Mar 31, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [👉"Today is 8 Ajmaq, which is the energy of mistakes and forgiveness, specifically on the material plane or masculine energies. Use these energies so Mother Earth will support you, and many other Wise Mayan Elders who have transcended the Veil" ~ from a Source who's been educating and teaching about Mayan Civilization, SoTW knows about👈] ... PS: I'll share a video tomorrow that will literally blow your mind.. I'm so high of positive energy thoughts and uplifted right now, it's contagious (you got that, right😉) When you watch the video, everything, will fall apart... and this Australian guy is much, more (scientific) clever than me at SoTW, but everything he talks about is equal to what i've told you on this channel, at stay-tuned... Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush... |

💌 ~ 💗 Killing Good advices: Sun, Heat & Drink Water 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to my friend Denise for sharing... |

🥳👵😂 ~ Den Korte Coronavis Ep. 10 - T-shirts & Coronafis ~ | Blogger: [🗯️'Hjerte emojis og legitimitetsfilteret fra': Dronningen af dansk journalistik, Kisser's samfundsrevsende opsang til den danske befolkning om den Fromme Moder Mette og regeringens opsang til folket!. Kirsten Birgit har ikke corona-kuller, tjekket af Dr. Manniche🧑‍🤝‍🧑] ... |

✍️ ~ 💗 Adronis - Soul Contracts (Brad Johnson New Earth Teachings) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Highly recommended to listen to... PS: I have added Cobra's (secret) Spiritual Contracts Revocation. It's VERY powerful... SoTW use it every day... |

 Spiritual Contracts Revocation....(primary contracts removal) 

In the name of my I AM That I AM 
In the name of my Soul Presence 
In the name of all the Light Forces 

I now cancel and nullify all my agreements and contracts with the dark forces. All these agreements and contracts are now null and void, regardless of their content, consequences and my sub-conscious programming 

I now release all belief systems that I no olonger need or do not serve my higher purpose. 

With my free will, I now declare myself free from all influences of the dark forces, now and forever. 

I now decree and command full conscious cooperation between myself and the Light Forces.l 

I now decree and command that my life is guided in full alignment with the Divine Plan. 

I now decree and command that miracles manifest in my life in a way that will manifest happiness for me and everyone involved. 

I declare and decree that I AM a Sovereign Being of Light. 

So be it, and so it is!

🔮 ~ 💗 April 2020 Predictions: When will it be over? (Joni Patry) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"The Coronavirus with fear and overall closure are properly not going to be over before September. But around April 22, 2020 there will be a MAJOR financial release of good that will change everything for the better. We're NOT been told the truth from ANY govt's." ~ Joni Patry] ... {including a short meditation} ... Remember what Bo Polny said; a New Era of Time Starts in April 21 - Jesus is coming back (USAWatchDog) ... Yeah - jubiiii - hurray....🥳🌟💙😀😂👌❤️😍... |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

😲 ~ These Unexplained Videos Will Make You Freak Out ~ |


📌 Strange and Unexplained videos that will make you freak out : mysterious structure caught on cam, eerie creature living in the attic , unexplained hole opens up leaves people baffled, unbelievable dog-man or big foot caught on camera while fishing on a river, elongated skeleton caught on cam, bizarre creature caught walking on a parking lot , rocks that have a strange and unexplained sound and more


✨ ~ 💗 Adamu Update! It's actually NOT about Corona-virus... 💕 ~ |


It seems to be all we are talking about and thinking about right now. 

Our whole world seems to have come to a halt over it. 

Here in South Africa we're in full lock-down, everyone
quarantined to their own homes for a full 21-days! And to one degree or another similar measures are being implemented all over the world. 

So, of course, I have had a lot of requests to offer a perspective from Adamu. Consequently, I am happy to announce that Adamu was kind enough to comply by offering TWO perspectives! Two new videos addressing the Coronavirus. The first from the "Light" perspective and the second from a "darker" perspective. Both needed to be expressed and shared. 

It's interesting to me that Adamu shares these two videos about the Coronavirus with us and that his opening words are: "The topic of today's conversation, it may surprise you, is NOT the Corona virus! The topic of today's conversation is your enlightenment." 

I think, when you watch the videos, you will see what he means. Yes, he talks about the Coronavirus a lot in both videos. But this really isn't about the virus. It really is about each of us and our awakening. Once I had really integrated what he was sharing, it really opened my heart to the moment and I felt a great deal of joy and even excitement! 

So, without further ado, here are the links you need:
  1. To access all of the Adamu materials in this series, please click here.
  2. To access just the first new video, Coronavirus - Part 1 - The Light Perspective, please click here
  3. To access the second video, Coronavirus - Part 2 - The Darker Perspective, please click here

🐼💰 ~ Det Kinesiske Kleptokrati: Uanset hvad, får de 1 million Statsansatte, som udgør Centraladministrationen deres lønninger, de rigeste og største infrastruktur firmaer og banker, der ikke må gå ned, mens alle andre går i Karantænefængsel, mister Deres job, går konkurs, og lander på understøttelse ~ | Blogger: [👉Hallelujah Sisters & Brothers! Vær hilset!, Mette Fromme Moder og Baby Joy Joy Mogensen. SS(T) Medical Corps nyklippede Søren Understrøm og SS(I) Medical Corps Kåre Møllarve👈] ... Hvem vinder på Coronaen?... The Usual Suspects - Realkreditinstitutter, Banker og Pensionsselskaber, foruden dem som, Overlæge og dr. med. Peter Gøtzsche, siger, handler med “Dødelig medicin og organiseret kriminalitet”... KRAFTIG henstilling fra Finantilsynet, men Danske Bank genovervejer afligevel fortsat for planlagte udbyttebetaling på 7,3 mia. kr.. DANSKERE, er raskende på Nordea, for de skider på dem, og Verdensalt, er én, af dem (undskyld mit franske)... For anden gang, går Den kinesiske kommunist rigmand, Jack Ma, ind og donerer medicinsk udstyr til Danmark og verden, for million-milliarder og han gør det jo ikke for sine blå øjnes skyld. Ej heller for, at blive indstillet til Den Kongelige Belønningsmedalje eller Dronningens Fortjenstmedalje... Vi ved, at Danmarks eksport til Kina er vokset støt siden 2010 og CCP har kontrollen over lande, såsom Danmark, som også er på kommunistiske hænder, PT. Med 'kontrol' mener jeg, i øjeblikket har vores regering indført 'Orwellian' tilstande (på standby) efter en brutal politisk agenda med 'drakonisk kontrol' ved hjælp af propaganda, (4G+, 4G++ ikke 5G) overvågning, desinformation, benægtelse af sandhed og manipulering af COVID-19... Præcist som mange mener, Kina har gjort under Coronakrisen... Det værste er, at I-N-G-E-N ønsker at se på den lyserøde elefant i rummet, og skamroser alle danske regeringsledere og regeringssoldater, like there’s no tomorrow... [LÆS VIDERE]... Denne video forklarer A-L-T; Måske begynder man se hvordan stærke danske interesser har været så indædt mod at få hele Tibet-sagen frem i lyset og alle de andre sager og hvorfor PrivatLars står med Pandaer i hænderne, måske, betalt af CCP... |

📺Gå ikke glip af videoen om, hvordan Bank Of China i New York, agere som endeløs print af Renminbi papirpenge hvidvaskningcentral internt for CCP, for at få fat i amerikanske Dollars, så de kan handle med vesten, men de 2,000 medarbejdere som arbejder i total isolation under Bank of China i NY, er desuden en "spionfabrik, mafia og hvidvaskingsmaskine", ifølge en Millionær, som er flygtet ud af landet, Guo Wengui... 

Desuden siger denne rigmand, omkring 22 minutter inde, at Jack Ma, medstifter af Alibaba, er ikke længere selskabets største aktionær efter at have trukket sig tilbage fra virksomheden sidste år.

Faktisk, gik CCP ind og overtog hans forretning sidste Juli 2019, der sammen med 68 andre VIP entreprenører, blev indkaldt til møde med det Kinesiske Styre om, at overdrage ALLE Deres aktiver til Staten, under sloganet; "Vi SKAL og MÅ elske vores land"...

Så ser du, Jack Ma er IKKE den "barmhjertige samaritaner" - det er CCP - People's democratic dictatorship, ligesom "Ant Financial", tjener ikke folket og Alibaba Group, men CCP, der trækker $1 trillion ud af firmaet...

🗼 ~ Masterpiece of Satire: Risk of Dying Laughing (GAOG) ~ | Blogger: [🛡️Trump; The Antidote To The Deep State/Cabal or World's Worst Enemy? ~ SoTW⚔️] ... Verdensalt will not censor anything on this blog, not even the elefantastic incredible american popular spiritual site 'Golden Age Of Gaia', with Steve Beckow, a founder and editor-in-chief (formerly the 2012 Scenario, lives in Vancouver, B.C., Canada), in which verdensalt has been followed for many years... GAOG truly believe, that former Pres. Barack Obama is still and has always been, their saviour🙄(quotes from Matthew Ward, Archangel Michael and many others)... 🤭But yes, Trump may be laughable, but he's also do not (seem) taking orders from The Deep State, and negative military might, as other presidents has in the past. 👉Trump may be laughable, and we know that there was exposure of Saudi-Israel alliance' with proof of protectionism supports from US inc. Riyadh responsible for murdering dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Trump has argued that punishing the kingdom hurts the US more as it would alienate the key Middle East ally and jeopardize billions of dollars in arms sales. In accord with these facts, verdensalt finds it absolutely repulsive, but nobody knows the real truth behind the scene, except i truly believe, that Obama, Bushes, Clintons, Netanyahu, Macron, Merkel and other wordly Deep State players, is the worst barbarians of the Earth (sorry, my language). 🎰Trump may be laughable, Qanon (could) still be a CIA Psyop and the lobbying swamp of GoLDMaN SLaCKS, Rothschild banking is flourishing in Trump’s Washington, but Trump is NOT like ANY other presidents and (perhaps) Donald Trump is the only one that has the balls to hit a home run for the American People?.. I've seen enough evidence for a lifetime, The Three Stooges are Obama, Hillary & Bush, most dangerous species on Earth, if you ask me. But, every soul on the planet is working through some kind of karma. Whether you were the perpetrator or the victim, it’s inevitable that you’ll have experienced traumatic past life events that created karma. In this life your soul will seek to heal from the consequences of those actions. Karma is simply the universe seeking balance, and an opportunity for the soul to achieve profound spiritual growth by healing the events of the past. Karma and your soul are inseparable!.. 🤓Yes, Trump may be laughable, egocentric behaviour or narcissistic personality and breathtaking self-admiration, but like Obama, entered office when divisiveness, bigotry, greed, deception, corruption, violence, impoverishment and war mentality still were rampant.🤪 Trump may be laughable, verdensalt still thinks Obama became a slave of the 'system', keeping that third density pot boiling, the Illuminati were able to derail or dilute everything he wanted to do for his country and the world, and he made compromises or complied with their demands because of death threats to his family and primary supporters.🛐Trump may be laughable, no Christian Messiah, like Obama and other presidents, however, he has pushed the Cabal/Illuminati up into a corner, whether you like it or not, supported by benevolent souls, who wants to see the world change, to a peaceful place in the universe...🙏|

Steve Beckow: President Obama... Staunch Lightworker or Cabal Stooge?

This is a masterpiece of political satire. Whether you agree with it or not, I predict you’ll die laughing. No further comment. Thanks to Len (says Steve Beckow) 

British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I’ve Read

(Caricature of Donald Trump is by DonkeyHotey.)

The following was found at LA Progressive:

Someone on Quora asked “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?” Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response:

🛸 ~ James Fox - UFO Documentary Filmmaker (Behind the Scenes) ~ | Blogger: [👉Full Length Documentary (Behind the Scenes) 👈] ... Thanks for 'UFO Danmark', for sharing... |

Source (RVMLResourceCenter)

James Fox assembled the most credible UFO witnesses from around the world to testify at The National Press Club in Washington D.C.: Air Force generals, astronauts, military and commercial pilots, government and FAA officials from seven countries tell stories that, as Governor Fife Symington from Arizona stated, "will challenge your reality". (READ MORE)

🏥 ~ The Mothership Has Landed. Hoax, Ghost Ship or "Signal of Hope"? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🕊️People need 'Hope and Comfort' during coronavirus crisis! 'Light always overcomes darkness'🕯️] ... {We can agree upon, many countries was too late to stop the inflow of COVID-19 infected people, but you must understand, there's a darker agenda, underneath and i don't think it's Trump} ... Thanks to my friend, Lorde for sharing the video from Dr. Geoffrey Cly, MD, FACOG at Honest OBGyn... Not sure about if Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin is so effective in treating coronavirus, I personally prefer "natural penicillin", like Colloidal Silver, Natron, MSM, Boron etc... According to the underground health resistance (May Day Denmark) Vitamin-C is the way forward... Our authorities have not come up with particularly useful health advice beyond "Social distancing & use detergent or soap and water", and in the meanwhile it has flowing in with references to studies that deal with research and treatment with vitamin C as well as other ways to boost its immune system. At the same time, vitamin C has become the official treatment for coronavirus in Shanghai, and now a New York hospital has also started to treat vitamin C after the good results in China (links below)... |

⏱️ ~ Hvad er begrebet tid og hvorfor betyder det så meget for os i vores 3-D Matrix af illusion? (Verdensalt Arkivskabet) ~ | Blogger: [⏳Husk, at TID, er en del af illusionen⌛] ... Uddrag: Lad os give dig nogle eksempler, der er almindelige i vores virkelighed: "Du siger, at der ikke er tid nok, tiden er for kort, tiden er ved at løbe ud, tid bevæger sig for hurtigt, jager efter tiden, mister tid, ønsker mere tid, jeg ønsker tid ville haste afsted, tid bevæger sig så langsomt, og hvor forsvandt tiden" ~ Disse er overbevisninger om tid.... |

Udgivet den 19. Juli 2014 af Verdensalt

Forord: For at forstå denne artikel, er det en god ide, at have sat sig ind og forstå hvad tredje og femte dimensioner er for noget og udvide horisonten til at dække universets guddommelige aspekt. Måske kan dette hjælpe dig - læs her

Sean Carroll, en fysiker ved "California Institute of Technology", tværfaglig konference om tidens natur - læs mere her

  1. Tid eksistere 
  2. Fortiden og fremtiden er lige så virkelige
  3. Alle oplever tid anderledes
  4. Du lever i fortiden
  5. Din hukommelse er ikke så god som du tror
  6. Bevidstheden afhænger af manipulering af tid.
  7. Forstyrrelse øges efterhånden som tiden går.
  8. Kompleksitet kommer og går
  9. Ældring kan vendes
  10. Én levetid er en milliard hjerteslag

The Team: Beyond Time, fra Peggy Black, July 16, 2014 - oversættelse:

Lad os bare tage begrebet tid. Tid, der eksisterer i vores trossystemer, tid, der er en del af denne 3-dimensionelle konstruktion, som ikke eksisterer eller manifestere i de andre dimensioner. (især 5-D og opefter)

Der er en antaget og stærk overbevisning om tid og begrebet tid i vores dimension. Tid er et af de faste holdepunkter i denne dimension. Menneskeheden har optegnet tid gennem vores historie, tidligere begivenheder, ure og kalendere som en metodisk foranstaltning.

Kunne det være en antagelse, det du foretager dig omkring "tid" holder dig fastlåst i en begrænset virkelighed? Alle dine ord om tid - opretholder dig i et tankemønstre af restriktioner. 

Lad os give dig nogle eksempler, der er almindelige i vores virkelighed:

"Du siger, at der ikke er tid nok, tiden er for kort, tiden er ved at løbe ud, tid bevæger sig for hurtigt, jager efter tiden, mister tid, ønsker mere tid, jeg ønsker tid ville haste afsted, tid bevæger sig så langsomt, og hvor forsvandt tiden
~ Disse er overbevisninger om tid.

Tid, ligesom alt andet, påvirker dine holdning, dine overbevisninger, dine udtalelser, dine ord, dine vibrationer. Tid er et af de stoffer af dit jordiske spil. Det er et slør; der holder dig i illusionen. Det er klogt at indse, at tiden er skabt kun for at tjene et bestemt aspekt af den fysiske virkelighed.


Læs videre for at forstå begrebet tid ....