, eller stadig ligger gemt i Statsministerets sikkerhedsarkiv).. Her er Søren Gades ""6 største skandalesager" ( 22. februar 2010 meddeler Søren Gade, at han forlader både sin ministerpost og dansk politik med henvisning til de mange skandalesager) -- Vildledning om civile fanger, tilbageholdt viden om tortur og spektakulære lækager: Tidligere forsvarsminister Søren Gade har langt mere alvorlige lig i lasten end skræddersyede underbukser.. Søren Gade var forsvarsminister fra 24. april 2004 til 23. februar 2010, de år, hvor Danmark for alvor blev spydspids i de USA-ledede angrebskrige mod Afghanistan. I krigenes kølvand er fulgt en stribe sager om tortur, løgn og krænkelser af internationale konventioner. #1️⃣ HOMMEL-SAGEN (sprogofficer Annemette Hommel, brud på Genèvekonventionen under afhøringen af civile irakere). #2️⃣ FORKERTE FANGETAL (Søren Gade, Gitte Lillelund Bech videregav forkerte oplysninger til Folketinget om, hvor mange fanger danske soldater har taget i Irak-krigen). #3️⃣ VIDEN OM TORTUR (vildlede Folketinget om risikoen for, at irakiske fanger risikerede tortur, når danske soldater udleverede dem til irakisk politi.). #4️⃣ OPERATION GREEN DESERT (Anders Kærgaard fremlægger videodokumentation for fangemishandling under den danskledede Operation Green Desert i Irak i november 2004). #5️⃣ JÆGER BOGSSAGEN (bogudgivelsen Jæger – i krig med eliten og den efterfølgende skandale, hvor forsvarschef Tim Sloth Jørgensen gik af). #6️⃣ LÆKAGE-SAGEN (FÆLDNINGEN - 2007, jægerkorpset skal sendes til Irak. Lækagen bringer angiveligt soldaternes liv i fare, fordi deres mission afsløres før de er på plads i Irak)... |

Avis: Nyrup strammede oplysninger om Kosovo-krig

Venstre sluger halvdelen af stemmerne i Søren Gades hjemby

CNN | ~ 10 people shot, one fatally, at Memorial Day weekend gathering in Virginia ~ | .. (CNN)Ten people were shot, including one fatally, during a neighborhood gathering Saturday in the Holly Cove area of Chesapeake, Virginia, police said .. | Blogger: [False Flags: Government's Schemes For Gun Control] ... A STRANGE CNN Health video is more about demanding stricter gun laws in a historic show of political emotional solidarity... check it out... |


TV2 FNYS NEWS | ~ Pia Kjærsgaard: Høj stemmeprocent skyldes klimatosser ~ |

Pia Kjærsgaard: Høj stemmeprocent skyldes klimatosser ~ |TV2 billede og tekst


👀 Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 🙏 | Aired May 25, 2019 | ~ Simon Parkes: Connecting Consciousness ~ | Blogger: HEADLINES: (The Nigel Farage Show) European elections 2019 results: Brexit Party expected to win most UK seats as official exit polls released across Europe ... TRUMP: Prince Harry to join Trump and Queen for private lunch during state visit and forge business deals, then Trump is off to France (75th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy) ... (HOT STUFF - HAMMER TIME) At least 5 attempted assassination of Donald Trump, acc. to Simon : (William Barr To Declassify) President Trump has authorised William Barr to declassify secret information relating to illegal spying on his campaign to become president. This should be a game changer and start the process of arrests ... (China-US trade war heats up) China trade war, Iran tensions and Philippine election - nail-biting situation.. | ... Q&A .. LISTEN TO MORE... |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...

Daily Mail Online | ~ Huge magnitude 8 earthquake strikes city in heart of Amazon jungle with tremors felt 600 miles across Peru ~ | Blogger: WHAT will really happen when San Andreas unleashes the big one? Say like a magnitude 9 earthquake? THAT kind of major earthquake, will cause plenty of destruction along the west coast, but it won’t look like it does in the movies... |

  • No reports of casualties although buildings collapsed and there were power cuts
  • President Martín Vizcarra called for calm and said authorities were responding 
  • The quake struck at 2.41am around 50 miles southeast of the village of Lagunas 

Humans Are Free | ~ Romans Had Ancient Tech for Creating Seismic Invisibility Cloak Around Monuments ~ | .. A team of civil engineers in France have revealed that the Romans had ancient technology for building structures that acted like modern-day electromagnetic cloaking devices .. |

Was sophisticated Roman technology used in construction of the Roman Colosseum?
READ MORE>> | ~ Forskere: Lilleholt vildleder om den danske klimaindsats ~ | .. »Danmark når helt i mål i forhold til Parisaftalens mål i 2030,« garanterede klimaminister Lars Christian Lilleholt torsdag på TV 2 News. Men det er misvisende, siger førende klimaforskere. Lilleholt forholder sig nemlig kun til CO2, ikke drivhusgasser, og ignorerer Parisaftalens formulering om, at i-lande som Danmark har et særligt ansvar .. |
Notre Dame False Flag: A Psyop to Save Macron - themillenniumreport
Robert Steele: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning False Flag, Organized by Macron, Insurance Fraud, Funding Paris Olympics, Saving EU & Central Banks UPDATE 18

Forskere: Lilleholt vildleder om den danske klimaindsats

Danmark når ikke det klimamål, FN’s klimapanel, IPCC, har anbefalet for 2030.

Så klar var udmeldingen torsdag fra 13 førende danske klimaforskere, som TV 2 har talt med.

IPCC’s anbefaling, som er en forudsætning for at leve op til Parisaftalen, er, at den globale udledning af drivhusgasser skal reduceres med 40-50 procent i 2030 i forhold til 2010 for at holde de globale temperaturstigninger på maksimalt 1,5-2 grader.

Også i Information har klimaforskere påpeget, at Danmark med den nuværende klimapolitik først når målet om nuludledning af drivhusgasser omkring år 2115, altså 65 år for sent i forhold til Parisaftalen.

Alligevel forsikrede Lars Christian Lilleholt (V) på TV2 News torsdag, at Danmark lever op til målene i Parisaftalen.


Verdensalt | ~ Schumann Resonance Today ~ | Blogger: [〰️ The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like verdensalt!〰️] ... {For many years this resonance frequency has hovered at a steady 7.83 Hz with only slight variations} ... WOW!... We are going towards 72 hours of uninterrupted activity, but seems to STOP at 15 UTC. It stops for 13 hours and return with heavy white snowflakes ... |

Space Observing System. Данные комплексного мониторинга в г.Томске

🔴Greg Hunter | ~ Bo Polny – New Financial Era in 2019 – Cryptos, Silver & Gold Rules ~ | Blogger: [📉Wall Street Crash of 1929 - 2019 Crash Of the Century. (Bitcoin) Gold & Silver Fever Returns. The time is NOW. June it Jumps, When July Hits (bounce back), Down by 40%. EOY = PANIC. Bitcoin, Silver & Gold - All Time Highs😱] ... Paper based financial system losing its sole primary foundation?... The Golden Age Begins?... This new Quantum Financial System – QFS?... The Release of the St. Germain Trust?... Which do you choose? GOD's money or useless toilet paper petrodollar funny money? End of Year - EPIC biblical moves on precious metals a.k.a. GOD's money... Will we finally see our NWO elites (Globalism), lose control of generations of price manipulations?. SILVER will be the MOST desirable asset in the WORLD ("you can take that to the bank!")... |

Financial analyst Bo Polny says the changes in the financial system will be vast. Polny explains, “A new financial time point will begin, a new era of time begins before the end of this year. The world will change into a new system.”

Polny says the new system will not be paper based. Polny says, “What is paper? The U.S. dollar, the Treasuries, the stock market, 401(k)s, IRAs, derivatives, and all of those instruments were used to control the price of gold and silver. When events happen that destroy the paper based system or the faith based system and confidence breaks, you are going to have massive fleeing into something that actually holds value. . . . Blockchain will become the next ‘go to’ in terms of monetary transactions. So, blockchain . . . and major crypto currencies, gold and silver, those three things are going to be the three huge assets in the future because the old dies. The whole point we are talking about is prepare, prepare and prepare.” Join Greg hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial analyst Bo Polny of

Aresathena | ~ Obama’s ILLEGAL “Hammer Surveillance Program” Surveilled Millions Of U.S. Citizens, Not Only President Donald J. Trump ~ | Blogger: [🔨HAMMER TIME⚒️] ... |

Q - FISAGATE: Enjoy the Show!
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI24 May 2019 - 4:25:37 AM
Inside Trump's Air Force One: 'It's like being held captive'
By Kaitlan Collins and Kevin Liptak, CNN
Updated 0822 GMT (1622 HKT) May 25, 2019
Op-Ed by Catherine J. Frompovich

"This article results from several readers emailing me various links about the illegal surveillance program, a spying platform, operated with President Obama’s knowledge for several years, plus CIA Director John Brennan and National Intelligence Director, James Clapper. Furthermore, the 7th FBI Director James Comey (2013 to May 2017) was aware of “The Hammer” since at least August 19, 2015!

“The Hammer” was created by CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery for the Obama Administration’s CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper. James Comey was aware of this since at least August 19, 2015, when Montgomery gave 47 hard drives alleged to contain over 600 million pages of documentation to his office" ~  
(The Rumor Mill)

Source: Forbidden Knowledge TV, Alexandra Bruce, Publisher
