May 8, 2015

The Roswell Slides That Aren’t! - May 8, 2015

Nick Redfern

Well, what a gigantic fiasco last night turned out to be. Yeah, you know what I’m talking about: the unveiling of the so-called “Roswell Slides.” What else? Yeah, I know I have hemmed and hawed over them for the past 18 months, chiefly because of some of the very odd things that went on in the background, such as the matter of a certain computer hacker, and unidentified sources spilling certain beans.

But, last night was, without doubt, the final straw. Enough is indeed enough. It’s ironic that now we finally get to see the high-resolution image of lil’ ol’ Rozzy, he/she/it looks more like a child-mummy than ever. The low-resolution image, admittedly, did not – at least, not to a significant degree, it didn’t. The smooth skin, in particular, looked very unlike that of a mummy. Now, though, we can see that was merely due to a resolution issue. The greater the resolution, the greater the realization becomes that this is indeed a mummy.

We may not know where the images were taken (yet…), but I’m betting a freak-show, museum, menagerie, display, or something similar. And here’s why I think the so-called “Roswell Slides” were taken in some sort of aforementioned museum or freak show. Take a close and careful look at this link, which will take you to a large-size image of the high-quality slide. Forget, just for a moment or several, if such a thing is possible, the body that is causing all of the fuss. And, instead, look at what is specifically behind the head of the body.

Michelle Walling: Transformational Frequencies Are Rapidly Increasing! - May 8, 2015

by Michelle Walling, CHLC, Staff writer,
Wayshowers, Starseeds, and Lightworkers, please read this information about the frequencies that have been rapidly accelerating on the planet. Can you feel it? While the world seems to be topsy-turvy and in a chaotic state, behind the scenes a beautiful cleansing is occurring.

I have received an internal call to move my main focus from shedding light on the Reptilian/Draco/Grey agenda to resuming my energy work. I have mentioned in several of my radio shows on The Cosmic Awakening Show about how I consider myself an antennae for the energies coming from the Great Central Sun. These energies are coming to the planet from Source and the astrological alignment of our times allows for them to reach us in order to help raise the vibrational frequency. If you have been following articles on In5d and How To Exit The Matrix, you know that the frequency shift we are experiencing is how we will all exit the false light matrix that has been imposed upon us.

Many of us are here to ground these energies into the planet. To do this, we can focus on opening up our crown chakra to allow the energy to come down through our body and down into the planet. Imagining these energies infiltrating the planetary grids along with the collective human consciousness has been a part of my work here. I have been told that just my work alone has made a considerable difference in our planetary timeline, where it has accelerated our shift forward by fifteen years. Imagine what one person’s efforts multiplied could do! I would think that it would quickly merge into the NOW moment.

Til min x-kone: STOP! - Med at misbruge din datter, min næstekærlighed, empati og tålmodighed, dine veninder, dine advokater, se nu og flyt ud – og tag dit indre konfliktbarn med dig!

Hold nu op med at spille Martyr og være med i "offer-spillet!. Kalder ganske enkelt på dine styrkesider som modsvar på opgivelsen i Afmagts-smerten!

Udgivet den 8. Maj 2015 af Verdensalt

Min intention med dette indlæg er, at få bugt med mine frustrationer nu og efter separationen med min x-kone, som får mig til at tænke på (igen), hvorfor vi altid falder for samme type partner, bevidst eller ubevidst? En forbandelse eller velsignelse? Venligst bemærk, min fremstilling og påstande, gør ikke mig selv til en bedre mand eller bedre end visse kvindetyper.

Hvad var det lige jeg tænkte på, da vi flyttede sammen og gik i seng med fjenden? Det kan godt være, det senere bliver lidt personificeret, men hold nu op for en kræftknude, at leve sammen med. Lysten til at skrige om hjælp til disse menneskeskæbner, som ALDRIG vil erkende, de også selv er underlagt, de selv samme problemer, som de skaber hos andre. Jeg er da udmærket godt klar over, det, at overspille rollen som frelseren(redderen), står i stærk kontrast med offerrollen, som syntes umuligt at forløse uden selvindsigt og selv-ofring.

Hvad fanden sker der med kvinder, når de først er nået i mål med sikkerhed, trygge rammer og i gang med at bygge rede, når to mennesker får samme tag over hoved? Hvor blev min frihed af, tænker jeg? Hvor kom den jalousi fra? Hvorfor drogtygge over selv samme skænderi og samme rille i pladen dagen lang, i ugevis, årevis? Hvad for kvinder til at tro, bare fordi vi mænd skal ha ’ro’ med isolation og bare en gang imellem lever som hulemenneske, at vi så forlader jer eller vi har en depression eller ikke vil være sammen med jer mere? Hvornår stopper den klapjagt og udprægede fasttømret stereotyp, hvad en ’rigtigt mand’ er for en fisk? Danske kvinder er efterhånden mere maskuline end mænd er, men mænd skal dog stadigvæk være de stærke krigere, pengeskaffende, veltrimmede, velafbalancerede individer, som kvinder kan hvile og støtte sig, igennem livet. Lige så snart en kvinde får lokket manden til hus og farlig Volvo, måske endda med ægteskab, så er fanden løs i laksegade. Nu er vi undfanget, skænderier om alt og ingenting, høje forventninger om økonomi, ansvar, kontrol og magtbalance, lige indtil én af os mister modet og vores egen identitet og livsglæde.

Der er ikke noget at sige til, at de tal fra Danmarks Statistik som viser, at der ved årsskiftet var knap 1,6 millioner enlige, svarende til 37 procent af den voksne befolkning. Er der nogen som når de læser John Gray’s bøger om voksne og børn ”Mænd er fra Mars, Kvinder er fra Venus” eller ”Børn er fra himlen” tager ved lære af det og bruger det i dagligdagen, jeg gør?
En andet element, hvorfor udsætter vi vores børn for det vi ikke selv ville finde os i, hvis vi byttede rollen om mellem voksen og barn? De fleste voksne som har været udsat for vrede, stressede og frustrerede forældre som har undertrykt, latterliggjort og nedgjort børn og deres handlinger og synspunkter med gammeldags børneopdragelse, ved hvad jeg snakker om. Præcist som min x-kone har med sin datter. Disse børn når de bliver voksne, virket fast besluttet på, det aldrig kommer til at ske for dem selv, men deres egne traumer skal forløses først og de ’dårlige mønster’ er nogen gange så fast-forankret, uden naturlig puf i den rigtige retning, er det ganske svært, selv at kunne arbejde med de såkaldte skyggesider eller dårlige egenskaber, vi besidder, for at udvikle os til at blive endnu bedre mennesker.

Der findes mange typer og kønsroller, tager vi dramatrekanten (redder, skurken, offerrollen) findes der, noget som jeg selv kalder Leechers og Seeders:

Leechers (offerollen)– kan betegnes som energivampyrer. Bevidst eller ubevidst dræner de andre med-mennesker for energi, afhængig hvor meget sensitivitet/følsom de besidder og kan filtere, som andre sender ud og absorberer lettere andres negative energier. De bliver tit selv udmattet, syge og åbne for lavt selvværd. Her spiller offermentalitet ind. Typer af energivampyrer kunne være ’grædekonen’ eller ’dramadroningen’. Leechers desperate forsøg på at få opmærksom, omsorg og anerkendelse gør dem til uberegnelige og farlige typer. De æder sig igennem alt, lever på bekostning af andres uheld og ulykke.

Seeders (redderen)– mennesker der har det bedst som positive, livsgivere. Forsøger, at få det bedste ud af alle situationer, hjælpsomme, besidder empati og intuition. Gir meget af sig selv, bliver ren energimæssigt tanket op af de positive ringe i vandet, de selv udsender. Selvom de finder modgang, overvinder de med konstruktiv adfærd og aktiv handling (modsat passiv). Negative side er, de glemmer tit at varetage dem selv, hvis alt energien tildeles andre mennesker. Bliver hængende for længe og tager imod slag efter slag indtil man ligger ned.

Spørgsmålet jeg nu står tilbage med er - kan man udvikle sig væk fra de uhensigtsmæssige typevalg? De gode terapeuter fortæller os, vi falder altid for dem, vi har brug for, for at udvikle os. Der er mange forskellige årsager til, at vi tilsyneladende har en tendens til at blive tiltrukket af den samme type, og desværre ofte en type, der umiddelbart ikke er helt gode for os…. Den forklaring køber jeg, uanset om vi tror på, vi alle har en form for guddommelig plan her på moder jord, så medgiver jeg en vis logik, at vi skal lære og forandre os i den retning som er bedst for os selv. Hvis vi så tænker os endnu mere om, så ved vi, det sagens kan skyldes levn fra vores barndom, dominerende far, overbeskyttende mor, omsorgssvigt osv.

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: May 8, 2015

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2015 TreeOfTheGoldenLight
Patience is of course required as the first event will not take place until the right time, and only after it has been firmly established and those involved are absolutely prepared. It has taken time to reach this point as the arrangements require the co-operation of many countries. All is proceeding well and when we tell you that the change will come soon, it is an indication of how far the plan has evolved.

Naturally the cleansing will still be taking place, but once the major issues have been cleared it will quickly move into the background. Other changes that will follow on are also developing and once it all commences, it will be a series of changes that you will welcome.

Once you fully learn of what is in store for you, we feel that you will agree that the wait will have been well worthwhile. Be assured that nothing can prevent the future from materialising as you have been told.

One sure sign of the changes is the way in which you are still experiencing the speeding up of time. When you look around you it is plain to see that Mother Nature is also on the move. Perhaps the most noticeable changes are the melting of the ice caps as the temperature of the sea warms up, and gradual changes in your seasons that are not so well defined as they used to be.

30+ Unbelievable Places That Look Like They’re From Another Planet - May 8, 2015

These out-of-this-world photos will make you feel like you’re on another planet. Why spend years training to be an astronaut when you explore strange new worlds right here on earth? So what if you didn’t pass the last phase of the Mars One screening process!
Sometimes, there might be exotic locations right under your nose – we often get bored of our own surroundings even though they might seem completely exotic or even surreal from someone who lives across the globe from you.
These alien photos span practically every continent on Earth, so you can experience fantastic sites like these no matter where you live. But one continent is missing from the list. Which one is it? Can you find any out-of-this-world pictures to complete this list? Add your own photos below, or vote on a favorite!

David Wilcock New Article - Secret Space Program: Countdown to Exposure! - May 8, 2015

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

by David Wilcock May 6, 2015, 12:00 pm

The truth is far, far stranger than fiction. We can barely even imagine the world we will have once the Secret Space Program is exposed and the change is complete. Very tangible steps are now being made in that direction!


Are we surrounded by multiple different groups of intelligent, humanlike ETs?

Have they been interacting with our planet throughout our entire recorded history?

For some, the answer has become "Yes, of course."

Once this becomes common knowledge, the effect on our civilization will be undeniably vast, revolutionary and unstoppable.

The wait for an official disclosure -- for any type of formal acknowledgement of the truth -- has been agonizingly slow and protracted.

It is easy to lose hope; to feel beaten down and defeated by seeing the same old games playing themselves out over and over again.

However, the fact that "full disclosure" hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it won't.

The forces preventing disclosure seem all-powerful to many who have studied this -- but bigger kids on the playground have since arrived.


- Read more:

(Repost&Reblog) Copenhagen: ANOTHER FALSE FLAG? CITIZEN CALLS IT ON FACEBOOK! (Video) Running the same template, Police Terrorism Drill Plan In Full Effect: First Dublin, Paris, Copenhagen and then Italy acc. Ole Dammegård. Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today - The patsies will have some kind of link to Islamic State, the bogeyman created by Israel and its friends in Western intelligence agencie

Lets make something completely clear, Ole Dammegård's theory about false flag event in Copenhagen, is based on conspiratory. My first gut feeling when i heard about this event that toke place in my capital - its NOT REAL. Why, after Paris and the indisputable evidence presenting from tons of alternative media and knowing how Cabal or the Zionazi operates, the scene is clear. People has no CLUE whats going on in their world anymore. Do Yourself a favour, listen to what he has to say in this interview..... our Danish mainstream media both on telly and radio has 24/7 non-stop exclusive broadcasting on the TERROR IN DENMARK, Muslims attacking Jews or free speech, everyone is buying into this. Like David Cameron, like our own Helle Thorning prime minister, "we need to unite in this type of crysis, an attack on all of Denmark, "We have tasted the ugly taste of fear". Even our Queen in Denmark "We must stand together", Netanyahu urges Jews to move to Israel after Copenhagen attacks, ..However, there's something fishy going on...NOW, i'm personally awaiting on Benjamin Fulford and his take on the matter......

Update: 8. May 2015 - Danish Newspaper recent headlines: 
  • The synagogue waited several hours for the police to terrorist attacks - TV2nyhederne (video)
  • Terror eyewitness: PET agents seemed very relaxed - dr
  • Parties demand answers from Mette Frederiksen in terrorism case - Politiko
  • Commentator: terror can be a campaign theme - information
  • Terror with the short fuel setoff - JP
  • Jews were let down during the terrorist attack - KD
  • Warning: ‘Denmark will be hit by a terror attack’ - thelocal
Sunday, February 15, 2015 22:50 beforeitsnews

It appears that the Copenhagen terror event took place simultaneously during other terror drills. You know what that means… No surprise at all, the “22 year old gunman killed” was under surveillance of intelligence agencies before the attack. That is according to Spy Chief Jens Madsen.

“David, a friend of mine in Denmark, just made me aware of an upcoming terror drill in Copenhagen. Is this another false flag on its way?

If so, let’s stop it by exposing it before it even happens.”

Apparently, ‘David’ had seen a notification of a terror drill. Usually, these drills are taking place while the false flag occurs down the block. Hats off to this man for knowing the moment he saw. It is a shame that this story will be buried beneath the dozens other false flags sure to come.
Copenhagen: Another false flag?

Posted by Kevin Barrett on February 15, 2015

Is this a re-make of “Charlie Hebdo: The False Flag” ?


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

When I heard there had been a shooting in Copenhagen, my first reaction was:
“Let’s see if this follows the script: They’ll claim it was Muslims attacking Jews or free speech. The patsies will be‘well known to the authorities’ – meaning informants or useful idiots who have been manipulated by professionals. The patsies will have some kind of link to Islamic State, the bogeyman created by Israel and its friends in Western intelligence agencies. There will be dubiously-related shootings at two separate locations, like with Merah and Charlie Hebdo. The shooters will be wearing masks, because they will be special forces professionals, not the Muslim patsies.  They’ll shoot the patsies instead of arresting them to make sure the loose ends don’t come unraveled. And Netanyahu will immediately call for Jews to flee to Israel– and then barge into Copenhagen uninvited, like a mobster at his victim’s funeral, conveying the message ‘I did it, and I dare you to do something about it.’”
So far, I’ve been right on all counts but one: Netanyahu has not yet made an uninvited visit to Copenhagen.
How did I know exactly what was coming? Am I such a brilliant terror analyst? Maybe even psychic?
Not really. The credit shouldn’t go to me, but to Bibi and his band of Gladio B false-flaggers. These guys just keep reading from the same script.
They say it’s a different play – but it’s not just the same script, it’s the same stage furniture, same characters, same actors, same director, and same…er…”producers.”