Jan 25, 2018

Matrix World Disclosure | Jan 24, 2017 | ~ Enoch Builder Of Great Pyramid of Egypt ~ | Blogger: 5 Minute (REAL) History Lesson? ... |

According to accepted history, the Great Pyramid was built around 2500 BC as the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. However, the dating of the Pyramid and its association with Khufu is entirely based on the discovery made in 1837 by the British explorer Richard William Howard Vyse (was a British soldier, anthropologist, and Egyptologist. Richard Vyse discovered four small “construction” rooms (with heights between 0.5 meters and 1.2 meters) above the King’s Chamber. Egyptologists were then able to attribute the great Pyramid to Khufu, and construction date of 2500 BC because that`s when they believe Khufu reigned. Since the stones can not be carbon-dated and there is no other inscription in the pyramid except for that cartridge, this dating can not be challenged. However, new evidence that has been found in Colonel Vyse journal ask researchers questioning his discovery, some have even suggested that he may be forged the name of Khufu, himself. In Vyse’s private journal its find contradictions. In his private notes, he was desperate to find a cartouche. On this particular night, he writes, there was nothing in the chamber that looks like hieroglyphics. And then, in his published book three years later he writes: “I could only make out one cartouche”. in 2014, two of University of Dresden archeology students smuggled a sample of the paint used in King Khufu markings and had analyzed by a German laboratory. The sample was too small to carbon date dating, but the technicians were able to determine something shocking: the pigment was not painted on the original stone blocks, but it was added later when the repairs were done. This finding suggests that the cartouche was not original to the pyramid construction but added at a much later date. Interestingly this is not the only one evidence contradicting the date of the pyramid and the entire Gizeh complex. A seven-century BC text known as the Inventory Stela discovered by the archaeologist in 1958 details repairs made by Pharaoh Khufu on the Sphinx. in 1992 Boston University geologist Robert Schoch created a stir among Egyptologist when he suggested based on the water erosions at the Sphinx enclosure, he will date the site to approx 10500 BC. Some Egyptologists believe it was probably built from the ice age, perhaps by another civilization older and more evolved than the later. Many inscriptions show images of some flying machines that built the pyramids and the Sphinx. But if so, just who built it?.... [READ MORE]

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | Jan 25, 2018 | Watch the announcement of the 2018 Doomsday Clock live | Blogger: 🕛🕛🕛And who are these guys working for? The “Privileged Ruling Elite - NWO”... -- It is now two minutes to midnight and since 1947, the world has NEVER been so close to 'judgment day' according to scientists behind the Doomsday Clock (baloney, rubbish and nonsense). Partly because of President Trump, they say:.".. The failure to secure a temporary freeze in 2017 was unsurprising to observers of the downward spiral of nuclear rhetoric between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The failure to rein in North Korea’s nuclear program will reverberate not just in the Asia-Pacific, as neighboring countries review their security options, but more widely, as all countries consider the costs and benefits of the international framework of nonproliferation treaties and agreements ..(..)... " |

By Dan Drollette Jr

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists will host a live international news conference at 10 a.m. EST/1500 GMT on Thursday, January 25, 2018, to announce the 2018 time of the Doomsday Clock. Watch the announcement live at clock.thebulletin.org, or on our Facebook page through Facebook Live.

Speakers for the Doomsday Clock announcement on January 25, 2018 will include:

• Rachel Bronson, President and CEO, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

• Sivan Kartha, Bulletin Science and Security Board; Senior Scientist at the Stockholm Environmental Institute and co-leader of SEI’s Gender and Social Equity Program. Kartha served as a Coordinating Lead Author in the preparation of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

• Lawrence Krauss, chair, Bulletin Board of Sponsors; director, Origins Project at Arizona State University; and Foundation Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration and Physics Department, Arizona State University.

• Robert Rosner, chair, Bulletin Science and Security Board; William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics and Physics at the University of Chicago.

• Sharon Squassoni, Bulletin Science and Security Board; Research Professor of Practice at the Institute for International Science and Technology Policy, Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University.

Explore our Timeline of the Clock's past changes, and test your knowledge of the Clock by visiting "Doomsday Clockwork," our special FAQ on the purpose and history of Martyl Langsdorf's 1947 creation. You can see all this and more at thebulletin.org.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, on Twitter @BulletinAtomic, and on LinkedIn.

ECETI News | from James Gilliland and ECETI Ranch | Jan 24, 2018 | ~ Treason: QAnon Exposes Obama/Hillary 16-year Coup d’état Plan ~ |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio,www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.



Treason: QAnon Exposes Obama/Hillary 16-year Coup d’état Plan

Report: QAnon describes plan to destroy America, reshape world

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In an explosive post on Sunday, QAnon explained the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton 16-year treasonous plan to use two White House terms for a coup d’état in the United States that would end up revising the Constitution, cancelling the Second Amendment, and opening borders to flood the nation with illegal immigrants calculated to vote Democrat for the foreseeable future.
In the exceptionally long post narrative, QAnon alleged that “Deep State” rogue operatives murdered Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in an attempt to lock in a hard-left ideology on the nation’s highest court by giving President Obama one final Supreme Court nomination.
Posted initially on Scribd.com and tweeted throughout Sunday afternoon, Infowars.com’s Jerome Corsi published a line-by-line “DECODE” of the QAnon post seen here:
The following are key parts of the DECODE with regard to the importance of the “Nunes Memo” the House Intelligence Committee is expected to release this week:
QAnon: #Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
Decode: The Nunes Memo made public will alert the American people to the Democratic Party coup d’état (undertaken in large part through Obama/Hillary/Podesta collusion with Russia).
Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Podesta (plus many others) are guilty of TREASON. Hillary was right (Hillary’s tantrum after NBC commander-in-chief forum in September 2016 – “If we lose the election, we will all hang”).
QAnon: #Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+Insurance].

Destroying the Illusion | Jan 25, 2018 | 🔴 60 minutes Live Chat with Jordan Sather 🔴 | ~ FISA/FBI/Secret Societies/Secret Space Program/Tesla/Electric Universe/Health/Big Pharma ~ |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

TTAV Media | Jan 24, 2018 | The Truth About Vaccines - Short Trailer - HD | ~ What Parents NEED To Know About Vaccinations To Ensure Child Safety ~ | .. Sign up to watch all 7 episodes of The Truth About Vaccines for FREE starting January 25 at 9pm .. | Blogger: ⚕️I har sikkert allerede været yderst betaget af, at homoseksuelle drenge kan få ""gratis"" hpv-vaccine fra 1. februar hos deres læge eller hos Aids-Fondet. TÆNK JER GODT OM.. I har muligvis også lagt mærke til en ekstra krølle på halen, da Søren Gade blandede sig i debatten med det skamrosende kontroversielt blogindlæg: ""HPV-vaccine: To stik kan redde liv""" (HPV-virus kan ramme enhver. Det gælder både kvinder og mænd. Derfor er det vigtigt, at begge køn bliver vaccineret. Det kan nemlig redde liv, siger Søren Gade)... Fortæl mig, hvilken dansk politiker som IKKE er betalt gennem lobbyisternes pengetank fra det medicinal- industrielle kompleks, hvis vedkommende findes, vil jeg søge i munkekloster... |


Irrefutable, undeniable proof that mercury is still used in vaccines injected into children

Mike Adams
There's been a disinfo campaign to try to convince people that vaccines given to children no longer contain mercury.

Today I'm publishing irrefutable proof from the California government that not only admits these vaccines contain mercury, but even encourages their use in children.

RT - Russia Today | Jan 25, 2018 | Half of F-35 fleet grounded by tech problems – Pentagon report | .. """The most expensive weapons program in the world""" will not meet its testing schedule and of the Joint Strike Fighters already delivered only half can actually fly, according to a scathing new Pentagon report .. | Blogger: 💸💸💸 📝Memo Fra Generalerne på Charlottenlund Fort: Kære folkevalgte!....🛦🛦🛦Vi æder lige DKK 200M yderligere fra skatteyderne, fordi vi tror på Danmark bliver tæppebombet med terror de næste par år, tænkte vi fra Forsvarsindustrien, med hatten i hånden overfor politikerne, som er de glade givere. F-35-kampflyet er desværre blevet en smule dyr. Ud over de allerede bevilget 56,4 milliarder kroner samt vedligeholdelse som løber op på et totalt 100 mia. kr. plus-minus, skal i nok regne med yderligere omkostninger. F-35 blev fremlagt som en jagerfly, der kunne gøre næsten alt det amerikanske militær ønskede, men det viste sig at være en af de største 'boondoggles' i den seneste militære indkøbshistorie!!. Hertil kommer den ikke kan manøvrere i Arktis, uforudsete 'små' defekts af tekniske udfordringer gør, den ikke kan flyve og bliver grounded, næsten hver dag. 7 danske F-35 kampfly skal stå på base i USA i overgangsperioden og ja, den lille nuance, at det faktisk er amerikanerne som ejer F-35-reservedele og sender tophemmelige informationer tilbage til militær kommandoen i USA. Det skal dog ikke hedde sig, vi ikke er glade for vores nye 'kommende' fly som virker, lad os sige omkring, 2030 hvor 7'ende generation kommer og erstatter F-35... Men, fortvivl ikke kære politikere, det er jo ikke OS eller JER, men de danske naive borgere, som betaler prisen... Hilsen, Forsvarskommandoen (FKO)💪👈... PS: Lige en sag for Gnier-Mogens som inkarneret socialdemokrat, inden han selv blev afsløret i moms-fifleri: ".. 📝Memo - Kære Lars, »din lille svindler Løkke«. Du tropper op med følge af pøblen af Nordiske 'håndlangere' der smæsker sig i 'Master Obama-cake' i Det Hvide Hus, (Tromler med Trump og tror du er verdensmanden ved COP15 og nu ved WEF2018), efter aftalen kom i hus med købet af forfærdelige mange F-35-fly. En sølle ekspeditionssag til 100 mia. kr. Norge 200 mia. kr., Finland og nu Danmark, har valgt F-35 og dermed støtter i jo, det 'militære industrielle kompleks'. Jeg sagde den 21. marts 2001, officielt til Folketingets Udenrigspolitiske Nævn og fra Folketingets talerstol: "Den danske regering har ingen hemmelig aftale eller stiltiende forståelse med USA". Det var så godt nok i en anden sammenhæng, men det er lige meget.. Sverige valgte ikke at tilslutte sig NATO, selvom det blev debatteret i offentligheden og de hader Rusland. Tilbage sidder nu Sverige, med Deres eget lille Saab JAS-39 Gripen... Var Gripen, en bedre 'deal', Løkke?...". Slut på en mulig Mogens Lykketoft tale💪👈... PSS: (Top Secret Memo:) 📝 - Den højst arrogante Michael Christiansen (formand – udpeget af kulturministeren), har været klog nok til ikke at annoncere på Linkedin, hvilken steder han sidder i bestyrelser og hvem han leger tagfat med. Men det har hans gode ven, Torsten Jansen, tidligere berømt TV-anker, en af Danmarks førende eksperter om USA, Partner, VP LEAD Agency, ikke. Det siges i visse kredse, at både Michael Christiansen samt Torsten Jansen har samarbejde med forsvarsindustrien, Lockheed Martin, tunge tænketanke, vigtige udvalg, konsulenthuse og digitaliseringsprojekter.. Det siges, at Michael Christiansen er medejer af Lead Agency A/S, der agerer konsulenthus for Lockheed Martin og Statens indkøb af F-35 (Ifølge Kirsten-Birgit, DKR 24-11-17 og EB - 2016). Ifølge det seneste regnskab for sit holdingselskab er Michael Christiansen alt i alt god for 42 millioner kroner. Lead Agency er ud over Michael Christiansen ejet af tidligere chefredaktør på Aktuelt Kresten Schultz Jørgensen, den tidligere vært på TV Avisen Torsten Jansen samt Peter Albæk, der tidligere har været formand for Børns Vilkår... PSSS: (Above Top Secret Memo) 📝 - Check out the Dot Connector -- Forsvarsminister, Claus Hjort Frederiksen, bliver ofte lobby-briefet og 'muligvis' betalt under bordet af Terma A/S (Terma A/S er dansk forsvar- og rumfartsproducent. Største samarbejdspartner er nemlig, Lockheed Martin). Lead Agency A/S, NATO og selvsagt, det amerikanske industrielle kompleks. Min teori er, at Lockheed Martin, henter sit Guld fra en uduelig F-35 jagerfly til sine hemmelige rumprogrammer -- "We now have the technology to take ET home." – Ben Rich, CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works, 1993.. |

READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/usa/416916-f35-pentagon-operations-report/

1Finans.dk | Jan 24, 2018 | 6.000 udenlandske specialister lægger 1 mia. kr. i statskassen om året | .. Den mest benyttede ordning for rekruttering af udenlandsk arbejdskraft er »en god forretning« for Danmark .. | Blogger: 🐺🐺🐺 For Børn - Ulven kommer! Hjælp, ulven kommer! Udlændinge kommer! Nååå, nej! Den danske Wall Street-bankers-slave-fyrste, One-World-Order repræsentanten, Kristian Jensen til Interneringsministeren, Inger Støjberg - Ignorere venligst den ordre! Vi har alligevel brug for DEM (Pinligt! Hallo! Er der en voksen til stede?!!) 🐽🐽🐽 |

Finansminister Kristian Jensen (V) havde gerne set, at man havde fastholdt den gamle grænse i beløbsordningen på 375.000 kr. Derfor håber han, at en ny analyse fra Finansministeriet vil få Dansk Folkeparti og Socialdemokratiet til at tænke over, om det var klogt at sætte grænsen op til 418.000 kr. om året. Foto: Casper Holmenlund Christensen
LÆS VIDERE: https://finans.dk/politik/ECE10238589/6000-udenlandske-specialister-laegger-1-mia-kr-i-statskassen-om-aaret/?ctxref=ext